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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-25 19:54:43

At 1/25/10 12:56 PM, reverend wrote:
At 1/24/10 10:19 PM, sushi13 wrote: I can give you a brief overview of Australia.
Little better? Sound like the same story. :P

Either way it's shameful.

Who were the ones were the Romans had to put up a wall?

Not 100% sure but I think it was the Scots.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-25 20:54:08

:::finally posts post #238 again... been at 237 for far too long due to a single post in some ancient thread getting deleted a month or two ago... WTF, NG... WTF. ;_;:::

At 1/25/10 08:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 1/25/10 04:38 AM, gamejunkie wrote: My aura has nothing to do with the redesign in 2007. When I signed up in 2002 the aura choices were, Good, Neutral or Evil. I chose Evil and have never changed, I have always been Evil. Light, Dark and Fab were added in the redesign and Neutral was removed.
This proves that you need to check your sources. When I signed up in 2004, there were three auras to choose from - Light (Blue), Neutral (Green) and Dark (Red), as they had once upon a time represented the voting habits of each account - this feature was removed as people voted to get the aura they wanted.

In the 2007 redesign, two new auras were added. Fab was Pink and Dark was Black. However, because dark had until then been red, the red aura was now known as Evil

He had the right aura colours in mind, I'm sure, but just... the wrong labels. #;-}>

Neutral has never been removed! Check my aura, it still says neutral!


Too bad your green's gone, though. ;_;

:::preens his nice green peacock feathers... yes, a "gfox" clock is apparently a peacock clock... :::shrugs::: HOLY SHIT INTERNET ACTION WITHIN INTERNET ACTION, THE RECURSIVENESS IS BLOWING MY MIND:::

At 1/25/10 10:22 AM, Coop83 wrote: "If you're really us, what number are we thinking of?"
"69, dudes!"
69,000 B/P

Congrats on the 69,000ness, dude. That was about the only major total b/p landmark I enjoyed/am enjoying/will enjoy between 66,666 and my 72,000 retirement...

... though 69696 and 69999 and such are nice #s, too... I guess I should say "big round #," rather than "only major #," to be precise.

Slowly climbing the ladder. Only 1,000 to go to beat gfoxcook to 70k!

:::rolls eyes::: Yeah, what an achievement. #;-}>

Nah, seriously... congrats in advance, dude. The way I catch up on LUL, you'll probably hit 70k before I post in here again.

Oh, and in case that's true... uh... I should mention some sort of achievement or some such:


gfoxcook = 45th in exp after passing HAQnSPITT, Shrapnel, and CaptainBob in that order... Epic 48->45 rankchange! How's that?

P.S. HT52 = 44th. mmm mmm mmm... tasty oldschool #1 fresh (stale?) meat...

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-25 21:20:33

level 35!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 04:32:08

Coop attempts to get hearing back in his right ear, while congratulating:
SCTE3: 666 Reviews (Audio); 333 Audio Review Responses
Wegra: Corporal
Mrputter: Level 39. Groovy
gfoxcook: 45th Most Experienced
TheMonkeyonNG: Level 35
PabMo: Level 12

Thank you to:

At 1/25/10 05:10 AM, letiger wrote: Level 18. Now I look like a regular.

But you still post as bad as a n00b

At 1/25/10 09:15 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/25/10 08:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 1/24/10 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: I thought I mentioned it to you ages ago around the time I got 20k posts.
You probably did, but nevertheless it must have slipped my mind. I'll make up for it, I'm sure :)
I checked back and you did bring it up to me. We were talking about who else could get there soon and the only potential is X but he's been inactive for ages so I'm good to be the first one.

Oh well, that's fair enough. I guess I'll just have to focus on remembering conversations more when I've just woken up :P

I'm already settled for 30k blams and saves. I'll get 30k EXP next and then posts if I actually reach 30k but that's around 9,250 posts away and I have a rather slow pace these days. That could take me 7 years!
Yeah, you never know, I might pass you for posts before then :P
It's possible. However, go for 20k before you even think of passing me in posts.

