At 1/16/11 01:01 PM, Auz wrote: First thing is, I have received the key to my new apartment last Thursday and we have payed the rent for this month. So now it's officially me and my gf's place, . . .
Sweet! Sounds like you are well on your way.
At 1/17/11 02:36 AM, Coop wrote: Level 48
Poseidon has blessed me with a trident of gold. Now my enemies shall sink to the depths in his name.
Certainly an improvement from the golden gauntlet. Congrats
At 1/17/11 05:19 AM, Coop wrote: Why must you bring rocks into this? Everest grew by less than the height of Edmund Hillary between the time that he conquered it and his death, why does that make the climb seem inconsequential?
Well Everest wasn't growing by tremendous means while he was climbing it. I don't think I can even match his pace let alone close the gap. If you want me to talk more about rocks and B/P, it can be compared to Sisyphus as well. :P
The B/P summit is moving forward at a tremendous pace and I am still pursuing it.
Sir Edmund Coop
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
At 1/15/11 11:49 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 30,000 exp.
That is all. Till I level up in 2 days, that is!
Be back to catch-up tomorrow night, hopefully.
hi there, still about
At 1/15/11 11:49 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 30,000 exp.
That is all. Till I level up in 2 days, that is!
Be back to catch-up tomorrow night, hopefully.
Make that two nights from then, not one. CLOSE ENOUGH
53. Not too shabby.
But level 55 is still what I'm holding out for. Come on, 2012, get here soon. #;-}>
:::begins catching up:::
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 1/17/11 07:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote: But level 55 is still what I'm holding out for. Come on, 2012, get here soon. #;-}>
Level 55 is a super sexy level.
But everything is much better with a Dark Aura.
At 1/17/11 02:58 PM, Cootie wrote: I always judge the flash by how hard I feel like they tried. Even if the flash isn't so good, but I can tell that they are new and they REALLY tried their hardest to make a good flash I will cut them a break and let it in and vote to save. But, if I can tell that they just rushed and tried to make a crappy game just for the sake of submitting a shitty game I will blam the crap out of it.
People that are new to flash usually put a lot of effort into there submissions. I put nearly 6 hours into my first attempt at a flash game, and it got blammed. So, personally, I think voting based on effort it a bad thing. If everybody did that, even more crap would pass.
At 1/15/11 08:58 PM, SeeD419 wrote: Another busy few days. Congrats and thanks to all of you.
I've slowed down immensely but I'm on the verge of three decent milestones, so...we'll see when I can get in some quality b/p time.
DO A LIST. They don't take that long to make.
At 1/1/11 08:16 AM, Haggard wrote:At 12/31/10 12:17 PM, gfoxcook wrote:My gf wants to bake a cake today, you want some of it?At 12/6/10 05:11 PM, Haggard wrote: I'm all out of cake right now, sorry. :(I'M ALL OUT OF CAKE, TIME TO KICK ASS!
YES, PLZ. Oh wait, it's probably stale by now. ;_;
Yes, but you cannot violate the ToS!The ToS can go fuck itself.Where is it forbidden for the regulars of Wi/Ht? to get less gfox posts than they want? #;-}>It's mentioned in the ToS.
Personally, I use 24-hour time whenever possible, but I have to mentally convert all the time due to most damned Americans, yes.I can convert between 12-hour-clock and 24-hour-clock without any trouble (after all, most wrist watches are 12-hour-clocks), but sometimes I am confused by this "am" and "pm" stuff. I don't even know what the hell "am" and "pm" means without looking it up. ^^
"before noon" and "after noon" in Latin.
"Wahrheitssprecher" on the other hand just sounds silly. :P"Wahrheitssprecher" just doesn't sound right in german, just like "truthsayer" doesn't sound right in english.Not as common as truthspeaker, but I've heard truthsayer before. Sounds almost mystic/sage-like. #;-}>
Well, they all sound silly to a non-German speaker, so rest assured. #;-}>
At 1/1/11 08:50 AM, Coop wrote:At 12/31/10 12:15 PM, gfoxcook wrote:I shall wear my crown at a jaunty angle then.At 12/6/10 01:25 AM, SeeD419 wrote: I agree that it would be better if it was Coop, since he's actually a nice guy and is active on the BBS.COOP FOR NG KING!
First, paint your crown PINK AS HELL! _Tavish's_Crown
So long as you're well paid for it, I wouldn't complain ;)Yeah, but we'd already forgotten what we said back then, so we need to be reminded.So that's my job around here? Reminding you guys of old shit you said that you don't really need to remember? USELESS JOB. ;_;
But soulsucking jobs, even if well-paid, are not healthy for ze human soul. ;_;
Is that a wistful "wishing people wouldn't quit NG" sigh or a "know it's gonna be a long time till I pass Pimp (if ever)" sigh? #;-}>It's a wistful "I'll get you yet, you SoB!" sigh.
So kinda a mix. gotcha.
