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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-27 19:57:33

At 6/24/09 04:18 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/24/09 12:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Well, if I continue this onwards, we'll have gone from Pearl Jam to Bloc Party to Weird Al to Iron Maiden, and I'm not sure that combination is going to be good for the stability of the universe, so I'd better nip it in the bud. #;-}.
I don't see any Iron Maiden in there... Better fix it.

I meant I was listening to Maiden at the time, and I didn't want to start quoting it as the universe might implode or explode or... something. #;-}>

*waits patiently for the world to end*

I think enough time had elapsed so that stability had come back before you did those quotations. Whew. Saved by the bell there.

I know you're not, but even a TEMPORARY 37,xxx b/pness sullies your level 42ness so...
I really hope you get to 38k b/p before you get to level 43, because otherwise... ugh. What a tragedy.
38k B/P?! Have I just lost over 20,000 B/P points????! *faints*

Oh god, I meant saves. #;-}> Funny that I made the mistake twice, though. Sorry for making you freak out at the thought of all your blams going BYE BYE all of a sudden.

"Who is Jethro Tull?"

"Who WAS that masked man?"
"Why, the inventor of the cotton gin or somesuch...."
"Wasn't that Eli Whitney? O_o"
"Eh, same difference. Bloomin' farmers."

Anyway, is Raven's namechangery what inspired Bahamut to start wanting to do that, too, or is it just a coincidence?
Bahamut's name changery inspired me to remember this circumstance. Seriously, who wants to change their name to Raven?

Ah, I see, I see.

A really big Teen Titans fan with gothic tendencies?

Hah. Well, I'm sure both you and Coop can probably guess which one of those now has additional appeal to me for a retirement date AND retirement exp number for gfox. #;-}>
So, I'll gain another experience rank on or around the 21st of August :P

You're closer to me alt-alt than 6 days of exp now, aintcha? Anyway, in any event you'll be celebrating in August, that's for sure. #;-}>

Hell, in fact.... I should put gfoxcook at 36k/36k, gfoxclock at 3.6k/3.6k, and gfox at 36/36 (or 360/360, whichever).
Chop chop then, there's not much time :P

Well, I still wanna see about whether I can do the "edging forward with a save or blam here or there and then going weeks without voting again and thus avoid depositing" thing.

At 6/24/09 01:03 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/22/09 08:42 AM, Bahamut wrote: I lend you my comedy bits and you give me.....Well, you know, what'd satisfy me a lot.
As he and I were discussing in my last post, he's been playing with your bits, so... I guess that covers the satisfying you part. o_o
*puts Bahamut's juggling balls away*

That's gotta hurt. I thought those babies had to stay attached? Even with dragons, I mean...

You guys spoil all of my fun.


At 6/24/09 01:04 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/23/09 08:09 AM, Coop83 wrote: A bucket of fried chicken?
With a special surprise at the bottom of the bucket, perhaps.
cue Dick in a Box music video:::
Too greasy for me, thanks

Yeah, I prefer unbuttered popcorn boxes myself for ye olde DIAB trick.

ba-dum-bump... CHING!
Our drummer's getting worn out by all these rimshots tonight...
This drummer of yours must have a Fab aura :P


What, you think Gagsy can get 30k total points in the time it takes me to get 5.5k?

It's on. Ain't nobody gonna stop the flow now!

Just making sure to motivate you a bit more in your battle with iscrulz. Now you're guaranteed to beat him to 100k. #;-}>

At 6/24/09 07:17 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: How you park it is vital, if you park it too far onto the token, you'll pick it up while approaching the bike, the trick is to collect it whie being in the process of mounting the bike. The results are hilarious.

BTW, how do you park it in the first place without picking it up then? Do you have to go ahead and pick it up then, but then just wait till it respawns?

At 6/24/09 01:04 AM, gfoxcook wrote: As I was saying to Bahamut earlier this evening, the original Vice City is the only GTA I've done 100% of the story on, yet... I don't think I ever tried out that glitch in it. I'll have to do that sometime, as well. So what, you park the bike right on the floating shirt icon, or where it's just poking out the side of the bike, then get on the bike from that side but being careful not to touch the icon before you hit the triangle button?
Essentially yes, the trick is that you should pick up the token while you're hopping on the bike, not on your approach beforehand or after you've sat down on it. Took me a good 5 minutes or so to get right, but it's fantastic once you get it.

I gotcha on that, but now I'm left wondering about the thing I just thought of and asked you about. #;-}>

I was talking about this with Bahamut earlier, too (seems like we were just Steam msging about everything we've been talking about here in LUL, interesting...), and I remarked that whether or not the thread started out seriously or as a troll, by page 5 (when he said "jellyous again after being mocked for the spelling by like 10-20 people through pages 4 and 5 to that point) he had definitely become a full-fledged troll whether he started out with that intention or not. #;-}>
Apparently it was an alt made by Zack, however as to the origin of the now famous original pic I haven't a clue.

That might mean something to me if I knew who Zack was. #;-}>

But I take it that the picture isn't of him then?

May have just been a gimmick account for posting about weightlifting exploits or whatever, then they created that thread and what happened next was unexpected, but they rolled with it.

Ah. So kinda alt funs that became something more than they expected. Nifty.

Heh. I appeared to be in on the joke when I wasn't quite yet... I SEE THE FUTURE.
Quick, what's going to happen in 2036?

I will spend 366 consecutive days with a smile on my face just because of what year it is. </truth>

(2036 leap year WIN! one extra day to enjoy the awesomeness)

Yeah, past the first dozen pages it died a bit of a slow death as the quality photoshops dried up and crappy MS Paint offerings emerged. While I was disappointed to see it locked before Dick Neck: Origins was made, it was for the best.

Yeah, I didn't want to wade through the crap I knew would be in the later pages, so I ended up letting ED do my crap-wading for me, and they pulled out the few pearls that remained for me. Thanks, ED!

I think we've had this discussion before, then. I AM FEELING TEH DEJA VU.
Maybe we have, can't recall myself to be honest but we could well have.

Well, let me just put it this way: unless there's another Irishman on Wi/Ht? who doesn't like U2, then we talked about it before. #;-}>

Now, I know there was another Irish dude who used to frequent LUL a lot back in the day, but... I really doubt you both suffer from the same lack of U2 enjoyments. That'd be too much to bear. ;_;

Yeah, there was a lot of wasted potential there, I have to agree with that. Frankly I think they could've dedicated an episode to him as opposed to him supplementing the existing storyline for that episode.

Yep. Plus more making fun of rest of the band OR if Matt and Trey didn't want to do that because they felt only Bono was deserving of self-important celebrity mocking, then they could have really set the 3 other bandmates against him. Maybe had them team up with Stan, Kyle, and Cartman in pairs to defeat the evil Bono or something. Coulda been epic! Instead... was just pretty funny. Good enough, though. Every ep of South Park can't be epic or it wouldn't still be going after 13 or 14 seasons, it'd have exhausted itself long, long ago. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-27 20:08:44

At 6/24/09 06:48 AM, Auz wrote: Heh, but isn´t Pimp an alt account anyway or isn´t he held by multiple users? :p At least I always found it strange how he magically popped up out of nowhere whenever there was a topic made about him.

I can't remember if I've heard specific credible users claim to have had access to Pimp and not admit they were joking like Coop just admitted.... like I DEFINITELY had heard from users about having access to humantarget back in the day. So I dunno.

He definitely started out as a single account, and AFAIK as a main account, not an alt.

At this point, who knows, he could indeed be some other user's alt at this point if the original Pimp isn't depositing for himself anymore, I dunno.

At 6/23/09 06:06 AM, Auz wrote: Listening to:
The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary
Epic song. Great for driving along to, especially if you've got a very expensive sports car to take around the countryside.
Epic indeed. I love the guitarsound in this song.

Singing, guitar... it's all excellent. Not the deepest of lyrics, but very singalongable. Especially in the car, yes.

C´mon Bahamut, just admit that fab aura doesn´t look half as bad on level 42 then on any other icon :p

If only. But he won't. ;_;

At 6/24/09 01:03 AM, gfoxcook wrote: See, Coop? I knew there was someone out there who'd say that. #;-}>
Lol, now I´m starting to worry whether I said something terrible :p

To Coop and Bahamut, apparently. But not to us reasonable folk. #;-}>

Yeah he did sang it loud and clear several times actually :p

Whoops. #;-}>

Party Girl and 11 O'Clock Tick Tock are my fave b-sides from the 80s, and they're both on Under a Blood Red Sky, so I can listen to 'em without having to have all the singles from that era
Hmm I don´t know those songs that well yet. But weren´t they also featured on October, Boy or War? And I thought I was pretty sure that 11 O'Clock Tick Tock was their very first single and not a b-side.

