At 9/7/11 12:18 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/5/11 03:45 PM, Auz wrote:
It's been a hopeless forum from the beginning, so no big loss I guess.
Tbh, I think it's been a week since I last visited that forum. I know I'm suppose to but I tend to forget sometimes.
Well that forum is a little undermoderated, but Bahamut seems to be taking good care of it.
At 9/7/11 03:27 AM, Coop wrote:
At 9/6/11 08:25 AM, Auz wrote:
What the hell? Does batting first give you a disadvantage then?
Yeah, if you bat first and set a daunting total of 300+, the opposition isn't as likely to chase that down, as if the batting team only gets 100-150 runs, which can be chased down.
Personally, I hate this rule, it it supposed to stop "negative cricket", but I disagree.
From what I find in the glossary of cricket terms it's called "Run Chase", but I still don't see what the tactical disadvantage is. Other than that it's perhaps easier to strive for beating the opponents score than to strive for a score as high as possible.
Lol. Well I suppose normally the coaches and referees should remember such things, but I guess it might be a bit difficult thinking up strategies, watching everything AND keeping track of the match details if it's such a complicated sport. Or at least, the scoring system sounds fairly complicated compared to football and basketball.
It's just a lot of paperwork. I'll be attending a course to make me a proper scorer soon, so that should be fun.
They even have courses for that? Lol!
Well it's a wedding suit so that figures :p
The last wedding suit I wore had a pink tie.
Oh boy. When it comes to ties I think I'd rather stick to either a plain dark blue one or none at all.
At 9/7/11 03:44 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/5/11 03:54 PM, Auz wrote:
It's called a "corset" ;)
But you cannot make a thin girl out of a fat boy. No matter how good the corset is.
Well with the right corset you could even make some boobs out of that extra fat :p
Never seen that one. Does that contain a lot of hair metal?
No. More like a lot of hippy music. TE kQ
Oh hey! I remember my high schools theater group performed that musical once. I kinda liked it, but I hated that Aquarius song to be honest.
*troll face* would be more appropriate.
No no, it's *cool face*
Naaaah cool face is more like this.
Can we make wormholes out of it then?
Interesting thought. I really don't know.
I guess I better ask the guys at the CERN lab in Geneva.
I bet it was a BMW. Assholes -.-'
Mercedes is even worse.
Not in Holland they aren't. The BMW drivers are known to be the biggest assholes in traffic.
Otherwise you say "Ficke...n"?
More like "fickpisse" (pisse = piss). But that's not a word you would hear very often. I guess it's not exactly well known, heh.
"Fuckpiss" just sounds wrong anyway :p
No I think this one was just for entertainment. Unfortunately.
Oh well. Bad entertainment is still enternainment.
Yeah but if it was REALLY bad it would've been funny. This was more the unfunny kind of bad.
I know he showed the other class The Wall. Why didn't we get to see that one? >.<
Haven't seen that one yet. :(
Well if you like Pink Floyd then you should probably watch it. Also if you're into surreal films.
Dam dam dam!
Were there any oh so obvious hints during the film? Like he was named Synestro or something? :P
Well... he liked to spank girls with his jesus paddle.
I don't see what's wrong with that :p
Hey I don't know (yet).
Still nasty.
I guess I'll have to find out XD
Like... manboobs?
For example.
Maybe sagged grandma titties still don't look too good either when you're drunk 0.o
Well not to dictators at least.
Not to anyone.
Well if everybody would stop producing and selling weaponry then the world would surely look a lot better.
At 9/7/11 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/6/11 08:25 AM, Auz wrote:
Apparently not.
Sod them. At least they have less power outside of YouTube.
Yeah. Let them dig their own grave.
Yeah, but when the whole page turns golden it might wear off a bit. Of course I'm assuming that those leaked pictures from a couple of months back actually showed the new lay-out.
I'm sure it will. I still wonder if they'll update the level icons just so the images look more updated.
That would be very sweet. Might actually be one of the things I'd enjoy most about the new redesign, if there are going to be any level icons.
Well 50k:50k would look pretty nice too. Getting another 10k blams could be a real pain in the ass though.
Hey, that wouldn't be a bad idea but like you said, even getting another 10k blams is hellish.
Yep. In fact, I think I am now about 10,000 blams further since the redesign, so uh... expect it to take four years at least.
Wasn't it the one with the Cowboy Bebop scene (at ±00:48, Spooney made a reference to the music) and with the invisible dinosaurs and other bullcrap?
Oh yeah, that's the anime. The plot may have not done much but at least they were able to get the images of the characters right. Then again, the live action film didn't do too bad with that. A fair amount of them looked very much alike to the video game counterpart.
Oh I see I haven't actually viewed that review yet. Watching it right now. At least the film looks good on the outside, but what can you expect for a $35,000,000 budget.
Well Shrek 2 was pretty entertaining in my opinion. Shrek 1 was alright, but from 3 onwards it really started to go downhill.
If I had to watch Shrek 3, I'd know I'm in hell.
Well Shrek 4 is even worse than that, so you better prepare yourself when someone ever gets the bright idea to watch it with you.
Fought hard against boredom I bet.
Boredom and tediousness. It's so bad that I want to make a save point so whenever I want to play FFX again, I'll be able to skip the Blitzball crap. Then again, saying that I may as well have a save point to skip the excessive grinding just to beat Penance.
Well at least with grinding you can sort of make it fun by fighting different monsters and going to different areas.