Level 7 and also unlocked a "secret" muahaha.
Level 7 and also unlocked a "secret" muahaha.
At 4/16/11 06:13 PM, reverend wrote:At 4/15/11 02:23 PM, Auz wrote: Good thing Holland and Belgium have plenty of beer brewers :)You would have to go to a liquor store to buy something specialized like Guinness. Most supermarkets only sell the major US beer brands and they can up only a certain percentage of alcohol, 3.2% for my state and like 6% for a state like Texas.
I'm not sure if you could even find Guinness in an ordinary supermarket. There are already like 20 different kinds of Belgian and Dutch beer to choose from.
Lol, 3% can hardly be called a beer :p
About every beer has about 5.5% alcohol here and you can also buy 'bock' beers which are somewhat heavier with 6.5%. I think you're supposed to drink those in the autumn and winter.
I think Newgrounds is generally a pretty heavy website for your browser. I'm surprised it even works on your phone.Very rarely will I use it to go to NG since it use so much data to go here since every little item is shown. I hope in the redesign they staff will make it more phone friendly, at least the BBS.
I hope they'll make it a bit ligher as well. It would certainly speed up browsing this website.
Yeah that's the one. It'd be nice to see what that place looks like and what facilities they got, but I'm not very interested in studying there. Indeed it could be pricey, but also, I don't think I would have liked to leave my friends and family behind for a few years.No studying abroad for you?
I might have been interested in studying abroad if I was allowed to. There are some requirements you have to meet before you can enter an exchange program, but I haven't looked into those yet.
Anyway, I can't really leave my gf behind for half a year and let her take care of the apartment and pay for all the bills. Of course I could arrange something, but still... it's inconvenient and I think we both wouldn't like it.
At 4/17/11 05:23 AM, Coop wrote:At 4/16/11 05:31 PM, Auz wrote: I wasn't thinking about handing out bans. I was more thinking about getting rid of a few borderline spam posts if that's what needed to win.Banning is pre-emptively deleting borderline spam posts :P
Pre-emptively deleting borderline spam posts? Sounds like a good, politically correct way to say you're banning them for no good reason. I think we should use that from now on.
At 4/17/11 07:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: 24,000 EXP!
At 4/16/11 05:31 PM, Auz wrote:Yes, please speak to his brother.At 4/16/11 05:44 AM, Bahamut wrote:Well... I don't know if he would care to explain why he doesn't like them.
I could talk about them with his brother though, who's been a metal fan for much longer. See what he thinks about them.
Well I agreed with my friend that we're gonna play some football next week, so I might see him then.
Hmm so he needed to be flexible I guess. I can imagine a car is more useful than the public transport in that case.And more reliable. You won't have to worry about some chode driving off without you.
Definitely more reliable, yes. Though there is the problem of traffic jams, which you won't have with trains and subways. Doesn't count for the bus though.
Well, the rules and laws of driving are actually not that difficult to memorize. It's more the ability to pay attention to pretty much everything around you that gets a little rusty.Yeah, the attention you have to consider is a lot. I've experienced that from my driving lessons.
Yep. It is probably the most important and difficult thing about driving.
I see. Portal spam is one thing, but posting CP is a serious offense. No wonder he got deleted.They're lucky there were no charges on them.
That's a bit odd. I'd expect the staff would attempt to contact the authorities.
At 4/17/11 07:34 AM, Haggard wrote: The only thing that bothers me is that we don't have TV in our new home as well. No TV and no internet make Haggard go crazy. :(
Guess all you can do is read books :p
I'm glad I ordered a TV and internet package early. We had it about a week before we moved in if I remember correctly, so that was perfect.
At 4/15/11 02:23 PM, Auz wrote:Of course. Manowar sucks. :PAt 4/13/11 03:19 PM, Haggard wrote:Did that conversation even have a conclusion? 0.o
That was probably not Bahamuts conclusion :p
Well it's time to cash in on the one stat I top most of you guys in. 8 year anniversary! 2 more til the decade mark.