No, they're not from any albums.

You're correct that 11 O'CTT is a single in its own right, but it was pre-Boy, and the track wasn't on Boy. I confess that at times to me, single = a song from an album that has a separate smaller release with its name, and b-side = every track that didn't make it onto an album, usually found on singles.

So to me, even though it was the "star" of its own single, it's still kinda like a b-side in that it never made an album. #;-}>

I don´t have any U2 singles at all. My fathers to blame for that. He always wanted to buy the whole album because that was much cheaper and b-sides are usually never that interesting anyway.

Well, back around 1993-1994 I had finished getting all the U2 albums, and when I saw singles in the store, I figured... eh... I don't buy singles for any other bands, but this is U-freaking-2, so WTF not? And thus I started buying U2 singles. #;-}>

But I believe a lot of B-sides appeared on the "Best of"-collection cd´s, so we still have them somewhere.

That's good.

But anyway, you clearly missed out on SOME songs, for instance saying you're not that familiar with Party Girl and 11 O'CTT, so... you should at least get the live album Under a Blood Red Sky. It's got only 8 tracks, but it has iconic live performances of tracks like Sunday Bloody Sunday and those 2 non-album tracks above and a few other tracks from Boy and October and War performed live. Like... Gloria... and I Will Follow (I think)... and Electric Co from Boy... and... eh, I can't remember 'em all. I fail.

I think so? Although I am a little confused here :p

Do you also mean not all of their existing music necessarily has to be what they really sound like? Or used to sound like?

I guess what I meant was it's funny how your idea of what a band SHOULD sound like is totally crafted just from what they've released, not from what the band actually has done.

For instance, there could be 10 weird U2 songs out there that you and I haven't heard, all from the 80s and 90s... and their next new album in a few years comes out and sounds really weird and very un-U2-like to both of us and we don't like it very much... but in an alternate reality, those 10 weird songs were either on albums or were well-known b-sides or live staples, and.... due to that one change, the new album that comes out sounds like perfect U2 to us. #;-}>

I guess I just mean that bands do change from album to album, but they probably also have secret sides and songs that were everyone to know, our ideas of what a band's sound truly IS might change already, just looking back at old stuff, let alone a new album that sounds weird and different (like I believe your first reaction to the new album was, at least to most of it).

I was just joking a bit that while XBox players have to pay, at least they get this whole achievement system with gamerscore and all that shit. Which is of course totally not worth spending any money on :p

But now that you say that even you as a PC gamer have something like that, it´s almost retarted to get the XBox version.

Well, if someone cares about gamerscore, you don't get that on Steam (at least, not yet). You get achievements in any game that has them (not all games do, like with XB360, but a lot do... I'd say of the 80 games I have, around 12 have them, and most are newer and good games, a lot of the games that don't have them are from the 1990s, so... pretty obvious why they don't have 'em, achievements weren't around back in the 90s).

But anyway, you can see your % achieved for each individual game. Here, this is my TF2 stats/achievement info page:

http://steamcommunity.com/id/gfawkes/sta ts/TF2

And here's my page for Portal, say:

http://steamcommunity.com/id/gfawkes/sta ts/Portal

And I bought my last videogame about 2 years ago. Which was Zelda: Twilight Princess by the way. But I´ll just keep TF2 in mind if I ever have some spare money and spare time.


At 6/24/09 02:11 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/24/09 01:04 AM, gfoxcook wrote: It wasn't meant as a praise of the show, it was meant as a joke at both our expense and at the show's expense... which I guess you'd only know if you had ever tried it. #;-}>
I see.

Yes... quite. #;-}>

TV shows have trailers over there? O_o
Um... maybe not "trailers" but more like... teasers? The things they show when saying: "Today/Later this week on $TV_Station!"

Ah, I see. Yeah, we call those "promos," as in promotions. Short little snippets.

Trailers, to me, means 2 minute movie ads. #;-}> The thought of a TV show getting that much advertising was somewhat disturbing. O_o

Well, much as I need to listen to more Blind Guardian, you need to watch more Charlton Heston movies. I believe I was referring to more of an Omega Man type Charlton Heston line of dialogue. He was the last human alive who wasn't mutated or whatever in that one. Good stuff, but not as famous as Soylent Green or Planet of the Apes.
I think Soylent Green and Planet of the Apes are the only movies I ever watched with Charlton Heston. >_>

PotA is a classic, and I know the famous scenes from Soylent Green though I haven't seen it, but... Omega Man is right up there with 'em!


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-27 20:17:58

At 6/24/09 09:36 AM, Bahamut wrote: Alternative Character Battle - Final Battle: Pyramid Head vs Bahamut - This is it! :)


How did Pyramid Head get into the finals? SERIOUSLY, dude. Talk about a rigged match. #;-}>

At 6/24/09 12:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: OH DEAR. Bonus's 2 posts at the top of page 2421 have been deleted. I SMELL ZE CONSPIRACY.
Serves him right.

Hey now. ;_;

*puts bit back in a box marked "Bahamut's Comedy Bitz" Aaw, this box is fun :(
Stop playing with Bahamut's bits and work on your own material! (wink)
Playing with my bits? Now that sounds disturbing. O_O


If that sounded naughty, I wonder how you missed the things that YOU said and that COOP said that sounded disturbing and/or naughty when you caught the one *I* said alone. #;-}>

As of recent years only, though. NOT CLASSIC YET.
Recent years only, yes, but they have become popular reviewers already.

No, I was saying that he can inspire as many other reviewers as he wants, but he's too recent to be classic HIMSELF yet. Wasn't saying the people he's inspired aren't classic, that goes without saying. O_o

I love your latest catch-ups.
You love that I did them, that I'm doing them so rapidly (this is two catch-ups in a row that I've replied again in the same threads about 1-2 days later, after all), or the content of them?
Both. The universe must be falling apart by now.

Ah, cool.

Yes, it is. But mostly because of the wildly opposing music Coop and I have been quoting in here.

19,360 - August 15th

Hah. Well, I'm sure both you and Coop can probably guess which one of those now has additional appeal to me for a retirement date AND retirement exp number for gfox. #;-}>

Ding ding ding ding!

There is only ONE problem with this, BTW, which I've just now thought of: no more b/p for gfox. Not that I'm bothered by leaving him at 12 saves and 6 blams or whatever he's on (not even sure I'm remembering it right) for all eternity, but... hm. I wonder... if you only vote on one or two things, say, and then 2 weeks later vote on one or two things, surely NG's forgotten about the previous votes by then and they won't register towards a deposit, correct?
I think that's so, but I'm not too sure. I've noticed some of my alts I meant to stop depositing for I accidentally voted on them a few times (no deposits, though) and later, the voting was reset so I'd have to vote for 5 more flashes to deposit again.

Well, can you help me out by confirming that? i.e. if you have an alt you stopped depositing for, but it wouldn't kill you if it gained 10 exp by accident, vote on 2 movies for it today and see what it says... "4 more till deposit..." and "3 more till deposit..." hopefully... and then in a couple weeks, vote on 2 more movies for it again, and see if it says "4 more, 3 more" again or if it says "2 more, 1 more..."

Then I'll know whether I should at least get gfox up to 36/36 before then. I might go ahead, but for now I'm leaving him at 12/6.

Hell, in fact.... I should put gfoxcook at 36k/36k, gfoxclock at 3.6k/3.6k, and gfox at 36/36 (or 360/360, whichever).
Sounds like a plan.

I'll only be doing the 360/360 if it's true that you can avoid deposits while doing occasional <5 per day b/ping.

Also, I really doubt I'd retire gfoxclock at 3.6k/3.6k, but we'll see. Depends on how much I b/p with him after I retire my main, of course. By my current levels, it would be easy to, but if somehow the ability to rise through the EG ranks again with gfoxclock got me back into both blams and saves again... I might have to try for a 2nd EGSC account. #;-}>

SO IT WAS YOU WHO TOOK IT DOWN! ...Even though you have no Art Portal privileges.

Says you... I know people. (wink)

Ah well, these Sandviches are going to waste.

Yeah. Too bad heavy can't wield 3 or 4 at once. ;_;

I have every right to hate the douchebag for snoring. Because of him, I have lost so much fucking sleep and the worst part of it, he's not doing a fucking thing about it. He doesn't apologise either, except for when I told him to do so. So what makes you think I shouldn't hate him for snoring?

Nvm, then. I just meant the snoring itself. Sounds like the real problem is not his snoring, but that he doesn't try to keep others from hearing it, and doesn't even apologise after the fact. Fair enough!

