Coop fails to notice the ice on his driveway, then congratulates:
youngblood26: 4,000 Experience; Level 20; Private
iscrulz: 20,000 Experience; 20k Triplelisted :P
Molotov: 60,000 Blams
AcidSoldier: Level 15
GarthN: Level 11
darknessdweller: 222 Flash Reviews
MICHhimself: 1,111 Posts
Myst: 134th Supreme Commander
leitger: Level 13
shadowchaotailsevil3: 9,000 Attention Whores
gamerpeepinpa: 5,000 Posts
Thank you to:
At 12/9/08 06:37 AM, darknessdweller wrote:
Coop83 (x2) OH, so first it was spams, NOW IT'S TROLLS! What's next!?
If you posted more maturely, it might even be posts :P
At 12/10/08 07:36 AM, sonofkirk wrote:
At 12/10/08 03:06 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Coop gets ready to dig his car out of the ice, while congratulating:
Ah, it's snowing in England, does the snow instantly melt or does it stay in the floor ? In my town, all the landscape is becoming white :D. I must sound like a child but I love snow ;P.
Yeah, I love snow as well, but I can't see the fun in it when we get 0.01mm per year and that immediately seems to melt - the only place that good snow ever tends to stick in on my car, before I need to go to work :(
Still, being flanked by large hill groups on three sides and by a river on the fourth, it doesn't make the best conditions for snow to fall and then stick.
At 12/10/08 08:12 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Coop83 - 50000 B/P. Yay!
That big milestone out of the way, what's next? I've got things I can be chasing like Saves milestones, but they will take time, as will 20k Blams. Think I might just have to settle for the pursuit of Level 40 :P
At 12/10/08 10:10 AM, ramagi wrote:
At 12/10/08 03:06 AM, Coop83 wrote:
ramagi: Level 50; Passed ht52
thanks for catching both :)
I couldn't be arsed to check the Exp list to see if you were 13th or 14th. Now that I know you were up to 13th, I could have put that, but you got the idea from the post anyway :)
At 12/10/08 11:38 AM, Impetus wrote:
Oh, wow- I'm back after like 5 years and some of the names are familiar.
Is this awesome? y/n
Well, come back in 11 days and say how it's your 6th anniversary of signing up. We'll bake you a cake.
At 12/10/08 09:23 PM, warfighter546 wrote:
sometimes when im sleeping my brother steals the computer so
it is hard to level up for me.
2 minutes a day, that's all you need. Vote on 5 movies and you'll then get more experience. Vote on all of the Under Judgement flash (Purple in the Flash Portal) and you might get Blam or Protect points. If you can do that once or twice a day, the points will soon come along.