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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-11 06:19:18

Getting back to a normal routine, Coop congratulates:
MegamanMegafan: Level 27
Illuminate: 56,000 Saves
Danavers: Silver Whistle

At 8/10/10 06:13 PM, reverend wrote:
At 8/10/10 04:10 PM, Coop83 wrote: Yeah, but Jeter getting to 3,000 is the big one, then we start to wonder how high he'll climb...
4,256 at least.

Ah, so the all time hits king will go to the hall of fame :P

At 8/11/10 03:21 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Also, Look at Pimp's Exp points. In a few days Newgrounds will have its first Lvl 60 user.

I do wish you wouldn't make such a big thing about it - I've had to remove a number of threads in general about this >:(

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-11 09:00:57

Congratulations to: -

S-k-y - 14,000 Experience
ixfd64 - Sergeant First Class
MegamanMegafan - Level 27
illuminate - 56,000 Saves
Danavers - Silver Whistle

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-11 10:53:14

Fro wants to work on his game, but realizes the gym is more important while saying Congrats To:

ixfd64: Sgt. First Class
MegamanMegafan: Level 27
illuminate: 56,000 Saves
Danavers: Silver Whistle

Thanks To:



New game with medals that I did voices in. The medals haven't been approved yet, but I do recommend you practicing the game now while signed off of your account. It's quite challenging. :P


At 8/10/10 01:48 PM, Auz wrote:
So this means we're either all very sexy, or we're all not very sexy in the eyes of the Wi/Ht? community. What a lame ending =/

It's an obvious answer. The rest of the icon team was bringing down the Wi/Ht icon mod team's sex appeal resulting in a tie.

At 8/11/10 06:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/11/10 03:21 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Also, Look at Pimp's Exp points. In a few days Newgrounds will have its first Lvl 60 user.

I'm interested in seeing it not for the level up, but what will happen to our leveling up and experience. Whatever happens doesn't really matter to me though. I wouldn't see mind seeing 30 more levels. :P

I do wish you wouldn't make such a big thing about it - I've had to remove a number of threads in general about this >:(

I think it's just as big as any and all level ups and milestones that have been posted in this thread.

At 8/10/10 04:10 PM, Coop83 wrote:
Don't make me side with SuperMarioBrosS! >:(

Coop I'm sick of your abuse. I'll bring my userpage to the forums.

...can I flag this?

(picture found below)

It's written by a popular user, and knowing userpage mods they can be quite biased.

So the question is: Should I flag the comment or not? Give reasons to your answer.

I'm not asking if it's breaks the guidelines (it does if you're curious; it gives negative tone, rambles, and gives no advice [fuck the part about the crying]) but rather should I risk flagging it (because some asskissing userpage mod may clear it with penalty) or not?

FYI, I don't give the kind treatment to anybody. I flag any comment against the guidelines; even if it's my friends' because abuse is abuse no matter who it's from or where it is. So I'm definitely not giving this guy any slack even if everybody on Newgrounds worships him.

Commence debate/asskissing (bias) now.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-11 11:04:24

Amazingly enough, I think I've remembered everyone who I talked to at the meet. All's left is waiting for any pictures people have yet to upload as well as any videos. The best of me in the videos so far is my voice and that was from Coop's video.

Listening to:

Blind Guardian - At the Edge of Time

Thanks to:


At 8/10/10 08:28 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 8/10/10 07:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: Oh yeah. While I doubts about it before, I actually have confidence in Eidos. What Spiderman 2 did wrong was the content distractment from normal criminals to chase down.
Still managed to be one of the best superhero games of all time nonetheless :P

Spiderman 2? It's said to be but I couldn't get into it. Arkham Asylum on the other hand, now that's more like it!

I was meant to get that chicken I won from Luis' contest but he forgot about it all along. So now I've got to wait until it's sent out through the post.
From beans to a chicken, awesome :P

Who knows, maybe I can still get two cans of beans for those times when I won Most Underrated and then we'll need to make an arrangement with Auz to collect his can of beans. Now I'm wondering how Best Posters are rewarded.

It sure is and so are Damage, Inc, Battery and Dryers Eve. OK, Battery WAS played but still.
Dryers Eve? :P

Whoops, Dyers Eve. lol


HAHAHAHA! Someone should make a parody of that!

He sure as hell won't be. I think I may have hurt liljim considering what he said here. For the second game of Dodgems, I was mainly after Coop and Luis and liljim and did what I could to bump into them really hard.
Aggression is always the key :P

And aggression towards the staff may lead to account deletion. :P

It sure is. I bet he wanted to talk to me more but with so many people there, it's hard to keep track on everyone. However, I played safe and was with Coop most of the time for the sake of familiarization.
I can imagine. Well there's always next year anyway for meeting more people, Tom might even make it, although with being a dad now and all it may be less likely.

I'm not too sure about next year but me and Megafones had a hunch that he could be at the meet in 2012. However, whether we want the event bigger to coincide with the Olympics depends on the others.

Does that shit happen to you much?


At 8/10/10 09:52 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/10/10 07:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: Are you having thoughts on a future London meet up? Luis is already having thoughts on 6th August 2011 as the next one.
It's not just a matter of if I want to go or not, but mostly a matter of can I afford to go or not.

We'll see how it goes for you then. If you can't make that, then maybe a Germany meet up if anyone does it. :P

But God is God and I'm sure he can do things while he's dead.
Even Gods can die and can't do shit when they're dead.

You underestimate God?

Then how did you type that?
If I can type without watching the keyboard I can also type without watching the monitor.

But for all you know, you could have made many mistakes, unless...

Besides, I have a backup monitor and was smart enough to not look at the picture again.

Ah, that makes sense.

Also, what about the "Caption this!"-thread for the awesome Meet Up pictures?

You could do it in the London pics thread.

At 8/10/10 10:36 AM, Fro wrote:
At 8/10/10 07:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: Of course I'm hugging her. What's your point?
I thought it would be an obvious reference to the quote that Gagsy made to Auz. In reality I simply quoted the wrong thing. I meant to quote this down below when I made that post yesterday.

Ah well, it was still great hugging her, even if she didn't come to me right away and hugged me when I entered the pub.

At 8/10/10 01:48 PM, Auz wrote: So this means we're either all very sexy, or we're all not very sexy in the eyes of the Wi/Ht? community. What a lame ending =/

And thus debunks NEVR's theory on mods and their sex appeals. I blame the ugly kids we have in the icon mod team.

At 8/8/10 12:56 PM, Bahamut wrote: WAIT! News Reporter isn't me so he can vote no problem.
Wait, Fagamut isn't you either. You could've won this one for us man!

And Fagamut is due to post here tomorrow. Dammit, you ended the contest too soon!

At 8/8/10 05:09 PM, Gagsy wrote: I think you'll find it was Bahamut who kept hugging me =P Not that I minded.
Begone devil woman! Leave Bahamut alone!


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-11 11:05:28

At 8/10/10 01:49 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/8/10 12:57 PM, Bahamut wrote: Real names are cool.
Wait, is Bex Coops girlfriend who's actually Echorun perhaps?