Coop's fine, just looks a bit naked without the numbers. Wish you'd gone with "coop" and joined us lower-casers. #;-}>I couldn't do that - that would be like being naked and shaven. Naked is just taking the numbers off, lower case as well would be "on vacation" :P
lolololololol *Troll faic*I pity them. Deep deep down.No you don't! You enjoy their silly misinterpretations!
SEE! I knews it!
(see pic at bottom of ze post for my graphical representation of you mocking the people misinterpreting you)
It worked!
At 1/1/11 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 12/31/10 12:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote:Hey, I'm not a student anymore.At 12/6/10 12:31 PM, Bahamut wrote: True that. He left well before I even had a chance to discover this site. Heh, funny how his last post talks about him being 18th in the B/P ranks. That's where I am right now! I heard he had to leave NG due to paying too much attention on this site and not enough on his studies. I remember one user claiming that but it's hard to say if it's true or not. It's a shame he hasn't returned since.Don't follow in his footsteps there just 'cause you're #18 in b/p, damnit! #;-}>
Well, anyone can disappear from the site, not just students.
Yeah, he got in trouble with his parents for being on NG too much. He's a fucking adult by far now, so where the hell is he? GET BACK HERE, DAMNIT. #;-}>I guess he just moved on from the site and realised that he's doing better without this site.
Pffft. Maybe he just got so used to not being here that by the time he was free to come back he'd forgotten about how much he enjoyed it here. I really doubt he thinks his life is actively "better" just because he's not on NG, and that's why he's avoiding it.
Just... forgot/got used to life without it. That's how most changes happen.
Yep, I went through all 16 episodes. I enjoyed them all but the ending to season 3 really irked me. However, I'm sure it's only a plot point for the fourth season. It'll be a while until the next season of Sam & Max, though. Right now Telltale Games are working on Back to the Future games and after that it'll be Jurassic Park. I'm hoping they do Sam & Max season 4 afterwards but I have a feeling we'll have more Monkey Island first. If Telltale have so many games to work on, I wonder if they can expand their company and be able to work on more than one game at a time.
Man, they're sure doing some movie game remakes, eh? All of those movies have had plenty of games already made, but I'm sure they can produce some of the best ones yet. Too bad they're such a small studio and can't get them all made at once, like Valve... oh wait. #;-}>
I don't see why any sane dragon would do that.That isn't even manners at all. Who even uses their feet for knives and forks at a dinner table anyway?A dragon who feels like it?
Again, who's going to stop them? #;-}>
That good enough?
almost to the point of climax:::
Am I missing something?
Well, I was gonna say name tags and paint, but you already said "painted hats" and "renamed hats," so indirectly those have already been covered.
UNCRATING HATS, there we go. #;-}>
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 1/1/11 04:27 PM, Auz wrote:At 12/31/10 12:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote:Pussy!At 12/6/10 10:08 AM, Auz wrote: You can retake the bet anytime you like ;)I SHALL REFRAIN.
Pfft. Courage would be silly in the case of a 0% chance of winning bet. A fool or a moron would take such a wager!
Shame you've missed it. It was an interesting tour, the stage design was pretty cool as you probably already know. Oh well... you can always get the live Blu-ray at the Rosebowl. At least you'll experience it a little bit, if you have some decent speakers that is.
I saw the concert they performed live on YouTube, which was quite good. Not the same as being there, but got to experience the set list and all and see some of the visuals, so it was nice.
I was actually thinking that we should nip it in the bud and just delete your accounts.We have confirmed the problem then. Time to do something about it.Please don't hack/steal my Steam account, sir! ;_;
That's even worse. ;_; Blasphemer!
I don't hate prime numbers in general, though I don't particularly them, either.... as I like most evens better than odds, and odds that are divisible by lots of #s over ones that aren't... there's only one prime number I truly hate, and that'd be 37, of course. #;-}>Ah, so we actually have some sort of order of which beats what.
Yes. The numbers hierarchy!
At 1/1/11 11:12 PM, Muffin wrote: I am now the meaning of life.
Congrats on level 42, but extra-special congrats on THE BEST LEVEL ICON IN THE 60-LEVEL SYSTEM ON NG. mmmmm, holy sword, I loves ya.
At 1/2/11 03:01 AM, reverend wrote:At 12/31/10 12:17 PM, gfoxcook wrote: SAVE A FAKE PLASTIC TREE! Radiohead would want you to!Nice reference.
Why thankee. Been listening to the Bends some lately after neglecting all of it but Black Star for years.
</also no idea what's going on here... ;_;>For the Biggest Slacker Award aka the Gfox award.
At 1/2/11 06:36 AM, SeeD419 wrote:At 12/31/10 12:15 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Well, I woke up early, went to work, discovered I was the only person there (coulda sworn they said NYE *wasn't* a holiday, but... ooops!)... came back home and got some breakfast out of it the pointless commute, at that's funny. I've done shit like that before.
Fun stuff, eh? I avoided doing it today on MLK day, at least. Plus, I'm still kinda sick, so double excuse to stay home in any event.
