Coop makes the cricket tea, while trying his best to recover. Congratulations to:
Decky: Level 25
Fagamut: Level 44
Gambit: Level 49
Auz: 23rd Birthday
ViceFullbuster: 34,000 Experience
gamejunkie: Medals from 700 Games
Listening to:
Aerosmith - Amazing
Rush: One Little Victory
At 7/6/12 08:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/6/12 04:50 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/5/12 09:27 AM, Bahamut wrote:
And a few hundred years later, we have become an American state. :P
I dispute that - European, I feel.
And now for the next debate: Are we even part of Europe anymore? :P
Whether or not we are, most of those bastards in Westminster would argue that we are.
But in a few hundred years, I'll be dead, so won't care.
I can't tell you how long a dragon can live but maybe long enough for that.
Sucks to be you :P
When was the last time I tuned in to the radio? Oh right, during the last two months of Bruce Dickinson's Friday radio show two years back.
I still listen to Alice Cooper nights, every now and again.
How are his shows generally performed?
I like them - he has a very broad taste in music. I'm not sure you would like them, because he likes some acts that you think "Oh god no!" about, such as Ke$ha
At 7/6/12 01:37 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/6/12 04:50 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/5/12 04:09 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/3/12 04:00 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/2/12 11:51 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/2/12 04:15 AM, Coop wrote:
Must be a spot that developed later than the rest...
Yeah, beards tend to be the last thing that develops fully. When my father grew his first beard, the hairs had a different colour in some spots.
If it's any consolation, when I have a crew cut, the hairs on the back of my head do go all mottled, having more than three individual colours and plenty of shades mixed in there.
My hair starts to become gray already. :(
Well, some people I know started going grey at 17-18, which is really weird. Plus one of the guys I went to school with was completely bald by the time he was 20. You've got it easy.
I think I discovered my first grey hairs when I was 27. Also, I have bald spots at the temples (or a "receding hairline"/a "widow's peak"...). But at least I don't have what we call "a knee cap": A bald spot on the back of your head, like my brother...
Ah, the Prince William Special, as we have come to know it in the UK. He's got a stunning wife, but he's going to be bald within a few years.
Also, with a beard, receding hairline and long hair, you'll look like Bill Bailey. Cool.
I think I'd fit if I found a grey hair.
So, did you find any grey hairs so far?
I plucked one out of the beard, that I thought was grey - I have been trying to convince myself that it was blonde. I'm more worried about the ginger one I found, tbh :P
It was just me trying to act like a girl... you know the situations, where you can never say the right thing? "Honey, do you think I can wear this skirt or does it make me look fat?" - "You can wear it, it doesn't make you look fat." - "OH, so you think I'm FAT?!! *tears*"
Luckily, my wife isn't anything like that. :3
Ah, the joy of someone who doesn't care too much. I remember when I had someone who cared too much and I also remember when I had someone who didn't care enough. Now to find the balance...
Hm, Thesis, Antithesis... so, according to Hegel you'll meet your Synthesis next. :)
We can but hope. She's out there.
I was thinking more along the lines of Beverly Hills Cop - "This is not my bedroom!"
Oh, it's too long ago since I watched that movie.
I watched it the other night. We've finished Cop 2, so now onto Wonderworld and Cop 3, which is the most bizarre of the lot.
I never liked Eddie Murphy, to be honest. And that dislike was even before such atrocities like "The Nutty Professor" or "Dr. Doolittle".
Well, he can be a bit of a donkey :P
LOL! Good thing I never went to church, nor was I ever a "member" of this "club".
I can't help my parents, nor their way of bringing me up. I wouldn't change it, as it's opened my eyes and I've made my own mind up.
And I have to thank my parents for never having me baptized. I think you actually have to pay to get out of church... but on the other hand, you can save some money, because you don't have to pay church taxes anymore.
I think it was a good excuse for a family piss up, with my lot.
Yeah, makes you wonder what's this "freedom of religion" thing is all about.
It's bollocks, basically. I made my own mind up and to be fair, my mum has stood by me and allowed me to make my own decisions, for the most part. Saying I wished to abstain from RE lessons at school didn't go down well, neither did me getting caught reading during them, nor skipping the lessons, to finish my A-Level Physics coursework.
Recently, there was a court decision that said, circumcision of little boys isn't legal anymore, if there are no medical reasons for it. Also has something to do with "freedom of religion", since the boys cannot decide for themselves, if they want to be circumcised or not, or want to be jewish/muslim or not... highly controversial topic!
Wow, that's as messed up as the French, with the Muslim headscarves being banned in public...
At 7/6/12 08:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/6/12 04:50 AM, Coop wrote:
At 7/5/12 09:27 AM, Bahamut wrote:
And a few hundred years later, we have become an American state. :P
I dispute that - European, I feel.
And now for the next debate: Are we even part of Europe anymore? :P
And I always thought you never where part of Europe in the first place :P
Would you be a good chap and tell Angela for us? Thanks.
This is mostly because she seems to be trying to buy the rest of Europe and make it into a superpower. What a brilliant idea, why didn't someone think of this before?
What? Oh... right...
Guess a high five is out of the question, then?