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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-07 15:45:31

Congrats to:
thenewbies - 7.00 Total VP
Domo - 2,000 Saves
TehSlapHappy - Level 27
Myst - 10,000 Medal Points
Ship - 3,000 Saves, 1,000 Blams and Corporal
Stickman91 - 1,000 B/P

Thanks to:


At 8/6/10 04:23 PM, Auz wrote: Oh well, Byteslinger never shows up here anyway. And if you're not lounging in the LUL, you're not a real Wi/Ht?er!

So I guess gfox is no longer a real Wi/Hter anymore... :P

Only the big brands I guess. Smirnoff, Bacardi, Malibu, Passoa, Jack Daniels, Baileys, Jagermeister and shitloads of this. Mind you, I live in a village with only 4,000 inhabitants, so the fact that we got a decent supermarket with liquor store is already quite something. Of course I could go to Rotterdam, but going to check if they got a certain bottle of booze would be a waste of time and money.

Yeah that's a pretty thin assortment. I guess the next time in Rotterdam take a look around for them and give them a try.

Sounds better?

The Statwhores!

At 8/7/10 06:28 AM, Coop83 wrote: But he didn't do too well last night. 1-4 with an RBI. *sticks Scutaro back in lineup*

A Red Sox over a Yank? Interesting. . .
And shouldn't you be too drunk to post by now? More interesting. . .

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-07 17:54:07

10k medal points yea

onto 20k

rank of mcc:Madness Recruit) voting power:6 level:13

status:working on a game collab

listen to this

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-07 18:01:56

At 8/7/10 01:14 PM, Haggard wrote: We already had long discussions about this in some other thread (I guess it was in the Pentalist thread ^^). The thing with medals is, that there are some medals that count 100 points, some count 50 points, some only 10... as opposed to posts, reviews, etc. that always count only 1 point to your total stats.
Also, broken medals are a problem (those 0 point medals) etc. . And, it's relatively easy to reach 10k medal points, but it's hard work to reach 10k saves, blams, whatever.

Yeah I get the point, 10k medal points would've been just as unbalanced as 10k medals IMO. Still, I don't think the second is a better solution. Well, I trust you've already rounded it up as you said, I'll just leave it be :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-07 18:42:55

1000 posts on BBS!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-07 19:51:29

Thanks for voting, Spoopy! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 5,880 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 24. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 4 hours, 8 minutes, and 48 seconds.

The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-07 20:41:48

List #111

Congrats to:

Myst - 10,000 Medal Points
Ship - 3,000 Saves, 1,000 Blams & Corporal
Stickman91 - 1,000 B/P
FroNickProductions - Level 24
darksoldier567 - 10,000 Medal Points
naronic - 1,000 BBS posts
Spoopy - Level 24

Playing to:

Elite Beat Agents.


I'm congratulating now sine I may not be available at night. Also, I'm going to drop at my grandma's house for the rest of the day (a neurologist said she had several Cerebral infarctions, btw...)
At night, my parents and I, are going to dinner at a chinese food restaurant.
See ya tomorrow, guys :)

At 8/7/10 06:28 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares for a little tourism, before Meet Day #2.

Sweet, Hope you and Bahamut have a good time :P

Trust me, with some of the situations I've been through, you wouldn't believe me if I told you. I am writing it up so you'll be able to read at some point.

Would be cool if I had the opportunity to read that ;)

At 8/7/10 07:37 AM, Auz wrote:
I literally laughed. Sorry guys, I know getting a job these days is hard as fuck, but Haggard just made it sound funny. Maybe even if he didn't want to ;)

*facepalm* Damn. Sorry, man hahaha. I replied Haggard's post before yours. I thought I was still replying Haggard :P

No but seriously, I have no idea what most of you guys do in real life. I know some might still be studying like me and some have jobs, but that's about all I know =/

I'm pretty sure half of the wi/ht regulars still attend school or are just going to start university.

Oh yeah you're right. If I remember correctly it was TehSlapHappy who voted for review mods. Wait, is he even a Wi/Ht? reg?

No way, I rarely see him in the wi/ht :/

At 8/7/10 06:28 AM, Coop83 wrote: Hold on a second... that's 5 accounts voting for Review Mods. Plus a vote from Coop83 and a vote from EchoRun (Bex) and we get to 7!



ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from voting on The Sexiest Mod poll for 30 days. You have 29 days, 18 hours, 1 minute and 7 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.

Reason for ban: Smartassing your way around the rules. ~Auz

Auz wins epicly, this time.

It's still 5-5 >:(

Secondly, shouldn't you be getting drunk and sing karaoke or something?

Indeed, I guess he was quite drunk at the moment he made the post :P
Oh well, he's just having a good time.

At 8/7/10 10:19 AM, Haggard wrote: Hey, I'm still studying, so no real job for me. However, I have a side job since last week, where I do some data acquisition. It can be pretty boring, but at least I get payed for it. ^^

Sweet! Oh well, no matter if you get bored sometimes, it's a side job and you get some bucks for it :)

Business Informatics. And I still study it. ;)

Kudos to all the people that want a career related with computers and administration. I personally like computer engineering, but I prefer studying a medicine since I would like to help people.

