I wrote up about my time at Heidenfest!
Listening to:
Blind Guardian - Follow the Blind
At 9/21/10 12:07 PM, Auz wrote:
At 9/21/10 10:40 AM, Bahamut wrote:
We already went through this but yeah. Playing through Metroid Prime again easily proves this as it has a better atmosphere overall.
Indeed. It was the right way to go with the Metroid series. Too bad they wanted to change that so badly.
Hopefully they go back to basics in the next game for Samus' characteristics. I wouldn't mind if they gave the gameplay elements from Metroid Other M another shot. The gameplay is still great and more can be done with it.
They can be bad but they should sort out what's going wrong.
They should, but they're often understaffed so they can't spend a lot of time on small cases.
If I ever have a huge problem with my neighbour, I'll make sure it's dealt with by the police. If not, shit will get worse.
At 9/21/10 03:38 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
You realise I could make that picture/video on Gmod?
At 9/21/10 10:40 AM, Bahamut wrote:
I wonder how we'll be next year.
TPM, myself, Ismael and Fro will be BBS mods, the already modded regulars will have assassinated and replaced the admins.
Wait, we've got to assassinate the Fulps? I can't do that!
Leave us to our grog.
Monkey Island is relevant. Always.
Look behind you, a three-headed monkey!
On the topic of DNF finally being released, apart from Psychonauts Monkey Island is another series I'd like to see continued. I don't really count Tales as MI5, just lacked...something the main 4 had.
Surely Tales counts as SOMETHING!
On the topic of series that needs more, Oddworld comes to mind. We're supposedly getting more Oddworld games but I'll only believe it when I actually see more footage. I've been disappointed far too many times with Oddworld. If they never fucked up in the previous decade, they could have been a huge success and may have even surpassed Final Fantasy as my favourite game franchise.
At 9/21/10 04:43 PM, SeeD419 wrote:
At 9/21/10 10:40 AM, Bahamut wrote:
It still exists and will continue to exist.
Armageddon will come and go and the Wi/Ht? Level up Lounge will still exist.
Amazingly enough, the LUL shall survive Armageddon!
It's good to see you stopping by every now and again. I'm sure you'll remember me and yes, I've changed since you last saw me. ;)
I try, it seems like I get involved in this website for like a week and then I'm gone for another year XD
That's better than nothing. Some Wi/Ht?'ers haven't been here in years!
I sure remember you. Infact, I remember just about every Wi/Ht?'er who was around from 2005 and later.
Ya, I remember you too. Hopefully some of the other old regulars are still around as well?
gfox OCCASIONALLY stops by, Coop is strong as ever and so is Auz.
It's been so long I wouldn't even remember them unless I saw them. Hmm...am I retarded or did there used to be a "preview post" option and now it's gone.
Nope, there was never a preview post in the first place and I'm not sure if they ever will make one. The best you can do is make a news post for your testing post and see if it looks right.
At 9/22/10 03:09 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 9/21/10 10:40 AM, Bahamut wrote:
System of a Down - Toxicity
Awesome Track. I haven't listened to SOAD in a long time.
I had to listen to all of SOAD recently. I've not listened to them in a while and they eventually lead me to other good stuff. Infact, the day I bought Toxicity was the same day I bought Metroid Prime and that was when I got into Metroid.
But, I would be happier if the regular list gets active again like in the old days. But to be honest, I expected that to happen since the locking of Rage's thread.
There is so little activity for the regulars list now. :(
Also, lol, reverend has gotten all of the portal modships: Icon + genre + review.
That makes him a quad-mod :P
Just like Jonas and RageVI!