At 7/17/11 07:18 AM, Coop wrote:At 7/16/11 03:28 PM, Auz wrote: Tam-Pax is a tampon brand right? I think I see what you did there :pWahaey! Someone got it!
Does that make me the first?
At 7/17/11 08:36 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 7/16/11 03:28 PM, Auz wrote: Oh wait, I thought you were talking about Sam & Max, or what was it?Two completely different games there. I'm talking about a game called Serious Sam.
That's a game I don't know much about then. Except that it's a FPS apparently.
Heh, only the so many-th lay-out change people hate. They should learn by now to stick to the older ones and keep it basic.Hell, I even prefer the current layout over the upcoming one and the layout before the one we have now is still the best.
I don't know. I haven't really been keeping track and I got the feeling they change it at least five times a year.
Anyway, it can't be worse than Facebook, can it? If there's one website that has dick admins, it's facebook.Nope, I'm sure YouTube are much worse. On the bright side, my video might come back up but only if they realise those videos were false flagged. The culprit may have been caught out.
The fact that Facebook sells private information to third parties, have been told to stop that and continue doing it anyway already says enough for me.
Also, Facebook has been sueing several websites that also had 'face' or 'book' in their name, such as Apparently they feel that they have copyright on those two words (which is of course ridiculous).
Furthermore, if the film The Social Network is somewhat of a true story than Mark Zuckerberg must be one of the biggest assholes on the planet.
I don't know if this all has much to do with the ordinary admins down there, but I got plenty of reasons to hate facebook.
At 7/17/11 12:12 PM, Bahamut wrote: 26,000 posts for me!
30k by end of 2012 still looks possible.
4,000 posts in 1 year, 5 months and 13 days? I myself probably wouldn't make it or barely.