But wouldn't it be more appropriate if you'd study veterinary medicine? XD

Would be cool, but here, a vet doesn't survive economically AND I will get bored after a while.

I literally laughed. Sorry guys, I know getting a job these days is hard as fuck, but Haggard just made it sound funny. Maybe even if he didn't want to ;)
Why me? Don't confuse me with Auz, man! :P

Won´t happen again. But Auz thought I casted my vote for the review mods while I confused him with you. Now we´re equal :P

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-07 20:50:41

Past 9,000 in experience ranks. Outstanding!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 00:13:39

A very nice level up indeed!

I am now level 31 (gotta love that meat cleaver) - AND.... I just reached 10,000 Experience points!

Finally! I can now be "triple listed" in the pentalist pages:

- 10K + blams
- 46K + saves
- 10K experience.

Woo hoo!

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 00:22:05

You passed 6000 Experience Points. Good job!

Not bad at all..

"Spider pig Spider pig. Does whatever a Spider pig does." quote Homer Simpson

Bob Hope learns the truth!!!!! Best analogy ever! Sig by chubzilla100

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 00:24:30

At 8/6/10 04:23 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/5/10 01:41 PM, reverend wrote:
At 8/4/10 04:13 PM, Auz wrote: She'll be the first woman in the Wi/Ht?, unless Gagsy finally 'comes out of the closet' soon of course.
Don't let Byteslinger hear you say that! :x
Oh shit :x

Oh well, Byteslinger never shows up here anyway. And if you're not lounging in the LUL, you're not a real Wi/Ht?er!

(Sorry about the double post - but this just caught my eye...)

Really? Aren't we a bit cranky now? Geez. I get all sorts of busy over at the EGB, and now you guys feel left out and unloved. I'm sorry - didn't mean to make you feel abandoned.

Last time I looked, I was a member of the Wi//Ht, and I'm still juggling NG Logs. I just have been a bit busy with life in general. Besides, you guys seemed to have the bases covered. No need for me to jump in and take over here - well, not yet, anyway.

You guys sure know how to hurt a gal's feelings! *sniff*

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 05:22:27

Coop prepares to think about War for most of the day. Congratulations to:
Myst: 10,000 Medal Points
Ship: 3,000 Saves; 1,000 Blams; 4,000 B/P; Corporal
Stickman91: 1,000 B/P
FroNickProductions: Level 24
darksoldier567: 10,000 Medal Points
naronic: 1,000 Posts
Spoopy: Level 24
byteslinger: 10,000 Experience; triplelisted
vader316: 6,000 Experience

At 8/7/10 07:37 AM, Auz wrote: Sexiest Mod Poll

Icon Mods 5 - 5 Review Mods

Although the jury suspects that an invalid has been casted on the Review Mods. If this turns out to be true, the review mods will receive a one point penalty.

You're just making the rules up as you go along! I'll abandon the legal challenge and we'll build up a political backlash, as you plough on with increasingly silly policies.

Listening to:
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son

Fortunate Son! I've got to watch Die Hard 4.0 when I get home!

At 8/7/10 06:28 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/6/10 04:23 PM, Auz wrote: Wait, with which account? I count ThePidgeonmaster, Haggard, reverend, Hacsev and RohanTheBarbarian voting for review mods.

I'm sure Coop is cheating anyway though, so if the review mods win it'll be an invalid victory.
Hold on a second... that's 5 accounts voting for Review Mods. Plus a vote from Coop83 and a vote from EchoRun (Bex) and we get to 7!

ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from voting on The Sexiest Mod poll for 30 days. You have 29 days, 18 hours, 1 minute and 7 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.

Reason for ban: Smartassing your way around the rules. ~Auz

It's still 5-5 >:(


Secondly, shouldn't you be getting drunk and sing karaoke or something?

Better - we went to a bar in Camden Town yesterday and had an Eis Whar

At 8/7/10 12:02 PM, Myst wrote: Hum, makes me think, shouldn't that stat be added to the 10k list thingy ? I mean, it's obviously the easiest one to get, but it would make some sense to put it there wouldn't it ?

I think that it would be much better with 10,000 Medals. If they made a stat for that, we'd be laughing. Thank god that byteslinger's NG Logs has a stat for number of medals :D

At 8/7/10 03:45 PM, reverend wrote:
At 8/7/10 06:28 AM, Coop83 wrote: But he didn't do too well last night. 1-4 with an RBI. *sticks Scutaro back in lineup*
A Red Sox over a Yank? Interesting. . .

I should have dropped A-Rod altogether :P He was just in the Utility slot, while Zimmerman is hitting hot and Rolen is waiting on the bench as well.

And shouldn't you be too drunk to post by now? More interesting. . .

Drunk enough to miss the last train, but bussing it and then walking through town was enough to sober up. 11.28am is far too early to be drunk.