Haha yeah pots not really all that great. Don't care for it much these days but alas, my username remains. Maybe I can make up some other meaning for it, lol. I played final fantasy 5,6,7,8,9, and 10. Loved them. SeeD was obviously from FF8, and it was a song by a trendy weird rock group in the 90s.
Well, it IS only 419 in yer name and not 420, so you could always deny it's a 420 reference. People will still figure that it is one like I did, but if you deny it, maybe half of 'em will believe ya, who knows. #;-}>
Not me, I see it as seed. If it was CD, it'd be spelled CD. Sheeshers.IKR
Sure it does. My first initial, my internet nickname from the days of my first internet home (an X-Files forum/chatroom on Prodigy in the early/mid 90s), and my last name.I see. The x-files forum is pretty funny, lol. Did you guys discuss the weekly events of Mulder and Scully? I could never watch that show, the theme song gives me the creeps...
IS? That place has been dead for over a decade. Are you referring to an X-Files topic here on NG or something? #;-}>
Yeah, pretty much. The night of the show we'd start a chat room during the episode and IM all night afterwards. During the rest of the week, we were mostly off-topic, though.
seed, seed, seed!Tom, Wade, liljim!
only liljim. He passes the lowercase name test, the Fulps, alas, do not. ;_;
At 1/13/11 01:52 AM, reverend wrote:At 1/12/11 03:18 AM, Coop wrote: reverend: 31,000 B/P - That saddens me that you're hoping to retire from B/Ping.Good time have to end some time. After 10k Blams I'll see where I'm at. I might shoot for 37k B/P in honor of gfox or hover at Top 100. It just depends.
In HONOUR of me?!?! more like DIShonour. ;_;
At 1/13/11 04:20 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 1/13/11 02:15 AM, gamejunkie wrote:Thank you very much for standing against this as well. I may be retired from the portal but I'll still do what I can on my Toohot100 alt. The retarded voters were what made my retirement hard to reach on that day and it was even to the point if one particular flash passed, I would have quit NG for good. Even gfox was ready to do that as well. Good thing the crappy flash got blammed.At 1/12/11 11:39 AM, Bahamut wrote: You would if the majority of voters weren't retards!^^ This comment 100% correct. ^^ This is why I like you guys, (Coop, Auz, Reverend, LittleWashu, and a few others), you have the right attitude, even when you know most times its not going to help you still vote 0 or 1, I applaude your stand.
Hm? I don't remember ever being so up in arms about one specific flash that I threatened to quit NG. Not saying it didn't happen/I didn't agree/say that... just... can't remember. O_o
At 1/16/11 05:20 AM, Coop wrote: gfoxcook: 30,000 Experience; 30k triplelisted
Thankee kindly, good sir! Especially for reminding me of that latter side-achievement. Hadn't thought of that (recently). #;-}>
At 1/16/11 06:48 AM, Jolly wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook: 30,000 Experience
Thank yew!
At 1/16/11 11:20 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 1/15/11 11:49 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 30,000 exp.That is a grand milestone.
:::bows::: 3000 fucking days of depositing. Coulda been 3900+ days by now, but hey... the more I deposit, the smaller the deficit becomes (%-wise, that is #;-}>).
Certainly beats back when I had 100 deposits in instead of 1000, that's for sure. 10% deposit rate. ;_;
At 1/17/11 06:43 PM, jonthomson wrote:At 1/15/11 11:49 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 30,000 exp.hi there, still about
YAY, JONTHOMSON. Riiiiiise from the grave! #;-}>
At 1/17/11 08:11 PM, Jolly wrote:At 1/17/11 07:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote: But level 55 is still what I'm holding out for. Come on, 2012, get here soon. #;-}>Level 55 is a super sexy level.
Aye... that it is.
But everything is much better with a Dark Aura.
Says you!
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
Level up, 28.
Now for another eternity for 29....
New to Politics?/ Friend of the Devil/ I review writing! PM me
"Question everything generally thought to be obvious."-Dieter Rams
Level 11. Parting is such sweet sorrow to the pervious level T_T
Congrats to:
Cootie: 2,000 Blams
Valjylmyr: Level 18
High-Dark: Top 900 in B/P
Tycrane: 3,000 Saves
gfoxcook: Level 53
BrianEtrius: Level 28
Kauvin: Police Captain
DrHood: Level 43
hiddeninthecrowd: 9,000 Post and Level 15
SplashWoman: Level 11
Flee: Top 500 in Experience
At 1/17/11 08:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote:At 1/17/11 08:11 PM, Jolly wrote:Aye... that it is.At 1/17/11 07:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote: But level 55 is still what I'm holding out for. Come on, 2012, get here soon. #;-}>Level 55 is a super sexy level.
I think I like level 56 a bit more, though. Level 55 is my 2nd favorite.
Says you!But everything is much better with a Dark Aura.
Well, honestly.. There's a level or two I think Neutral looks better with, like Level 44... But it's only slightly better.
Dark is the best aura.