Uhh, yeah.

It's not that it's OK, she refuses to leave General behind.
Oh well, let's hope she'll wise up someday.

We'll talk about General and Wi/Ht? more as time goes on.

But not if it suggests I'm a pedophile.
Don't worry. There is no such thing as pedophilia under dragons.

Actually, there is such thing and we don't get away with it at all. Infact, that would be bestiality AND pedophilia. That is too fucking wrong.

I may have to do that if it's the only way for me to play some of the games.
But you can play on my save file and just eh.. walk around aimlessly....

In that case, I shall erase the save files.

Better than a fucking console on the sims? No wait, that doesn't make much sense.

Anyway I'd say it's no better or worse than the PC versions.

PC is more ideal for The Sims. Console ports of the games are done very poorly IMO.

Good, that's what I like to hear! We'll only burn down major cities if it's necessary.
Let's hope nobody ever saw you though, otherwise it'd be on your criminal record and you'll never get a job (except for in the army maybe).

Hey, the army would do well with a dragon on their side but it's not worth dying for.

I should have fallen below 10 PPD by now but the three other forums (C&C, VG and General) are better than usual recently. Infact, I wasn't expecting to reach 22k posts until well after getting the scythe. I love how wrong I was back then.
Videogame Forum seems slightly better nowadays, but personally I've always seen it as General Forum II. Which is disappointing cause I was hoping it was gonna be more something like the C&C.

Maybe WE can make it C&C II if we tried harder. ;)

C&C has always been good in my opinion, general has its ups and downs over the years.

C&C has been consistently good for me, although I did post tons back in 2005. Some clubs died out while a few pop up from time to time and then there's the Metal Hell where I've posted almost every day since I joined.

Just one but I'll be playing Assassin's Creed II next and then Resident Evil 5, which is the one game I'm still borrowing from her.
I don't know how long it usually takes you to beat a game, but at my pace you wouldn't be playing FFXIII for a while then.

Heh, my Clock Day marathon has delayed Assassin's Creed II even further. Ah well, as soon as I get all besides 2010 done, I'll give video games more time. But yeah, don't expect me to play FFXIII for a while.

Have you forgotten? YouTube is vulnerable to copyright claims.
Yes, but I remember some people from a website got sued once. They had to take down their videos, but a shitload of people had uploaded it on youtube and up to this day you can still find it easily. Whenever one is taken down, somebody else will just reupload it.

Tommy Wiseau can easily copyright claim those videos, thus getting rid of them with ease and if they're uploaded again, he'll take them down as well and keep going. That's what FOX does with Simpsons and Futurama episodes. However, I'm glad he hasn't bothered with the ones that are on YouTube right now.

I hugged her three times and she enjoyed them... I think.
Yeah yeah, that's what she told you. Trust me, a dragon and a succubus could never live happily together.

But she's a dragon as well.

I like.
Lol. No I'm going for Die Pinken, Fluffigen Häschenkarnickel. Perfect name for a dragon metal band.

What the fuck? I'm not going to translate that, not even on Google.

There we place an idea. Tom's being: "I should retire and hand over NG to the good folks of the Wi/Ht? forum" and Gregg"s being: "I should dump my wife and get back to NG".

Sounds like a dream.

That makes me the longest running Wi/Ht?'er. :P
Yeah I guess so. Makes me the second longest perhaps, because Coop came here after me if I remember correctly.

We're the elders of Wi/Ht? now. :P

At 8/9/10 08:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: And now for a great picture of us two together! Wi/Ht?'ers, your minds WILL be blown.
You should've taken off that silly human mask.


At 8/10/10 04:10 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/9/10 08:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm the clear winner here.
Pfft. :P

Mustache, FTW!

Iron Maiden > Sabbath, even with DIO!

Wait, why are we comparing two legendary metal bands?

And now for a great picture of us two together! Wi/Ht?'ers, your minds WILL be blown.
Well, shit. You killed off half the lounge.

Whoops. Er, we can get more recruitments from the General forum? After all, the revolution is still going on.

At 8/10/10 01:49 PM, Auz wrote: Wait, is Bex Coops girlfriend who's actually Echorun perhaps?
Yep. We needed more Dutch people in the meet - We had Rucklo last year (Sweden) amd Damien this year (Belgium), so why not add more of your wonderful accent to it? I'll try to get Zendra as well!

Also, Haggard (Germany).

At 8/11/10 03:21 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 8/10/10 07:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: Calm down, calm down. This is just my human disguise kit. ;)
Wow, it looks very realistic :/
You got me :P

I did tell you all I'm as good as the Spy when it comes to disguising.

At 8/11/10 06:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/11/10 03:21 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Also, Look at Pimp's Exp points. In a few days Newgrounds will have its first Lvl 60 user.
I do wish you wouldn't make such a big thing about it - I've had to remove a number of threads in general about this >:(

You may not like it but I WILL have to give Pimp a special mention on the EXP update just for being the first to reach the last level.

At 8/11/10 10:53 AM, Fro wrote: ...can I flag this?

Flag that shit!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-11 11:39:35

Rev is hoping the Cards beat down the Reds again, literally; Congrats to:
illuminate - 56k Saves
Danavers - Silver Whistle


At 8/11/10 03:21 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Also, Look at Pimp's Exp points. In a few days Newgrounds will have its first Lvl 60 user.

Yeah, yeah, been hearing it for the past two years. Though I don't think that anything will happen regarding the levels.

At 8/11/10 06:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: Ah, so the all time hits king will go to the hall of fame :P

Yep, but to be honest Jeter will have to average close to 175 hits per year (not too out of the question) for the next five years just to get close. Him approaching his 40s makes it unlikely.

At 8/11/10 10:53 AM, Fro wrote: ...can I flag this?

That's kind of iffy. You should PM Mal.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-11 13:35:11

Level 17.
I don't know if I reported Sergeant First Class or not, though, so...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-11 16:22:44

At 8/10/10 08:55 AM, S-k-y wrote: With that vote, you now have 14,000 experience points.

With that vote, you now have 14,000 experience points.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-11 17:18:58

Whaaat? I'm level 26 already? I forgot that today was the day I was going to level up. So, well

Level 26

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-11 19:07:21

While we're on the subject of Pimp and his level (since this is the only place you can safely ask about stats anyway):

He's not level 60 yet, but he does in fact have a vote power of 10.00 right now. Which I thought was supposed to be the maximum normal V.P anyone could get.

Are the last few exp deposits just meaningless, or is that whole thing about 10 being the maximum wrong? At the end of the day, the levels page doesn't actually say there's any limit to exp gathering (much like B/P). Maybe it's the same with the voting power it generates too? o_0

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 02:03:12

Just broke 28k b/p!!! 2k to go to get my golden tank with WINGS!!!

