Just wanna leave this here for Sir-Nuts' enjoyment :p
Our commentator was saying something about Brazilians throwing TVs out of their windows.
I think I'll get to your replies somewhere this weekend by the way ^^
Achievement of the Day
Coop83: Top 20 BP
Awesome! You've been waiting for this for a long time haven't you?
Congrats to:
EmoDragon: Level 36
vader316: Commander
dx5231: Top 3,000 Experience
Jolly: 100 Art Reviews
domo48: Level 15, 1,000 Saves
RohantheBarbarian: 8,000 Experience
Knuckstrike: 30,000 Medal Points
HeavyTank: 8,000 Experience, 13,000 BP
knugen: Gold Whistle
sixflab: 9,000 BP
WeirdAlthe3rd: 1 Year on NG, Level 19, 100 Art Reviews
Special Congrats
Coop83: Best Moderator
Bahamut: Best Poster
Good times for the Wi/Ht? ^^
At 7/1/10 06:47 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/30/10 07:51 AM, Auz wrote:
At 6/30/10 04:00 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Maybe this is your year - Brazil, Uruguay and then Argentina for you :P
The semi-final seems to be a rather easy one on paper, but I thought the same thing about the quarter-final against Russia two years ago (which we lost 3-1).
Yeah and the same thing was said about Federer in the quarter finals at Wimbledon :P
I got a feeling that the current team will be able to keep their heads cool this time though. Most of the current players were there in 2008 and have probably learned their lesson.
My dad was talking this over with me - he said that Aston Villa would have done better as a team than England. He picked on the Villa, because they're mostly English in their squad, though I did point out that we'd have no goalie :P
Well at least you would have a real team already and not a bunch of selfish glory hunters scraped together.
Perhaps that's where the England managers go wrong - afraid to drop the prima donas.
Yeah, I think Italy made the same mistake. They still brought players like Cannavaro from the winning 2006 team, but at his age (almost 37) he has obviously passed his peak a loooong time ago. I wouldn't say the English players have passed their peak yet, but you shouldn't be afraid to substitute your star players if they are underperforming.
He's the footballing equivalent of Axl Rose - too mouthy. He told Pele to fuck off to the museum. Perhaps he should consider the same thing? After all, he's only remembered for being a cheat in England.
You're talking about that hand ball that won them the match right?
He's too mouthy indeed and he behaves much more like a player than a coach.
We'll see - he now has a platform to be a gobby twat, so he should be an awesome manager :P
It's true that most of the top football managers are arrogant pricks (Louis van Gaal, Jose Mourinho...).
At 7/1/10 09:22 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/1/10 06:32 AM, Auz wrote:
At 6/30/10 08:14 AM, Bahamut wrote:
They must! Penicorns have had enough attention, now we need dragons with swords for dicks!
Yeah penicorns are overrated anyway. Dragons with swords for dicks would wipe the floor with them.
Of course they will. They have fucking sword dicks! Sounds much more powerful than anything the penicorns can hold.
Maybe they could 'swaffel' the dragons, but that's not gonna do them much harm XD
*'swaffelen' being: slapping a half-erect penis against something
Anytime now!
Still waiting...
It's locked now so I'm excited.
Results are in! We won! Haha!
I'd say winning all the best positive awards is pretty awesome for the Wi/Ht?. Now if only Haggard could win funniest user next time and Fro best artist... :p
I have avoided some of his videos due to the length of them. Kinda funny I say that since I find his LP of Phantasmagoria 2 to be the best Let's Play ever made! But yeah, I skip most of his vlogs due to the time lengths.
That's about the only series of him I have yet to watch. I have watched an episode or two a long time ago, but it didn't interest me that much. Probably because the game itself wasn't that interesting in my opinion (or at least not in the beginning).
It does have a slow start and while the game sucks overall, Spoony just makes it more amusing so if you have the time, give it a second chance. From the sounds of it, you only saw 20 minutes of it so definitely see more of it.
I think I watched up until the part where the main character left the house and went to some other building. Spoony didn't really seem to know what to do so that part went very slowly, while it could've taken less than 5 minutes.
But alright, I'll give it a second chance sometime.
Triple Triad and the drawing system in his FFVIII review. He had whole episodes dedicated to them. Although the first 7 episodes of that review series were all about disk 1 and the last 3 covered the rest, so he also rushed through them in the end.
Although the last few parts ended up rushing through the game, I really liked Spoony's FFVIII review for pointing out real gameplay issues.
Yep. Even though I kinda liked Final Fantasy VIII myself, I couldn't help but agree with his criticism. Although he did overact a little at times, like how complex the junction system is while I think it wasn't really.
It makes me wonder if people learned anything at all from their history books about WW II.
They obviously didn't and they never will learn from it.
I guess not. Now that the generation that witnessed WW2 is fading away, the newer generations are about to make the very same mistakes again.
And Ryu is just a guy isn't he?
Ry%u016B, the Japanese word for a Japanese dragon
Close enough.
Really? Close enough indeed.
At 7/2/10 03:36 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/1/10 06:32 AM, Auz wrote:
At 6/30/10 08:14 AM, Bahamut wrote:
But anyway, when you move out of Britain I'm not sure if you could find any better place to go to. Except for Germany maybe :p
I'm not too sure about Germany. Sorry Haggard.
Germany is a wonderful place. :P
It is!
They got the most awesome holiday in the world called Oktoberfesten!
But if you are concerned about right winged partys, I guess you're right. We have the NPD, DVU and some other very small partys that hardly don't get any attention at all. But NPD and DVU are very strong in the eastern parts of Germany.
There are still big differences between west and east right?
As I said earlier I think Germany is about the only place in western-Europe at the moment where extreme right wing parties are not gaining in popularity. I know problems with them are arising in Holland, Belgium, Great-Britain and I believe in Switzerland, France and Denmark too. But in Germany parties like that are simply considered Nazi parties right? Unfortunately nobody has had the balls here yet to call Geert Wilders a Nazi -.-'