Listening to:
Torfrock - N Lüttn Du
Torfrock - Rockerfee
At 1/16/11 01:01 PM, Auz wrote: Sorry for slacking a bit with the replies here lately. I have some good excuses.
Sounds really nice.
We are looking for a new apartment as well, hopefully we find something bigger soon. ^^
At 1/14/11 12:21 PM, Haggard wrote:That sounds like a good deal for seven CCR albums.At 1/13/11 04:46 PM, Auz wrote: I don't know how much you paid for it...About 25 Euros.
Yes. I've seen the box with LPs a few years ago and I think it cost about 70 Euros... but that would still be a reasonable price for 7 albums.
As a doctor? Nice!Well if she's working 9 to 5 every day of the week, then it might be a problem. But if she's a part-timer, there must be an oppertunity to use the car from time to time. Unless your schedule coincides with hers.9 to 5? You wish... her regular work schedule is from 8 to 4, but most of the time she works until 5 or even longer. Plus, she has to work on some weekends and sometimes even night shift. (after all, she works as a medical doctor in a hospital ;) ).
Yeah, still assistant doctor but at least she gets payed quite good for it (even though the payment could be a bit higher, lol).
Yeah. I'm sure the universities in Amsterdam and Rotterdam have many students as well, but Delft is not even that much of a city.32.000? Holy shit 0.0Big city, big Uni. ^^
But it has a "leaning tower" as well.
So Hamburg has two universities?I think the Technical University of Delft only has about 15.000 students or so. Then again, Germany probably has 5 times as many students in total.Yeah, maybe. There is also a Technical University in Hamburg, but I don't know how many students it has.
Three. :P n_Hamburg#Universities
I guess in Germany it might also be known as 'Den Haag'.Well that's not too bad. It's about 1 hour and 30 minutes for me, but once I have moved to The Hague it's no more than about 50 minutes.Lol, I always have to stop and think which city is meant by "The Hague". ^^
Yes. Even though most people don't pronpunce it the right way.
1 hour 30 minutes can be quite long when you are riding a train.It's not only the train. It's about 30 minutes bus, 15 minutes subway, 15 minutes train and 30 minutes walking and waiting in between.
Yeah, this is quite annoying. I only have to change once from the bus to the train. Most of the time I don't have to wait that long. But there's a train every ten minutes anyway.
Lol. I didn't know David could actually sing. I do know he tried a singing career once, but... it didn't work out :pWait, David Hasslehoff? 0.oOh, Peter Maffay and his singing wart.
I always thought it was this guy.
I think David's german is better than Peter's... HI F8
Lol, I wonder how high the budget for the video was. eU
But that's a pretty new song, right?
Nice jacket. ^^
All I know about the Hoff is that he is a washed up B-grade actor who used to play in series like Baywatch and Knight Rider. I used to watch Knight Rider as a kid, but I have no idea if it was such a good series or not. Probably not.
Hey, I have all 4 seasons of Knight Rider on DVD. It's great!
At 1/17/11 01:29 PM, Bahamut wrote:At 1/16/11 12:09 PM, Haggard wrote:For this, you'll forever acknowledge Manowar!At 1/16/11 11:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: I thought I forgot him forever.LOL! Again.
Coop doesn't take bribes, unless you can get him higher up in the EXP ranks.Baaaaah, you are right about this. We know Coop is strongly against our idea.Maybe we can bribe him?
Then we have to kidnap him. :/
At least they're not the worst.But not the worst, right?Well... better than Justin Bieber at least. But that isn't saying much.
They're close, though.
Thrash and speed are similar enough. Give Chosen to Stay a listen to so you know what the general sound of the band as well as the vocalist is like.I know those three bands. I only have one Agent Steel album but Unstoppable Force is SPEED FUCKING METAL!Sounds good. I'm more into Thrash, but Speed is good as well.
The band sounds great. The vocalist... well, it takes time to get used to his voice. ^^
I was sceptical when I read about them, I think I put them near the bottom of my "bands to check out" list.I wouldn't blame you for putting them on a low priority. The songs seem to be hit and miss for metal fans. Even if their own songs aren't so good, the live album is still highly recommended. Here is Dies Irae metalized!
Sounds interesting. I guess it's one of those bands where I think: "Oh yeah, I might watch them if I don't have anything else to do" and then end up not watching them because I completly forgot at which time they are supposed to play. >_>
At 1/17/11 08:21 PM, gfoxcook wrote:At 1/1/11 08:16 AM, Haggard wrote:YES, PLZ. Oh wait, it's probably stale by now. ;_;At 12/31/10 12:17 PM, gfoxcook wrote:My gf wants to bake a cake today, you want some of it?At 12/6/10 05:11 PM, Haggard wrote: I'm all out of cake right now, sorry. :(I'M ALL OUT OF CAKE, TIME TO KICK ASS!
I put some in the freezer, but I don't know if that helped at all. :/
BUT I HAVE AND I WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO! Now where's your ToS GOD?!Yes, but you cannot violate the ToS!The ToS can go fuck itself.Where is it forbidden for the regulars of Wi/Ht? to get less gfox posts than they want? #;-}>It's mentioned in the ToS.