"Spider pig Spider pig. Does whatever a Spider pig does." quote Homer Simpson

Bob Hope learns the truth!!!!! Best analogy ever! Sig by chubzilla100

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 03:16:38

List #114

Congrats to:

Tetimaru000 - Level 17
TheNumberOfTheDragon - 14,000 Exp
dx5231 - Level 26
VinnyXY - Level 26 (lol, you signed up in my birthday)
WeirdAlthe3rd - 4,000 Exp
vader316 - 28,000 B/P

Listening to:


At 8/11/10 06:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/11/10 03:21 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Also, Look at Pimp's Exp points. In a few days Newgrounds will have its first Lvl 60 user.
I do wish you wouldn't make such a big thing about it - I've had to remove a number of threads in general about this >:(

You know I won't, but I just found it interesting and as a historical moment for Newgrounds.
But we both know there will be a shitload of threads in general about Pimp when he reaches the last level. After pointing that, now I have an idea how you felt after you read what I wrote about Pimp's future achievement :(

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 07:16:39

Coop gets peeved with EVE, resigning to waiting for his friend to help tonight. Congratulations to:
Tetimaru000: Level 17
TheNumberOfTheDragon: 14,000 Experience
dx5231: Level 26
VinnyXY: Level 25
WeirdAlthe3rd: 4,000 Experience
vader316: 28,000 B/P

At 8/11/10 10:53 AM, Fro wrote:
At 8/11/10 06:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/11/10 03:21 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Also, Look at Pimp's Exp points. In a few days Newgrounds will have its first Lvl 60 user.
I'm interested in seeing it not for the level up, but what will happen to our leveling up and experience. Whatever happens doesn't really matter to me though. I wouldn't see mind seeing 30 more levels. :P

No, not until I've had a chance to see these first 60!

I do wish you wouldn't make such a big thing about it - I've had to remove a number of threads in general about this >:(
I think it's just as big as any and all level ups and milestones that have been posted in this thread.

I'd agree, if it were for the fact that Pimp posted the level up himself.

At 8/10/10 04:10 PM, Coop83 wrote:
Don't make me side with SuperMarioBrosS! >:(
Coop I'm sick of your abuse. I'll bring my userpage to the forums.

...can I flag this?


At 8/11/10 11:04 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/10/10 08:28 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 8/10/10 07:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: It sure is. I bet he wanted to talk to me more but with so many people there, it's hard to keep track on everyone. However, I played safe and was with Coop most of the time for the sake of familiarization.
I can imagine. Well there's always next year anyway for meeting more people, Tom might even make it, although with being a dad now and all it may be less likely.
I'm not too sure about next year but me and Megafones had a hunch that he could be at the meet in 2012. However, whether we want the event bigger to coincide with the Olympics depends on the others.

Bad idea - if the meet coincides with the Olympics, we'll be in for a massive price

At 8/11/10 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/10/10 04:10 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/9/10 08:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm the clear winner here.
Pfft. :P

Mustache, FTW!

Iron Maiden > Sabbath, even with DIO!
Wait, why are we comparing two legendary metal bands?

The T-Shirts we're wearing.

And now for a great picture of us two together! Wi/Ht?'ers, your minds WILL be blown.
Well, shit. You killed off half the lounge.
Whoops. Er, we can get more recruitments from the General forum? After all, the revolution is still going on.

I'm not sure they are ready yet...

At 8/10/10 01:49 PM, Auz wrote: Wait, is Bex Coops girlfriend who's actually Echorun perhaps?
Yep. We needed more Dutch people in the meet - We had Rucklo last year (Sweden) amd Damien this year (Belgium), so why not add more of your wonderful accent to it? I'll try to get Zendra as well!
Also, Haggard (Germany).

That's a plus, if he can make it :)

At 8/11/10 11:39 AM, reverend wrote:
At 8/11/10 06:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: Ah, so the all time hits king will go to the hall of fame :P
Yep, but to be honest Jeter will have to average close to 175 hits per year (not too out of the question) for the next five years just to get close. Him approaching his 40s makes it unlikely.

What's to say that he can't play for as long as Jamie Moyer? I can see Jeter getting 120+ hits a year for the next 8 seasons and that would bring him really close, especially if he's only drifting down to 120+ in the last 2-3 years. That makes 3,839 hits, which is within a decent shot.

But that's years away. Let's focus on him passing Rickey Henderson for the all time Yankees lead in Stolen Bases, plus climbing the all time hits ladder.

At 8/12/10 03:16 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 8/11/10 06:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/11/10 03:21 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Also, Look at Pimp's Exp points. In a few days Newgrounds will have its first Lvl 60 user.
I do wish you wouldn't make such a big thing about it - I've had to remove a number of threads in general about this >:(
You know I won't, but I just found it interesting and as a historical moment for Newgrounds.
But we both know there will be a shitload of threads in general about Pimp when he reaches the last level. After pointing that, now I have an idea how you felt after you read what I wrote about Pimp's future achievement :(

*twitches* We always get this way around a spamfest. You know it's going to happen and it seems hardwired into our brains...

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 08:05:21

Listening to:

Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark

Thanks to:


At 8/11/10 07:07 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote: He's not level 60 yet, but he does in fact have a vote power of 10.00 right now. Which I thought was supposed to be the maximum normal V.P anyone could get.

That is an interesting thought. I can't remember how it went for the old level system and VP so I can't recall exactly if someone a few deposits short from level 30 had 10 VP or 9.99. Oh well, if it goes beyond 10 VP, that'll be cool.

At 8/12/10 07:16 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/11/10 11:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm not too sure about next year but me and Megafones had a hunch that he could be at the meet in 2012. However, whether we want the event bigger to coincide with the Olympics depends on the others.
Bad idea - if the meet coincides with the Olympics, we'll be in for a massive price

That was actually the thing that made me think "Hmm, maybe not." so my guess for Tom's next London Meet up is 2013.

At 8/11/10 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: Wait, why are we comparing two legendary metal bands?
The T-Shirts we're wearing.

Yes but we shouldn't compare two legendary metal bands. You just don't.

Whoops. Er, we can get more recruitments from the General forum? After all, the revolution is still going on.
I'm not sure they are ready yet...

We'll have to try now. I may have to convince Gagsy to join our side!

Also, Haggard (Germany).
That's a plus, if he can make it :)

Well, I HAVE been asking him if he could make the next meet.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 08:23:22

NC Animaniacs tribute, mind = blown.

Congratulations to: -

Tetimaru000 - Level 17
TheNumberOfTheDragon - 14,000 Experience
dx5231 - Level 26
VinnyXY - Level 25
WeirdAlthe3rd - 4,000 Experience
vader316 - 28,000 B/P

At 8/11/10 11:04 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/10/10 08:28 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 8/10/10 07:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: Oh yeah. While I doubts about it before, I actually have confidence in Eidos. What Spiderman 2 did wrong was the content distractment from normal criminals to chase down.
Still managed to be one of the best superhero games of all time nonetheless :P
Spiderman 2? It's said to be but I couldn't get into it. Arkham Asylum on the other hand, now that's more like it!

I loved Spiderman 2 but that's just me. But I think we can both agree on Arkham's awesomeness.