At 6/24/09 04:18 AM, Coop83 wrote: Futurama quotes? Stop me if I guess it...
No but it's good to hear Futurama quotes here. I'm talking about what satisfies me SEXUALLY!

Oh exploitable!

Come on, Coop... we can't let this opportunity pass, we've got to... textually shoop the FUCK out of Bahamut's statement there, essentially. #;-}>

At 6/24/09 06:48 AM, Auz wrote: C´mon Bahamut, just admit that fab aura doesn´t look half as bad on level 42 then on any other icon :p
Fab auras fucking sucks with everything. END OF STORY!

LOL. You're as bad about fab as iscrulz is about FF.

At 6/25/09 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/24/09 09:36 AM, Bahamut wrote: No but it's good to hear Futurama quotes here. I'm talking about what satisfies me SEXUALLY!
Tubgirl? Goatse? Lemonparty?
Coop in a schneelocke style werewolf costume? *looks worried*

BOOM. Headshot. </TF2 sniper>

(that's exactly what I was just requesting. Good on ya, mate! </snoipah again>)

Well, the art portal isn't even a week old, so I'm sure that it's someone like Rob and Bob dicking about in the system (Oh wait, that's Stamper's job :P) in order to get things sorted.

Oh, I'm sure the art portal is stretched out enough by now that someone else can dick about in it at the same time as another admin. :::rimshot:::

At 6/25/09 07:41 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut = WINNER! Thanks to everyone who participated in my contest. :)

Like we couldn't see that one coming. Easy victory. #;-}>

At 6/25/09 07:49 AM, reverend wrote: Rev is thinking 'another day of 100 degree temps. yipe! :/ '

Yeah, it was 104 (a record, of course) back on the 24th down here.

Love seeing the weather maps with this giant DARK RED blotch all over the place... stretching from Arizona in the west over to here in Texas and up to like Kansas. GIANT RED BLOTCH OF DOOM.

At 6/26/09 04:09 AM, Coop83 wrote: I think it's a syndicate - no man could keep depositing daily like that... except me!

[it is the year 2020... on a forum named NG BBS, a user named Coop83 has risen to #1 in exp...]

Noob A: man, that Coop is amazing. He signed up in like 2000 or something, I wasn't even BORN yet!
Noob B: yeah, man, but he hasn't even been doing his own depositing since 2010. Get with the times, mannnnnn.

(i.e. be careful, Coop, they might say the same thing about you someday #;-}>)

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-27 20:28:47

At 6/26/09 05:58 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 6/9/09 01:16 AM, gfoxcook wrote: epic conflicts over GTA / Final Fantasy all the more ironic and stupid.
Hey now our conflict maybe ironic but it wasn't stupid it served a greater purpose. I will have you know.

If you say so.

Most of the times I would have noticed, I was getting paranoid that you alt was going to pass me in experience. I am aiming for RR now I think he got attacked by the zombiez. The MAO face icons were great dang me for not grabbing a screensnag.

Yeah, he definitely got attacked by zombies. Back in March or April. Sad, sad story. ;_;

Why would the Rockets have been playing the 76ers, anyway? O_o
I could have sworn they were playing the 76ers I don't know how stupid I could be when those teams aren't in the same conference. I must have been thinking of two different series.

Ah. Brainfart on your part, then. Gotcha. #;-}>

I just wish any team expect for Jazz and Spurs to beat the Lakers I mean KOBE. Yeah thos fucking cardinals beat the tigers in the WS that year. Tigers are looking good in the AL Central I hope they can keep it up. They spanked the overrated Cubs in 3 games. Well go Astros.

Thanks, mate. That's very unlike you to wish my team well like that. #;-}>

It was some Japan word for sword or katana that's all I remember what the %u014Ds was probably O with two dots.

There's no "two dots over an O" characters in Japanese, man. That's a European character.

Canadians only do -re instead of -er because of Great Britain, dude, so you don't need to explain the whole thing to that British dragon bastich. #;-}>
I thought it was the french habitats in Canadian that spell the -er -re.

French and British both do -re. Canada got it from BOTH ENDS AT ONCE. </dirty-sounding>

At 6/26/09 06:05 AM, iscrulz wrote:
And for the record, the only reason I was saying Dream Theatre to you guys is I FORGOTS THEY WAS AN AMERICAN BAND. Sheesh.
No need to get hositle and all defensive I am sure lots of Dream Theater fans spell it -re.

Sorry, but Bahamut "corrects" me on it a ton, and now you've started to as well. I feel perfectly justified in my overreaction, thank you very much. #;-}>

I have gotten a few threats or people saying get a life for trolling which is just what I am craving.

Yes. Trolls feed on just that sort of thing. Lots of tasty food for you on teh YTs, eh?

If I used that method I would still screw up my 100:1 blam to saves alt or something like that I don't get how it prevents gfoxcook from blamming and gfoxclock from saving. Something about not being able to double vote.

No, because I only ever save on Opera, and I only ever blam on Firefox (for now, once gfoxcook is retired, I'll do both ONLY on Firefox).

And since I'm only ever logged in to gfoxcook on Opera and gfoxclock/gfox on Firefox.... that keeps my saves where they belong and my blams where they belong. Capisce?

Only time can tell. Well less than 4,000 saves less near 1K on Clock day. It should be easy getting it before 2010 dont stop for little milestones and you should be fine.

Yep. I just gotta stop pausing at little milestones so much, and I'll be fine, just like you say. That + a good haul on CD09.

At 6/26/09 04:25 PM, schneelocke wrote: Hey folks - guess who's back (for the moment, at the very least). ^.^

OMG. Hey there, thanks for dropping by!

So, what did I miss?

Everything and nothing.

At 6/26/09 10:43 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Read! I am finding myself almost wanting to not be on newgrounds at some points in my day that i'm doing nothing and am wondering why i am here. I just don't feel like a mood to be here. My b/p is just enough to get my exp points and that it. I may be taking a break or not. Im going though a point in my life where my social life is taking off with my car and such. We will se where i will be.

Just deposit your exp every day and take a break from b/ping and from posting.

You'll get a nice break, and then one day in a few months you'll find yourself wanting to come back to NG, and once you come back here, you'll feel like you belong (as opposed to wondering why you're here once you come on... like you said above).

At 6/27/09 03:50 AM, iscrulz wrote: Just purely coincidental and pretty fly for me. I got precisely 96k on ByteSLingaz NG LOG. No congrats though save it for 100k. And before Cooper to who is a fucking jewchebag

lulz. jewchebag. That's.... semi-original, at least. #;-}>

What I am going to get back on the Regular list I will show you. Btw ban me from the Wi/Ht? Member list and put me back in my place ruling the RCVL.


Yes they should have. Whens the next poll I am going to mass vote again and they will count.


At 6/26/09 06:05 AM, iscrulz wrote: Did you get FO3 yet, you know who I mean?
Me? NO, not yet!
Yes you, What, damn it Buy it, Steal it or Borrow and never return it.

Agreed. He needs to get FO3, dagnabit!

Oh my god oh my god it is my good friend schneee. I have been waiting for the this moment for so long. The reason I have is because I want to engage rough anal sex. Lets go! *Censored*

O_O......... @_@

At 6/27/09 05:03 AM, schneelocke wrote: My mate? I hope you're just slipping into Australian slang there... :)

Us Americans all slip into stereotypical Australian slang now and then.

In the 80s, it was Crocodile Dundee's fault.
In the 90s, it was Steve Irwin's fault.
In the 00s, it's the TF2 Sniper's fault.

At 6/27/09 03:42 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Welcome to Idiot-buster's 36th Level Up Lounge list!


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 01:46:19

Only 10 more levels to go now...

Which will take another 3 years

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 05:35:58

Coop prepares to discuss matters with the cricket captain, while congratulating:
Hacsev: Level 21
LampFace: 4,000 Posts
SCTE3: 15,000 B/P
Neenja-SkLz: 1,000 B/P
Ronald-McDonald-Lol: 3,000 Posts
Lizzardis: Sergeant
Wylo: Level 50 - Now I've got to wait until Auz has posted to get the 59,000th B/P point...
KevnSevn: 5,000 Saves

At 6/27/09 06:02 AM, Auz wrote:
At 6/27/09 05:17 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/26/09 01:09 PM, Auz wrote: I was pretty shocked to read about MJ´s dead. This morning I heard on the news that he had a heart attack, but there was no mention of his death yet. Saw it later today in the paper.
Well, the latest is that there is a manhunt underway for his personal physician, who apparently was with him when he collapsed. I am suspicious, especially since he appears to have done a runner, it smacks of a guilty conscience.
I myself heard some speculations of a possible suicide, but I don´t know. I guess the truth will come up soon enough.