Of course. My posting has recently jumped, with frequenting General more ;)

At 1/25/10 12:56 PM, reverend wrote:
At 1/24/10 10:19 PM, sushi13 wrote: I can give you a brief overview of Australia.
Little better? Sound like the same story. :P

Except that the British Empire effectively made Australia into a penal colony. I don't recall that happening with America.

At 1/25/10 08:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: Mod-related question. Say you're a BBS moderator for a day. Do you ban every single person who quotes a shitty meme like this for an achievement? Discuss.
Nah, you can't fix stupid, no matter how many times you ban him.

Sometimes, it's possible. I've yet to see it, but I am assured that it does work.

Technically I'm indigenous British, having Welsh and Irish in me. That gets on the nerves of the Pure Welsh that I speak to, especially when Rugby is concerned.
Maybe I'm thinking of someone else. My knowledge of ancient British history is shaky. Who were the ones were the Romans had to put up a wall?

Scots. Hadrian was the Roman governor of Britain and he stopped the barbarians from the north from disrupting the conquest of Britain by building a garden wall

Shortstop? Nah, I want a powerhouse like Alex the Great at first, or maybe even the outfield. He's got strength, so his throws probably aren't bad.
Now that I think about it, put him as catcher. No one will think about sending the runners home with him there.

Yeah, but I want him playing a full season. If you're going to be like that, let's have him pitch :P

At 1/25/10 04:45 PM, YoinK wrote:
At 1/25/10 10:22 AM, Coop83 wrote: "If you're really us, what number are we thinking of?"

"69, dudes!"

69,000 B/P

Slowly climbing the ladder. Only 1,000 to go to beat gfoxcook to 70k!
way cool! that must have taken forever to reach.

Long enough - 6th Anniversary is just around the corner, so I've still got some climbing to do :)

At 1/25/10 08:54 PM, gfoxclock wrote:
At 1/25/10 08:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: Neutral has never been removed! Check my aura, it still says neutral!

Too bad your green's gone, though. ;_;

Yeah, but everyone knows that under that gold, there's a priceless layer of green :D

At 1/25/10 10:22 AM, Coop83 wrote: "If you're really us, what number are we thinking of?"
"69, dudes!"
69,000 B/P
Congrats on the 69,000ness, dude. That was about the only major total b/p landmark I enjoyed/am enjoying/will enjoy between 66,666 and my 72,000 retirement...

You'd better get running then - it sounds like you're getting "computer-senile". By the time you read this, you may well have done

AND THEN NO 72,000 B/P; 36k+36k FOR TEH GFOXES! :'(

Slowly climbing the ladder. Only 1,000 to go to beat gfoxcook to 70k!
rolls eyes::: Yeah, what an achievement. #;-}>

Considering what you mentioned below about passing ht52, you're still a scalp, since you're a former #1 B/Per, aren't you?

Plus you're a Wi/Ht Legend :)

P.S. HT52 = 44th. mmm mmm mmm... tasty oldschool #1 fresh (stale?) meat...

Go get em, champ.

At 1/26/10 03:49 AM, PabMo wrote:
At 1/25/10 10:22 AM, Coop83 wrote: 69,000 B/P
Do all the users with such high B/P points use this program?

No - I used it for one Clock Day (mass submission day, where most shite gets protected) and actually got less than the year before.

One thing's for sure. All of them spend an excessive amount of time on the computer.

I wouldn't call it excessive, just a constructive use of one's free time. I'm doing other stuff on there mostly, checking the portal is just an aside.

I've developed vision associated issues after looking at the screen for so long. You haven't?