BLASPHEMY! You'll feel the consequences of your actions soon enough!
"before noon" and "after noon" in Latin.Personally, I use 24-hour time whenever possible, but I have to mentally convert all the time due to most damned Americans, yes.I can convert between 12-hour-clock and 24-hour-clock without any trouble (after all, most wrist watches are 12-hour-clocks), but sometimes I am confused by this "am" and "pm" stuff. I don't even know what the hell "am" and "pm" means without looking it up. ^^
I figured that, but I don't know how to write it in latin. :P
Well, they all sound silly to a non-German speaker, so rest assured. #;-}>"Wahrheitssprecher" on the other hand just sounds silly. :P"Wahrheitssprecher" just doesn't sound right in german, just like "truthsayer" doesn't sound right in english.Not as common as truthspeaker, but I've heard truthsayer before. Sounds almost mystic/sage-like. #;-}>
Oh. :(
Coop stops mid-flow for an impromptu sing song. Congratulations to:
Cootie: 2,000 Blams
Valjylmyr: Level 18
High-Dark: Top 900 B/Per
Tycrane: 3,000 Saves
gfoxcook: Level 53
BrianEtrius: Level 28
DrHood: Level 43
hiddeninthecrowd: Level 15; 9,000 Posts
SplashWoman: Level 11
Flee: Top 500 Experienced
Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Aces High
John Denver - Thank God I'm A Country Boy
Charlie Daniels Band - The Devil Went Down to Georgia
Gun - Word Up
Metallica - Jump In The Fire
Kiss - Crazy Crazy Nights
Thank you to:
At 1/17/11 12:46 PM, LittleWashu wrote:At 1/17/11 05:19 AM, Coop wrote:Hopefully cause seeing so much garbage passing when it should be blammed in not only wrong, but it is like telling a teacher someone is bullying you only for them to give the bully a pat on the back and serve the innocent the punishment.At 1/16/11 02:54 PM, LittleWashu wrote: True but that would only be for those who actually pay attention and flag the abusive flash. Many people just let a lot of abusive flash pass for the protect point even if they do know it is abusive. Plus they would have to vote 0 or 1 to get the point otherwise they would only get whistle points.When people see more flash that were submitted within 24 hours cluttering up the graveyard and they aren't getting so many saves, from protecting this garbage, they will remember what their 0 buttons are for.
Yeah, but looking at the reviews that people have been leaving for Dot Dot Dot, you would think that the review system was in worse repair than the B/P system.
At 1/17/11 01:29 PM, Bahamut wrote:At 1/17/11 02:36 AM, Coop wrote: Level 48And already I'm used to your golden trident. That reminds me, 39 days to go until I reach the golden age.
Poseidon has blessed me with a trident of gold. Now my enemies shall sink to the depths in his name.
Well, that will leave me under 100 days to my next target :P
At 1/17/11 05:19 AM, Coop wrote:Better karaoke bar AND a gaming lounge. You missed out on so much, man.At 1/16/11 11:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm back from Manchester. Lots of stuff happened but overall it was an excellent time! Some events there will make you wish you attended. I'm looking at you, Coop. :PPreserving my cash is more important at present. Sorry. Was there Karaoke then?
Yeah, but that just raises the bar for London. Plus, you're an hilarious drunk, so expect that to be exploited!
Same here. After my horrendous imitation of Dio, I really need to brush up my singing skills for Iron Maiden. Otherwise, it'll be another classic butchered. Now I wish I remember how good/bad I was when singing Ace of Spades.You can be happy with that for the time being. BTW, I did not sing Iron Maiden on karaoke night. I'm saving it for London for you.Sweet. I'll be practising.
Guinness + Ace of Spades = Good Times!
At 1/17/11 03:07 PM, Auz wrote:At 1/17/11 05:19 AM, Coop wrote:Lol, well yeah it's a tough job but that's what you sign up for when you're having children.At 1/16/11 01:01 PM, Auz wrote: I understand that my parents were just trying to raise us equally and that we both have our good and bad qualities. They didn't want to make it seem like they preferred me over my brother or the other way around. I'm sure your parents must have had the same idea.Perhaps I feel this way, because I've been drilled by mum that parenting is the most difficult job and you'll always get it wrong, no matter what you do.
But anyway, I guess your situation at home was much different from mine when we were kids.
Life always is - some day, perhaps I'll write a book on it :P
At 1/17/11 06:31 PM, reverend wrote:At 1/17/11 05:19 AM, Coop wrote: Why must you bring rocks into this? Everest grew by less than the height of Edmund Hillary between the time that he conquered it and his death, why does that make the climb seem inconsequential?Well Everest wasn't growing by tremendous means while he was climbing it. I don't think I can even match his pace let alone close the gap. If you want me to talk more about rocks and B/P, it can be compared to Sisyphus as well. :P
The B/P summit is moving forward at a tremendous pace and I am still pursuing it.Sir Edmund Coop
Alongside his trust guide, Sherpa Tensing byteslinger?
