New Audio: Listen, vote and review, please!
New Monthly Writing Contest
Coop welcomes in the New Year, while congratulating:
1337Ratez2k9: 52,000 Medal Points; Level 22
Hacsev: 1,000 Days on Newgrounds
Toohot100: 19,000 Experience
DiMono: 9,000 Saves; 75,000 Medal Points
reverend: 50,000 Total Points
Hacsev: 2,222 Posts
XwaynecoltX: 23,000 Experience
SeeD419: 600 Reviews (Flash)
Listening to:
Ocean Colour Scene - Hundred Mile High City
Reel Big Fish - Brand New Hero
Queen - I Want To Break Free
Iron Maiden - Judas Be My Guide
Michael Jackson - I Just Can't Stop Loving You
Thank you to:
At 12/31/10 10:19 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 12/30/10 10:00 AM, Coop wrote:
At 12/29/10 01:14 PM, Bahamut wrote:
If we still have our snow icons by the next EXP update, we'll have no mod icons showing up except Wade and liljim.
That will look slightly cool for a few days, then it'll just get old.
Which is why it's good for one update.
Looks like you didn't get your wish :P
12th for me. The only one who's standing between you and me is deckheadtottie.
Only until I pass NegativeOne ;)
And I'll pass him eventually assuming his pace stays the same or declines.
Yeah, but I'm planning on passing more of the mods by then :P
At 12/31/10 12:11 PM, reverend wrote:
You know you're old when you become an uncle like I did this morning. :S
I'm an uncle as well - I've been like that for 18 months,
At 12/30/10 10:00 AM, Coop wrote:
At least you're still making up places - NegativeOne could be the first place I make up inside 3 months. That's depressing, because it's only going to get worse :P
Start getting the mods ahead of you tossed. You know you want to.
Tempting, but where's the satisfaction of passing a mod for experience then. They'd just be former mods then.
At 12/31/10 12:15 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 12/6/10 01:25 AM, SeeD419 wrote:
I agree that it would be better if it was Coop, since he's actually a nice guy and is active on the BBS.
I shall wear my crown at a jaunty angle then.
At 12/6/10 08:33 AM, Coop wrote:
At 12/5/10 11:22 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Hey, there's nothing wrong with editing out the boring parts of SIX-MONTH-OLD CONVERSATIONS, for the love of god.
Yeah, but we'd already forgotten what we said back then, so we need to be reminded.
So that's my job around here? Reminding you guys of old shit you said that you don't really need to remember? USELESS JOB. ;_;
So long as you're well paid for it, I wouldn't complain ;)
The only thing that would make me take a BBS break is that I keep trying to write these posts and the computer crashes, losing the data in the notepad file. Sure, I can come back to the BBS page I was on, but I can't remember what I've said >:(
Gonna have to start using Word, instead.
Well, just as back then actually passing ht52 seemed impossible (but now is quite easy--take it from me!).... Pimp one day too may fall.
One day... *sigh*
Is that a wistful "wishing people wouldn't quit NG" sigh or a "know it's gonna be a long time till I pass Pimp (if ever)" sigh? #;-}>
It's a wistful "I'll get you yet, you SoB!" sigh.
Sweet FA?
"Sweet Fanny Adams" a way of saying "Fuck All" in the 1950s.
I've heard the saying, but not often enough to recognise its acronymisation, I suppose. #;-}>
You learn something new every day, I guess
Coop's fine, just looks a bit naked without the numbers. Wish you'd gone with "coop" and joined us lower-casers. #;-}>
I couldn't do that - that would be like being naked and shaven. Naked is just taking the numbers off, lower case as well would be "on vacation" :P
I never intended to leave. That's the joke. Honestly, it's not funny if you have to explain them.
Indeed. Though their reaction is still funny, if not your original joke. #;-}>
I pity them. Deep deep down.
No you don't! You enjoy their silly misinterpretations!
lolololololol *Troll faic*
At 12/31/10 12:17 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 12/7/10 04:00 AM, Coop wrote:
130,000 Total Points
I'm closing in on the top 10. I just need a little more impetus.
I think I've passed ReconRebel today as well :D 11th!
At 12/12/10 06:06 AM, Coop wrote:
Well, we'll have to wait and see. I have yet to buy a Dragonforce album. I might get Inhuman Rampage and this next one, if it's not so stale, but I'll wait and see.
I like about half the tracks on Inhuman Rampage. There's a bit of "they all sound the same" to many of the tracks, but it's definitely a high-energy CD. Good for listening to at work on 2 hours of sleep and tons of increasingly-ineffective coffee. </signed endorsement>
I'll take your word for it. I'm looking for things to spend my £15 iTunes voucher on.
So far the list is:
Richard Marxx - Hazard
Pantera - Walk
Die Toten Hosen - Hier Kommt Alex
I'll fit more on there, so we'll just have to take some more time.
At 12/31/10 03:20 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
Hey guys, before I disappear into the shadows again I wanted to wish a happy new year to every one of the Wi/Ht and LUL regulars!
Happy New Year, you shadowy spectre, you.
At 1/1/11 07:28 AM, Odyssic wrote:
Just a quick question for mods of Wi/Ht? Do family and friends know about Newgrounds and that you're a mod on here?
Yeah, sometimes I regale them with tales of me sailing the seas of cyberspace and the bans I have issued.