I was meant to get that chicken I won from Luis' contest but he forgot about it all along. So now I've got to wait until it's sent out through the post.
From beans to a chicken, awesome :P
Who knows, maybe I can still get two cans of beans for those times when I won Most Underrated and then we'll need to make an arrangement with Auz to collect his can of beans. Now I'm wondering how Best Posters are rewarded.

A pan to cook the beans in? :P

HAHAHAHA! Someone should make a parody of that!

I'd be tempted but for my lack of musical talent :(

He sure as hell won't be. I think I may have hurt liljim considering what he said here. For the second game of Dodgems, I was mainly after Coop and Luis and liljim and did what I could to bump into them really hard.
Aggression is always the key :P
And aggression towards the staff may lead to account deletion. :P

*Controlled aggression :P

It sure is. I bet he wanted to talk to me more but with so many people there, it's hard to keep track on everyone. However, I played safe and was with Coop most of the time for the sake of familiarization.
I can imagine. Well there's always next year anyway for meeting more people, Tom might even make it, although with being a dad now and all it may be less likely.
I'm not too sure about next year but me and Megafones had a hunch that he could be at the meet in 2012. However, whether we want the event bigger to coincide with the Olympics depends on the others.

I imagine coinciding with the Olympics would be a nightmare.

Does that shit happen to you much?

All the time?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 09:13:05


I made my 9,999th post and 10,000th post in the Ghost / Supernat. Club. This was the first club that I had ever created and I found it fitting to spend my posts there. I made a newspost about it with some other news.

This also means I'm Quadlisted. On to reviewing now. :P

Fro has another generic day at work while saying Congrats To:

Tetimaru000: Level 17, Sergeant First Class
TheNumberOfTheDragon: 14,000 Experience
dx5231: Level 26
VinnyXY: Level 25
WeirdAlthe3rd: 4,000 Experience
vader316: 28,000 B/P


My day at work:

Me: Hello

Customer: Hello

Me: How are you today?

Customer: Not bad, how about you?

Me: Pretty good

(All of the above while swiping clothes prices)

Me: Are you a part of our free rewards program?

Customer: No and I don't want to be.

Me: It's a great free program where we give you coupons and also give you 1% back on all of your purchases. For example, you spent 50 dollars today so we would put 50 cents back on your card. It then builds up like a gift card and you can use it anytime you want.

Customer: I'm in a hurry.

Me: Okay, and do you have a Sears card?

Customer: Yes, but I'm using cash.

Me: I ask because we have two different cards, one for in store use and one where you can use in any store. If you open one up today you save 10 or 15 dollars on your purchase today.

Customer: I have terrible credit, I've just taken out a new loan to pay my old loan, and I'm late on all my utilities.

(I have to ask three times)

Me: Are you sure you didn't want to try? It only takes two minutes.

Customer: I just said no.

Me: You couldn't use an extra 10 or 15 dollars?

Customer: Go to hell.

Me: Okay, have a nice day. :)


At 8/11/10 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/10/10 01:49 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/8/10 12:57 PM, Bahamut wrote: Real names are cool.
Wait, is Bex Coops girlfriend who's actually Echorun perhaps?
Uhh, yeah.

Duh. :P

At 8/11/10 10:53 AM, Fro wrote: ...can I flag this?
Flag that shit!

That's one for flagging...

At 8/11/10 11:39 AM, reverend wrote:
At 8/11/10 10:53 AM, Fro wrote: ...can I flag this?
That's kind of iffy. You should PM Mal.

And that's one for for not marking. I never mark something if get's labeled as iffy.

Anyway, I did talk to Mal about it. He commented on the newspost that I made about it, but I had a hard time translating what he said.

At 8/12/10 07:16 AM, Coop83 wrote:
No, not until I've had a chance to see these first 60!

If you keep up the abuse your account's going to be deleted before you see the next level.

I do wish you wouldn't make such a big thing about it - I've had to remove a number of threads in general about this >:(
I think it's just as big as any and all level ups and milestones that have been posted in this thread.
I'd agree, if it were for the fact that Pimp posted the level up himself.

I'm assuming that he's going to create a topic on general about it or something like that. I guess it's up to you guys to let it go because it's an exception (first user to get to level 60) or to stick to the books and lock it up.

...can I flag this?

I like your attitude about this. I'll read your comment over another five times before I make my final decision.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 09:26:11

Icon mods are sexy mainly because of Bahamut and I love male dragons.

At 8/11/10 04:22 PM, TheNumberOfTheDragon wrote:
At 8/10/10 08:55 AM, S-k-y wrote: With that vote, you now have 14,000 experience points.
With that vote, you now have 14,000 experience points.

With that vote, you now have 14,000 experience points.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 11:34:24

At 8/10/10 01:48 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/8/10 11:32 AM, Haggard wrote: Judging by my age doesn't work too well, as I didn't start studying until I was 24. :P
But yes, it shouldn't be too long until I'm finished.
That's still 4 years, you should be close to finishing by now.

Yes, I am. And if I go by the curriculum framework for my study field I should've finished my studies a year ago. ^^

At 8/4/10 04:13 PM, Auz wrote:
I bet Angelo Sasso is willing to help out. :P
Lol. Are you suggesting we should use a computer? I'm okay with that if you can at least put up a show like this. Just make it look awesome and you won't have to drum for real.
Don't disrespect Angelo Sasso! >:(
Also, I will never be as awesome as Steve Moore, no matter how hard I try.
He shouldn't have started drumming for Lady GaGa and other shitty pop artists who want to stand in the spotlight on their own and leave their 'band' in the shade.

He should start a solo career.

That should totally be our bandname, Die Pinken, Fluffigen Häschenkarnickel.

I'm against it.

Doesn't matter if it sounds silly in Germany, we'll just perform elsewhere. I'm sure they'll love the name in Holland and the UK and the Eastern parts of Europe still have lots of metal fans.

I'm afraid you need some other drummer then. Why should I play in a band that plays no shows in my home country? :(

But maybe we can mix some german and dutch words? We need a name that contains lots of swear words like "fuck" and "piss" and then we translate the words into dutch and german and decide which sounds more hardcore.
"Neuk" and "pis" sound good to you?

Neuk sounds good. We could also include "swaffelen". ^^

At 8/11/10 11:04 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/10/10 09:52 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/10/10 07:48 AM, Bahamut wrote: Are you having thoughts on a future London meet up? Luis is already having thoughts on 6th August 2011 as the next one.
It's not just a matter of if I want to go or not, but mostly a matter of can I afford to go or not.
We'll see how it goes for you then. If you can't make that, then maybe a Germany meet up if anyone does it. :P

Hamburg is so much nicer than London anyway. :P

But God is God and I'm sure he can do things while he's dead.
Even Gods can die and can't do shit when they're dead.
You underestimate God?

God is a lie </Hypocrisy>

Then how did you type that?
If I can type without watching the keyboard I can also type without watching the monitor.
But for all you know, you could have made many mistakes, unless...