At 1/17/11 08:21 PM, gfoxcook wrote:At 1/1/11 08:50 AM, Coop wrote:First, paint your crown PINK AS HELL!At 12/31/10 12:15 PM, gfoxcook wrote:I shall wear my crown at a jaunty angle then.At 12/6/10 01:25 AM, SeeD419 wrote: I agree that it would be better if it was Coop, since he's actually a nice guy and is active on the BBS.COOP FOR NG KING!
What? I'm neutral, so green all the way. Yellow is just a proto-green.
SEE! I knews it!lolololololol *Troll faic*I pity them. Deep deep down.No you don't! You enjoy their silly misinterpretations!
(see pic at bottom of ze post for my graphical representation of you mocking the people misinterpreting you)
Yes, with the exception that the troll faic should be replaced with my own face :P
It worked!QUICK! ISCRULZ AND DREAMOFDUKE ARE BOTH LESS THAN 10 POINTS BEHIND YOU! GET A MOVE ON, COOP!I think I've passed ReconRebel today as well :D 11th!
Balderdash! I would have passed him anyway, since he's going backwards for points.
At 1/17/11 08:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote:At 1/16/11 05:20 AM, Coop wrote: gfoxcook: 30,000 Experience; 30k triplelistedThankee kindly, good sir! Especially for reminding me of that latter side-achievement. Hadn't thought of that (recently). #;-}>
I should be 4x20k listed before your next catchup :P
And here is the Manchester meet recap!
Listening to:
Saxon - Into the Labyrinth
At 1/17/11 03:07 PM, Auz wrote:At 1/17/11 01:29 PM, Bahamut wrote: If it's for those with zero experience, then no. However, these places say experienced is essential/desirable so it's fucking catch 22 here.Odd.
Maybe not odd, just employers, agencies, everyone, not having any fucking idea what to do.
Yeah, the games have said to be an improvement as well as the new set of Pokemon. They can't beat the classics but they're easily better than the previous generation.Agreed on that last bit. While I think the fourth gen games were pretty good (Platinum is at least), the pokemon set was pretty crap for the most part.
The designers were so lazy for the fourth generation. I'm just glad the fifth generation has no pre-evolved forms of older Pokemon. Besides the odd move, they're all fucking pointless.
I heard the new gen had some new battling systems going with 3 vs 3 battles or something, and it's all a lot more dynamic.
Yep, it has 3v3.
Hell, he could probably earn a house with Scarlett if revenue improved as well as Scarlett having a job with a good pay. I don't know what Scarlett does in my life and quite frankly I don't want to know considering how much of a fucking whore she is. Her corruption on Spoony's site is to the point where I have to call her Scarlett the Harlot.Yeah Spoony keeps mentioning her, but I still don't know who she is. All I know is that he often goes to the movies with her. I'm not assuming girlfriend, but it does sound like Spooney has a thing for her.
Sadly, that's Spoony's girlfriend...
At 1/17/11 08:21 PM, gfoxcook wrote:At 1/1/11 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: Hey, I'm not a student anymore.Well, anyone can disappear from the site, not just students.
But it wouldn't be for studying. Maybe for a relationship, though...
Just... forgot/got used to life without it. That's how most changes happen.
He did well to move on with things.
Yep, I went through all 16 episodes. I enjoyed them all but the ending to season 3 really irked me. However, I'm sure it's only a plot point for the fourth season. It'll be a while until the next season of Sam & Max, though. Right now Telltale Games are working on Back to the Future games and after that it'll be Jurassic Park. I'm hoping they do Sam & Max season 4 afterwards but I have a feeling we'll have more Monkey Island first. If Telltale have so many games to work on, I wonder if they can expand their company and be able to work on more than one game at a time.Man, they're sure doing some movie game remakes, eh?#
I wouldn't say they're remakes. These have a partial continuity to the events after the last film. Yeah, that means more fun with the Delorean AFTER seeing it destroyed at the end of the films.
Too bad they're such a small studio and can't get them all made at once, like Valve... oh wait. #;-}>
I feel Telltale have the possibility to expand their team and be able to work on more games at a time. That would get us more Sam & Max and Monkey Island sooner. Despite the wait, at least Sam & Max season 4 is definite, unlike Psychonauts 2 which isn't 100% confirmed.
Again, who's going to stop them? #;-}>I don't see why any sane dragon would do that.That isn't even manners at all. Who even uses their feet for knives and forks at a dinner table anyway?A dragon who feels like it?
Well, I was gonna say name tags and paint, but you already said "painted hats" and "renamed hats," so indirectly those have already been covered.
UNCRATING HATS, there we go. #;-}>
Uncrating can be bad, especially when you paid for standard weapons as well as duel mini-games.
