New Regulars update but hardly anything happened, except for putting the two posts in the wrong order.
Also, new gaming rant: Pokémon (Part 4)
Listening to:
Dio - Dream Evil. One less Dio album to get. I'm going to London on Friday for my sister's art exhibition but I'll be there for two nights so maybe we'll take a trip to HMV.
Thanks to:
At 5/31/10 11:40 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 5/30/10 10:32 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Speaking of Psychonauts, I may have to play that game again soon. I know I have over 100 Steam games to play right now but there are games I have to replay because they're so good!
I know the feeling somewhat; I got a PS3 finally last Christmas but I've only just had time to look into games for it, I'm planning on picking up most of the titles I missed from a year or so ago cheaply, so I'll have a bit of a backlog soon.
There's quite a bit to get. I'm nicely going down with the PS3 games I have. Right now, the only games I need to play through are Assassin's Creed II and Resident Evil 5. The latter game is one of the two games I'm borrowing off my sister and her fiance (the other is Silent Hill: Homecoming but it sucks) so once I'm done with them, hopefully I can borrow FFXIII off them.
Hey, it's still a huge improvement from the Wii. I only beat SSBB and never got around to Metroid Prime 3 and Twilight Princess. I'm more surprised about not beating Metroid Prime 3 considering how epic the first two were. If anyone wants a game with immense boss fights, Metroid Prime 2 is one I recommend.
Right now, I'm going through Half-Life 2 again and I'm enjoying it much more than the first experience. Despite that, I still prefer HL1 over HL2.
To be honest I never got into Half-Life (although that said, I've never really been a fan of FPS games anyway).
I can understand that but Half-Life is a great experience overall but if there's one FPS you'll be willing to play, make it TF2.
At 5/31/10 12:24 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 5/31/10 09:04 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Maybe Mark Tornillo isn't bad but nothing can beat Udo for me.
Sometimes you just have to move on. But I guess "Accept" and "Udo" is for you what "Iced Earth" and "Matt Barlow" is for me.
And what Bruce Dickinson is to Iron Maiden. Still, if I get around to listening to another song or two from the new Accept album, maybe I'll get it but for now, I'm passing it up.
More like a week, lol.
One week and 5 seconds. Even worse!
Shit happens.
At 5/31/10 05:37 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Good man. Keep on trucking.
Space truckin'?
"Come on...
come on...
come on...
Let's go
space truckin'
come on...
I knew you'd quote that considering you're the one who claims Deep Purple are the best band from the 70s.
At 5/31/10 01:06 PM, reverend wrote:
At 5/31/10 09:04 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Oh god! Do you people have something for seeing me naked too?
Technically aren't Bahamut naked by nature anyways? I never seen one in a three piece suit.
True but you said you were going to Photoshop myself in rule 34. It's a nasty thought but on the other hand, finally some action with some dragonesses.
At 5/31/10 07:14 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
Um, shouldn't we be having an update here soon? :(
What update? :P
At 5/31/10 07:33 PM, Fro wrote:
At 5/30/10 10:32 AM, Bahamut wrote:
It's best if we don't look back and look forward to the future instead. I mean, the next thing people will be wanting is the return of darknessdweller and I'd hate to see him return. Well, I'm sure we don't need to worry about at all that as the 10 month absence from here tells me he's dead.
I've actually seen him appear on AIM twice in the last 2 months or so for a split second and then he signs right back off.
What? darknessdweller is still alive and...Well?
Yes, the world of newgrounds is a better place without some people.
Indeed, I can name a list of people who I'm glad are no longer around here.
At 6/1/10 03:17 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 5/31/10 09:04 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Just a bad dream, your grace. Go back to sleep.
*re-reads Ultor's posts* Are you sure?
All you need to do is shout out "BAHAMUT, I CALL UPON YOU TO DESTROY THIS NOOB!" and I'll show up.
*makes cue card* I'll remember that now :P
Good, I look forward to scorching them to death.