I can't bring myself to believe that sort of speculation at present - I have heard that the family have requested a second autopsy. It will be interesting to find out how this works out.

At 6/27/09 08:32 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 6/27/09 05:17 AM, Coop83 wrote: Probably the most influential musician of my childhood. His music was there as I was growing up and I genuinely felt like a part of me had died yesterday.
I can completely understand that feeling, considering that he is one of a limited number of performers who have worldwide recognition, and his impact on the music world changed it forever.

A true great. The next few weeks are going to be the final chapter of the media circus surrounding Michael Jackson. This time will be quite emotional and will show us that not all Americans believed in his guilt, despite the posts made on the thread in General.

At 6/27/09 01:14 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/27/09 05:17 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/26/09 08:12 AM, Bahamut wrote: YAY! :D Um, you better stay clear now since I'm about to open the mag.
*dives for cover* I just hope it's not the one that Fagamut was trying to get in the centrefold of...
WHAT?!?! Fagamut?! In a STRAIGHT porno mag?! No way!

When I say trying to get in the centrefold of, I mean, he was trying to sellotape some images of himself in there. Not cool.

At 6/27/09 07:29 PM, schneelocke wrote:
At 6/27/09 05:17 AM, Coop83 wrote: Tons of achievements
I was review modded
We now have an Art Portal

And that's the basics.
Oh, neat! Congrats on becoming a review moderator - and I'll have to check out the art portal, that sounds interesting.

Might I recommend that you check out EchoRun's Art, as it's damned good stuff.

Shameless plug for my girlfriend there :P

At 6/27/09 07:57 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/24/09 04:18 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/24/09 12:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Hah. Well, I'm sure both you and Coop can probably guess which one of those now has additional appeal to me for a retirement date AND retirement exp number for gfox. #;-}>
So, I'll gain another experience rank on or around the 21st of August :P
You're closer to me alt-alt than 6 days of exp now, aintcha? Anyway, in any event you'll be celebrating in August, that's for sure. #;-}>

I haven't checked the list since the last update. It'll come eventually, but I did get two ranks yesterday, so it's all good :)

Hell, in fact.... I should put gfoxcook at 36k/36k, gfoxclock at 3.6k/3.6k, and gfox at 36/36 (or 360/360, whichever).
Chop chop then, there's not much time :P
Well, I still wanna see about whether I can do the "edging forward with a save or blam here or there and then going weeks without voting again and thus avoid depositing" thing.

Don't forget, you can still get an additional 4 points to avoid that pesky deposit ;)

What, you think Gagsy can get 30k total points in the time it takes me to get 5.5k?

It's on. Ain't nobody gonna stop the flow now!

I've got some perverted Mel Gibson wannabe to beat first. He still thinks he can beat me to 100k, so good for him :P

Just making sure to motivate you a bit more in your battle with iscrulz. Now you're guaranteed to beat him to 100k. #;-}>

Well, I should do - I've closed the gap by 1,000 Points over the last month down to 1,500 ish, so he shouldn't be able to put up too much of a fight.

At 6/27/09 08:17 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/26/09 04:09 AM, Coop83 wrote: I think it's a syndicate - no man could keep depositing daily like that... except me!
[it is the year 2020... on a forum named NG BBS, a user named Coop83 has risen to #1 in exp...]

Noob A: man, that Coop is amazing. He signed up in like 2000 or something, I wasn't even BORN yet!
Noob B: yeah, man, but he hasn't even been doing his own depositing since 2010. Get with the times, mannnnnn.

(i.e. be careful, Coop, they might say the same thing about you someday #;-}>)

Yeah, but I'll still be around to chat with people. If I'm still on Newgrounds, I'm still doing stuff. If I can't carry on posting, B/Ping and reviewing, why bother depositing experience? Sure, taking a holiday and getting someone else to deposit for me is acceptable, but then I come back and carry on where I left off.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 06:22:29

23000 exp

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 07:12:07

At 6/27/09 08:28 PM, gfoxcook wrote: OMG. Hey there, thanks for dropping by!

My pleasure - it's good to be back.

O_O......... @_@

Oh, you want the strap-on treatment, too? Form a line, no shoving! :)

Us Americans all slip into stereotypical Australian slang now and then.

In the 80s, it was Crocodile Dundee's fault.
In the 90s, it was Steve Irwin's fault.
In the 00s, it's the TF2 Sniper's fault.

Ah, interesting. I knew about Paul Hogan and Steve Irwin, of course, but TF2 is news to me. But then, I'm not into shooter games big time (except for DOOM, which I still play regularly even today).

At 6/28/09 05:35 AM, Coop83 wrote: Might I recommend that you check out EchoRun's Art, as it's damned good stuff.

Shameless plug for my girlfriend there :P

Heh. I'll take a look!

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 07:19:17

8000 posts.

Just realized getting this many is such a rare thing for me now. With the numbers of post I make per day (which is little) I'm surprised really.

Everything I see is just a image of my thoughts "Always looking for a better day..."

What's your fastest reaction time?

-[Audiosurf Club]-

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 07:44:52

LegolaSS Congrats the following people for the first time:

Thanks to :

without these people you wouldnt get noticed... and they spend a fair amount of time writing their LUL's :P

*im never doing a Wi/Ht LUL list... it takes way to long :3*
also i agree... newgrounds is running slow ¬¬

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 07:51:58

Like Odyssic said, Newgrounds has been rather slow today. I sure chose a great time to pull stats for my EXP update, which will hopefully be up later today. It seems this site hasn't had a good time this week with connection problems and all.

What's more, I'm having to go hospital tomorrow to have my right eye examined after the opticians suspected I have keratoconus. It might not be that in the end, but I'm mostly concerned about what the outcome will be.

Listening to:

Dream Theater - Black Clouds & Silver Linings

At 6/27/09 02:01 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/26/09 04:25 PM, schneelocke wrote: So, what did I miss?
Oh, not that much... only me reaching SC, Coop getting review modded, NEVR getting review and BBS modded... :P

How could you forget 36Holla becoming a review AND BBS mod.

At 6/27/09 01:14 PM, Bahamut wrote: Listening to:

Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse
Yeah, speaking of good bands: Opeth sure is one of them. :)

Oh yeah. :D

Metallica - From Kill 'Em All - Justice: Great!
And from then on?
I think the black album is overrated. It's a good album, but by far not that great (my fav album is Ride the Lightening, btw).

Considering how many actually hate the Black album, it can't be so overrated. However, I don't think it's a great album either. It's good, but not great.

St. Anger... well, if the sound wheren't so shitty it would be a much better album. >_> The songs are pretty intensive and dynamic.

Even without the terrible sound quality, I'd still have trouble listening to the album thanks to FRANTIC TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK TOCK!

Well, yes but I highly doubt they'll care about them two. :P
I should ask them, then. XD


At 6/27/09 07:57 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/24/09 04:18 AM, Coop83 wrote: *puts Bahamut's juggling balls away*
That's gotta hurt. I thought those babies had to stay attached? Even with dragons, I mean...

lol, I can't believe I overlooked this. Seriously, I need those dragon balls.

At 6/27/09 08:17 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/24/09 09:36 AM, Bahamut wrote: Alternative Character Battle - Final Battle: Pyramid Head vs Bahamut - This is it! :)

How did Pyramid Head get into the finals? SERIOUSLY, dude. Talk about a rigged match. #;-}>

I'll give you a few reasons as to why:

1. He's a legitimate character, unlike a fucking Tetris block.
2. He's awesome and enough people agreed with that. :)
3. No extremely popular characters such as Cloud or Link were in the whole tournament due to bannage on them.

Serves him right.
Hey now. ;_;

Hey, he's been a douchebag for years now and still is.

Recent years only, yes, but they have become popular reviewers already.
No, I was saying that he can inspire as many other reviewers as he wants, but he's too recent to be classic HIMSELF yet.

None of us called him a classic reviewer, though.

Ding ding ding ding!

Yay, I'm right! What do I win?

I think that's so, but I'm not too sure. I've noticed some of my alts I meant to stop depositing for I accidentally voted on them a few times (no deposits, though) and later, the voting was reset so I'd have to vote for 5 more flashes to deposit again.
Well, can you help me out by confirming that? i.e. if you have an alt you stopped depositing for, but it wouldn't kill you if it gained 10 exp by accident, vote on 2 movies for it today and see what it says... "4 more till deposit..." and "3 more till deposit..." hopefully... and then in a couple weeks, vote on 2 more movies for it again, and see if it says "4 more, 3 more" again or if it says "2 more, 1 more..."

Sure thing, I'll look into it.