At 8/7/10 08:41 PM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 8/7/10 06:28 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares for a little tourism, before Meet Day #2.
Sweet, Hope you and Bahamut have a good time :P

We did - I've got 1 day left, but Bahamut is back on the way home now (or later, I guess)

Trust me, with some of the situations I've been through, you wouldn't believe me if I told you. I am writing it up so you'll be able to read at some point.
Would be cool if I had the opportunity to read that ;)

I'll let you know when it's done. I've got a chance to deal with things in the next few days, as I've got the week off work.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 08:14:35

Congratulations to: -

Myst - 10,000 Medal Points
Ship - 3,000 Saves, 1,000 Blams and Corporal
Stickman91 - 1,000 B/P
FroNickProductions - Level 24
darksoldier567 - 10,000 Medal Points
naronic - 1,000 Posts
Spoopy - Level 24
byteslinger - Level 31, 10,000 Experience and Triplelisted
vader316 - 6,000 Experience

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 10:11:51

Sexiest Mod Standings

Icon Mods 5 - 5 Review Mods

Alright this is taking too long. Next vote decides. If nobody votes before tomorrow, I'm calling this one a tie.

At 8/7/10 10:19 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/6/10 04:23 PM, Auz wrote: Yep, I think you're the only Wi/Ht?er that does a medical studies. Not sure what everyone does here actually. I know Coop has an office job and Haggard does some things with companies and computers, but for the rest...
Hey, I'm still studying, so no real job for me. However, I have a side job since last week, where I do some data acquisition. It can be pretty boring, but at least I get payed for it. ^^

Yeah I knew you were studying. Although judging from your age, you gotta be fairly close to finishing now aren't you?

At 8/5/10 09:28 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/4/10 03:39 PM, Auz wrote:
Yeah I guess that helps.
Sometimes it makes you wonder: Things that are "common knowledge" for me seem to impress other people and they say: "Oh, you are quite good with computers". >_>

Yeah well I guess computer knowledge is not really common knowledge. I know plenty of people who are about as good with computer as I am. There's a few I know who like to upgrade their PC's all the time. I suppose they know a few things, but for the rest only the guys that do some computer related studies seem to know a lot about them.

I simply got no talent for computer stuff. I learn a few mathematical programs at my studies, but I just suck at it apparently. I'm not that interested in learning them either so meh...
But at least you know how to turn it on and off. ;)

As long as I can still get on the internet with it and keep it virusfree I'm happy.

At 8/4/10 04:13 PM, Auz wrote:
Good lineup, but the guy playing the drums is shitty.
He's the best drummer we could find :p
I bet Angelo Sasso is willing to help out. :P

Lol. Are you suggesting we should use a computer? I'm okay with that if you can at least put up a show like this. Just make it look awesome and you won't have to drum for real.

Bahamut demands a different name =/
Well, then just change the word "Dragon" to something else. Or add a "slayer" at the end of the word. ^^
How about "Southern Comfort and the Rejected Secret"?

Hmm perhaps.

Don't you know any cool German metal terms? I'm sure if we had a German bandname, it'd sound 10x more awesome. Even if it meant "the pink, fluffy bunny rabbits".

At 8/7/10 03:45 PM, reverend wrote:
At 8/6/10 04:23 PM, Auz wrote: Oh well, Byteslinger never shows up here anyway. And if you're not lounging in the LUL, you're not a real Wi/Ht?er!
So I guess gfox is no longer a real Wi/Hter anymore... :P

Nope. Not until he comes back to catch up and lounge with us.

Only the big brands I guess. Smirnoff, Bacardi, Malibu, Passoa, Jack Daniels, Baileys, Jagermeister and shitloads of this. Mind you, I live in a village with only 4,000 inhabitants, so the fact that we got a decent supermarket with liquor store is already quite something. Of course I could go to Rotterdam, but going to check if they got a certain bottle of booze would be a waste of time and money.
Yeah that's a pretty thin assortment. I guess the next time in Rotterdam take a look around for them and give them a try.

I should remember to do so, but knowing me I'm probably gonna forget. Also, I can't remember I ever walked past a liquor store there, but I'll keep an eye out for them next time I'm in the shopping district.

Sounds better?
The Statwhores!

Sounds much better already.

At 8/7/10 08:41 PM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 8/7/10 07:37 AM, Auz wrote: No but seriously, I have no idea what most of you guys do in real life. I know some might still be studying like me and some have jobs, but that's about all I know =/
I'm pretty sure half of the wi/ht regulars still attend school or are just going to start university.

Are we all that young? :o

I thought with age 21, I was one of the younger fellows around here.

Oh yeah you're right. If I remember correctly it was TehSlapHappy who voted for review mods. Wait, is he even a Wi/Ht? reg?
No way, I rarely see him in the wi/ht :/

Me neither. Hmm the jury will have to think about this.

At 8/7/10 06:28 AM, Coop83 wrote:
It's still 5-5 >:(

Secondly, shouldn't you be getting drunk and sing karaoke or something?
Indeed, I guess he was quite drunk at the moment he made the post :P
Oh well, he's just having a good time.

