Back to B/Ping again today, to good to be true?
In saying that I'll probably not get more than 50 points. Has the portal really gotten this bad?
The Host (2006) - Great monster film
Congrats Haggard on 50000 B/P
I'll start listing again soon, or how is the procedure these days?
At 6/3/11 04:30 AM, Coop wrote: Yes, you'll get to 10,000 Blams. Help us out. Search Revolution and bump that thread in General, to keep people working toward it.
I've got 6 today :/ And I will bumpity bump it
I hope that the countdown won't last very long. We'll see, as I have no control over it.
Right, enough clues!
Hmmm? I have no clue
Aaw *stops greasing the ban stick*
I suppose banning me would just be what I want, maybe you can make me compulsorily post at least once or I get a right buggering with the freshly greased ban stick?
Why do I even suggest such things....
At 6/3/11 08:06 AM, Bahamut wrote: Konami had their pre-E3 conference and they've announced HD upgrades for Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill. Why is this good to me? Because not only will there be achievements to play them in different ways than before, it's less reason to swap around with the PS2 because my PS3 can't play PS2 games.
I am gonna get them so hard, I got all of the dog tags in 2, and looks like I'll probably have to do it again :/
Listening to:
Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak
Excellent song, but I am a tad biased
Fire up Portal Guard and hit the 0 button hard!
Way ahead of ya, but I've like 6 so far, it'll take me a year at this rate. Another excuse to stay around :P
Who said you were safe? :P
I'm gonna get really drunk and start spamming general, but it'll probably be nothing worse than what the majority would post there so there's no point :P
Heh, I can't even enjoy the third one. Just give me Princes of the Universe and These Are the Days of Our Lives and I'm all settled.
I always found Princes of the Universe that best thing about Highlander, even though strangely out of place too
Mayyyybe. Say, got any plans for the London meet? It does say you are attending.
Initially after the Ireland meet, where I got a little too drunk on Guinness :P Viridis and I would dead set on going, but he needs a passport and it'll cost him too much. And I need money for going back to college in September, but if I earn enough money between no and then I'll definitely be going.
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