SO IT WAS YOU WHO TOOK IT DOWN! ...Even though you have no Art Portal privileges.
Says you... I know people. (wink)

Ah well, at least I've got the magazine off Coop.

I have every right to hate the douchebag for snoring. Because of him, I have lost so much fucking sleep and the worst part of it, he's not doing a fucking thing about it. He doesn't apologise either, except for when I told him to do so. So what makes you think I shouldn't hate him for snoring?
Nvm, then. I just meant the snoring itself. Sounds like the real problem is not his snoring, but that he doesn't try to keep others from hearing it, and doesn't even apologise after the fact. Fair enough!

And speaking of him snoring, yeah....I couldn't get any sleep until 5AM. That sure was fun. NOT.

Fab auras fucking sucks with everything. END OF STORY!
LOL. You're as bad about fab as iscrulz is about FF.

At least I'm right about fab aura sucking.

At 6/25/09 07:41 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut = WINNER! Thanks to everyone who participated in my contest. :)
Like we couldn't see that one coming. Easy victory. #;-}>

Indeed, but the king of dragons had to win the first Alternative Character Battle.

At 6/28/09 01:46 AM, Wylo wrote: Only 10 more levels to go now...

Which will take another 3 years

And I have 20 more levels to go and the last level feels so far away.

Congrats on level 50, it's much better than the cupid.

At 6/28/09 05:35 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/27/09 01:14 PM, Bahamut wrote: WHAT?!?! Fagamut?! In a STRAIGHT porno mag?! No way!
When I say trying to get in the centrefold of, I mean, he was trying to sellotape some images of himself in there. Not cool.

STOP IT COOP! You're suggesting he was putting pictures of himself in there appearing to show him fucking dragonesses. If you meant he was trying to add any gay porn in, then...There's none of it here. :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 08:02:03

Level 31 + 10,000 experience.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 08:41:13

Congratulations to: -

Hacsev - Level 21
LampFace - 4,000 Posts
SCTE3 - 15,000 B/P
Neenja-SkLz - 1,000 B/P
Ronald-McDonald-Lol - 3,000 Posts
Lizzardis - Sergeant
Wylo - Level 50
KevnSevn - 5,000 Saves
jonthomson - 23,000 Experience
Lost-Wisdom - 8,000 Posts
simon - Level 31 and 10,000 Experience

At 6/27/09 01:14 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/26/09 08:58 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 6/26/09 08:12 AM, Bahamut wrote: If it was truly Zack who made that thread, I am jellyous of him.
Be careful, jellyously is a dangerous thing.
So what, I'm jellyous!

...I'm a bit jellyous too actually.

Like a special one? For the next one, it's possible.
Try to make it one where less known characters don't get knocked out in Round 1 ;P
Well, the whole purpose of my Alternative Character Battle was to get overlooked characters more exposure than they would on GameFAQs' tournaments. Something like that would be what I did already but with much less characters. This is why I'm going to make special tournaments on a specific subject such as a PS1 special I hope to do sometime.

Or DS...y'know, where PW characters don't get obliterated ;P

At 6/27/09 07:57 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/24/09 07:17 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: How you park it is vital, if you park it too far onto the token, you'll pick it up while approaching the bike, the trick is to collect it whie being in the process of mounting the bike. The results are hilarious.
BTW, how do you park it in the first place without picking it up then? Do you have to go ahead and pick it up then, but then just wait till it respawns?

No you kinda park up to it in such a way that you won't pick it up when you get off but will when you get on. This video probably explains it better than I can,but after he gets back on and the screen turns black pause immediately unless you wanna spoil the surprise.

At 6/24/09 01:04 AM, gfoxcook wrote: As I was saying to Bahamut earlier this evening, the original Vice City is the only GTA I've done 100% of the story on, yet... I don't think I ever tried out that glitch in it. I'll have to do that sometime, as well. So what, you park the bike right on the floating shirt icon, or where it's just poking out the side of the bike, then get on the bike from that side but being careful not to touch the icon before you hit the triangle button?
Essentially yes, the trick is that you should pick up the token while you're hopping on the bike, not on your approach beforehand or after you've sat down on it. Took me a good 5 minutes or so to get right, but it's fantastic once you get it.
I gotcha on that, but now I'm left wondering about the thing I just thought of and asked you about. #;-}>

See above, he does it a different "head-on" way rather than side-on, but it works either way.

I was talking about this with Bahamut earlier, too (seems like we were just Steam msging about everything we've been talking about here in LUL, interesting...), and I remarked that whether or not the thread started out seriously or as a troll, by page 5 (when he said "jellyous again after being mocked for the spelling by like 10-20 people through pages 4 and 5 to that point) he had definitely become a full-fledged troll whether he started out with that intention or not. #;-}>
Apparently it was an alt made by Zack, however as to the origin of the now famous original pic I haven't a clue.
That might mean something to me if I knew who Zack was. #;-}>

This guy.

But I take it that the picture isn't of him then?

May have just been a gimmick account for posting about weightlifting exploits or whatever, then they created that thread and what happened next was unexpected, but they rolled with it.
Ah. So kinda alt funs that became something more than they expected. Nifty.

Well I anticipate that's what happened, unless the poster was already aware of the phallic nature of his neck :)

Heh. I appeared to be in on the joke when I wasn't quite yet... I SEE THE FUTURE.
Quick, what's going to happen in 2036?
I will spend 366 consecutive days with a smile on my face just because of what year it is. </truth>

(2036 leap year WIN! one extra day to enjoy the awesomeness)

Nice, Pity you'll spend 365.25 consecutive days with a frown because of 2037 :P

Yeah, past the first dozen pages it died a bit of a slow death as the quality photoshops dried up and crappy MS Paint offerings emerged. While I was disappointed to see it locked before Dick Neck: Origins was made, it was for the best.
Yeah, I didn't want to wade through the crap I knew would be in the later pages, so I ended up letting ED do my crap-wading for me, and they pulled out the few pearls that remained for me. Thanks, ED!

Indeed, ED proves its usefulness...for once.

I think we've had this discussion before, then. I AM FEELING TEH DEJA VU.
Maybe we have, can't recall myself to be honest but we could well have.
Well, let me just put it this way: unless there's another Irishman on Wi/Ht? who doesn't like U2, then we talked about it before. #;-}>

Now, I know there was another Irish dude who used to frequent LUL a lot back in the day, but... I really doubt you both suffer from the same lack of U2 enjoyments. That'd be too much to bear. ;_;

Probably was me, I just can't recall the conversation, that's all.

Yeah, there was a lot of wasted potential there, I have to agree with that. Frankly I think they could've dedicated an episode to him as opposed to him supplementing the existing storyline for that episode.
Yep. Plus more making fun of rest of the band OR if Matt and Trey didn't want to do that because they felt only Bono was deserving of self-important celebrity mocking, then they could have really set the 3 other bandmates against him. Maybe had them team up with Stan, Kyle, and Cartman in pairs to defeat the evil Bono or something. Coulda been epic! Instead... was just pretty funny. Good enough, though. Every ep of South Park can't be epic or it wouldn't still be going after 13 or 14 seasons, it'd have exhausted itself long, long ago. #;-}>

Yeah, you gotta have a handful of mediocre episodes to balance out the "Scott Tenorman Must Die"s of the SP world.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 09:40:25

Achievement of the Day
Wylo: Level 50. Congrats! :)

Congrats to:
Hacsev: Level 21
wegra2007: 2,000 Flash Reviews
LampFace: Police Lt., 4,000 Posts
SCTE3: 15,000 BP
Neenja-SkLz: 1,000 BP
Ronald-McDonald-LoL: 3,000 Posts
Zoidz: Level 8
Lizzardis: Sergeant
KevnSevn: 5,000 Saves
jonthomson: 23,000 Experience
Lost-Wisdom: 8,000 Posts
simon: Level 31, 10,000 Experience

Listening to
U2 - A Day Without Me

At 6/27/09 02:01 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/27/09 06:02 AM, Auz wrote:
At 6/26/09 02:51 PM, Haggard wrote: But something positive happened as well: The Wadden Sea was placed on the UNESCO's World Heritage list.
Nice. Does that actually do anything? Because I thought it was a protected area already.
Well, now more tourists will come and see it, I guess.

Sounds like a really good idea to put a protected area on such a list then =/

At 6/27/09 07:29 PM, schneelocke wrote:
At 6/27/09 05:17 AM, Coop83 wrote: *facepalms* Well, how long have you got?

Tons of achievements
I was review modded
We now have an Art Portal

And that's the basics.
Oh, neat! Congrats on becoming a review moderator - and I'll have to check out the art portal, that sounds interesting.