Or the ice cube Bahamut threw at Coop hit his head a little harder than originally intended.

At 8/8/10 12:24 AM, byteslinger wrote:
At 8/6/10 04:23 PM, Auz wrote: Oh shit :x

Oh well, Byteslinger never shows up here anyway. And if you're not lounging in the LUL, you're not a real Wi/Ht?er!
(Sorry about the double post - but this just caught my eye...)

Really? Aren't we a bit cranky now? Geez. I get all sorts of busy over at the EGB, and now you guys feel left out and unloved. I'm sorry - didn't mean to make you feel abandoned.

Abandoned? I feel neglected! :'(

You guys sure know how to hurt a gal's feelings! *sniff*

Wait, now we're hurting your feelings? :(

At 8/8/10 05:22 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/7/10 07:37 AM, Auz wrote: Sexiest Mod Poll

Icon Mods 5 - 5 Review Mods

Although the jury suspects that an invalid has been casted on the Review Mods. If this turns out to be true, the review mods will receive a one point penalty.
You're just making the rules up as you go along! I'll abandon the legal challenge and we'll build up a political backlash, as you plough on with increasingly silly policies.

Aha so we're gonna play it that way eh!?

Well no matter how this ends, we won anyway. I've heard from a very reliable source that Bahamut was hugged by Gagsy numerous times during his stay in London which can only indicate that Icon Mods have more sex appeal than Review Mods.

Listening to:
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son
Fortunate Son! I've got to watch Die Hard 4.0 when I get home!

You mean the one where Bruce Willis jumps on an F16 which practically just hangs in the air while firing rockets at him?

At 8/7/10 06:28 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/6/10 04:23 PM, Auz wrote:
ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from voting on The Sexiest Mod poll for 30 days. You have 29 days, 18 hours, 1 minute and 7 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.

Reason for ban: Smartassing your way around the rules. ~Auz

It's still 5-5 >:(


Secondly, shouldn't you be getting drunk and sing karaoke or something?
Better - we went to a bar in Camden Town yesterday and had an Eis Whar

Yes I've heard. I heard you did a duet with Bahamut as well, singing Ace of Spades together. I'd love to see some pics from that.

At 8/7/10 12:02 PM, Myst wrote: Hum, makes me think, shouldn't that stat be added to the 10k list thingy ? I mean, it's obviously the easiest one to get, but it would make some sense to put it there wouldn't it ?
I think that it would be much better with 10,000 Medals. If they made a stat for that, we'd be laughing. Thank god that byteslinger's NG Logs has a stat for number of medals :D

I've actually grown against the idea of adding medals to the pentalist, no matter if it's medal points or number of medals.

I just think the medal system has become a bit of a joke at some point and if medals are gonna be made public I can only imagine it getting worse.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 11:32:37

At 8/7/10 06:01 PM, Myst wrote: Yeah I get the point, 10k medal points would've been just as unbalanced as 10k medals IMO. Still, I don't think the second is a better solution. Well, I trust you've already rounded it up as you said, I'll just leave it be :P

Well, if you can convince Bahamut to include medal points into the penta- (then hexa-) list, then go ahead.
Bahamut currently runs the list, so it's up to him to decide which stat should be included. ^^

At 8/7/10 08:41 PM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 8/7/10 10:19 AM, Haggard wrote: Hey, I'm still studying, so no real job for me. However, I have a side job since last week, where I do some data acquisition. It can be pretty boring, but at least I get payed for it. ^^
Sweet! Oh well, no matter if you get bored sometimes, it's a side job and you get some bucks for it :)

Business Informatics. And I still study it. ;)
Kudos to all the people that want a career related with computers and administration. I personally like computer engineering, but I prefer studying a medicine since I would like to help people.

Business informatics isn't so much about administrating computers. More like, getting the software to run and tell programmers which part of their programm they should change around. ^^

But wouldn't it be more appropriate if you'd study veterinary medicine? XD
Would be cool, but here, a vet doesn't survive economically AND I will get bored after a while.

But you could treat your army of pidgeons yourself!

At 8/8/10 10:11 AM, Auz wrote:
At 8/7/10 10:19 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/6/10 04:23 PM, Auz wrote: Yep, I think you're the only Wi/Ht?er that does a medical studies. Not sure what everyone does here actually. I know Coop has an office job and Haggard does some things with companies and computers, but for the rest...
Hey, I'm still studying, so no real job for me. However, I have a side job since last week, where I do some data acquisition. It can be pretty boring, but at least I get payed for it. ^^
Yeah I knew you were studying. Although judging from your age, you gotta be fairly close to finishing now aren't you?

Judging by my age doesn't work too well, as I didn't start studying until I was 24. :P
But yes, it shouldn't be too long until I'm finished.

I simply got no talent for computer stuff. I learn a few mathematical programs at my studies, but I just suck at it apparently. I'm not that interested in learning them either so meh...
But at least you know how to turn it on and off. ;)
As long as I can still get on the internet with it and keep it virusfree I'm happy.