At 4/17/11 05:23 AM, Coop wrote: I'd like to see him hit that sooner, rather than later, but we'll see how he plays against Texas tonight.
1 for four and a run. Meh. The Yanks should have lost.
I'm sure he will scrounge some hits when they play the Blue Jays Tuesday.
Taking a fire axe, which we don't have, to a velux roof window is never a good idea. Just open the window and head onto the roof, before jumping onto someone's car below. That's my fire safety plan, in a nutshell.
Are you sure the roof is the way to go? If there is a fire the smoke will be bellowing upwards and you won't be able to see anything or breath for that matter.
At 4/17/11 01:08 PM, Auz wrote: Lol, 3% can hardly be called a beer :p
About every beer has about 5.5% alcohol here and you can also buy 'bock' beers which are somewhat heavier with 6.5%. I think you're supposed to drink those in the autumn and winter.
There are strict alcohol laws in my state. That's why most people who live close to the border will run across and by the higher percentage beer from time to time or else by the higher priced beers at the liquor stores.
I might have been interested in studying abroad if I was allowed to. There are some requirements you have to meet before you can enter an exchange program, but I haven't looked into those yet.
Anyway, I can't really leave my gf behind for half a year and let her take care of the apartment and pay for all the bills. Of course I could arrange something, but still... it's inconvenient and I think we both wouldn't like it.
Take her with you, simple. It's just a matter of making sure she has the proper work visas and documents. I remember at my university they had specialized apartments for foreign students and their families.
Or you can just get her a cat to keep her company.
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
Metal Monday 2011 - Week 16: Christopher Lee - Act III: The Bloody Verdict of Verden
Yes, this is THE Christopher Lee we're talking about!
Listening to:
Moonsorrow - Varjoina Kuljemme Kuolleiden Maassa
At 4/17/11 07:34 AM, Haggard wrote:At 4/15/11 04:20 AM, Coop wrote: My cheeks are made of stern stuff - I didn't want to get too close to yours :SSurely there isn't anything wrong with some man-love in the LUL? No homo, of course...
You wouldn't say the same thing about Manowar.
At 4/15/11 11:59 AM, Bahamut wrote: Brocas Helm? Behemoth? Bathory? Bal-Sagoth? Budgie?But they are all owned by Bloodbath. Well, except for Bathory, maybe.
Maybe so but I thought for you Bloodbath would be obvious. Well, maybe it's just me who's thinking that.
And it's a good album. The next Anvil album I'll probably get is Metal on Metal if I can find it cheap. The lowest I've found is £16. I'm surprised at its rarity.I guess it's also because of their gained popularity due to that documentary.
Probably that as well but you'd think they'd keep the album in print and in good accessibility. Isn't Metal on Metal one of their more popular albums?
You can have confidence in me.I have. But I'm a bit of a pessimist.
Whatever you say, I'll succeed with my dragon love.
And I really want YouTube to end their misery.Maybe we can just DoS their servers?
We're not Anonymous. If they have a problem with YouTube, they can take care of them.
And that's the closest we can get. I expected actual fire on a website. Oh well.That would be awesome. Hacking their servers and laying a "flame"-layer over all their sites.
So, are you a good hacker? :P
At 4/17/11 01:08 PM, Auz wrote:At 4/17/11 07:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yes, please speak to his brother.Well I agreed with my friend that we're gonna play some football next week, so I might see him then.
I look forward to hearing the conclusion.
And more reliable. You won't have to worry about some chode driving off without you.Definitely more reliable, yes. Though there is the problem of traffic jams, which you won't have with trains and subways. Doesn't count for the bus though.
I just wish I lived by a train station and only need very little walking to get to work from my destination. No buses, no own car required.
They're lucky there were no charges on them.That's a bit odd. I'd expect the staff would attempt to contact the authorities.
Yeah, it should have happened but that was years ago so it's not worth contacting the authorities at this point.