Believe me, it´s not half as interesting as it sounds like...

At 6/28/09 07:44 AM, LegolaSS wrote:
*im never doing a Wi/Ht LUL list... it takes way to long :3*

Not as long as getting Drunken Deity xD

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 09:41:25

And a special gfox-replies-only post.

(A bit rushed due to having to study for exams again -.-')

At 6/27/09 08:08 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/24/09 06:48 AM, Auz wrote: Heh, but isn´t Pimp an alt account anyway or isn´t he held by multiple users? :p At least I always found it strange how he magically popped up out of nowhere whenever there was a topic made about him.
I can't remember if I've heard specific credible users claim to have had access to Pimp and not admit they were joking like Coop just admitted.... like I DEFINITELY had heard from users about having access to humantarget back in the day. So I dunno.

He definitely started out as a single account, and AFAIK as a main account, not an alt.

At this point, who knows, he could indeed be some other user's alt at this point if the original Pimp isn't depositing for himself anymore, I dunno.

And that would explain how he magically always pops up in topics about him.

At 6/23/09 06:06 AM, Auz wrote: Listening to:
The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary
Epic song. Great for driving along to, especially if you've got a very expensive sports car to take around the countryside.
Epic indeed. I love the guitarsound in this song.
Singing, guitar... it's all excellent. Not the deepest of lyrics, but very singalongable. Especially in the car, yes.

These aren´t the kind of songs that I listen to for the lyrics anyway.

But it´s very good for driving around the countryside indeed like Coop also already mentioned. I remember this song was in Vice City too. I loved to take a fast car and race around the city with this song playing.

At 6/24/09 01:03 AM, gfoxcook wrote: See, Coop? I knew there was someone out there who'd say that. #;-}>
Lol, now I´m starting to worry whether I said something terrible :p
To Coop and Bahamut, apparently. But not to us reasonable folk. #;-}>


Party Girl and 11 O'Clock Tick Tock are my fave b-sides from the 80s, and they're both on Under a Blood Red Sky, so I can listen to 'em without having to have all the singles from that era
Hmm I don´t know those songs that well yet. But weren´t they also featured on October, Boy or War? And I thought I was pretty sure that 11 O'Clock Tick Tock was their very first single and not a b-side.
No, they're not from any albums.

You're correct that 11 O'CTT is a single in its own right, but it was pre-Boy, and the track wasn't on Boy. I confess that at times to me, single = a song from an album that has a separate smaller release with its name, and b-side = every track that didn't make it onto an album, usually found on singles.

So to me, even though it was the "star" of its own single, it's still kinda like a b-side in that it never made an album. #;-}>

I guess that depends on how you define a b-side.

Still it´s weird though. It´s a single released in between two albums, like Electrical Storm, but both those albums were released shortly after eachother... Why not wait to release it with the album and make it the "promotional single" or something?

Speaking of Electrical Storm by the way, I´d love to see that song performed live this summer for the very first time. I think it would do really well live.

But I believe a lot of B-sides appeared on the "Best of"-collection cd´s, so we still have them somewhere.
That's good.

But anyway, you clearly missed out on SOME songs, for instance saying you're not that familiar with Party Girl and 11 O'CTT, so... you should at least get the live album Under a Blood Red Sky. It's got only 8 tracks, but it has iconic live performances of tracks like Sunday Bloody Sunday and those 2 non-album tracks above and a few other tracks from Boy and October and War performed live. Like... Gloria... and I Will Follow (I think)... and Electric Co from Boy... and... eh, I can't remember 'em all. I fail.

We do have Under A Blood Red Sky here. My dad's bought all the albums U2 ever released except for Wide Awake In America and 16 singles. And I like how he got an original LP of October, even though our LP player doesn´t work so well anymore..

But the last time I listened to UABRS was several years ago I think. And I didn´t even listen to the album in full then. Just Sunday Bloody Sunday, New Years Day perhaps and it´s how I got familiar with The Electric Co. (which is I think my second favourite U2 song ever). I just always skipped 11 O Clock Tick Tock and songs like that because I didn´t know them and didnt wanted to know them I guess.

And now that I think about, I´m actually not that familiar with the early U2 albums, except for Boy. I haven´t given October and War a good listen yet. Should do that some of these days.

I think so? Although I am a little confused here :p

Do you also mean not all of their existing music necessarily has to be what they really sound like? Or used to sound like?
I guess what I meant was it's funny how your idea of what a band SHOULD sound like is totally crafted just from what they've released, not from what the band actually has done.

For instance, there could be 10 weird U2 songs out there that you and I haven't heard, all from the 80s and 90s... and their next new album in a few years comes out and sounds really weird and very un-U2-like to both of us and we don't like it very much... but in an alternate reality, those 10 weird songs were either on albums or were well-known b-sides or live staples, and.... due to that one change, the new album that comes out sounds like perfect U2 to us. #;-}>

I guess I just mean that bands do change from album to album, but they probably also have secret sides and songs that were everyone to know, our ideas of what a band's sound truly IS might change already, just looking back at old stuff, let alone a new album that sounds weird and different (like I believe your first reaction to the new album was, at least to most of it).

Okay I think I get your point now. And I think you´re right about this. What´s released on the albums might just be one side of a band and it sometimes is the only side we get to know. And it might be completely different from how they actually are.

And yes indeed I thought No Line On The Horizon sounded a little weird at first. But I had the same feelings with HTDAAB. With U2 I just always gotta get used to it I guess. Giving an album a few more listens, it always starts to sound better and better to me. But in NLOTH case I´m afraid I´ll have to put it on the very bottom of my favourite U2 albums list. It just doesn´t appeal to me that much.

I was just joking a bit that while XBox players have to pay, at least they get this whole achievement system with gamerscore and all that shit. Which is of course totally not worth spending any money on :p

But now that you say that even you as a PC gamer have something like that, it´s almost retarted to get the XBox version.
Well, if someone cares about gamerscore, you don't get that on Steam (at least, not yet). You get achievements in any game that has them (not all games do, like with XB360, but a lot do... I'd say of the 80 games I have, around 12 have them, and most are newer and good games, a lot of the games that don't have them are from the 1990s, so... pretty obvious why they don't have 'em, achievements weren't around back in the 90s).

But anyway, you can see your % achieved for each individual game. Here, this is my TF2 stats/achievement info page:

http://steamcommunity.com/id/gfawkes/sta ts/TF2

And here's my page for Portal, say:

http://steamcommunity.com/id/gfawkes/sta ts/Portal

Okay that seems nice. I like how you can have a whole personal page with all kinds of achievements for each game. And keeping track of number of hours played and all.

What is this Steam I keep hearing you talk about by the way? I know it´s something for PC gaming, but I´m not quite sure what it does... =/

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 09:50:32

6k blams.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 09:55:22

Well I was going to save this for when I also had 777 audio reviews, which happens to be 3 7's for those who didn't realize it, but I'm going to have a busy day and I don't plan on getting 6 more reviews written any time soon so here I go with the small one milestone post. :(

9,000 Medal Points

Still not good as the best on newgrounds. I can't believe I use to be in the top 10 and now I'm not even on the list anymore. O.o

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 10:07:08

Police Officer, 500 B/P.

Things are never meant to be easy. Everything is a challenge to someone.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 10:29:35

level 25!!

I love hunting for Blam points!!!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 13:09:17

I just broke 15,000 experience. See you next level!

Ignore this signature.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 13:36:06

awwwwwwww lol

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 14:05:23

Congrats to:
LampFace: Police Lieutenant, 4,000 Posts
SCTE3: 15,000 B/P
Neenja-SkLz: 1,000 B/P
Ronald-McDonald-LoL: 3,000 Posts
Lizzardis: Sergeant
Wylo: Level 50
KevnSevn: 5,000 Saves - You do not spend too much time... you just should use the buttons 0 and 1 more often. :P
jonthomson: 23,000 Experience
Lost-Wisdom: 8,000 Posts
simon: Level 31, 10,000 Experience
Kaytee: 6,000 Blams
JonnyTheWinnar: Police Officer
juansolous: Level 25
DrHood: 15,000 Experience

At 6/27/09 07:29 PM, schneelocke wrote:
At 6/27/09 02:01 PM, Haggard wrote: Moin!
Hallihallo. c.c

Hallihallöchen Nachbar, or what was it that Ned Flanders is always saying?

Oh, not that much... only me reaching SC, Coop getting review modded, NEVR getting review and BBS modded... :P
Nice, congrats on becoming an EGSC. :) The how-manyth are you?