Some people don't even know how to do that. ^^

At 8/4/10 04:13 PM, Auz wrote:
Good lineup, but the guy playing the drums is shitty.
He's the best drummer we could find :p
I bet Angelo Sasso is willing to help out. :P
Lol. Are you suggesting we should use a computer? I'm okay with that if you can at least put up a show like this. Just make it look awesome and you won't have to drum for real.

Don't disrespect Angelo Sasso! >:(
Also, I will never be as awesome as Steve Moore, no matter how hard I try.

Bahamut demands a different name =/
Well, then just change the word "Dragon" to something else. Or add a "slayer" at the end of the word. ^^
How about "Southern Comfort and the Rejected Secret"?
Hmm perhaps.

Don't you know any cool German metal terms? I'm sure if we had a German bandname, it'd sound 10x more awesome. Even if it meant "the pink, fluffy bunny rabbits".

I'm not sure what you mean with "metal terms", but "The Pink, Fluffy Bunny Rabbits" would be "Die Pinken, Fluffigen Häschenkarnickel" in german. May sound awesome to some, but we'd make an ass out of ourselves in Germany. And Germany has a very large metal community, so that wouldn't be a smart move.

But maybe we can mix some german and dutch words? We need a name that contains lots of swear words like "fuck" and "piss" and then we translate the words into dutch and german and decide which sounds more hardcore.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 12:56:53

I'm back from the meet! Although the meet is still going on right now with some people seeing each other on the Sunday, I thought the two days were good enough for my first time. Incidentally, I wrote a news post about my time with the NGers.

Listening to:

Blind Guardian - Tokyo Tales

Thanks to:


At 8/5/10 09:28 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/5/10 08:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well, I'm off to London tomorrow to meet awesome NGers such as Luis, Coop, Shanus and Gagsy! It will be a blast.
Have fun!

I did!

Dammit, I'll be in London on the 20th and 26th so no plans for Scotland then. D:
Hm, so we could have a quick meet up in London when I'm going from Heathrow Airport to Gatwick on the 20th. >_>

That might work but maybe we'll wait until the next London meet. :P

I think we need God on this one.
But God is dead.

Surely God can do things while he's dead.

I'm disappointed as well.
We should complain about this to scientists.

Yeah, 2010 is a huge disappointment for technology.

At 8/5/10 01:41 PM, reverend wrote:
At 8/5/10 08:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: Ah well, I can always rely on others to draw Bahamut porn for me. I already succeeded with two people and I'm sure I can get more to do it.
Yeah, what about that one guy who does dragon porn in the Art Portal? I'm sure he takes commissions.

You mean FatChaos? I feel I need to do something for him in return so I dunno.

We could do with a bassist.
Can't I just play the cowbell. I've never picked up a guitar in my life.

We'll make you learn how to play it.

At 8/6/10 04:39 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/5/10 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote: Do we have to have dragon in our name? I was hoping for something Wi/Ht? related. I don't want to be the centre of attention for the band.
Well, let's do it ironically - Go with the Dungeons and Dragons link and therefore centre the name around a dungeon. THE RACK, for example, since the Iron Maiden is already taken.

I was hoping for a name that's Wi/Ht? related and luckily Auz has some good ideas in mind.

It only makes the 77k path more interesting. I'd give you something special for passing me but I was hoping it'd be a certificate saying "Congratulations Coop for passing Bahamut in B/P!" and I haven't made it in time.
To be fair, at 91 behind, I doubt I'll be able to squeak past before the weekend is out. Maybe before you update on Monday. Taking a mobile internet device with me on the train should help :P

19 left as I'm typing this!!

Like I said, my sister should know where the Namco is if I have to go straight there. However, I'd rather see you all at the London Eye, although getting there from my sister's flat to there will be a bit of a task. I think we'll need to get three trains rather than the usual two to get to our desired locations.
At least the weather should be good - grey cloud, with sunny intervals from 1600 onwards.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! We were SOAKED when heading back to the Waterloo station. Well, I wasn't too bad but I can't say the same thing for you. :P

At 8/6/10 05:11 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 8/5/10 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote: My dad happens to have one of their albums. I've not heard any of their songs but their name sounded proggy. After doing a bit of research, they are far from being prog rock.
To be honest, that's the only song that I like from them. However I haven't listened all of their songs, yet.

The music isn't really my department but hopefully you can hear more good stuff from them.

All will fear my giant new pigeon doctor!
That video made my night, lmao.

Now how about this? Fucked up gmod expressions FTW!

Yeah, they won't be able to sleep for days. I'll do what it takes to protect the young.
I think you would be such a good father. Thinking in protect your kids when they arrive is a signal of that :P

Which is funny since I didn't want MY parents to protect me from this site. Well, when I joined at the age of 14, that is. However, we're talking about 5 year old dragons on this site which is a completely different story.

I wonder how they would name their accounts if they decide to join Newgrounds, when they get the enough age to be here.

We'll find out once they sign up.

