At 12/16/10 03:58 AM, Coop wrote:At 12/15/10 03:34 PM, Auz wrote: I understand your point of view on that, but I don't think there's any bank that would grant us a supportive loan for a house/apartment when we officially have 0 euros income :pYeah, that's a very good point and not a good situation, to be fair. Best of luck to you both. Also pics.
Well, the thing is that there are several supportive funds that we are entitled to. This is a supportive fund for students who don't live with their parents anymore, one to cover health insurance costs and one for renting a cheap apartment. The latter two are mostly for people who have little to no income, like us.
Thanks to these funds we might actually have some money left over at the end of the month so that we can also save in case we need it later. If we wouldn't have any money left to save I agree with you that we are in a bad situation, but now it's not so bad.
No, but there are two types of tea - green and black. "Black" tea is brown in colour, but I do prefer it with milk and sugar.Ah that would explain your colo... wait black tea!? What the hell do you guys pour in it? Milk, sugar and tar or something? 0.0Yes, you're entirely correct - she gave me green tea, instead of black! Lousy double agent.At 12/14/10 04:01 AM, Coop wrote:
Still an odd way to name it. We do have 'black coffee', but that makes sense since it's actually black if you pour nothing in it.
At 12/16/10 05:56 AM, SeeD419 wrote:At 12/13/10 03:10 PM, Auz wrote: Well I got you on my tracking list so I can see your bi-weekly review progress ;)Nice, lol. I've slowed down a bit, my audio reviews are catching up ;)
Alright. Well those also count for your review stat in the pentalist of course.
Hey good luck with your apartment with the girlfriend. I remember moving into my first apartment with my girlfriend, then she cheated on me and left me paying all the monthly rent by myself.
Needless to say, I hope you have much better luck than I did! xD
I hope that will never happen, but of course there's always a chance that it will. So far we're together for two and a half years and things are still going great, so I think it's a step that we can take. We have to do it sooner or later anyway, if it doesn't work out than I guess it wasn't meant to be.
At 12/16/10 08:35 AM, reverend wrote:At 12/15/10 03:34 PM, Auz wrote: Today we've officially accepted. My gf's parents had a look at it as well and they agree with us that with some work, we can turn it into a great place for us two.What a wonderful way to start off the new year. :)
We will probably already get the key before New Years, so then we can start working on the walls and the floors.
Indeed. For us it's probably the least worst time to move into a new house beside the Summer holiday. The rest of the year we'll always be busy with our studies and all.
At 12/16/10 11:50 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 12/15/10 03:34 PM, Auz wrote: Well winning it three times in a row is a bit ironic of course. It would've been odd if you won it again this time, but yeah you were excluded. Not sure if I fully agree with that new rule, but for Most Underrated it makes sense at this point.I only won Most Underrated twice. The other moments were the finals. I'm glad we have this exclusion rule for the awards. Otherwise, we'd only see Gagsy winning Never Logs Off.
Oh I thought it was three.
And lol indeed. I can not even remember the last time she did not win Never Logs Off.
You're right. Apparently the dungbeetles in the poo mountain have a scouse accent. I always thought it was Irish/Scottish or something. I can't remember Birkenhead being mentioned anywhere, but could be that I missed it somewhere between the lines.Perhaps. It must be a one time mention in the game.
Here's one of the dungbeetle scenes at about 8:00: N8
No mention of Birkenhead, but you will probably recognize the accent.
Lol!Yep, I got that one easily, even though I've never played the game it's making a reference to.
That's one reference I do get :p
No me neither, but I see references to the tagline of that game everywhere. Of course it's an hilarious tagline.