At 6/24/09 04:18 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 6/24/09 12:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Well, if I continue this onwards, we'll have gone from Pearl Jam to Bloc Party to Weird Al to Iron Maiden, and I'm not sure that combination is going to be good for the stability of the universe, so I'd better nip it in the bud. #;-}.I don't see any Iron Maiden in there... Better fix it.
I meant I was listening to Maiden at the time, and I didn't want to start quoting it as the universe might implode or explode or... something. #;-}>
*waits patiently for the world to end*
I think enough time had elapsed so that stability had come back before you did those quotations. Whew. Saved by the bell there.
I know you're not, but even a TEMPORARY 37,xxx b/pness sullies your level 42ness so...38k B/P?! Have I just lost over 20,000 B/P points????! *faints*
I really hope you get to 38k b/p before you get to level 43, because otherwise... ugh. What a tragedy.
Oh god, I meant saves. #;-}> Funny that I made the mistake twice, though. Sorry for making you freak out at the thought of all your blams going BYE BYE all of a sudden.
"Who is Jethro Tull?"
"Who WAS that masked man?"
"Why, the inventor of the cotton gin or somesuch...."
"Wasn't that Eli Whitney? O_o"
"Eh, same difference. Bloomin' farmers."
Anyway, is Raven's namechangery what inspired Bahamut to start wanting to do that, too, or is it just a coincidence?Bahamut's name changery inspired me to remember this circumstance. Seriously, who wants to change their name to Raven?
Ah, I see, I see.
A really big Teen Titans fan with gothic tendencies?
Hah. Well, I'm sure both you and Coop can probably guess which one of those now has additional appeal to me for a retirement date AND retirement exp number for gfox. #;-}>So, I'll gain another experience rank on or around the 21st of August :P
You're closer to me alt-alt than 6 days of exp now, aintcha? Anyway, in any event you'll be celebrating in August, that's for sure. #;-}>
Hell, in fact.... I should put gfoxcook at 36k/36k, gfoxclock at 3.6k/3.6k, and gfox at 36/36 (or 360/360, whichever).Chop chop then, there's not much time :P
Well, I still wanna see about whether I can do the "edging forward with a save or blam here or there and then going weeks without voting again and thus avoid depositing" thing.
At 6/24/09 01:03 AM, gfoxcook wrote:*puts Bahamut's juggling balls away*At 6/22/09 08:42 AM, Bahamut wrote: I lend you my comedy bits and you give me.....Well, you know, what'd satisfy me a lot.As he and I were discussing in my last post, he's been playing with your bits, so... I guess that covers the satisfying you part. o_o
That's gotta hurt. I thought those babies had to stay attached? Even with dragons, I mean...
You guys spoil all of my fun.
At 6/24/09 01:04 AM, gfoxcook wrote:Too greasy for me, thanksAt 6/23/09 08:09 AM, Coop83 wrote: A bucket of fried chicken?With a special surprise at the bottom of the bucket, perhaps.
cue Dick in a Box music video:::
Yeah, I prefer unbuttered popcorn boxes myself for ye olde DIAB trick.
ba-dum-bump... CHING!This drummer of yours must have a Fab aura :P
Our drummer's getting worn out by all these rimshots tonight...
What, you think Gagsy can get 30k total points in the time it takes me to get 5.5k?
It's on. Ain't nobody gonna stop the flow now!
Just making sure to motivate you a bit more in your battle with iscrulz. Now you're guaranteed to beat him to 100k. #;-}>
At 6/24/09 07:17 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: How you park it is vital, if you park it too far onto the token, you'll pick it up while approaching the bike, the trick is to collect it whie being in the process of mounting the bike. The results are hilarious.
BTW, how do you park it in the first place without picking it up then? Do you have to go ahead and pick it up then, but then just wait till it respawns?
At 6/24/09 01:04 AM, gfoxcook wrote: As I was saying to Bahamut earlier this evening, the original Vice City is the only GTA I've done 100% of the story on, yet... I don't think I ever tried out that glitch in it. I'll have to do that sometime, as well. So what, you park the bike right on the floating shirt icon, or where it's just poking out the side of the bike, then get on the bike from that side but being careful not to touch the icon before you hit the triangle button?Essentially yes, the trick is that you should pick up the token while you're hopping on the bike, not on your approach beforehand or after you've sat down on it. Took me a good 5 minutes or so to get right, but it's fantastic once you get it.
I gotcha on that, but now I'm left wondering about the thing I just thought of and asked you about. #;-}>
I was talking about this with Bahamut earlier, too (seems like we were just Steam msging about everything we've been talking about here in LUL, interesting...), and I remarked that whether or not the thread started out seriously or as a troll, by page 5 (when he said "jellyous again after being mocked for the spelling by like 10-20 people through pages 4 and 5 to that point) he had definitely become a full-fledged troll whether he started out with that intention or not. #;-}>Apparently it was an alt made by Zack, however as to the origin of the now famous original pic I haven't a clue.
That might mean something to me if I knew who Zack was. #;-}>
But I take it that the picture isn't of him then?
May have just been a gimmick account for posting about weightlifting exploits or whatever, then they created that thread and what happened next was unexpected, but they rolled with it.
Ah. So kinda alt funs that became something more than they expected. Nifty.
Heh. I appeared to be in on the joke when I wasn't quite yet... I SEE THE FUTURE.Quick, what's going to happen in 2036?
I will spend 366 consecutive days with a smile on my face just because of what year it is. </truth>
(2036 leap year WIN! one extra day to enjoy the awesomeness)
Yeah, past the first dozen pages it died a bit of a slow death as the quality photoshops dried up and crappy MS Paint offerings emerged. While I was disappointed to see it locked before Dick Neck: Origins was made, it was for the best.
Yeah, I didn't want to wade through the crap I knew would be in the later pages, so I ended up letting ED do my crap-wading for me, and they pulled out the few pearls that remained for me. Thanks, ED!
I think we've had this discussion before, then. I AM FEELING TEH DEJA VU.Maybe we have, can't recall myself to be honest but we could well have.
Well, let me just put it this way: unless there's another Irishman on Wi/Ht? who doesn't like U2, then we talked about it before. #;-}>
Now, I know there was another Irish dude who used to frequent LUL a lot back in the day, but... I really doubt you both suffer from the same lack of U2 enjoyments. That'd be too much to bear. ;_;
Yeah, there was a lot of wasted potential there, I have to agree with that. Frankly I think they could've dedicated an episode to him as opposed to him supplementing the existing storyline for that episode.
Yep. Plus more making fun of rest of the band OR if Matt and Trey didn't want to do that because they felt only Bono was deserving of self-important celebrity mocking, then they could have really set the 3 other bandmates against him. Maybe had them team up with Stan, Kyle, and Cartman in pairs to defeat the evil Bono or something. Coulda been epic! Instead... was just pretty funny. Good enough, though. Every ep of South Park can't be epic or it wouldn't still be going after 13 or 14 seasons, it'd have exhausted itself long, long ago. #;-}>
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)