At 8/6/10 09:04 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 8/5/10 08:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: One other thing, I beat Batman: Arkham Asylum the other night and I have to say that this is the best thing from Batman since The Animated Series.
And now they've announced the sequel will be called Arkham City, which tbh sounds stupid to me. I know the inmates of Arkham have overrun Gotham, I don't argue it makes sense, it just doesn't sound "right". Probably just me.

Actually, I prefer the name Arkham City over Arkham Asylum 2. The original title suggested it still takes place in Arkham Asylum which it clearly doesn't so Arkham City is more fitting.

Still if it's half as awesome as Asylum I will be pleased. Mark Hamill will be voicing Joker for his final time, and Mr. Freeze will be in it.

Yeah, that's going to be a historic moment.


More like EIS TO SEE YOU!

At 8/5/10 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote: You mean that metal thrashing mad Metallica song?
Well I moreso meant in the sense of kidnapping before you become the kidnapped, but hey, we could use some background music haha.

Yeah, I knew that but I had to mention that Metallica song. Seriously, if that was played at the tribute band concert I went to the other week, I'm sure my neck would have snapped. That's how intense the song is. :P

BTW, I think I gave Coop a WHIPLASH at the Dodgems yesterday.


Dammit, I forgot to ask Luis about Tommy Wiseau. Infact, I was going to say "Oh hi Luis" but there was more to the meet than internet fads.

At 8/6/10 04:23 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/5/10 04:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: I know for a fact I do more ironing than EchoRun.
Nonetheless, those users haven't shown up in years and I know for a fact that schneelocke = you nowadays. I'm pretty sure the other ones are too, so votes with them are invalid. Otherwise, I could also allow Bahamut to vote with his alts and we'd get to 50 votes real soon (although the contest will be over in 2 more votes, but you get the point).

WAIT! News Reporter isn't me so he can vote no problem.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 12:57:56

At 8/6/10 05:08 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/5/10 08:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: Don't worry, you're still in love.
Yeah I guess that should give you guys some hope.

Good to know there's still hope for my life.

We'll have to see to believe it. If anything, I'm sure Bex will be the first Wi/Ht?'er.
Who the hell is this Bex everybody is talking about? The only Bex I can find on NG is some girl who signed up in 2002 and never did anything. Am I missing something here?

Real names are cool.

I tried convincing her and she keeps saying no.
You just gotta let her know that it's okay and nobody will think less of her. Make her feel comfortable about it and all.

It's not that it's OK, she refuses to leave General behind.

FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I really am fucked here.
Doesn't matter, you made the right decision by voting for the icon mods.

But not if it suggests I'm a pedophile.

I already stated my reasons.
I meant it more like: why ARE you still dwelling on Vista? Change to 7 already!

Money and back-up needed.

Don't worry, I'll take good care of it, especially when the previous owner was yourself.
Well that's sort of comforting, but still... are you gonna erase all my save files? :'(

I may have to do that if it's the only way for me to play some of the games.

It's a... uh... really good game! A very unique experience, totally different from the other Sims games! You GOTTA try this one out!


I certainly hope not. It's bad enough when people treat us as evil creatures. You're not like them, right?
Nope, I treat dragons as awesome creatures that tend to burn down major cities if they feel like it.

Good, that's what I like to hear! We'll only burn down major cities if it's necessary.

Leaving the General forum? Haha, you've returned there now! I've kinda been there all the time but I had periods where I avoided it. However, I feel the state of the forum now is better than in 2007 and 2008.
Yeah I kinda did I suppose. Hence why my posts per day count is increasing so rapidly.

I should have fallen below 10 PPD by now but the three other forums (C&C, VG and General) are better than usual recently. Infact, I wasn't expecting to reach 22k posts until well after getting the scythe. I love how wrong I was back then.

Yeah, my sister's fiance bought it and I'll borrow it when I'm ready. I won't borrow it until I've beaten all the PS3 games I have right now.
How many is that still?

Just one but I'll be playing Assassin's Creed II next and then Resident Evil 5, which is the one game I'm still borrowing from her.

I heard Yiazmat in FFXII took 2 hours. Yeah, it's ridiculous.
Yes, that's the one I'm talking about. Wasn't there some story that that boss took so long at first that some gamers literally played themselves to death because the fight took like 50 hours or so? I know that story is probably bullshit, but I was willing to believe the part that they gave the boss much less HP at some point because the fight took way too long for most gamers (which was unhealthy for them).

I believe someone got really addicted to Everquest and played 50 hours straight without food or anything. This happened years ago so it's old news.

Nope, I believe there's still legal troubles over the review, even though a few mirrored it on YouTube.
Oh well in that case Tommy can forget it. He's probably not gonna get that review off youtube, no matter how hard he tries.

Have you forgotten? YouTube is vulnerable to copyright claims.

Spoony dressed up as Tommy? I can't believe I missed that. The only videos of his I've seen recently are from the Ultima retrospective.
It was in his movie review for Mazes and Monsters. Joke begins at around 20:45, ends at 22:03.