If I watch the keyboard when I type I hardly make any mistakes.

Also, what about the "Caption this!"-thread for the awesome Meet Up pictures?
You could do it in the London pics thread.

I'm too lazy right now. :P

At 8/11/10 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/10/10 01:49 PM, Auz wrote: Lol. No I'm going for Die Pinken, Fluffigen Häschenkarnickel. Perfect name for a dragon metal band.
What the fuck? I'm not going to translate that, not even on Google.

You could always ask me for a translation. :P
Or you can read the conversation between Auz and me. Either way you should learn that it means "The pink, fluffy bunny rabbits". ;)

At 8/12/10 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/12/10 07:16 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/11/10 11:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: Also, Haggard (Germany).
That's a plus, if he can make it :)
Well, I HAVE been asking him if he could make the next meet.

And the answer is still: If I can afford it, I will think about wether I'm going or not. ;)

At 8/12/10 09:13 AM, Fro wrote: This also means I'm Quadlisted. On to reviewing now. :P

That's a very nice achievement. Congrats!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 11:42:44

Congrats to:
Tetimaru000 - Level 17
TheNumberOfTheDragon - 14k Exp
dx5231 - Level 26
VinnyXY - Level 25
WeirdAlthe3rd - 4,000 Exp
vader316 - 28k B/P
Fagamut - Level 36
Fro - 10,000 Post and Quadlisted!


At 8/11/10 07:07 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote: He's not level 60 yet, but he does in fact have a vote power of 10.00 right now. Which I thought was supposed to be the maximum normal V.P anyone could get.

Are the last few exp deposits just meaningless, or is that whole thing about 10 being the maximum wrong? At the end of the day, the levels page doesn't actually say there's any limit to exp gathering (much like B/P). Maybe it's the same with the voting power it generates too? o_0

I think it's due to rounding. He could be at 9.99999 VP and the server just rounds it up to 10.00. While there is no limit to the amount of Exp a user can achieve there is a cap to the Base VP; Level 60 = 10.00 VP (afaik).

At 8/12/10 07:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: What's to say that he can't play for as long as Jamie Moyer? I can see Jeter getting 120+ hits a year for the next 8 seasons and that would bring him really close, especially if he's only drifting down to 120+ in the last 2-3 years. That makes 3,839 hits, which is within a decent shot.

Do you think Jeter can still be an effective hitter where pitchers seem to be throwing no-nos each month? At the end of the day, I guess it depends on the contract the Yanks decide to give him; I say he has five more years.

But that's years away. Let's focus on him passing Rickey Henderson for the all time Yankees lead in Stolen Bases, plus climbing the all time hits ladder.

Yeah, he should get that pretty soon. Now passing Gehrig for all time doubles as a Yank will be close, though I think he will get it.

At 8/12/10 08:23 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: NC Animaniacs tribute, mind = blown.

I just view it and I was amazed.

At 8/12/10 09:13 AM, Fro wrote: Customer: Go to hell.

Well, the customer is always right. See ya in hell Fro. :)

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 14:05:09

At 8/11/10 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/10/10 01:49 PM, Auz wrote: Wait, is Bex Coops girlfriend who's actually Echorun perhaps?
Uhh, yeah.

Everything suddenly becomes crystal clear 0.0

Oh well, let's hope she'll wise up someday.
We'll talk about General and Wi/Ht? more as time goes on.

Show her everything is much better in the Wi/Ht? world.

Don't worry. There is no such thing as pedophilia under dragons.
Actually, there is such thing and we don't get away with it at all. Infact, that would be bestiality AND pedophilia. That is too fucking wrong.

Well they probably wouldn't know how to track your true age anyway. Although I guess if they see that your dick is a sword instead of a knife they'd realize you've at least hit puberty some time ago.

But you can play on my save file and just eh.. walk around aimlessly....
In that case, I shall erase the save files.

Noooo! If I happen to miraculously come back to life, I'll never be able to collect all 120 stars on Super Mario again :(

Better than a fucking console on the sims? No wait, that doesn't make much sense.

Anyway I'd say it's no better or worse than the PC versions.
PC is more ideal for The Sims. Console ports of the games are done very poorly IMO.

I guess this one's okay, because I don't think there's much difference. It's a traditional format, not an RPG kind of thing like they did on the PSP and GBA.

Let's hope nobody ever saw you though, otherwise it'd be on your criminal record and you'll never get a job (except for in the army maybe).
Hey, the army would do well with a dragon on their side but it's not worth dying for.

Yeah and you'd have America complaining the UK has 'weapons of mass destruction' and they start invading the UK looking for you and waah waah 2003 all over again.

Videogame Forum seems slightly better nowadays, but personally I've always seen it as General Forum II. Which is disappointing cause I was hoping it was gonna be more something like the C&C.
Maybe WE can make it C&C II if we tried harder. ;)

I'm afraid people there will always have this "My console is better than yours"-attitude and just won't be able to leave each other alone.

C&C has always been good in my opinion, general has its ups and downs over the years.
C&C has been consistently good for me, although I did post tons back in 2005. Some clubs died out while a few pop up from time to time and then there's the Metal Hell where I've posted almost every day since I joined.

Heh I remember from 2005 to about 2009 about every club I was a member of died out eventually. Even the Zelda Club hardly gets any posts anymore, but the Cinema Club and Nintendo Club have been going strong for a long time and would most likely do fine even without me.

I don't know how long it usually takes you to beat a game, but at my pace you wouldn't be playing FFXIII for a while then.
Heh, my Clock Day marathon has delayed Assassin's Creed II even further. Ah well, as soon as I get all besides 2010 done, I'll give video games more time. But yeah, don't expect me to play FFXIII for a while.

Lol, you wanna genrify/iconize all clock day submissions before Sunday? :p

Yes, but I remember some people from a website got sued once. They had to take down their videos, but a shitload of people had uploaded it on youtube and up to this day you can still find it easily. Whenever one is taken down, somebody else will just reupload it.
Tommy Wiseau can easily copyright claim those videos, thus getting rid of them with ease and if they're uploaded again, he'll take them down as well and keep going. That's what FOX does with Simpsons and Futurama episodes. However, I'm glad he hasn't bothered with the ones that are on YouTube right now.

Yeah, but he could go on with deleting them forever because people will probably reupload them all the time. Perhaps he realizes this himself and that's why he doesn't bother with the ones on Youtube right now.

Yeah yeah, that's what she told you. Trust me, a dragon and a succubus could never live happily together.
But she's a dragon as well.

Did I say Succubus? I meant she's Lilith herself. She might have wings, but that doesn't make her a dragon.

Lol. No I'm going for Die Pinken, Fluffigen Häschenkarnickel. Perfect name for a dragon metal band.
What the fuck? I'm not going to translate that, not even on Google.

It means the pink, fluffy bunny rabbits. Or so Haggard says. It's an awesome name, we should go with it (but not perform in Germany).

There we place an idea. Tom's being: "I should retire and hand over NG to the good folks of the Wi/Ht? forum" and Gregg"s being: "I should dump my wife and get back to NG".
Sounds like a dream.

