Coop concludes the holiday with one more day of booze and barbecue. Congratulations to:
RohantheBarbarian: 11,000 Experience
Hacsev: 80,000 Medal Points
SCTE3: 1,300 Reviews (Audio)
Martin: 34,000 B/P
supergamer500: 50,000 Medal Points
Aci6: 19,000 B/P
Listening to:
Richard Tanner - Toccata & Fuge (D Minor)
At 5/1/11 07:38 AM, Bahamut wrote:
So I won User of the Year 2010 from the tank awards. I never even expected this at all. I thought there was one user out there that did something extra special over me to get that tank award. Still, it's amazing that I've won this award. I must be helping the redesign so much that it could collapse if it weren't for me if this is what I've been rewarded.
Make a flash about it.
At 5/1/11 05:59 AM, Coop wrote:
Coop tries to avoid aggravating his sunburn, while congratulating:
Bahamut: NG Tank Award User of the Year 2011 OMG, You're Famous!
And now I believe I'm some sort of legend at the NG office.
You were some sort of legend before then - look at Luis' reaction to you showing up at the meetup last year :P
At 4/30/11 06:40 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Hey, I'm not saying this song is bad or anything but I know there's heavier classical tunes out there. Night on Bald Mountain is as metal as you can possibly get.
Night on Bare Mountain is awesome. I must get a copy at some point.
Yeah, I'll download the track... What, it's not like it's a big deal downloading classical music. :P
Well, I've added them to my iTunes, so that's something to scare / confuse the crap out of the boy racers at traffic lights :P
Or maybe I should scrap it entirely.
I'll never get there at this rate :P
But star pace has lost so much meaning now.
True - most people don't know what it is, was or will be, so it's entirely up to you.
At 5/1/11 02:24 PM, Auz wrote:
At 4/30/11 05:21 AM, Coop wrote:
Coincidentally, that post above was my 140,000th Point on Newgrounds
That's nice to hear.
Thanks, the next 10k will be worth it - a much bigger party
At 5/2/11 05:21 AM, reverend wrote:
At 5/1/11 05:59 AM, Coop wrote:
A long way to go for the playoffs still. I call on them on a round-by round basis, usually, but I just got a feeling after round 1.
So who are you are rooting for now. OKC got beat bad yesterday
I'm not particularly rooting for anyone, so I'll go to underdog city. I guess that makes me Memphis, Dallas, Atlanta and... coin toss rooter, for this round
and the Heatles won.
Picturing LeBron, Wade & co wearing 1960s Beatles wigs would be quite funny.
Almost as weird as watching a black guy play snooker, which I did at this year's World Championships.