#141 (or #142 if you count SevenStar)

At 6/27/09 08:08 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/24/09 02:11 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/24/09 01:04 AM, gfoxcook wrote: TV shows have trailers over there? O_o
Um... maybe not "trailers" but more like... teasers? The things they show when saying: "Today/Later this week on $TV_Station!"
Ah, I see. Yeah, we call those "promos," as in promotions. Short little snippets.

Too many confusing names for just the same thing.

Well, much as I need to listen to more Blind Guardian, you need to watch more Charlton Heston movies. I believe I was referring to more of an Omega Man type Charlton Heston line of dialogue. He was the last human alive who wasn't mutated or whatever in that one. Good stuff, but not as famous as Soylent Green or Planet of the Apes.
I think Soylent Green and Planet of the Apes are the only movies I ever watched with Charlton Heston. >_>
PotA is a classic, and I know the famous scenes from Soylent Green though I haven't seen it, but... Omega Man is right up there with 'em!


I guess I have to watch Omega Man then.

Also, this always comes to my mind when speaking about Soylent Green:

At 6/28/09 07:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: Like Odyssic said, Newgrounds has been rather slow today.

Yeah, earlier this day it was awful. Took me twenty minutes to deposit for all accounts I currently take care of.

What's more, I'm having to go hospital tomorrow to have my right eye examined after the opticians suspected I have keratoconus. It might not be that in the end, but I'm mostly concerned about what the outcome will be.

Good luck with that. :/

At 6/27/09 02:01 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/26/09 04:25 PM, schneelocke wrote: So, what did I miss?
Oh, not that much... only me reaching SC, Coop getting review modded, NEVR getting review and BBS modded... :P
How could you forget 36Holla becoming a review AND BBS mod.

I thought about including him, but wasn't sure if schnee even knows him.

At 6/27/09 01:14 PM, Bahamut wrote: Metallica - From Kill 'Em All - Justice: Great!
And from then on?
I think the black album is overrated. It's a good album, but by far not that great (my fav album is Ride the Lightening, btw).
Considering how many actually hate the Black album, it can't be so overrated. However, I don't think it's a great album either. It's good, but not great.

Okay, "overrated by the media" then.

St. Anger... well, if the sound wheren't so shitty it would be a much better album. >_> The songs are pretty intensive and dynamic.
Even without the terrible sound quality, I'd still have trouble listening to the album thanks to FRANTIC TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK TOCK!

Ever heard of the "skip button"? :P
Also, it's the first song on the album, so just start with listening to the second.

At 6/28/09 09:40 AM, Auz wrote:
At 6/27/09 02:01 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/27/09 06:02 AM, Auz wrote:
At 6/26/09 02:51 PM, Haggard wrote: But something positive happened as well: The Wadden Sea was placed on the UNESCO's World Heritage list.
Nice. Does that actually do anything? Because I thought it was a protected area already.
Well, now more tourists will come and see it, I guess.
Sounds like a really good idea to put a protected area on such a list then =/

It was a touristic attraction before it got listed, so I guess they know how to take care of tourists.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 16:57:34

RIP MJ (Sorry for saying this so late).

Congrats to:

FurryFox: 1,000 Blams
Lizzardis: 3,000 Experience; 1,000 Blams; Sergeant
milinko959: 7,777 Posts
BrianEtrius: Level 17
Bahamut: 13.00 Total Voting Power
BillysProgrammer: Level 14
aquaticmole: 1337 Blams
Molotov: 7,500 Flash Reviews
Ajax-Cubed: Level 25
SlashFirestorm: Level 34
squadus2: 7,000 Experience
wegra2007: 2,000 Flash Reviews - Looks like some of them got deleted
LampFace: Police Lieutenant; 4,000 Posts
SCTE3: 15,000 B/P
Neenja-SkLz: 1,000 B/P
Ronald-McDonald-LoL: 3,000 Posts
Wylo: Level 50
KevnSevn: 5,000 Saves
jonthomson: 23,000 Experience
Lost-Wisdom: 8,000 Posts
simon: Level 31; 10,000 Experience
Kaytee: 6,000 Blams
Corky52: 9,000 Medal Points
JonnyTheWinnar: Police Officer
juansolous: Level 25
DrHood: 15,000 Experience

At 6/25/09 07:47 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Welcome to Idiot-buster's 34th Level Up Lounge list!
Achievement of the day!
And it goes to....Hacsev: 18,000 B/P

Thanks so much, I-B!

At 6/26/09 10:43 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Welcome to Idiot-buster's 35th Level Up Lounge list!
Hacsev: 18,000 BP

Wait, why did you congratulated me twice?

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 18:03:36

59,000 B/P

Only DrHood might be able to take this off Auz's top achievement spot. Mind you, in about another three weeks, I'll be reaching Supreme Commander 2nd Dan

Should be a nice achievement :)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 18:34:59

I just got 1200 Saves and will be getting 500 blams soon.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 19:19:53

At 6/27/09 08:17 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
No but it's good to hear Futurama quotes here. I'm talking about what satisfies me SEXUALLY!
Tubgirl? Goatse? Lemonparty?
Coop in a schneelocke style werewolf costume? *looks worried*
BOOM. Headshot. </TF2 sniper>

I'm not sure if I should feel flattered by this, or miffed that I'm (indirectly) lumped in with tubgirl and all that. c.c Ah well, I think I'll settle for flattered.

At 6/28/09 02:05 PM, Haggard wrote: Hallihallöchen Nachbar, or what was it that Ned Flanders is always saying?

Hi-diddily-ho, neighborino! Although I prefer José Flanders, myself: buenos ding-dong-diddily-dias, señor! :)

(I think in the German dub, Ned says "Hallihallöchen Nachbarchen" or so, but I'm not sure really...)

#141 (or #142 if you count SevenStar)

Ah, cool. :)

I thought about including him, but wasn't sure if schnee even knows him.

No, I don't, actually.

At 6/28/09 06:03 PM, Coop83 wrote: 59,000 B/P


Only DrHood might be able to take this off Auz's top achievement spot. Mind you, in about another three weeks, I'll be reaching Supreme Commander 2nd Dan

Should be a nice achievement :)

Indeed - one's second EGSC is definitely a great achievement!

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 19:54:56

Warning Warning Dangerous iamge below to the easily offendable Proceed with caution maybe NSFW. This is your final warning. It is not NSFNG though.

R.I.P. sincerely to Ed Macmahoh, Farrah Fawcett and Micheal Jackson. In a very tragic turn of events TV pop culure icon Billy Mays was found dead. Shocking news to use all Vince won't be able to fill in his shoes or anyone else for that matter. God must be pissed.

Listening to:
It won't Fade by Sonata Arctica
Wintertime by Midnattsol
Waves of Anguish by Lacuna Coil

At 6/27/09 05:03 AM, schneelocke wrote:
At 6/27/09 03:50 AM, iscrulz wrote: Oh my god oh my god it is my good friend schneee. I have been waiting for the this moment for so long. The reason I have is because I want to engage rough anal sex. Lets go! *Censored*
Heh... nice to see you again, too. :) Rough anal sex doesn't necessarily sound bad, either, but I usually prefer to get to know people a bit better before breaking out my strap-on. >:)

Yeah we should have gotten to known each other back in the day. So lets get to it then. Also whip-out your strap-on and plow me up the ass until it hurts like hell.

Your mate Cooper is going to be living in a hospital if he passes me in B/P or TPP.
My mate? I hope you're just slipping into Australian slang there... :)

Is mate brit slang too. G'day to ya seppo throw another shrimp on tha barbie and pop a bottle of cleanskin. Lets hit up Maccas.

At 6/27/09 05:17 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/26/09 05:58 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 5/31/09 04:32 AM, Coop83 wrote: We shall see - I'm on a tear for all things stats though it'll take more than that to catch someone as long in the tooth as you for Experience
There won't be any time you passing me in experience points I am set for 2 years of no missed deposits. The tooth will never be to old.
Well, I bet you never thought that ReconRebel would get to retiring from Newgrounds, did you? Now some of the users will never know the magic of his achievement gifs.

You're right but RR didn't retire he went emo and left or the zombiez got him at work. He would have made so gifs annoucing his retirement. He was a huge daily depositor like you and me so I don't have a clue why he would leave, he should give his accounts to me

No you are not. I am coming for my b/p points always > your b/p points.
Two opinions on that one mate. Yours and the correct one :P

My opinion is fact, mate. You shallnt pass me.

At 6/27/09 03:50 AM, iscrulz wrote: Just purely coincidental and pretty fly for me. I got precisely 96k on ByteSLingaz NG LOG. No congrats though save it for 100k. And before Cooper to who is a fucking jewchebag
It doesn't matter when I pass you, it only matters that I do :P

Yeah uh it does then I can say I got to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 (in thousands) before you.