I know right? But no, this will be reality. We will have to practice with this getting into peoples dreams stuff though.

Yeah I guess so. Makes me the second longest perhaps, because Coop came here after me if I remember correctly.
We're the elders of Wi/Ht? now. :P

Yep, we're like the conservative, grumpy old men of the Wi/Ht?. Soon people here will have to change our diapers while we're rambling on about the good old days.

At 8/9/10 08:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:
You should've taken off that silly human mask.

But how do I know it's you and not some random guy you guys grabbed off the street?

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 14:14:01

At 8/10/10 04:10 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/10/10 01:48 PM, Auz wrote: Short term memory loss eh? Okay this might be a even worse than we thought after we concluded that it was worse than we thought.

Dr. PidgeonMaster, can you do an examination on Coops brains? Ever since that cricket ball hit him on the eye he's been acting rather peculiar.
I've always been acting strange and you know it!

True, therefore we should put you under an MRI scanner and see if there's anything wrong with your brain. If not then we'll have to send you to a psychiatrist.

At 8/8/10 05:22 AM, Coop83 wrote:
No-one dies harder than John McClane!
Awesome tune. When my laptop is working again, I've got to see if I can download that track!

Me and my friends laughed hard when we found that track :p

Basically you can just listen to it and you will have 'seen' all four movies in 4 minutes.

Coop, I don't think I've mentioned this before but awesome mustache! Are you gonna keep it or was it just for this occasion (i.e. the free beers)? You should keep wearing that hat as well.
I'll be growing back the goatee for now. Bex would not have it any otehr way, except for clean shaven Coop, which ain't happening.

Heh I don't think my gf would appreciate it if I had so much facial hair. But since your gf is okay with it, at least let it grow into a beard ;)

At 8/10/10 01:49 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/8/10 12:57 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Wait, is Bex Coops girlfriend who's actually Echorun perhaps?
Yep. We needed more Dutch people in the meet - We had Rucklo last year (Sweden) amd Damien this year (Belgium), so why not add more of your wonderful accent to it? I'll try to get Zendra as well!

I'm sure my gf would love to go to London with me next year, but whether she's interested in an NG meet... I doubt it. I don't know, maybe if you guys came to my frontdoor I'd go.

At 8/11/10 03:21 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 8/10/10 01:48 PM, Auz wrote: Contests's over.

Yep it's over. I already announced the last votes would be casted after the 5-5 and it ended up in 6-6.

Icon Mods 6 - 6 Review Mods

Since EJR is technically not a Wi/Ht? reg, but was the first one to vote after I announced the 'golden goal' I'm calling this one a tie after Byteslingers vote.

So this means we're either all very sexy, or we're all not very sexy in the eyes of the Wi/Ht? community. What a lame ending =/
Lame ending? Excuse me but it's even better. That proves that all the moderation team of Newgrounds has a high sex appeal. We should feel proud of ourselves for being sexies ;)
No matter if you're a forum, review, icon, audio or art mod. If you're in the club, you're sexy ;)

I think we gotta get some girls in here to confirm that for us.

At 8/8/10 04:10 PM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
Superiors lol :p
Yeah, superiors :P

More like authorities.

At 8/9/10 05:01 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Dr. PidgeonMaster, can you do an examination on Coops brains? Ever since that cricket ball hit him on the eye he's been acting rather peculiar.
I don't need to do an examination to Coop anymore. He already explained why :P

I've always been acting strange and you know it!

You're gonna trust your patients own diagnosis? My God newbie, that's gotta be like mistake #1 a doctor can make.

At 8/11/10 10:53 AM, Fro wrote:
At 8/10/10 01:48 PM, Auz wrote:
So this means we're either all very sexy, or we're all not very sexy in the eyes of the Wi/Ht? community. What a lame ending =/
It's an obvious answer. The rest of the icon team was bringing down the Wi/Ht icon mod team's sex appeal resulting in a tie.

I guess so. I bet some people just didn't dare to vote for the underaged guys.

At 8/12/10 09:13 AM, Fro wrote: Milestone:

I made my 9,999th post and 10,000th post in the Ghost / Supernat. Club.


This also means I'm Quadlisted. On to reviewing now. :P

That'll be one heck of a job still.

At 8/12/10 09:26 AM, Fagamut wrote: Icon mods are sexy mainly because of Bahamut and I love male dragons.

I suppose gay dragons will also count for the girls we need in here to confirm moderators of any kind are sexy.

At 8/12/10 11:34 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/10/10 01:48 PM, Auz wrote: That's still 4 years, you should be close to finishing by now.
Yes, I am. And if I go by the curriculum framework for my study field I should've finished my studies a year ago. ^^

Lol, oh well, we all finish our studies at least a year later than initially planned. That's what being a student is all about.

At 8/4/10 04:13 PM, Auz wrote:
He shouldn't have started drumming for Lady GaGa and other shitty pop artists who want to stand in the spotlight on their own and leave their 'band' in the shade.
He should start a solo career.

That would at least make him seem like less of a sell-out.

That should totally be our bandname, Die Pinken, Fluffigen Häschenkarnickel.
I'm against it.

Alright, we'll have to let the other band members decide.

Doesn't matter if it sounds silly in Germany, we'll just perform elsewhere. I'm sure they'll love the name in Holland and the UK and the Eastern parts of Europe still have lots of metal fans.
I'm afraid you need some other drummer then. Why should I play in a band that plays no shows in my home country? :(

We'll play in neighboring countries, except for Austria for obvious reasons. Oh no wait, we need to play in Apres Ski huts during the Christmas holidays.

"Neuk" and "pis" sound good to you?
Neuk sounds good. We could also include "swaffelen". ^^

|= |

I bet you guys can't even pronounce it right...

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 15:57:22

4,000 saves.

Well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

Follow me on twitter ;) | PM me whether you like me or hate me. 52 like | 17 hate

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 16:35:08

omg, level 18.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 20:05:54

Wow, I can't believe in all my NG years I never posted here before! So here goes...

I turned level 50 just a few days ago and am currently ranked in 59th place!

A truly prophetic sig...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-12 22:22:41

You passed 5000 B/P! Congrats!

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-13 01:14:59

1,000 total medals.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-13 01:59:39

List #115

I uploaded a new profile icon, header and picture today. Now I'm congratulating:

Fagamut - Level 36
Fro - 10,000 Post and Listed (X 4)
amanda - 4,000 Saves
thenewbies - Level 18
Painbringer - Level 50
Soapbubble - 5,000 B/P
WeirdAlthe3rd - Level 20
sixflab - 1000 medals


At 8/12/10 09:13 AM, Fro wrote: Customer: Go to hell.

I wish I could have been present in that moment.

At 8/12/10 02:14 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/11/10 03:21 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 8/10/10 01:48 PM, Auz wrote: Contests's over.
Yep it's over. I already announced the last votes would be casted after the 5-5 and it ended up in 6-6.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Icon Mods 6 - 6 Review Mods

Since EJR is technically not a Wi/Ht? reg, but was the first one to vote after I announced the 'golden goal' I'm calling this one a tie after Byteslingers vote.

So this means we're either all very sexy, or we're all not very sexy in the eyes of the Wi/Ht? community. What a lame ending =/
Lame ending? Excuse me but it's even better. That proves that all the moderation team of Newgrounds has a high sex appeal. We should feel proud of ourselves for being sexies ;)
No matter if you're a forum, review, icon, audio or art mod. If you're in the club, you're sexy ;)
I think we gotta get some girls in here to confirm that for us.

Heh, I would like that to happen :P

At 8/8/10 04:10 PM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
Superiors lol :p
Yeah, superiors :P
More like authorities.

lmao, yeah. Authorities is the most appropriate word :P
But the word superiors would be somewhat appropriate, too. After all, icon mods are part of the Newgrounds authorities by having the responsibility of creating icons for the flash portal, but they are inferiors to the rest of the mods since we can't ban :P

At 8/9/10 05:01 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Dr. PidgeonMaster, can you do an examination on Coops brains? Ever since that cricket ball hit him on the eye he's been acting rather peculiar.
I don't need to do an examination to Coop anymore. He already explained why :P

I've always been acting strange and you know it!
You're gonna trust your patients own diagnosis? My God newbie, that's gotta be like mistake #1 a doctor can make.

Indeed it is. Excuse my ignorance :(
Oh well, let's see... I will need to do an EEG to him and see which part of his brain is causing problems :P
If I can't find anything wrong then I will send him to the Newgrounds psychiatrist. Is there any psychiatrist on the website, By the way? :P

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-13 05:06:48

Level 12!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-13 05:37:14

Coop starts to get hooked by Assassin's Creed 2 and EVE online at the same time, while congratulating:
Fro: 10,000 Posts; Quadlisted
Fagamut: 14,000 Experience
amanda: 4,000 Saves
thenewbies: Level 18
Painbringer: Level 50
Soapbubble: 5,000 B/P
WeirdAlthe3rd: Level 20
sixflab: 1,000 Medals
Zoete: Level 12

At 8/12/10 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/12/10 07:16 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/11/10 11:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm not too sure about next year but me and Megafones had a hunch that he could be at the meet in 2012. However, whether we want the event bigger to coincide with the Olympics depends on the others.
Bad idea - if the meet coincides with the Olympics, we'll be in for a massive price hike
That was actually the thing that made me think "Hmm, maybe not." so my guess for Tom's next London Meet up is 2013.

Well, we can see if Luis will move the London meet to July or September in 2012. We shouldn't have to avoid meeting because of the Olympics.

At 8/11/10 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: Wait, why are we comparing two legendary metal bands?
The T-Shirts we're wearing.
Yes but we shouldn't compare two legendary metal bands. You just don't.

Whoops. Er, we can get more recruitments from the General forum? After all, the revolution is still going on.
I'm not sure they are ready yet...
We'll have to try now. I may have to convince Gagsy to join our side!

Continue working at it, Mr. Bahamut.

Also, Haggard (Germany).
That's a plus, if he can make it :)
Well, I HAVE been asking him if he could make the next meet.

And he has been committal / non-committal / unresponsive (delete as applicable)

At 8/12/10 09:13 AM, Fro wrote:
At 8/12/10 07:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: No, not until I've had a chance to see these first 60!
If you keep up the abuse your account's going to be deleted before you see the next level.


I do wish you wouldn't make such a big thing about it - I've had to remove a number of threads in general about this >:(
I think it's just as big as any and all level ups and milestones that have been posted in this thread.
I'd agree, if it were for the fact that Pimp posted the level up himself.
I'm assuming that he's going to create a topic on general about it or something like that. I guess it's up to you guys to let it go because it's an exception (first user to get to level 60) or to stick to the books and lock it up.

I'll assume not - that account hardly posts on the forums at all.

...can I flag this?
I like your attitude about this. I'll read your comment over another five times before I make my final decision.

Ah, just the way it should be - consider your options and go from there.

At 8/12/10 11:42 AM, reverend wrote:
At 8/12/10 07:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: What's to say that he can't play for as long as Jamie Moyer? I can see Jeter getting 120+ hits a year for the next 8 seasons and that would bring him really close, especially if he's only drifting down to 120+ in the last 2-3 years. That makes 3,839 hits, which is within a decent shot.
Do you think Jeter can still be an effective hitter where pitchers seem to be throwing no-nos each month? At the end of the day, I guess it depends on the contract the Yanks decide to give him; I say he has five more years.

5 more years and we'll be in a position to see where he might land, as the dust settles.

But that's years away. Let's focus on him passing Rickey Henderson for the all time Yankees lead in Stolen Bases, plus climbing the all time hits ladder.
Yeah, he should get that pretty soon. Now passing Gehrig for all time doubles as a Yank will be close, though I think he will get it.

With the way he got hits over the last two games, he might be working well for the rest of this season. He's even starting to catch Cano for hits on the season.

At 8/12/10 02:14 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/10/10 04:10 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/10/10 01:48 PM, Auz wrote: Short term memory loss eh? Okay this might be a even worse than we thought after we concluded that it was worse than we thought.

Dr. PidgeonMaster, can you do an examination on Coops brains? Ever since that cricket ball hit him on the eye he's been acting rather peculiar.
I've always been acting strange and you know it!
True, therefore we should put you under an MRI scanner and see if there's anything wrong with your brain. If not then we'll have to send you to a psychiatrist.

Well, you will need to know that as a precaution, we moved my brain to my left elbow, where it was safe.

At 8/8/10 05:22 AM, Coop83 wrote:
No-one dies harder than John McClane!
Awesome tune. When my laptop is working again, I've got to see if I can download that track!
Me and my friends laughed hard when we found that track :p

Basically you can just listen to it and you will have 'seen' all four movies in 4 minutes.

Search again for it - GuyzNite is the band and the HD video is much better.

Coop, I don't think I've mentioned this before but awesome mustache! Are you gonna keep it or was it just for this occasion (i.e. the free beers)? You should keep wearing that hat as well.
I'll be growing back the goatee for now. Bex would not have it any otehr way, except for clean shaven Coop, which ain't happening.
Heh I don't think my gf would appreciate it if I had so much facial hair. But since your gf is okay with it, at least let it grow into a beard ;)

Evolution won't let me - too patchy on the sides of my face, I'm afraid

At 8/10/10 01:49 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/8/10 12:57 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Wait, is Bex Coops girlfriend who's actually Echorun perhaps?
Yep. We needed more Dutch people in the meet - We had Rucklo last year (Sweden) amd Damien this year (Belgium), so why not add more of your wonderful accent to it? I'll try to get Zendra as well!
I'm sure my gf would love to go to London with me next year, but whether she's interested in an NG meet... I doubt it. I don't know, maybe if you guys came to my frontdoor I'd go.

There were plenty of non NGers there this time... that number seems to be swelling, which is strangely pleasant.