Now I've got to see that part.

At 8/5/10 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote: But she does so much for me. I feel I need to owe her something in return. I mean, she nominated me for Best Poster FOUR TIMES!
And why do you think she would do that? You think she loves you unconditionally? No way man. First she'll take your money, then she'll take your house, then she'll take your children, then your dog, then your grandmother, who knows where this will end?

I hugged her three times and she enjoyed them... I think.

We could do with a bassist.
Oh yes, reverend was the bass man. I say we got a pretty solid line up there. Coop, start writing some songs!

Sorry, he was too busy singing Ace of Spades with me.

This Where Is How To

I like.

The first step would be to take over the site. You seem very interested in taking over Newgrounds so why don't you come up with some plans?
Wait... I think I know how we can take over Newgrounds AND get gfox back here...

Go on.

At 8/7/10 07:37 AM, Auz wrote: Secondly, shouldn't you be getting drunk and sing karaoke or something?

He does what it takes to find some time to post here. Myself on the other hand, I waited until I got back home.

At 8/7/10 03:45 PM, reverend wrote:
At 8/6/10 04:23 PM, Auz wrote: Oh well, Byteslinger never shows up here anyway. And if you're not lounging in the LUL, you're not a real Wi/Ht?er!
So I guess gfox is no longer a real Wi/Hter anymore... :P

That makes me the longest running Wi/Ht?'er. :P

At 8/8/10 10:11 AM, Auz wrote: Sexiest Mod Standings

Icon Mods 5 - 5 Review Mods

Alright this is taking too long. Next vote decides. If nobody votes before tomorrow, I'm calling this one a tie.

So much for NEVR's statement on mods and sex appeals.

At 8/8/10 11:32 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/7/10 06:01 PM, Myst wrote: Yeah I get the point, 10k medal points would've been just as unbalanced as 10k medals IMO. Still, I don't think the second is a better solution. Well, I trust you've already rounded it up as you said, I'll just leave it be :P
Well, if you can convince Bahamut to include medal points into the penta- (then hexa-) list, then go ahead.
Bahamut currently runs the list, so it's up to him to decide which stat should be included. ^^

We already had this debate before and it's a NO!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 14:19:04

At 8/8/10 02:15 PM, EJR wrote:
At 8/8/10 10:11 AM, Auz wrote: Sexiest Mod Standings

Icon Mods 5 - 5 Review Mods
Icon mawdz

bye now lul

Sorry, but this poll is just for the Wi/ht? users.

Auz, I swear. I DID NOT spread the word about this in the icon mod thread.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 15:20:33

Okay, now that I see you are still stuck at 5-5, it looks like it's up to me anyway.

After much consideration about "sexy", It was a close call. But, my vote:


That should break the tie, 6-5

(And don't try to tell me that my vote doesn't count!)

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 16:10:28

At 8/8/10 03:46 PM, EJR wrote: Hey I contribute to the wi/ht forum all the time. I dare my vote not be counted.


lol, ignore what I said. I just spoke with my superiors and they decided to count your vote :P

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 16:38:09

Rev is here and there; congrats:
FroNickProductions - Level 24
darksoldier567 - 10,000 Medal Points
naronic - 1,000 Posts
Spoopy - Level 24
byteslinger - 10k Blams, 46k Saves, 10k Experience and Triplelisted!
vader316 - 6,000 Exp


At 8/8/10 05:22 AM, Coop83 wrote: I should have dropped A-Rod altogether :P He was just in the Utility slot, while Zimmerman is hitting hot and Rolen is waiting on the bench as well.

I think you should. He got injured during batting practice yesterday. He wasn't paying attention and go drilled by a pitch. :P

Drunk enough to miss the last train, but bussing it and then walking through town was enough to sober up. 11.28am is far too early to be drunk.

Was this heading to the meet or heading home?

At 8/8/10 12:56 PM, Bahamut wrote: You mean FatChaos? I feel I need to do something for him in return so I dunno.

Yeah, that guy. It couldn't hurt to ask.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 17:07:20

At 8/8/10 12:57 PM, Bahamut wrote: We already had this debate before and it's a NO!



Ah ... damn :(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 17:09:53

At 8/8/10 10:11 AM, Auz wrote:
Well no matter how this ends, we won anyway. I've heard from a very reliable source that Bahamut was hugged by Gagsy numerous times during his stay in London which can only indicate that Icon Mods have more sex appeal than Review Mods.


I think you'll find it was Bahamut who kept hugging me =P Not that I minded.

And what's all this about which mods have the most sex appeal?!

You guys cannot compare with the likes of sard and Timmy for the forum mods ;D

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 17:45:57

At 8/8/10 05:07 PM, Myst wrote:
At 8/8/10 12:57 PM, Bahamut wrote: We already had this debate before and it's a NO!