At 1/17/11 08:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote:At 1/13/11 04:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: Thank you very much for standing against this as well. I may be retired from the portal but I'll still do what I can on my Toohot100 alt. The retarded voters were what made my retirement hard to reach on that day and it was even to the point if one particular flash passed, I would have quit NG for good. Even gfox was ready to do that as well. Good thing the crappy flash got blammed.Hm? I don't remember ever being so up in arms about one specific flash that I threatened to quit NG. Not saying it didn't happen/I didn't agree/say that... just... can't remember. O_o
It was just a regular shitty flash so it isn't easy to remember. However, you should have at least remembered my frustration to get the last blam point.
At 1/18/11 04:18 AM, Haggard wrote:At 1/17/11 01:29 PM, Bahamut wrote: For this, you'll forever acknowledge Manowar!NEVER!
Coop doesn't take bribes, unless you can get him higher up in the EXP ranks.Then we have to kidnap him. :/
I'll be too drunk to do that at the London meet.
At least they're not the worst.They're close, though.
Far from it. There's many other bands you hate more than Manowar.
Thrash and speed are similar enough. Give Chosen to Stay a listen to so you know what the general sound of the band as well as the vocalist is like.The band sounds great. The vocalist... well, it takes time to get used to his voice. ^^
Of course, the vocalist is over the top but it's adaptable.
At 1/18/11 05:38 AM, Coop wrote:At 1/17/11 01:29 PM, Bahamut wrote: And already I'm used to your golden trident. That reminds me, 39 days to go until I reach the golden age.Well, that will leave me under 100 days to my next target :P
That'll be well under. 67 days for you it'll be when I reach level 47. BUT WAIT, why are we looking forward to the god awful cupid?
Better karaoke bar AND a gaming lounge. You missed out on so much, man.Yeah, but that just raises the bar for London. Plus, you're an hilarious drunk, so expect that to be exploited!
You missed out on the GAMING LOUNGE!
Same here. After my horrendous imitation of Dio, I really need to brush up my singing skills for Iron Maiden. Otherwise, it'll be another classic butchered. Now I wish I remember how good/bad I was when singing Ace of Spades.Guinness + Ace of Spades = Good Times!
That explains it, there was no Guinness at the karaoke bar in Manchester.
At 1/17/11 08:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote:I should be 4x20k listed before your next catchup :PAt 1/16/11 05:20 AM, Coop wrote: gfoxcook: 30,000 Experience; 30k triplelistedThankee kindly, good sir! Especially for reminding me of that latter side-achievement. Hadn't thought of that (recently). #;-}>
Thus making you the third to reach it.
At 1/18/11 05:38 AM, Coop wrote::
At 1/17/11 12:46 PM, LittleWashu wrote:Yeah, but looking at the reviews that people have been leaving for Dot Dot Dot, you would think that the review system was in worse repair than the B/P system.At 1/17/11 05:19 AM, Coop wrote:Hopefully cause seeing so much garbage passing when it should be blammed in not only wrong, but it is like telling a teacher someone is bullying you only for them to give the bully a pat on the back and serve the innocent the punishment.At 1/16/11 02:54 PM, LittleWashu wrote: True but that would only be for those who actually pay attention and flag the abusive flash. Many people just let a lot of abusive flash pass for the protect point even if they do know it is abusive. Plus they would have to vote 0 or 1 to get the point otherwise they would only get whistle points.When people see more flash that were submitted within 24 hours cluttering up the graveyard and they aren't getting so many saves, from protecting this garbage, they will remember what their 0 buttons are for.
Which part the whistle part of the review system, the reviewing part or both? If it is the whistle part I have quite a rant for that but I will save it. If the review part I have one for that as well but yeah both of them have some many holes in them that it makes swiss cheese look like regular cheese.
level 28 and i keep getting sexy.
well also, soon to be a father too.
Thanks for voting, Statwhore! Your experience has been automatically deposited!
With that vote, you now have 8,090 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 28. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 22 hours, 44 minutes, and 53 seconds.
The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!
Holy shit, congrats on the level up coop! That thing looks dangerous.
6k Saves! :3
Congrats to:
Naronic: Level 17
WeirdAlthe3rd: 28,000 B/P Points
steph2568: Level 24
Illegal-Product: Level 28
Statwhore: Level 28
SeeD419: 6,000 Saves
illuminate: 18,000 Medal Points
Coop returns to the office, for a strangely shorter week, while congratulating:
naronic: Level 17
WeirdAlthe3rd: 28,000 B/P
steph2568: Level 24
Illegal-Product: Level 28
Statwhore: Level 28
SeeD419: 6,000 Saves
illuminate: 18,000 Medal Points
Thank you to:
At 1/18/11 12:19 PM, Bahamut wrote:At 1/18/11 05:38 AM, Coop wrote:That'll be well under. 67 days for you it'll be when I reach level 47. BUT WAIT, why are we looking forward to the god awful cupid?At 1/17/11 01:29 PM, Bahamut wrote: And already I'm used to your golden trident. That reminds me, 39 days to go until I reach the golden age.Well, that will leave me under 100 days to my next target :P
Because it leads to something better? Look at it like we did with wishing for 34 to roll around from 33 - you've still got some shit to pass, but then you get the glory of 39's chainsaw (eventually)
You missed out on the GAMING LOUNGE!Better karaoke bar AND a gaming lounge. You missed out on so much, man.Yeah, but that just raises the bar for London. Plus, you're an hilarious drunk, so expect that to be exploited!