Coop takes a break from his writing marathon, to congratulate:
Goldfire64: Level 23
Bahamut: 24,000 Experience
Tycrane: 75,000 Medal Points
SCTE3: 1,200 Reviews (Audio)
FBIpolux: 50,000 Total Points
Listening to:
Iron Maiden - The Apparition
Thin Lizzy - The Rocker
At 4/17/11 07:29 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 4/16/11 08:08 AM, Coop wrote:Hell, even if Labour hasn't had good leaders previously, they weren't as bad as what we have now. Shame I'll probably be going Labour all the way until I die but it's hard to even trust Lib Dems now.At 4/15/11 11:59 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yep and that's why I'm going Labour all the way.I suspect that's where my constituency will go - we had a Conservative / Independent council, but predominantly Tory MPs. We have no faith in the Lib Dems, so Labour seems the only route available.
We need someone that will present a decent setup for the Labour Party, someone that can be a decent opposition leader and take the country forward as the next PM. I say that Ed Milliband is the one to do that.
At 4/17/11 07:34 AM, Haggard wrote:At 4/15/11 04:20 AM, Coop wrote:I wonder what that could be.At 4/15/11 02:27 AM, Haggard wrote:Now that gives me an idea for a sitcom...At 4/14/11 03:57 AM, Coop wrote:I kind of figured that out by seeing Manowar almost naked. Except for their fur underwear.At 4/13/11 03:19 PM, Haggard wrote:Clearly, you're more experienced with fur thongs than I.Nah, if you are wearing fur thongs, you want to show them. At least that's what I think.They might have been, under the spandex :PAt 4/12/11 04:02 AM, Coop wrote:At least they wheren't wearing any fur thongs.At 4/11/11 04:17 AM, Haggard wrote: I just saw Maiden's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and I was shocked. Bruce with long hair and the whole band wearing SPANDEX! *shivers*Maiden running a tribute to Manowar?That I'm not sure whether I'd like to see or not.
Well, I say a sitcom. It's more porn than anything else. Mind you, with the acting skills of porn stars, it should be as funny :P
Surely there isn't anything wrong with some man-love in the LUL? No homo, of course...My cheeks are made of stern stuff - I didn't want to get too close to yours :SI shall bow to your greater knowledge, though not too low ;)Why, because you are afraid your fur thong might snap? :P
Well, I've been "out of the loop" for so long :P
At 4/17/11 01:08 PM, Auz wrote:At 4/17/11 05:23 AM, Coop wrote:Pre-emptively deleting borderline spam posts? Sounds like a good, politically correct way to say you're banning them for no good reason. I think we should use that from now on.At 4/16/11 05:31 PM, Auz wrote: I wasn't thinking about handing out bans. I was more thinking about getting rid of a few borderline spam posts if that's what needed to win.Banning is pre-emptively deleting borderline spam posts :P
What do you mean from now on? I've been doing this and locking threads that will become spam fests, before they do. Pre-empting is something that pisses off the users in General, particularly the trolls :P
You passed 15000 B/P! Congrats!
Not really a big deal, but...
You entered the top 400 in B/P Points. Outstanding!
Accidently posted this in the wrong thread, originally.
15,000 blams!
Feels like it's taken a lifetime. Now only 62,777 to go..
you now have 3,210 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 18
WWith this deposit I have enter the Shinobi work. In other words level 33 is now mine.
Top 10 Total Points
Yes, a few days ago, I passed Denvish. It's going to take a while to get up there with the rest of these aggressive stat whores, but hopefully, I'll get a little help from my friends.
Coop gets sucked into Magic the Gathering for a short while, before congratulating:
Jolly: 15,000 B/P; Top 400 B/Per
illuminate: 125,000 B/P
Tycrane: 7,000 Saves
Gagsy: 15,000 Blams; Top 150 Blammer (probably)
Alfraydo: Level 18
Aci6: Level 35
Mihoshi: Level 33
What no conversation?
*sigh* I guess I'll have to make my own then. I was thinking of downloading Post Apocalyptic Mayhem (PAM) on Steam for my 11 days of holiday, starting on Thursday night. The idea of driving around borderlands in a car that works is genius, but the fact that these cars get modified weapons and the idea is to smash your way through them to the front is incredible. I think I'm going to enjoy this.
Either that, or Duel of the Planeswalkers, since I've downloaded the demo fo that and all...
I woke up early today just to play Portal 2 only to find out I have to decrypt the goddamn game first! THANKS VALVE, YOU COULD HAVE DONE THAT SHIT DURING THE PRELOAD!
Listening to:
Accept - Blood of the Nations
Thanks to:
At 4/18/11 08:12 AM, Coop wrote:At 4/17/11 07:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: Hell, even if Labour hasn't had good leaders previously, they weren't as bad as what we have now. Shame I'll probably be going Labour all the way until I die but it's hard to even trust Lib Dems now.We need someone that will present a decent setup for the Labour Party, someone that can be a decent opposition leader and take the country forward as the next PM. I say that Ed Milliband is the one to do that.
Anyone from Labour who's reasonable is good enough or me. Gordon Brown had his ups and downs but I do feel sorry for the guy for being thrown in the deep end with the economic issues. I bet Tony Blair knew we were heading to a recession and left it to Gordon Brown.
At 4/19/11 02:51 AM, Coop wrote: Top 10 Total Points
Enjoy your spot! I was there briefly and it was great while it lasted. Now, I can only rely on EXP, posts and medals (for hexalist only) to climb my way up. However, I make around 10 posts a day so it's not that bad.
Yes, a few days ago, I passed Denvish. It's going to take a while to get up there with the rest of these aggressive stat whores, but hopefully, I'll get a little help from my friends.
ramagi shouldn't be hard to pass while Wylo and harryjarry will be passable later on. You'll be passing them in no time.
At 4/19/11 04:01 AM, Coop wrote: What no conversation?
You could have replied to me so I would have something useful to say this morning. :P
Anywho, still like the Nuggets, Coop? I think they are going to lose in five games to OKC. Just a feeling.
On another note, can you believe it's been over seven months since I was BBS modded?
Time flies.
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
At 4/17/11 01:08 PM, Auz wrote:At 4/16/11 06:13 PM, reverend wrote:Lol, 3% can hardly be called a beer :pAt 4/15/11 02:23 PM, Auz wrote: Good thing Holland and Belgium have plenty of beer brewers :)You would have to go to a liquor store to buy something specialized like Guinness. Most supermarkets only sell the major US beer brands and they can up only a certain percentage of alcohol, 3.2% for my state and like 6% for a state like Texas.
I'm not sure if you could even find Guinness in an ordinary supermarket. There are already like 20 different kinds of Belgian and Dutch beer to choose from.
Well, that's US "beer" for you. XD
Most German beer has around 4,9%. Some are a bit stronger (5,2%) and there's a beer called "Rotlicht" (Redlight) which has 6,0%.
At 4/17/11 07:34 AM, Haggard wrote: The only thing that bothers me is that we don't have TV in our new home as well. No TV and no internet make Haggard go crazy. :(Guess all you can do is read books :p
Turns out that the cable company had some issues. I hope everything will be sorted out when I get home.
I'm glad I ordered a TV and internet package early. We had it about a week before we moved in if I remember correctly, so that was perfect.
I was thinking about getting a "triple play" packet (Internet + Telephone + TV), I could also order a "Budnesligapaket" which would allow me to watch german bundesliga (and second league) live on TV...
But well, the problem with those packets is: If the company fucks up, you are left with nothing. No TV, no Internet, no Telephone.
That was probably not Bahamuts conclusion :pAt 4/15/11 02:23 PM, Auz wrote:Of course. Manowar sucks. :PAt 4/13/11 03:19 PM, Haggard wrote:Did that conversation even have a conclusion? 0.o
Actually I'm pretty sure he agreed. XD
At 4/18/11 07:46 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 4/17/11 07:34 AM, Haggard wrote:You wouldn't say the same thing about Manowar.At 4/15/11 04:20 AM, Coop wrote: My cheeks are made of stern stuff - I didn't want to get too close to yours :SSurely there isn't anything wrong with some man-love in the LUL? No homo, of course...
Manowar aren't LUL regulars. Also, I have nothing against man-love between the band members. I just think they shouldn't dress in fur thongs. :P
Maybe so but I thought for you Bloodbath would be obvious. Well, maybe it's just me who's thinking that.At 4/15/11 11:59 AM, Bahamut wrote: Brocas Helm? Behemoth? Bathory? Bal-Sagoth? Budgie?But they are all owned by Bloodbath. Well, except for Bathory, maybe.
I just think that Bloodbath are underrated. Can't say the same for Bathory.
Probably that as well but you'd think they'd keep the album in print and in good accessibility. Isn't Metal on Metal one of their more popular albums?And it's a good album. The next Anvil album I'll probably get is Metal on Metal if I can find it cheap. The lowest I've found is £16. I'm surprised at its rarity.I guess it's also because of their gained popularity due to that documentary.
Yes, it is. But you have to keep in mind that they had no record company (or only smaller ones). So it's hard to keep an album in print if you don't have a major label covering the costs.
Whatever you say, I'll succeed with my dragon love.You can have confidence in me.I have. But I'm a bit of a pessimist.
I wish you all the best.
We're not Anonymous. If they have a problem with YouTube, they can take care of them.And I really want YouTube to end their misery.Maybe we can just DoS their servers?
We don't have to be Anonymous to DoS a server. Also, everybody is Anonymous. :P
So, are you a good hacker? :PAnd that's the closest we can get. I expected actual fire on a website. Oh well.That would be awesome. Hacking their servers and laying a "flame"-layer over all their sites.
No. :(
At 4/18/11 08:12 AM, Coop wrote:At 4/17/11 07:34 AM, Haggard wrote:Well, I say a sitcom. It's more porn than anything else. Mind you, with the acting skills of porn stars, it should be as funny :PAt 4/15/11 04:20 AM, Coop wrote:I wonder what that could be.At 4/15/11 02:27 AM, Haggard wrote:Now that gives me an idea for a sitcom...I kind of figured that out by seeing Manowar almost naked. Except for their fur underwear.Nah, if you are wearing fur thongs, you want to show them. At least that's what I think.Clearly, you're more experienced with fur thongs than I.
So, it would be a porn without pornography? ^^
Well, I've been "out of the loop" for so long :PSurely there isn't anything wrong with some man-love in the LUL? No homo, of course...My cheeks are made of stern stuff - I didn't want to get too close to yours :SI shall bow to your greater knowledge, though not too low ;)Why, because you are afraid your fur thong might snap? :P
Oh come on. I bet the mod forums is full of man love. :P
At 4/19/11 04:01 AM, Coop wrote: Either that, or Duel of the Planeswalkers, since I've downloaded the demo fo that and all...
Do you own a PS3? If so, we could play against each other via PSN (if it is possible to invite someone, never played online before).
At 4/18/11 08:34 AM, Jolly wrote: You passed 15000 B/P! Congrats!
Wow you are halfway to the final rank good for you.
Not really a big deal, but...
Did you get permission to use my copywritten saying?
You entered the top 400 in B/P Points. Outstanding!
Soon you will enter the top 300 if you keep up your pace.
This really isn't a "level up" per se, but somewhat of an achievement for me. I have 3k posts now--it took me almost eight years, sure, but I hope to see the light of 10k one day. I'm trying to post more often and be a more active member of the community. Cheers!
Another milestone. I have a total voting power of 9.00 now.
I invented the "Informative" genre. Its better than having to call your flash "Educational." Who the hell wants to be educated on Newgrounds?
Level 30. I really like this one.
It took me a while to level up, and oh, it's going to take me 2 months and 5 days to level up again. Damn.
