At 3/6/11 05:48 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/5/11 05:01 PM, Auz wrote:
I got a lot of stuff on my mind right now, so chances are I might forget. But if you really can't find anyone better I'll do it.
Ok, now Bahamut, Coop and you offered to deposit, yet all of you say you aren't very reliable at the moment. Maybe I should give out the password to all 3 of you to be extra sure to miss no deposit? ^^
Sounds good to me :)
At 3/4/11 04:50 PM, Auz wrote:
At 3/4/11 10:55 AM, Haggard wrote:
Let me check my schedule... how's Wednesday?
Sounds great.
Great. So... any good stripper clubs in Hamburg where we can meet? Or are we supposed to keep it a secret where we're going?
We don't have many CDs so that won't be necessary I think. We just need some space for all her books. Being an English student, she has a shitton of stuff to read =/
Then Billy is your friend. There are Billy shelves in various sizes, we have one very large shelf and one that's about 1m high and about 1,20m wide.
Yeah I think you can also buy several differents ones and just combine them into one huge bookshelf. That's what we're probably gonna do. Also, I think I'll fix a few planks to the walls in the living room so that I can store my DVDs there. They look much better in a living room.
Also I just noticed that the german wikipedia article for Billy is much longer than the swedish one. ^^
Lol. I like how they added a history section. I'm sure that's really useful to a lot of people :p
Sounds to me like Swedish and German are very much alike. And also, they put a lot of thought in naming their stuff. Wtf? on PUPSE, BLUTEN and ERSCHRAEK =/
Oh, there has been a slight misunderstanding. The names above are not real names, but have been made up by the poster. That's why they are all so german like. ;)
No one would name his wingback chair "rente" or the mirror "erschraek". ;)
Oh yeah true. I forgot. Well they could've paid a little bit of attention to what the names of their products sound like/mean in closely related languages. This is a bit silly :p
So what does EKTORP mean then? My gf read on some forum that it means 'anus' in Swedish. We don't really believe it though, sounds too stupid as a name for a couch.
Google translator suggest that "Ek torp" means "oak cottage". Hmm..
Also, wtf? I chose "translate from 'Swedish' to 'German'" and suggests "oak cottage" as a german translation? Yes, he really did suggest "oak cottage", not "Eichenhütte" as it would be correct.
I then tried to translate "oak cottage" from english to german, but he again simply came up with "oak cottage". Lol.
Conclusion: Translators suck and will seldom translate anything correctly.
Oak cottage? Sounds like an okay name for a couch. I heard it's actually named after some village in Sweden.
Damn those long waiting times.
One hour isn't really that long on an airport.
I don't know. I've been to two airports, but have never flown in a commercial airplane, let alone having to switch aircrafts halfway in my journey. But yeah, one hour doesn't sound bad compared to all the stories I sometimes hear and read about people having to wait at least four hours or more.
And she has to approve of any new laws that are being made. If she doesn't sign them, she will be dethroned :p
Lol, that's quite similar to the british queen, I think. ^^
I have no idea.
I know some people know everything about the royal family and constantly keep themselves up to date with what they do (royalty experts), but quite frankly I do not give a single crap about them.
Just flatten a few trees by driving over them :p
And we need lots of trees for all the bowling centers around: vc
Ah, so that's how they refresh those pins :p
At 3/7/11 03:59 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/6/11 05:32 PM, Auz wrote:
Stow it!!! The both of you!!!
That's an order!!! Understand?!!!
*Both Sparrow & Barbosa look at Pintel in disbelief*
"Sorry. I just thought with the captain issue in doubt, I'd throw in my name for consideration."
I can confirm that 'having to be stoned' bit 0.o
Stereotype liberally ripped from Paul Whitehouse & Harry Enfield
They do a fairly good job at imitating a Dutch pronounciation, but at some points they sound more German or Russian to me :p
At 3/7/11 04:16 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Christopher Lee - Charlemagne: By the Sword and the Cross
Christopher Lee has an awesome voice :p
At 3/6/11 05:32 PM, Auz wrote:
At 3/6/11 07:45 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Ooooh I see. You still have the Shadow Temple to do or do you always keep the Spirit Temple for last? I always go Spirit Temple then Shadow Temple, but my gf is doing it the other way around. Not that it makes much of a difference, but I believe the hover boots are handy at some parts of the Spirit Temple.
Wait, you can do the Spirit Temple before the Shadow Temple? I always thought the game was done in a particular order to go through the temples and not go in any way you like. However, if the remake did that, that would be pretty cool.
Yeah you can. That has always been the way I did it.
I know the event at Kakariko Village is triggered as soon as you complete the Water Temple, but you don't have to return there straight away of course and you do not need the Hover Boots to complete the Spirit Temple.
The game is a bit vague about what the order should be. The medaillions are lined up in such a way that the Spirit Temple comes before the Shadow Temple, but Sheik first says the Shadow Temple before she mentions the Spirit Temple.
I think overall the ending was good enough already. The planet is saved, Sephiroth is dead, everybody is happy... there's no need for more story.
Except they showed Aeris' face right at the end...
Well that's always been sort of a "hey I'm not completely gone" thing to me, so that Cloud can have peace with her death and all.
Couldn't you kill Jenova Death with a phoenix down? :p
Nah, I think that was only possible with the boss in Cosmo Canyon.
Can't remember who that was again. Is he part of the sidestory with Red XIII?