Not really, no. I sit in front of a computer at work, so the dark screen is a welcome change from the white screen of MS Word / Excel, to be honest.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 08:10:24

Achievement of the Day
Coop83: 69,000 BP. Fairly nice number. Good luck with overtaking gfoxcook towards 70,000 ;)

Congrats to:
letiger: Level 18
SCTE3: 333 Audio Review Responses, 666 Audio Reviews
Mrputter: Level 39
ThemonkeyonNG: Level 35
PabMo: Level 12
Wegra: Corporal

Listening to:
Pink Floyd - The Narrow Way part 3

At 1/25/10 08:28 AM, gamejunkie wrote: But Light must have been added sometime after 02 because there were definitely only 3 options when I signed up in 02. Good (which may now be Light possibly), Neutral and Evil

As far as I know, it has always been called Light and not Good. But I only signed up in early 05 and don't know that much about the earlier days of NG.

At 1/25/10 09:15 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/24/10 01:05 PM, Auz wrote: Looking forward to it :p
So am I. Funny because when I got 10k EXP, I had doubts reaching 20k because I didn't think I'd go that far but now I'm less than 50 days away from it.

Meh I'm pretty sure I'll keep depositing my experience for a long time. Even when I 'retire' I would probably still be depositing just to not be sorry later.

When I reached 10,000 Saves though I never imagined I would be very near 40,000 Saves two and a half years later =/

Good. Cause that would mean I would be excluded for... about half a year or so until I reach either 20k blams or 20k experience.
You'll need 20k posts as well to join us.

Yeah... If I'd keep this 10 posts a day pace I've been having for a while I might actually get there someday before 2014 =/

It's a real bummer I let my 5.50 posts per day drop to 2.25 once. I could've been very near 10,000 posts by now if I had stayed active on the BBS constantly.

Question is if the level system will still be the same by the time you reach the current exp requirement.
I sure hope so. The level system we have now is perfect.

Yeah I agree. I hope they'll just make the level 60 requirement scale up and leave the rest alone. At least until the point where we get a load of Level 59'ers, but even after two years there won't be that many yet.

He can go change to fab or something, cause we're still missing a fab regular.
Can either of you be dark instead?

Well not me. Like I said I enjoy the red icon more nowadays. Dark looks a bit emo and it doesn't look that good on most levels. It's probably best for Level 45.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 10:26:59

I almost forgot what the standard layout looked like.

Listening to:

Agent Steel - Unstoppable Force

Thanks to:


At 1/25/10 12:56 PM, reverend wrote: congrats to:
darknessdweller - Level 18

Hahaha, ha.

At 1/25/10 09:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: Try winning Most Underrated. :P
That's impossible with you around. I'm already filling you in for that spot.

Pfft, I'm sure I won't win it next time. Infact, if one person does nominate me, I'll make a list of people who are more deserving of Most Underrated than I am.

At 1/25/10 02:09 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/24/10 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: YoinK's chainsaw is made of gold. FUCKING GOLD, MAN!
Yeah, but how useful is that? I mean, do you see Leatherface running around with a chainsaw made out of gold?

That would be awesome, though. Gold makes everything better!

So when will you contact him? :P
We should mass PM him. All at the same time.

Yes and only 3 of us won't get us anywhere. More assistance required!

At 1/26/10 04:32 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 1/25/10 09:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: I checked back and you did bring it up to me. We were talking about who else could get there soon and the only potential is X but he's been inactive for ages so I'm good to be the first one.
Oh well, that's fair enough. I guess I'll just have to focus on remembering conversations more when I've just woken up :P

I can give you the chat log where we talked about this. :)

It's possible. However, go for 20k before you even think of passing me in posts.
Of course. My posting has recently jumped, with frequenting General more ;)

Is good! To General forum regulars, FEAR HIM COWARDS!

At 1/26/10 08:10 AM, Auz wrote:
At 1/25/10 09:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: So am I. Funny because when I got 10k EXP, I had doubts reaching 20k because I didn't think I'd go that far but now I'm less than 50 days away from it.
Meh I'm pretty sure I'll keep depositing my experience for a long time. Even when I 'retire' I would probably still be depositing just to not be sorry later.

Same, I'll keep depositing as long as I can or still care. I'm likely to come to the point where all I do is deposit.

When I reached 10,000 Saves though I never imagined I would be very near 40,000 Saves two and a half years later =/

I blame portal behaviour changes. I mean, I thought I'd have well over 40k blams before reaching 20k saves but the tides turned and now I'm at exactly 40,000 blams with 37,777 saves.

Can either of you be dark instead?
Well not me. Like I said I enjoy the red icon more nowadays. Dark looks a bit emo and it doesn't look that good on most levels. It's probably best for Level 45.

Yes, it's great for 45 but 43 is just as good. And no, I'm not changing to dark just because level 43 is only a few days away from me.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 11:12:19

Listening to:
Led Zeppelin - Misty mountain hop

At 1/26/10 10:26 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/25/10 02:09 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/24/10 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: YoinK's chainsaw is made of gold. FUCKING GOLD, MAN!
Yeah, but how useful is that? I mean, do you see Leatherface running around with a chainsaw made out of gold?
That would be awesome, though. Gold makes everything better!

I beg to differ. It would plainly suck if Leatherface can't run around because he can't pick up his chainsaw in the first place (because it's too heavy).
Also the golden chainsaw doesn't look as if it works anyway.

So when will you contact him? :P
We should mass PM him. All at the same time.
Yes and only 3 of us won't get us anywhere. More assistance required!

Yes, but it doesn't seem as other users are too interested in this. :(

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 13:12:33

Congrats to:
gfoxcook - Top 45 in Exp
ThemonkeyonNG - Level 35
PabMo - Level 12


At 1/26/10 04:32 AM, Coop83 wrote: Except that the British Empire effectively made Australia into a penal colony. I don't recall that happening with America.

Oh I'm just referring to indigenous relations and not the subjects of England. It really sounds similar to the treatment over here. I guess some of the same philosophies were passed along and such.

Sometimes, it's possible. I've yet to see it, but I am assured that it does work.

Just like sending the troublemakers to detention. They are still going to cause trouble regardless.

Scots. Hadrian was the Roman governor of Britain and he stopped the barbarians from the north from disrupting the conquest of Britain by building a garden wall

Yeah I'm not sure how that wall is suppose to stop anyone. Was it bigger in ancient times?

Yeah, but I want him playing a full season. If you're going to be like that, let's have him pitch :P

Only if he has a nasty slider which I doubt he has.

At 1/26/10 10:26 AM, Bahamut wrote: Pfft, I'm sure I won't win it next time. Infact, if one person does nominate me, I'll make a list of people who are more deserving of Most Underrated than I am.

You could always pull a Davidxyz (or whatever his name is) and implode your account beforehand. That would help keep you from being nominated. :P

But yeah, whenever the discussion thread comes out be one of the first one to implant some ides for underrated because there has been a tendency for people to look off of others in the nominations thread when they come up blank.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 14:21:41

An overly swamped user sends his Congrats to:
dx5231: 9,000 Saves
NewsReporter: Level 29
WeirdAlthe3rd: Master Sergeant
HeavyTank: 666th day on NG and Master Sergeant
Lagamuffin: Level 21
aldlv: 22,222 Saves
letiger: Level 18
SCTE3: 333 Audio Review Responses
Mrputter: Level 39
ThemonkeyonNG: Level 35
PabMo: Level 12
Wegra: Corporal

Achievement of the day:
Coop83: 69,000 B/P - Going for 100k or do reckon you'll stop from boredom?

Listening to:
Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd
Fast Fuse - Kasabian

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 16:05:46

At 1/26/10 03:14 PM, PabMo wrote: I like this thread. I've been congratulated five times. I'll be posting in here more often be sure.

Hehe, this is one of the best threads around.

Also, why is Wi/Ht? the second to last forum now? This sucks, I have to scroll all the way down to access it... :(

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 16:10:31

I know it's bad to have it at the bottom. Now people, especially the new users, will be less likely to post here.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 16:14:12

Yeah I don't like how it is now pushed to the bottom either. It's still placed below the general in the drop down menu though, but I suppose they will change that soon as well.

Anyway annoying as it may be for now, I guess we'll get used to it sooner or later.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 18:54:28

13.37 Voting Power

Angry because I forgot to check my VP earlier today. Also, sad face at Wi/Ht? placed to the near bottom on the BBS main page. I saw nothing wrong with it being further up the forums index.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 18:56:04

Level 10, 2000+ saves

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 20:25:53

At 1/26/10 04:32 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 1/25/10 12:56 PM, reverend wrote:
At 1/24/10 10:19 PM, sushi13 wrote: I can give you a brief overview of Australia.
Little better? Sound like the same story. :P
Except that the British Empire effectively made Australia into a penal colony. I don't recall that happening with America.

Actually North America was used as a penal colony for the British Empire up until the American Revolution. Then they started sending prisoners to Australia instead.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 20:43:06


Grr, we're only above the network news forum (you, know, the useless one). Now nobody new will ever visit us.

Gotta send a rage-filled PM.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 21:39:17

It appears the higher powers that be are listening. The Wi/Ht is back were it was originally.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-26 23:51:14

Level 33, fools.
Aside from being glad that this thread moved back up top, I can't really figure out how to extend this here post, so yeah, just level 33.

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

Steam ID

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-27 00:17:03

24,000 medal points EVEN.

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-27 01:49:46

At 1/26/10 09:39 PM, reverend wrote: It appears the higher powers that be are listening. The Wi/Ht is back were it was originally.

WIN! Also, C&C now is directly below Wi/Ht. So that means I don't even have to scroll now to access both the forums I usually frequent. And now with Video Games being higher up, I may even have a look there as well.

Does anybody has a screenshot from before the "mini redesign" and right after the "mini redesign"? Would be nice to have those.

Also: Screenshot FTW.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-27 03:13:56

At 1/26/10 09:39 PM, reverend wrote: It appears the higher powers that be are listening. The Wi/Ht is back were it was originally.

Yeah great! After several complaints they moved it up again. It wouldn't have been such a big deal I think if it stayed there, over time we'd probably all get used to it. But I prefer it this way and like Haggard said: The forums I visit most are now all at the top, and almost in the correct order too :p

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-27 03:59:01

Coop welcomes the new forums to the fold (and the LUL back to the second spot on the BBS menu, while congratulating:
ChampionAnwar: Level 12
Bahamut: 13.37 Total Voting Power
Tetimaru: Level 10; 2,000 Saves
Hybrid-of-Souls: Level 33
chris-marks: 24,000 Medal Points

Thank you to:

At 1/26/10 10:26 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/26/10 04:32 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 1/25/10 09:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: I checked back and you did bring it up to me. We were talking about who else could get there soon and the only potential is X but he's been inactive for ages so I'm good to be the first one.
Oh well, that's fair enough. I guess I'll just have to focus on remembering conversations more when I've just woken up :P
I can give you the chat log where we talked about this. :)

I could probably find it in my own logs. I just can't be that desperate to look at the moment ;)

It's possible. However, go for 20k before you even think of passing me in posts.
Of course. My posting has recently jumped, with frequenting General more ;)
Is good! To General forum regulars, FEAR HIM COWARDS!

You know, that's not a bad idea...

Viva la Revolution!

At 1/26/10 01:12 PM, reverend wrote:
At 1/26/10 04:32 AM, Coop83 wrote: Except that the British Empire effectively made Australia into a penal colony. I don't recall that happening with America.
Oh I'm just referring to indigenous relations and not the subjects of England. It really sounds similar to the treatment over here. I guess some of the same philosophies were passed along and such.

It's very similar - we dumped the convicts on Australia and then expected them to run themselves, where they did horrible things to the aborigines.

Scots. Hadrian was the Roman governor of Britain and he stopped the barbarians from the north from disrupting the conquest of Britain by building a garden wall
Yeah I'm not sure how that wall is suppose to stop anyone. Was it bigger in ancient times?

I would assume so, but you never can tell with some of the teachings in modern schools.

Yeah, but I want him playing a full season. If you're going to be like that, let's have him pitch :P
Only if he has a nasty slider which I doubt he has.

Yeah, he's too talented to play both Hockey and Basketball :(

At 1/26/10 02:21 PM, DumbassDude wrote: Achievement of the day:
Coop83: 69,000 B/P - Going for 100k or do reckon you'll stop from boredom?

We'll see.

At 1/26/10 08:25 PM, sushi13 wrote:
At 1/26/10 04:32 AM, Coop83 wrote: Except that the British Empire effectively made Australia into a penal colony. I don't recall that happening with America.
Actually North America was used as a penal colony for the British Empire up until the American Revolution. Then they started sending prisoners to Australia instead.

I never knew that. Curse you, English academic system! *shakes fist in futility*

At 1/27/10 03:13 AM, Auz wrote: Yeah great! After several complaints they moved it up again. It wouldn't have been such a big deal I think if it stayed there, over time we'd probably all get used to it. But I prefer it this way and like Haggard said: The forums I visit most are now all at the top, and almost in the correct order too :p

Now all I need to do is get the Writing Forum moved up and I'm on easy street!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-27 09:49:49

Cheers staff! Now all my four frequently viewed forums are together! :)

Also, the roster for the Alternative Character Battle is now up. Get ready for February!

Listening to:

Opeth - Orchid

Thanks to:


At 1/26/10 11:12 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/26/10 10:26 AM, Bahamut wrote: That would be awesome, though. Gold makes everything better!
I beg to differ.


It would plainly suck if Leatherface can't run around because he can't pick up his chainsaw in the first place (because it's too heavy).

Leatherface would be more awesome if he was wielding a gold chainsaw.

Yes and only 3 of us won't get us anywhere. More assistance required!
Yes, but it doesn't seem as other users are too interested in this. :(

Well, we got Wi/Ht? back to its rightful place.

At 1/26/10 01:12 PM, reverend wrote:
At 1/26/10 10:26 AM, Bahamut wrote: Pfft, I'm sure I won't win it next time. Infact, if one person does nominate me, I'll make a list of people who are more deserving of Most Underrated than I am.
You could always pull a Davidxyz (or whatever his name is) and implode your account beforehand. That would help keep you from being nominated. :P

Now why would I even think of doing that? I have absolutely no intentions to get my account deleted at all. Imagine what the stat threads would look like if all my posts vanished.

But yeah, whenever the discussion thread comes out be one of the first one to implant some ides for underrated because there has been a tendency for people to look off of others in the nominations thread when they come up blank.

I'll be sure to write up some suggestions in June ready for if and when the Midyear awards start.

At 1/27/10 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 1/26/10 10:26 AM, Bahamut wrote: I can give you the chat log where we talked about this. :)
I could probably find it in my own logs. I just can't be that desperate to look at the moment ;)

Oh well, just as long as you have that conversation saved somewhere too.

At 1/27/10 04:37 AM, Odyssic wrote: What's all this about Wi/Ht? at the bottom? Where was I last night?

Haha, you missed out on the staff telling everyone they were going to implement an edit button. I missed it too as I was too busy playing TF2.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-27 12:21:15

At 1/27/10 09:49 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/26/10 11:12 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/26/10 10:26 AM, Bahamut wrote: That would be awesome, though. Gold makes everything better!
I beg to differ.

I don't. I'm just saying a chainsaw made out of pure gold wouldn't be that useful.

It would plainly suck if Leatherface can't run around because he can't pick up his chainsaw in the first place (because it's too heavy).
Leatherface would be more awesome if he was wielding a gold chainsaw.

But he couldn't do it because he couldn't pick it up.

Yes and only 3 of us won't get us anywhere. More assistance required!
Yes, but it doesn't seem as other users are too interested in this. :(
Well, we got Wi/Ht? back to its rightful place.

At least a small win.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-27 12:37:13

At 1/22/10 11:27 AM, knugen wrote: Level 36 :)

I had hoped the level up would also mean 10.00 VP, but I'm still stuck at 9.99 :P


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-27 13:20:53

Rev is please with the new additions; congrats to:
ChampionAnwar - Level 12
Bahamut - 13.37 Total VP!
Tetimaru000 - Level 10 and 2,000 Saves
Hybrid-Of-Souls - Level 33
chris-marks - 24k Medal Points
SCTE3 - 666 Flash Reviews
knugen - 10.00 Total VP


At 1/26/10 08:25 PM, sushi13 wrote: Actually North America was used as a penal colony for the British Empire up until the American Revolution. Then they started sending prisoners to Australia instead.

Really? I'm not so sure about that. America was a place were religious dissidents and other political outcasts were forced to go because they would face trouble in their homelands but I'm not so sure prisoners would be the correct term.

At 1/27/10 01:49 AM, Haggard wrote: Does anybody has a screenshot from before the "mini redesign" and right after the "mini redesign"? Would be nice to have those.

Also: Screenshot FTW.

Man, I forgot to get a screenshot of the Wi/Ht? at the bottom. I figured it would stay there for awhile instead of hours.

At 1/27/10 03:13 AM, Auz wrote: Yeah great! After several complaints they moved it up again. It wouldn't have been such a big deal I think if it stayed there, over time we'd probably all get used to it.

You have no clue how many time I went to the CC instead of the Wi/Ht? when it was bumped down. :P

At 1/27/10 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote: Now all I need to do is get the Writing Forum moved up and I'm on easy street!

Sooo.. what the difference between the Animation Forum and the Flash Forum? Is the the Flash Forum Actionscript questions only now?

At 1/27/10 09:49 AM, Bahamut wrote: Now why would I even think of doing that? I have absolutely no intentions to get my account deleted at all. Imagine what the stat threads would look like if all my posts vanished.

That is true.

I'll be sure to write up some suggestions in June ready for if and when the Midyear awards start.

Oh, are they going to still have mid-year awards? I thought they were going to not do them this year.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-27 13:59:55

I'm a little too busy to make a congrats list today, so I'll just skip it for now if you guys don't mind.

At 1/27/10 01:20 PM, reverend wrote:
At 1/27/10 03:13 AM, Auz wrote: Yeah great! After several complaints they moved it up again. It wouldn't have been such a big deal I think if it stayed there, over time we'd probably all get used to it.
You have no clue how many time I went to the CC instead of the Wi/Ht? when it was bumped down. :P

Lol, yeah same here :p

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-27 19:19:41

Loving the new forums. Congrats to:
ChampionAnwar: Level 12
Tetimaru000: Level 10 and 2,000 Saves
Hybrid-Of-Souls: Level 33
chris-marks: 24,000 Medal Points
SCTE3: 666 Flash Reviews
knugen: 10.00 Total Voting Power

Achievement of the day:
Bahamut: 13.37 Total Voting Power - Strikingly similar to the term, l33t :p

Listening to:
Shiny Happy People - REM
So. Central Rain - REM

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-27 21:22:14

At 1/27/10 01:20 PM, reverend wrote:
At 1/26/10 08:25 PM, sushi13 wrote: Actually North America was used as a penal colony for the British Empire up until the American Revolution. Then they started sending prisoners to Australia instead.
Really? I'm not so sure about that. America was a place were religious dissidents and other political outcasts were forced to go because they would face trouble in their homelands but I'm not so sure prisoners would be the correct term.

It's true according to Wikipedia. Whether or not you trust what you read on Wikipedia is another matter.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-01-28 02:34:33

Thanks for voting, jmalouin7! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 5,000 experience points. You need 380 more to get to Level 23. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 21 hours, 26 minutes, and 54 seconds.

The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!

5k Experience points :)

If you are reading this, it means I have posted. Whether or not I am still posting, this has left its mark, for many years to come.

BBS Signature