At 4/18/11 05:18 AM, reverend wrote:At 4/17/11 01:08 PM, Auz wrote: Lol, 3% can hardly be called a beer :pThere are strict alcohol laws in my state. That's why most people who live close to the border will run across and by the higher percentage beer from time to time or else by the higher priced beers at the liquor stores.
About every beer has about 5.5% alcohol here and you can also buy 'bock' beers which are somewhat heavier with 6.5%. I think you're supposed to drink those in the autumn and winter.
Lol. It's a bit odd how alcohol laws aren't universal in the US. I don't suppose there's much border control between states so I guess it's easy to just hop to another stat, get the illegal, good beer and hop back.
I might have been interested in studying abroad if I was allowed to. There are some requirements you have to meet before you can enter an exchange program, but I haven't looked into those yet.Take her with you, simple. It's just a matter of making sure she has the proper work visas and documents. I remember at my university they had specialized apartments for foreign students and their families.
Anyway, I can't really leave my gf behind for half a year and let her take care of the apartment and pay for all the bills. Of course I could arrange something, but still... it's inconvenient and I think we both wouldn't like it.
But how's she gonna be able to finish her English studies then? I don't suppose they have an English, culture and language program at the MIT.
Or you can just get her a cat to keep her company.
That might actually work. She's been asking me constantly about if we're gonna get a cat soon :p Of course she realises that there's a financial risk coming with it.
At 4/18/11 07:46 AM, Bahamut wrote: Metal Monday 2011 - Week 16: Christopher Lee - Act III: The Bloody Verdict of Verden
At 4/17/11 01:08 PM, Auz wrote:I look forward to hearing the conclusion.At 4/17/11 07:29 AM, Bahamut wrote:Well I agreed with my friend that we're gonna play some football next week, so I might see him then.
Gotta try and remember it though.
Definitely more reliable, yes. Though there is the problem of traffic jams, which you won't have with trains and subways. Doesn't count for the bus though.I just wish I lived by a train station and only need very little walking to get to work from my destination. No buses, no own car required.
Well that'd be convenient, but the problem with trains is that they usually go to some central point and you often still need to take the bus to get to a specific place.
That's a bit odd. I'd expect the staff would attempt to contact the authorities.Yeah, it should have happened but that was years ago so it's not worth contacting the authorities at this point.
Not anymore. I doubt the police will find anything on his computer anyway.
At 4/18/11 08:12 AM, Coop wrote:At 4/17/11 01:08 PM, Auz wrote: Pre-emptively deleting borderline spam posts? Sounds like a good, politically correct way to say you're banning them for no good reason. I think we should use that from now on.What do you mean from now on? I've been doing this and locking threads that will become spam fests, before they do. Pre-empting is something that pisses off the users in General, particularly the trolls :P
I mean I could use it to pre-emptively ban the 'career criminals' we have on NG. The kind of guys of which you know they're gonna try to wreck up shit again and evade their bans. I actually ran into one of them again today, I'm sure you know him.
At 4/19/11 02:51 AM, Coop wrote: Top 10 Total Points
Yes, a few days ago, I passed Denvish. It's going to take a while to get up there with the rest of these aggressive stat whores, but hopefully, I'll get a little help from my friends.
I reached top 25 myself not too long ago, but didn't feel like mentioning it.
At 4/19/11 09:36 AM, Haggard wrote:At 4/17/11 01:08 PM, Auz wrote: Lol, 3% can hardly be called a beer :pWell, that's US "beer" for you. XD
Most German beer has around 4,9%. Some are a bit stronger (5,2%) and there's a beer called "Rotlicht" (Redlight) which has 6,0%.
Wait, no bock beers? I thought that'd be popular in Germany during the Oktoberfesten. 4.9% is also a bit on the light side for regular beers compared to the ones available in Holland.
Actually I'm pretty sure he agreed. XDThat was probably not Bahamuts conclusion :pAt 4/15/11 02:23 PM, Auz wrote:At 4/13/11 03:19 PM, Haggard wrote:
Alright, if you say so :p