Ah ... damn :(

Haha sorry Mystboi I participated in that debate and I kinda represented the exclusion of the medal points in the list :-P Oh bugger ! Not all of us are beasts at playing games you know, haha ..

onna site keikan/alt

«¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥»

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 19:36:16

Damn computer troubles may have cost me my 100 % streak in the RRC. See if I can't squeeze in a list for the last... four... five days? If/when I finish the reviews.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-08 22:38:59

At 8/8/10 05:45 PM, AllReligiousDrunk wrote: Haha sorry Mystboi I participated in that debate and I kinda represented the exclusion of the medal points in the list :-P Oh bugger ! Not all of us are beasts at playing games you know, haha ..

Dammit !
Alrd, you traitor ! You're out of my Christmas cards list ! ^^

And you're a double traitor for using my old name !
And if you think I'll run out of exclamation marks soon, you're wrong !


Yup, still drunk, it was a nice day. You would've enjoyed it buddy ^^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-09 00:09:59

Gold Whistle

Edgy frontpage submissions are a goldmine when you can catch them. So much hate on the screwed over collab yesterday it brought a tear to my eye.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-09 02:33:46

Thanks for voting, LegolaSS! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 17,000 experience points

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-09 03:44:03

Put your life into their hands
Die for someone else
Now you're in the real world
Where pain and death are felt

The first blood shed does not seem real
Reality is what you feel
Dropping to your knees you pray
God won't make this go away

Level 45!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-09 04:11:32

Been really inactive lately but that hasn't stoped me from making my daily deposits(ok well it has because i have missed a few lately but not to many) I have this to report

Thanks for voting, Emlfuryoflion! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 12,090 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 34. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 19 hours, 51 minutes, and 25 seconds.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-08-09 05:01:17

Finishing off his packing, Coop congratulates:
sixflab: Gold Whistle
LegolaSS: 17,000 Experience
Bahamut: Level 45
Emlfuryoflion: Level 34

At 8/8/10 10:11 AM, Auz wrote:
At 8/7/10 06:28 AM, Coop83 wrote:
It's still 5-5 >:(

Secondly, shouldn't you be getting drunk and sing karaoke or something?
Indeed, I guess he was quite drunk at the moment he made the post :P
Oh well, he's just having a good time.
Or the ice cube Bahamut threw at Coop hit his head a little harder than originally intended.

It must have - I recall it hitting me in the forearm :P

At 8/8/10 05:22 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/7/10 07:37 AM, Auz wrote: Sexiest Mod Poll

Icon Mods 5 - 5 Review Mods

Although the jury suspects that an invalid has been casted on the Review Mods. If this turns out to be true, the review mods will receive a one point penalty.
You're just making the rules up as you go along! I'll abandon the legal challenge and we'll build up a political backlash, as you plough on with increasingly silly policies.
Aha so we're gonna play it that way eh!?

Well no matter how this ends, we won anyway. I've heard from a very reliable source that Bahamut was hugged by Gagsy numerous times during his stay in London which can only indicate that Icon Mods have more sex appeal than Review Mods.

She was hugging him because of the dragon thing, not because of the icon mod thing.

Listening to:
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son
Fortunate Son! I've got to watch Die Hard 4.0 when I get home!
You mean the one where Bruce Willis jumps on an F16 which practically just hangs in the air while firing rockets at him?

Oh yeah - that fucker is so hard to kill :P

Secondly, shouldn't you be getting drunk and sing karaoke or something?
Better - we went to a bar in Camden Town yesterday and had an Eis Whar
Yes I've heard. I heard you did a duet with Bahamut as well, singing Ace of Spades together. I'd love to see some pics from that.

See below

At 8/8/10 12:56 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/6/10 04:39 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/5/10 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote: It only makes the 77k path more interesting. I'd give you something special for passing me but I was hoping it'd be a certificate saying "Congratulations Coop for passing Bahamut in B/P!" and I haven't made it in time.
To be fair, at 91 behind, I doubt I'll be able to squeak past before the weekend is out. Maybe before you update on Monday. Taking a mobile internet device with me on the train should help :P
19 left as I'm typing this!!

Not many left now - just checking the portal before leaving and then we're off back home. I hope that I'll pass you before heading outside the City of London :P

At 8/8/10 03:20 PM, byteslinger wrote: Okay, now that I see you are still stuck at 5-5, it looks like it's up to me anyway.

After much consideration about "sexy", It was a close call. But, my vote:


That should break the tie, 6-5

(And don't try to tell me that my vote doesn't count!)

And how good that makes me feel - a woman telling me that Review Mods are Sexy... no thanks to Bex :P

At 8/8/10 04:38 PM, reverend wrote:
At 8/8/10 05:22 AM, Coop83 wrote: I should have dropped A-Rod altogether :P He was just in the Utility slot, while Zimmerman is hitting hot and Rolen is waiting on the bench as well.
I think you should. He got injured during batting practice yesterday. He wasn't paying attention and go drilled by a pitch. :P

Well, he's back now and he stole base #300 last night.

Drunk enough to miss the last train, but bussing it and then walking through town was enough to sober up. 11.28am is far too early to be drunk.
Was this heading to the meet or heading home?

Posting in the LUL :P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature