It seems like the more points you get, the longer it takes to get to the next lot.
Blams: 16,000
Thanks for voting, Statwhore! Your experience has been automatically deposited!
With that vote, you now have 4,010 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 20. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 23 hours, 34 minutes, and 14 seconds.
The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!
feed tha need
Statwhore, grats :)
Quick question about the achievement list posters, can anyone do it (to help out) or are they specifically assigned people?
Coop enjoys a nice long lie-in, before congratulating:
Pokemonpoeguygcn: Level 22
Toocool100: 26th Birthday
Haggard: 16,000 Experience
Molotov: Level 48
Rebid-Animals: 10,000 Total Points
Statwhore: 4,000 Experience; Level 20
EJR: 4,000 Experience
BillysProgrammer: 2,000 Posts
dx5231: 11,111 B/P; 8,000 Saves
yugimt: 1,000 Blams
gamejunkie: Commander; 16,000 Blams
IzzyDude: Staff Sergeant
Thank you to:
Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Alexander The Great
Iron Maiden - Twilight Zone
Alice Cooper - Lock Me Up
Thin Lizzy - Don't Believe A Word
Iron Maiden - Moonchild
At 11/21/09 06:15 AM, schneelocke wrote:At 11/21/09 03:04 AM, Coop83 wrote: Cool, I'll see what the budget has left when I'm back from the shops this morning.OK. :) BTW, I recommend ordering from the USA - have them sent to a friend there and have him/her pass them on to you. They're much less expensive there (85 USD, compared to e.g. 105 EUR in Germany), so if yo can, it'll definitely pay to do this.
Damn, I wish I'd known about 2-3 weeks ago. My girlfriend's Grandma was in Houston, seeing her son and his family. I'd have got it mailed to them and solved a problem.
Am I supposed to feel this dejected when someone else quotes Futurama at me?Nawww. :)
Ok, I won't take it to heart then.
At 11/21/09 08:35 AM, Auz wrote: Congrats to:
Coop83: Top 25 BP - Better luck next time ;)
That's like my best friend's sister - she had about 6 hours a week of lectures during the entire first year. When I was at Uni, I had 40-45 hour weeks, that started at 7am daily, otherwise I'd miss the bus >:(Normally it's similar here. The last couple of periods I had 32-36 hour weeks while the max study time per week was supposed to be 40 hours. The number of hours you missed with the lectures you had to compensate with doing homework until it adds up to 40. The only problem with that idea/system is that the more hours of lectures you have, the more homework you usually have =/ Thus I would always go well over those 40 hours if I actually did my homework.
Well, the problem was that the lab work (i.e. the fun stuff) didn't make any sense if you didn't attend the lectures. This was a balancing act that I failed at.
Anyway now I still got 16 hour weeks, but to be honest I skip quite a lot of lectures :p
Yeah, we used to skip most of the afternoon lectures, because we slept through them. Drinking at lunch was one of the worst things we could have done, but you live and learn, I suppose.
At 11/21/09 09:55 AM, Nayhan wrote: Sounds like your computer is completely screwed and the chainsaw definently isn't the best weapon.
I haven't really voted much at all since I created this account but in the last 2 weeks I've been voting on as many new submissions as I can and I've gotten from about 450 to 800, is that a good rate?
Well, you'll gain your 10 experience per day for that, which will improve your weapon. Moving up 350 points in 2 weeks isn't bad. You'll gain ranks reasonably quickly that way, so keep it up.
At 11/21/09 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 11/20/09 01:30 PM, Coop83 wrote: Top 25 B/PerNicely done, you're one step closer to passing me.
Greg's first though - can I catch him before he reaches 70k?
At 11/21/09 03:04 AM, Coop83 wrote: It could be similar circumstances to when Michael Jackson bought the rights to the Beatles back-catalogue.Wait what? O_o
Michael Jackson bought the rights to the Beatles music back in the 80s. He then did a cover of Come Together - one of the very few songs that sound better as a cover version than the original one. (The other being Tainted Love by Marilyn Manson)
At 11/21/09 05:14 PM, Haggard wrote:Maybe. Or they kidnapped themselves in some sort of foreplay...At 11/19/09 02:25 PM, Haggard wrote:Munchausen's Syndrome?At 11/19/09 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote: They've either both been held hostage, or they've been sleeping together!Maybe it's BOTH?
Ah, so NEVR does have Hippo AIDS then... poor guy.
But why do I get mega flare'd if I simply buy some season of the Simpsons before I buy some of Futurama? That's pretty Nazi-like to force your opinion on me in such a cruel way. :PTwo words for you - Mega Flare. Bahamut's going to go completely ape shit.I pray for your sake that it is not The Simpsons :PAnd what if I would buy Simpsons before Futurama?
*Coop tries to get images of goose-stepping dragons out of head. Fails.*
At VERY close range.Whoever gets aroused by officialese should be shot. Really.In the face. With a selection of rusty kitchen utensils, fired from a catapult at close range.
No, make them fear for their lives, before they are actually killed. Half a mile, perhaps. That should give them a change to pray for death, before the impact ;)
At 11/22/09 01:30 AM, BillysProgrammer wrote: Quick question about the achievement list posters, can anyone do it (to help out) or are they specifically assigned people?
Anyone can do it, so long as they do a good job - Every 1,000 Points (Except total stats, which is 10k); Levels above 9, plus B/P ranks above Private and so forth. Any questions, just look at other lists for pointers or just ask us.
Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Moonchild
Thanks to:
At 11/21/09 03:05 PM, reverend wrote:At 11/20/09 12:55 PM, Bahamut wrote: Is it even possible to copyright claim William Tell Overture? One of my videos on YouTube used the grand finale and apparently one record company has rights over it. Oh well, they only put an ad on so it's not like they took the whole video down just for that.It's probably not the actual song that is copyrighted but the orchestra who did did the song that is. They can copyright their rendition of the 1812 Overture and sell it.
Sounds like the original one to me. I would have thought it'd be public domain, hence my surprise at the copyright claim. Heh, funny to think I originally had one other song in that video that I took out to avoid these troubles yet I get it anyway.
At 11/21/09 05:14 PM, Haggard wrote:Two words for you - Mega Flare. Bahamut's going to go completely ape shit.But why do I get mega flare'd if I simply buy some season of the Simpsons before I buy some of Futurama? That's pretty Nazi-like to force your opinion on me in such a cruel way. :P
Because Futurama > The Simpsons
At 11/20/09 12:55 PM, Bahamut wrote: Point taken but there's nothing more than dragon porn in Futurama. :P Too bad they've not covered that idea in the show, lol.Maybe you should give em a hint then? -.-
Yes I should. After all, almost anything's possible in the future, like beer milkshake and an amusement park on the moon.
Heh, and I'm thinking of asking for jack shit for Christmas because I hate Christmas. Fucking commercialised bullshit.Commercialised bullshit or not, commercialization can't deter me from celebrating christmas with my family. They way we celebrated it for my whole life.
This is what we have the new year for since we see almost everyone then.
Nope, it's only been more recent.Maybe he's been even more of a prick recent, but he definitely was a prick before as well.
I thought he was hardly a prick back in the days but I sure hate him for suspending Rhapsody. They must have been too epic for him to handle...
But checking the channel won't take long while my 100th flash will. :(If you wheren't so goddamn lazy then it wouldn't take you so long. :P
But if I work and become lazy, then the flash will come out as shit and not what it was meant to look lke.
At 11/21/09 09:55 AM, Nayhan wrote: Sounds like your computer is completely screwed and the chainsaw definently isn't the best weapon.Wait what? The chainsaw is OF COURSE the best weapon ever on NG.
No, it's the sword. It's the perfect weapon for my crotch. :D
At 11/21/09 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: CHAINSAW! :DDAMN RIGHT! I wanted to reach that level since the redisign came.
So did I and I remember complaining about taking around 550 days to get there back then. Now I'm past that level and wielding the sword. :D
What the hell? :O Microsoft must be playing tricks on you! If I ever got IE instead of Opera, I'd scream.Yeah, that's what I did. Firefox was of no help either. It kept crashing on random sites.
Luckily, I only use Firefox to deposit my alts so I have no fears of it crashing.
At 11/21/09 11:56 PM, gamejunkie wrote: It seems like the more points you get, the longer it takes to get to the next lot.
Blams: 16,000
On the bright side, you have more blams than saves. :) We really need more ratios like yours.
At 11/22/09 05:15 AM, Coop83 wrote: Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Twilight Zone
I actually don't have this song. :O
At 11/21/09 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: Nicely done, you're one step closer to passing me.Greg's first though - can I catch him before he reaches 70k?
Placing bets, anyone? :)
Wait what? O_oMichael Jackson bought the rights to the Beatles music back in the 80s.
Now that's just silly.
At 11/21/09 08:35 AM, Auz wrote:
Achievement of the Day
Dent0n: Level 45. Congrats!
Turned 36 just a few minutes ago :)
not literally, but my icon is now at 36. It's looking very tribal..
At 11/21/09 08:06 PM, JKMonkey wrote: Congrats to:
Haggard- 1100 Audio Reviews, 16000 Exp.
At 11/22/09 05:15 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop enjoys a nice long lie-in, before congratulating:
Haggard: 16,000 Experience
At 11/21/09 05:14 PM, Haggard wrote:*Coop tries to get images of goose-stepping dragons out of head. Fails.*But why do I get mega flare'd if I simply buy some season of the Simpsons before I buy some of Futurama? That's pretty Nazi-like to force your opinion on me in such a cruel way. :PAt 11/19/09 02:25 PM, Haggard wrote:Two words for you - Mega Flare. Bahamut's going to go completely ape shit.At 11/19/09 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote: I pray for your sake that it is not The Simpsons :PAnd what if I would buy Simpsons before Futurama?
Goose-stepping dragons with swords for dicks. o_O
No, make them fear for their lives, before they are actually killed. Half a mile, perhaps. That should give them a change to pray for death, before the impact ;)At VERY close range.Whoever gets aroused by officialese should be shot. Really.In the face. With a selection of rusty kitchen utensils, fired from a catapult at close range.
Well, if we plant that catapult right in front of their faces, I think that will scare them enough.
At 11/22/09 06:50 AM, Odyssic wrote: Congrats to:
Haggard: 16,000 Experience
At 11/22/09 08:26 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 11/21/09 05:14 PM, Haggard wrote:Because Futurama > The SimpsonsTwo words for you - Mega Flare. Bahamut's going to go completely ape shit.But why do I get mega flare'd if I simply buy some season of the Simpsons before I buy some of Futurama? That's pretty Nazi-like to force your opinion on me in such a cruel way. :P
But that's just your opinion. :P
This is what we have the new year for since we see almost everyone then.Heh, and I'm thinking of asking for jack shit for Christmas because I hate Christmas. Fucking commercialised bullshit.Commercialised bullshit or not, commercialization can't deter me from celebrating christmas with my family. They way we celebrated it for my whole life.
I rather celebrate new year with my friends. :)
Christmas is for the family (-ies), New Year for the friends.
But if I work and become lazy, then the flash will come out as shit and not what it was meant to look lke.But checking the channel won't take long while my 100th flash will. :(If you wheren't so goddamn lazy then it wouldn't take you so long. :P
only solution: Stop being lazy. :P
No, it's the sword. It's the perfect weapon for my crotch. :DAt 11/21/09 09:55 AM, Nayhan wrote: Sounds like your computer is completely screwed and the chainsaw definently isn't the best weapon.Wait what? The chainsaw is OF COURSE the best weapon ever on NG.
Well, it's still a long way for me before I get to the sword. Also, dragons with chainsaws in their crotches... o_O
So did I and I remember complaining about taking around 550 days to get there back then. Now I'm past that level and wielding the sword. :DAt 11/21/09 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: CHAINSAW! :DDAMN RIGHT! I wanted to reach that level since the redisign came.
Yeah, that's the downside of the redisign. You need so long to reach a certain level and once you reach it, it's gone so quickly. -.-
Luckily, I only use Firefox to deposit my alts so I have no fears of it crashing.What the hell? :O Microsoft must be playing tricks on you! If I ever got IE instead of Opera, I'd scream.Yeah, that's what I did. Firefox was of no help either. It kept crashing on random sites.
I only use Firefox to check out if the HTML I coded is displayed correctly. But it's quite some time ago I coded anything in HTML. ^^
Rev is watching the Broncos fall apart; congrats to:
yugimt - 1,000 Blams
dx5231 - 11,111 B/P and 8,000 Saves
IzzyDude - Staff Sergeant
gamejunkie - Commander and 16k Blams
Statwhore - Level 20
dooseyboy - Level 19
Fim - Level 36
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 24k B/P
At 11/21/09 05:14 PM, Haggard wrote: Yeah, but I need at least 30GB disk space, but the parition I have for my system is only 10GB big (it's enough for XP). So Win 7 has to wait until I buy a new HD. I don't want to mess around with the partitions, it's pretty easy to fuck up the partition table by doing so and then all my files would be lost.
Yeah I'm in the same boat. My laptop is ancient and can't run Win7. So I'm stuck until I decide to get a new one.
Sounds like the original one to me. I would have thought it'd be public domain, hence my surprise at the copyright claim. Heh, funny to think I originally had one other song in that video that I took out to avoid these troubles yet I get it anyway.
Ha! I mixed up my overtures. But most likely the performer hold that right to his/her rendition of that song even though it's the same thing as the public domain version. Somebody had to play it, record it, put it on a CD so you could download it illegally. Who knows, Rossini might not be dead. :)
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
At 11/22/09 05:15 AM, Coop83 wrote: Damn, I wish I'd known about 2-3 weeks ago. My girlfriend's Grandma was in Houston, seeing her son and his family. I'd have got it mailed to them and solved a problem.
Ah, that's a pity. I don't suppose the folks in Houston there can still help you out?
Level 28
finally... a lvl up.. they took ages now...
I forgot to mention yesterday, but there's a new Responses update, by the way.
Coop considers the new character that he has made is just a wall of muscle, while congratulating:
dooseyboy: Level 19
Fim: Level 36
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 24,000 B/P
yugimt: Private 1st Class
EJR: Level 20
Listening to:
No Doubt - Hey Baby
Kiss - God Gave Rock 'n' Roll To You
At 11/22/09 08:26 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 11/22/09 05:15 AM, Coop83 wrote: Listening to:I actually don't have this song. :O
Iron Maiden - Twilight Zone
Dear Satan,
Please give Bahamut a copy of Killers by Iron Maiden for Xmas.
Placing bets, anyone? :)At 11/21/09 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: Nicely done, you're one step closer to passing me.Greg's first though - can I catch him before he reaches 70k?
"Fry, remind me. Disemboweling - fatal, or non-fatal to your species?
Large bet on myself in the first round!"
Now that's just silly.Wait what? O_oMichael Jackson bought the rights to the Beatles music back in the 80s.
And regressing to the mental state of a child, in the way of someone who had their childhood stolen from them (I blame Joseph, his father), surrounding yourself with toys and children, which then causes two high profile lawsuits isn't? Buying the Beatles rights is pretty normal, on that basis.
At 11/22/09 01:33 PM, Haggard wrote:At 11/22/09 05:15 AM, Coop83 wrote: *Coop tries to get images of goose-stepping dragons out of head. Fails.*Goose-stepping dragons with swords for dicks. o_O
And I'd tried just to ignore that conversation, in all honesty :(
No, make them fear for their lives, before they are actually killed. Half a mile, perhaps. That should give them a change to pray for death, before the impact ;)Well, if we plant that catapult right in front of their faces, I think that will scare them enough.
I'm not that fussed - I won't be cleaning it up afterwards :P
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
Getting your pc back in order again is such a pain in the ass.
*Tries to get MSN running again*
Achievement of the Day
Molotov: Level 48. Congrats!
Congrats to:
Haggard: 16,000 Experience
Rabid-Animals: 10,000 Total Stats
Statwhore: 4,000 Experience, Level 20
EJR: 4,000 Experience
BillysProgrammer: 2,000 Posts
dx5231: 11,111 BP, 8,000 Saves
yugimt: 1,000 Blams
gamejunkie: Commander, 16,000 Blams
IzzyDude: Staff Sergeant
dooseyboy: Level 19
Fim: Level 36
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 24,000 BP
yugimt: Private First Class
EJR: Level 20
Davidzx: Level 27
36Holla: Level 32
aldlv: Level 28
reverend: Cap'n
Oblivion rant is up...No, I don't hate the game, I just have some big gripes with it. Still an awesome game, though.
Listening to:
Iron Maiden - The X Factor. Not the godawful show with the same name. :P
At 11/22/09 01:33 PM, Haggard wrote:At 11/22/09 08:26 AM, Bahamut wrote: Because Futurama > The SimpsonsBut that's just your opinion. :P
I once heard it was a scientific fact. :P
This is what we have the new year for since we see almost everyone then.I rather celebrate new year with my friends. :)
Christmas is for the family (-ies), New Year for the friends.
I'd rather treat New Year as the only special holiday in December. Yes, I'm aware of other holidays but I have nothing to do with their religion and same thing goes for Christmas.
But if I work and become lazy, then the flash will come out as shit and not what it was meant to look lke.only solution: Stop being lazy. :P
That'll be hard to do. :(
No, it's the sword. It's the perfect weapon for my crotch. :DWell, it's still a long way for me before I get to the sword. Also, dragons with chainsaws in their crotches... o_O
I much prefer dragons having swords for their dicks as it matches very well. As for chainsaws, not as effective but still a good weapon to use.
So did I and I remember complaining about taking around 550 days to get there back then. Now I'm past that level and wielding the sword. :DYeah, that's the downside of the redisign. You need so long to reach a certain level and once you reach it, it's gone so quickly. -.-
Yep, time does fly but it's either that or wait too long to level up. I like it how it is now.
At 11/22/09 06:28 PM, reverend wrote: Who knows, Rossini might not be dead. :)
Oh I see now. ;)
At 11/23/09 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 11/22/09 08:26 AM, Bahamut wrote:Dear Satan,At 11/22/09 05:15 AM, Coop83 wrote: Listening to:I actually don't have this song. :O
Iron Maiden - Twilight Zone
Please give Bahamut a copy of Killers by Iron Maiden for Xmas.
Fuck, I thought it was a B-Side and not from Killers. Damn, that just proves my thoughts on Killers being the weakest of the 80s Maiden.
Placing bets, anyone? :)"Fry, remind me. Disemboweling - fatal, or non-fatal to your species?
Large bet on myself in the first round!"
Large bet on Coop.
1,111 Audio Reviews! >:(
Just a filler achievement for tomorrow. ^^
Listening to:
Janis Joplin - Farewell Song, Ball and Chain (Live)
At 11/23/09 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 11/22/09 01:33 PM, Haggard wrote:And I'd tried just to ignore that conversation, in all honesty :(At 11/22/09 05:15 AM, Coop83 wrote: *Coop tries to get images of goose-stepping dragons out of head. Fails.*Goose-stepping dragons with swords for dicks. o_O
Lol. :P
I'm not that fussed - I won't be cleaning it up afterwards :PNo, make them fear for their lives, before they are actually killed. Half a mile, perhaps. That should give them a change to pray for death, before the impact ;)Well, if we plant that catapult right in front of their faces, I think that will scare them enough.
Yeah, Bahamut and me hired a janitor, he will take care of the mess.
At 11/23/09 12:23 PM, Bahamut wrote:At 11/22/09 01:33 PM, Haggard wrote:I once heard it was a scientific fact. :PAt 11/22/09 08:26 AM, Bahamut wrote: Because Futurama > The SimpsonsBut that's just your opinion. :P
I once heard you shouldn't believe everything you hear. :P
I'd rather treat New Year as the only special holiday in December. Yes, I'm aware of other holidays but I have nothing to do with their religion and same thing goes for Christmas.This is what we have the new year for since we see almost everyone then.I rather celebrate new year with my friends. :)
Christmas is for the family (-ies), New Year for the friends.
Well, my mother was born on 25th of december, so it's pretty hard to NOT celebrate on that day (even though she celebrated her birthday on 27th for the last two years) but what's wrong with visiting families and eating great food? You don't have to be religious to do that. :P
And that's what christmas is about for me. Eating great food. And lots of it too. ^^
Oh yeah, I get some presents from my presents, but they are just the icing on the cake.
And this year I have to buy someting for my niece as well... but what presents can you give to a one year old child? -.-
That'll be hard to do. :(But if I work and become lazy, then the flash will come out as shit and not what it was meant to look lke.only solution: Stop being lazy. :P
I know how you feel. :(
Damn, I forgot my SECOND filler achievement. I also reached 38,000 B/P!.
Rev picked out his turkey and is ready to cook it; congrats to:
EJR - Level 20
Davidzx - Level 27
36Holla - Level 32
aldlv - Level 28
Haggard - 1,111 Audio Reviews and 38k B/P
Hacsev - 17k Saves
yugimt - Private First Class and 2,000 Saves
Thanks to:
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!
Coop watches the dull morning weather, while congratulating:
Davidzx: Level 27
36Holla: Level 32
aldlv: Level 28
reverend: Captain; 14,000 B/P
Haggard: 1,111 Reviews (Audio); 38,000 B/P
Hacsev: 17,000 Saves
SCTE3: Top 300 B/Per
yugimt: 2,000 Saves
At 11/22/09 07:21 PM, schneelocke wrote:At 11/22/09 05:15 AM, Coop83 wrote: Damn, I wish I'd known about 2-3 weeks ago. My girlfriend's Grandma was in Houston, seeing her son and his family. I'd have got it mailed to them and solved a problem.Ah, that's a pity. I don't suppose the folks in Houston there can still help you out?
Not at present - I've got the potential for plans next summer, but it's all a question of raising the relevant funds for a potential Houston trip, along with the London Meet and a holiday to the Dorset with my girlfriend and some friends.
At 11/23/09 12:23 PM, Bahamut wrote:At 11/23/09 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote:Fuck, I thought it was a B-Side and not from Killers. Damn, that just proves my thoughts on Killers being the weakest of the 80s Maiden.At 11/22/09 08:26 AM, Bahamut wrote:Dear Satan,At 11/22/09 05:15 AM, Coop83 wrote: Listening to:I actually don't have this song. :O
Iron Maiden - Twilight Zone
Please give Bahamut a copy of Killers by Iron Maiden for Xmas.
Have a listen - I try not to have a prejudice towards or against albums, as they usually have one good track on them... unless they're albums by Cher, or Madonna, that is.
Large bet on Coop.Placing bets, anyone? :)"Fry, remind me. Disemboweling - fatal, or non-fatal to your species?
Large bet on myself in the first round!"
Cool. Who's running the book this time?
At 11/23/09 12:54 PM, Haggard wrote:Yeah, Bahamut and me hired a janitor, he will take care of the mess.I'm not that fussed - I won't be cleaning it up afterwards :PNo, make them fear for their lives, before they are actually killed. Half a mile, perhaps. That should give them a change to pray for death, before the impact ;)Well, if we plant that catapult right in front of their faces, I think that will scare them enough.
"Who are you?"
"Scruffy. The Janitor."
"I've never seen you around here before."
"I ain't never seen you 'round here before, neither." *brushes moustache*
Thanks for voting, Fro! Your experience has been automatically deposited!
With that vote, you now have 9,340 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 30. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 16 hours, 30 minutes, and 30 seconds.
Ok I'm really digging this level.