I've tried to ignore that part, but sadly, I was unable to. You have upset me now and I wanted to be blissfully unaware of the games and so forth that I was missing :'(
That explains it, there was no Guinness at the karaoke bar in Manchester.Same here. After my horrendous imitation of Dio, I really need to brush up my singing skills for Iron Maiden. Otherwise, it'll be another classic butchered. Now I wish I remember how good/bad I was when singing Ace of Spades.Guinness + Ace of Spades = Good Times!
But there must have been alcohol, as you were an hilarious drunk!
Thus making you the third to reach it.At 1/17/11 08:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote:I should be 4x20k listed before your next catchup :PAt 1/16/11 05:20 AM, Coop wrote: gfoxcook: 30,000 Experience; 30k triplelistedThankee kindly, good sir! Especially for reminding me of that latter side-achievement. Hadn't thought of that (recently). #;-}>
Yes, that will make Thee, me and XwaynecoltX. Maybe at some point, I'll be able to become the xth person to reach 5x10k? Doable, but slow progress.
At 1/18/11 05:48 PM, LittleWashu wrote: At 1/18/11 05:38 AM, Coop wrote::
Yeah, but looking at the reviews that people have been leaving for Dot Dot Dot, you would think that the review system was in worse repair than the B/P system.Which part the whistle part of the review system, the reviewing part or both? If it is the whistle part I have quite a rant for that but I will save it. If the review part I have one for that as well but yeah both of them have some many holes in them that it makes swiss cheese look like regular cheese.
If it were a case that all of the programmers (and not just Mindchamber) were atomic supermen that were barely disguised robots, we'd have a whole new shiny toolbox of tools for Review Modding at our disposal.
Of course, as these have not been approved for development yet, we cannot really talk about them, so they remain in the domain of modly secrecy :D
Luis has updated his Manchester hub page.
Listening to:
Communic - Waves of Visual Decay
At 1/19/11 07:50 AM, Coop wrote:At 1/18/11 12:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: That'll be well under. 67 days for you it'll be when I reach level 47. BUT WAIT, why are we looking forward to the god awful cupid?Because it leads to something better? Look at it like we did with wishing for 34 to roll around from 33 - you've still got some shit to pass, but then you get the glory of 39's chainsaw (eventually)
Well, yeah. We spent a long time going through 33 and 34 but 49 sucks more than them and it takes over 100 days to get through.
You missed out on the GAMING LOUNGE!I've tried to ignore that part, but sadly, I was unable to. You have upset me now and I wanted to be blissfully unaware of the games and so forth that I was missing :'(
Next Manchester meet, we game!
That explains it, there was no Guinness at the karaoke bar in Manchester.But there must have been alcohol, as you were an hilarious drunk!
But the lack of Guinness is a huge disappointment.
Thus making you the third to reach it.Yes, that will make Thee, me and XwaynecoltX. Maybe at some point, I'll be able to become the xth person to reach 5x10k? Doable, but slow progress.
You stand a better chance than most. Maybe you will be the third one, even though it'll be slowly but surely.
At 1/17/11 08:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote: In HONOUR of me?!?! more like DIShonour. ;_;
So if I do that are you going to commit seppuku?
At 1/18/11 05:38 AM, Coop wrote: Alongside his trust guide, Sherpa Tensing byteslinger?
If that's your guide, then you might get lost, heh.
At 1/19/11 11:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: Luis has updated his Manchester hub page.
So that's what everybody looks like. :P
Seems kind of small. How many people do you think showed up?
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
At 1/18/11 12:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: And here is the Manchester meet recap!
Whoa, this link got changed! I smell an abuse of mod powers!
At 1/18/11 04:18 AM, Haggard wrote:MANOWAR, MANOWAR, LIVING ON THE ROAD!At 1/17/11 01:29 PM, Bahamut wrote: For this, you'll forever acknowledge Manowar!NEVER!
I knew it. They are just a bunch of bums.
I'll be too drunk to do that at the London meet.Coop doesn't take bribes, unless you can get him higher up in the EXP ranks.Then we have to kidnap him. :/
It doesn't matter how drunk YOU are. If only Coop is even more drunk then you, we'll be fine.
Far from it. There's many other bands you hate more than Manowar.At least they're not the worst.They're close, though.
Name a few.
Of course, the vocalist is over the top but it's adaptable.Thrash and speed are similar enough. Give Chosen to Stay a listen to so you know what the general sound of the band as well as the vocalist is like.The band sounds great. The vocalist... well, it takes time to get used to his voice. ^^
Same goes for HammerFall and Blind Guardian. It took some time to get used to the voices, especially on the first albums.
Guess i missed my 10 year birthday on newgrounds heh ohwell a few days late
Wow its been that long already nice.