At 6/27/09 01:14 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/27/09 03:50 AM, iscrulz wrote: Oh I thought it was release in the States before the Europes. I have a few songs I might just buy the whole album to get all the songs, wait I have TF/FotW/LotV and Stargazer so it would be a waste.
Actually, the UK got the album a day before the States since albums are released on Mondays. However, the other European countries may have got this before us since they get new releases on Fridays.

So it would be release on the same day everywhere but the releasing standards for certain countries make it not so you know well a few days isn't a anything to make a deal about, the album is out for the enjoyment.

What I am going to get back on the Regular list I will show you. Btw ban me from the Wi/Ht? Member list and put me back in my place ruling the RCVL.
No can do.

I think you can make an exception.

Yes they should have. Whens the next poll I am going to mass vote again and they will count.
You know, if you decide to fuck around with any future polls, I'll be banning you from voting altogether.

Ah come on now this is newgrounds you have to have mass voting. I will find a way and this time it with be legit. Unless the Poll is two things I like.

At 6/27/09 08:28 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/26/09 05:58 AM, iscrulz wrote: Hey now our conflict maybe ironic but it wasn't stupid it served a greater purpose. I will have you know.
If you say so.

Damn straight. It is so.

Most of the times I would have noticed, I was getting paranoid that you alt was going to pass me in experience. I am aiming for RR now I think he got attacked by the zombiez. The MAO face icons were great dang me for not grabbing a screensnag.
Yeah, he definitely got attacked by zombies. Back in March or April. Sad, sad story. ;_;

And now his account sits dormant. I would take it and start depositing for it after I passed it so Cooper couldn't get a +1 exp rank.

I could have sworn they were playing the 76ers I don't know how stupid I could be when those teams aren't in the same conference. I must have been thinking of two different series.
Ah. Brainfart on your part, then. Gotcha. #;-}>

Well NHL and NBA are over its just baseball and waiting for college and football. Speaking of baseball how is game 3 of the Tigers and Astros going. ::Checks:: dang commercial... poker. 4 to 3 YAY it wasn't a sweep.

I just wish any team expect for Jazz and Spurs to beat the Lakers I mean KOBE. Yeah thos fucking cardinals beat the tigers in the WS that year. Tigers are looking good in the AL Central I hope they can keep it up. They spanked the overrated Cubs in 3 games. Well go Astros.
Thanks, mate. That's very unlike you to wish my team well like that. #;-}>

Hey they are in the Western Conference, if they were in the Eastern or beat Pistons I would bash them like I do to FF. Well next year lets have faith both teams will rebound and make it furthre in the playoffs. As for the Astros as of this moment fuck them.

It was some Japan word for sword or katana that's all I remember what the %u014Ds was probably O with two dots.
There's no "two dots over an O" characters in Japanese, man. That's a European charactre.

Well is there an accent in either direction, I can't think of anything else it would be, the Wii has lots of charactres like that, so I will check, I won't check.

I thought it was the french habitats in Canadian that spell the -er -re.
French and British both do -re. Canada got it from BOTH ENDS AT ONCE. </dirty-sounding>

Those dirty Canadians. They need more American influences in there language. :::Listens to millions of Canadians getting pissed off and throwing a fit::: over this statement.

No need to get hostile and all defensive I am sure lots of Dream Theater fans spell it -re.
Sorry, but Bahamut "corrects" me on it a ton, and now you've started to as well. I feel perfectly justified in my overreaction, thank you very much. #;-}>

Yes he is a bigger fanboy than I am. I corrected you, well I would probably not do that most have been caught up in the moment. Thank You. Have you listened to Black Clouds and Silver Linings by Dream Theatre.

I have gotten a few threats or people saying get a life for trolling which is just what I am craving.
Yes. Trolls feed on just that sort of thing. Lots of tasty food for you on teh YTs, eh?

Its easy there but it is also hard because it is so vast. I would do the same on twitter but fuck that I am not signing up for a site that is swarmed with masses. Its like facebook, twitter and youtube is the only sites the general public goes to.

If I used that method I would still screw up my 100:1 blam to saves alt or something like that I don't get how it prevents gfoxcook from blamming and gfoxclock from saving. Something about not being able to double vote.
Oh, you want the strap-on treatment, too? Form a line, no shoving! :)

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-28 20:01:38

Damn Schnee and her strap-on hi-jinx. Warning offensive image below

At 6/27/09 08:28 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/26/09 05:58 AM, iscrulz wrote:
No, because I only ever save on Opera, and I only ever blam on Firefox (for now, once gfoxcook is retired, I'll do both ONLY on Firefox).

Well you might try to blam on Firefox and vote 2 and the flash gets saved. Then will you be screwed.

And since I'm only ever logged in to gfoxcook on Opera and gfoxclock/gfox on Firefox.... that keeps my saves where they belong and my blams where they belong. Capisce?

I see but there is still a chance you get a blam or save that you don't want because the UJ flash was blammed not saved and vice a versa

Only time can tell. Well less than 4,000 saves less near 1K on Clock day. It should be easy getting it before 2010 dont stop for little milestones and you should be fine.
Yep. I just gotta stop pausing at little milestones so much, and I'll be fine, just like you say. That + a good haul on CD09.

Yes so only stop at 32,360 33,036, 34,720 and 35,990. You will be fine if you follow those marks in the road to 36 thousandland.

At 6/27/09 03:50 AM, iscrulz wrote: Just purely coincidental and pretty fly for me. I got precisely 96k on ByteSLingaz NG LOG. No congrats though save it for 100k. And before Cooper to who is a fucking jewchebag
lulz. jewchebag. That's.... semi-original, at least. #;-}>

Half a thanks then. Lalz

What I am going to get back on the Regular list I will show you. Btw ban me from the Wi/Ht? Member list and put me back in my place ruling the RCVL.

No not NEVAR.
gfoxcook and Bahamut in unison: Your wish will be fulfilled. There you go.
Hey look I am back on top of the RCVL. Now I can rule it for years to come. Farewell member list.

Yes they should have. Whens the next poll I am going to mass vote again and they will count.


Me? NO, not yet!
Yes you, What, damn it Buy it, Steal it or Borrow and never return it.
Agreed. He needs to get FO3, dagnabit!

The days are passing and Bahamut hasn't gotten FO3 lets dis dragons and spell Dream Theather with -re and switch to FAB.

Oh my god oh my god it is my good friend schneee. I have been waiting for the this moment for so long. The reason I have is because I want to engage rough anal sex. Lets go! *Censored*
O_O......... @_@

Nice use of emoticons very powerful way to express your interest in me and schnee hawt anal seckzings

At 6/27/09 05:03 AM, schneelocke wrote: My mate? I hope you're just slipping into Australian slang there... :)
Us Americans all slip into stereotypical Australian slang now and then.

Plus the accent is enough to fall into Australian slang from time to time.

At 6/28/09 01:46 AM, Wylo wrote: Only 10 more levels to go now...

Which will take another 3 years

Your not getting Level 60. never.

At 6/28/09 05:35 AM, Coop83 wrote: I've got some perverted Mel Gibson wannabe to beat first. He still thinks he can beat me to 100k, so good for him :P

Ah hahahahahaha. If Mel GIbson and Kat Von D. had unprotected passionate sex I would be the baby too. I will beat you. I have some tricks up my sleeves.

Just making sure to motivate you a bit more in your battle with iscrulz. Now you're guaranteed to beat him to 100k. #;-}>

How dare you think he can beat me to 100K

Well, I should do - I've closed the gap by 1,000 Points over the last month down to 1,500 ish, so he shouldn't be able to put up too much of a fight.
At 6/28/09 07:12 AM, schneelocke wrote:
At 6/27/09 08:28 PM, gfoxcook wrote: O_O......... @_@
Oh, you want the strap-on treatment, too? Form a line, no shoving! :)

I am first in line, *gets fucked up the ass violently*. ::Puts on fake 'stache and goes to the back of the line.::

At 6/28/09 06:03 PM, Coop83 wrote: 59,000 B/P

Congrats mate

Only DrHood might be able to take this off Auz's top achievement spot. Mind you, in about another three weeks, I'll be reaching Supreme Commander 2nd Dan

Dan will congrats me first for reaching 22,000 experience points, Then 60K B/P then 100K penta listers points, all before you.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-29 01:27:02

Level Up.

You know. I just got rid of the gold one of this not too long ago. And here I am with it again. Ugh.

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2009-06-29 04:45:45

I Turned 2 today on NG :)

If you are reading this, it means I have posted. Whether or not I am still posting, this has left its mark, for many years to come.

BBS Signature