Coop prepares for lots of meetings, while congratulating:
VJF Staff Sergeant
Helloween: Level 43. Skeletons in the Closet, or This House is Haunted, by Alice Cooper? Not metal, I know, but...
S-k-y: 20,000 Experience
Auz: 61,000 Saves
At 5/1/12 07:33 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/1/12 04:12 AM, Coop wrote:
At 4/30/12 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Listening to:
AC/DC - Back in Black. Definitely good to hear once in a while.
My iPod gave me Stormy May Day to listen to on the way into work, so I was quite amused by that :P
Somehow I forgot that was from Black Ice. Infact, I had assumed it was a song from one album I haven't even picked up. Yes, I am missing half of their albums but I at least have the better half.
How can you forget Black Ice? It's their tribute to Airbourne :P
No no no, you have to consider how often DHT deposits and for most updates, he does go without missing a single deposit.
I'm not that fussed any more, as I'm ahead of him :P
Well I am seeing as he's kindly taking up a spot for me.
Speak to him nicely, maybe he'll miss a deposit for you.
In that case, your pub is utter shit.
They serve good booze and we are working to reclaim it.
Fight for metal!
Yeah, this is the sort of fight that the metalheads generally aren't used to - proving that they can behave themselves, not getting rowdy when hard rock comes on the juke box and then staying calm when we gradually upgrade it to metal. I drove past the school this morning with the windows down, playing So What quite loudly.
Pah, playing cards at a cafe that serves burgers, chips and other things is even better.
Yeah, but that's because you don't like snooker.
You've seen me playing pool. I'm not fantastic at it.
Exactly my point, though I wasn't really much better on that occasion :P
If she knows how to play Magic.
Sorry, I was just thinking thrashing you - some weird image of Gagsy clad in PVC and whipping the shit out of your hide
Oh, that would even be better. Good, no need for the cards, just get to the action right away.
Well, if you're into that kind of perversion, she could give you paper cuts with the deck.
What's a definition of pain - sliding down a razor blade, using your balls as brakes and falling into a vat of TCP!
Do you honestly expect anything else?
Yes, I'm a D&D player, I thought you were going to bring class into this >:(
If this is the case, a dragon outranks you.
No, dragon is race, not class. You can gain class levels as a dragon these days. The fact that you have to have levelled your dragon up enough for your age group to gain class levels is the only mechanic I have trouble with...
At 5/1/12 10:10 PM, reverend wrote:
At 4/29/12 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:
And yet they weren't announced last night.
I hope it's not forgotten about this year even if NG can't afford an award for them it should be still announce for best flash, etc, etc.
Yeah, I'm not going to win best user, but it'll be nice to see who won what.