At 8/13/10 01:59 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: If I can't find anything wrong then I will send him to the Newgrounds psychiatrist. Is there any psychiatrist on the website, By the way? :P

Tell me about your mother.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-13 08:38:17

I saw no meteor showers last night. The damn clouds got in my way. >:(

Listening to:

Immortal - At the Heart of Winter

Thanks to:


At 8/12/10 08:23 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 8/11/10 11:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: Spiderman 2? It's said to be but I couldn't get into it. Arkham Asylum on the other hand, now that's more like it!
I loved Spiderman 2 but that's just me. But I think we can both agree on Arkham's awesomeness.

Yes, Arkham is hard to deny its awesomeness. Did I ever mention Scarecrow and Poison Ivy were fantastic?

Who knows, maybe I can still get two cans of beans for those times when I won Most Underrated and then we'll need to make an arrangement with Auz to collect his can of beans. Now I'm wondering how Best Posters are rewarded.
A pan to cook the beans in? :P

Good enough, I suppose.

HAHAHAHA! Someone should make a parody of that!
I'd be tempted but for my lack of musical talent :(

We should have given you a part in our Wi/Ht? band.

And aggression towards the staff may lead to account deletion. :P
*Controlled aggression :P

Any kind of aggression towards them could lead to deletion.

I'm not too sure about next year but me and Megafones had a hunch that he could be at the meet in 2012. However, whether we want the event bigger to coincide with the Olympics depends on the others.
I imagine coinciding with the Olympics would be a nightmare.

So much for my plan which I explained to Coop.

All the time?

Of course. My voice (or face?) is just powerful.

At 8/12/10 09:13 AM, Fro wrote: This also means I'm Quadlisted. On to reviewing now. :P

Too bad you didn't get there last week. Ah well, it only makes the next update more anticipating.

At 8/11/10 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/10/10 01:49 PM, Auz wrote:
Flag that shit!
That's one for flagging...

Get him banned! >:U

At 8/12/10 09:26 AM, Fagamut wrote: Icon mods are sexy mainly because of Bahamut.

You're sick.

At 8/12/10 11:34 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/11/10 11:04 AM, Bahamut wrote: We'll see how it goes for you then. If you can't make that, then maybe a Germany meet up if anyone does it. :P
Hamburg is so much nicer than London anyway. :P

Not sure if I can make it to Germany yet.

You underestimate God?
God is a lie </Hypocrisy>

Nope, God can do everything.

But for all you know, you could have made many mistakes, unless...
If I watch the keyboard when I type I hardly make any mistakes.

You can still slip up from time to time.

You could do it in the London pics thread.
I'm too lazy right now. :P

Dammit Haggard, stop being lazy!

At 8/11/10 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: What the fuck? I'm not going to translate that, not even on Google.
You could always ask me for a translation. :P
Or you can read the conversation between Auz and me. Either way you should learn that it means "The pink, fluffy bunny rabbits". ;)

No. Fucking. Way.

At 8/12/10 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well, I HAVE been asking him if he could make the next meet.
And the answer is still: If I can afford it, I will think about wether I'm going or not. ;)

Here's hoping it works out for everyone.

At 8/12/10 02:05 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/11/10 11:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: We'll talk about General and Wi/Ht? more as time goes on.
Show her everything is much better in the Wi/Ht? world.

I'm trying that already. It's still going to take time but eventually, it'll work.

Actually, there is such thing and we don't get away with it at all. Infact, that would be bestiality AND pedophilia. That is too fucking wrong.
Well they probably wouldn't know how to track your true age anyway. Although I guess if they see that your dick is a sword instead of a knife they'd realize you've at least hit puberty some time ago.

Wait, do dick swords grow like that? o_O You do realise I can only see an actual dragon cock when I look at my crotch, right?

In that case, I shall erase the save files.
Noooo! If I happen to miraculously come back to life, I'll never be able to collect all 120 stars on Super Mario again :(

Then you can get all 120 coins again.

Hey, the army would do well with a dragon on their side but it's not worth dying for.
Yeah and you'd have America complaining the UK has 'weapons of mass destruction' and they start invading the UK looking for you and waah waah 2003 all over again.

Yep, that's far too much attention for me.

Maybe WE can make it C&C II if we tried harder. ;)
I'm afraid people there will always have this "My console is better than yours"-attitude and just won't be able to leave each other alone.

You're right but WE can still make VG better with our quality posts.

C&C has been consistently good for me, although I did post tons back in 2005. Some clubs died out while a few pop up from time to time and then there's the Metal Hell where I've posted almost every day since I joined.
Heh I remember from 2005 to about 2009 about every club I was a member of died out eventually. Even the Zelda Club hardly gets any posts anymore, but the Cinema Club and Nintendo Club have been going strong for a long time and would most likely do fine even without me.

As for me, the Metal Hell and TF2 Crew would still be strong if I wasn't posting there but those threads would be slow at times.

Heh, my Clock Day marathon has delayed Assassin's Creed II even further. Ah well, as soon as I get all besides 2010 done, I'll give video games more time. But yeah, don't expect me to play FFXIII for a while.
Lol, you wanna genrify/iconize all clock day submissions before Sunday? :p

Nah, I can't do all of that by Sunday. I should have them all done (besides 2010) by the end of next week.

Tommy Wiseau can easily copyright claim those videos, thus getting rid of them with ease and if they're uploaded again, he'll take them down as well and keep going. That's what FOX does with Simpsons and Futurama episodes. However, I'm glad he hasn't bothered with the ones that are on YouTube right now.
Yeah, but he could go on with deleting them forever because people will probably reupload them all the time. Perhaps he realizes this himself and that's why he doesn't bother with the ones on Youtube right now.

No worries about that anymore, the review is now back up on TGWTG.

But she's a dragon as well.
Did I say Succubus? I meant she's Lilith herself. She might have wings, but that doesn't make her a dragon.

No no no, she is a dragon and I swear to it.

We're the elders of Wi/Ht? now. :P
Yep, we're like the conservative, grumpy old men of the Wi/Ht?. Soon people here will have to change our diapers while we're rambling on about the good old days.

So what does that make gfox?

But how do I know it's you and not some random guy you guys grabbed off the street?

Again, I can't have too much attention.

At 8/12/10 02:14 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/12/10 09:26 AM, Fagamut wrote: Icon mods are sexy mainly because of Bahamut and I love male dragons.
I suppose gay dragons will also count for the girls we need in here to confirm moderators of any kind are sexy.

We only need Gagsy.

At 8/13/10 05:37 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/12/10 08:05 AM, Bahamut wrote: That was actually the thing that made me think "Hmm, maybe not." so my guess for Tom's next London Meet up is 2013.
Well, we can see if Luis will move the London meet to July or September in 2012. We shouldn't have to avoid meeting because of the Olympics.

So much for my plans to invade the Olympics. :(

We'll have to try now. I may have to convince Gagsy to join our side!
Continue working at it, Mr. Bahamut.

You don't even need to tell me that.