At 8/9/08 06:48 AM, HypaShadow wrote: Level 14.
You forgot that you have reached 1000 Posts.
I Pinoy Club! I American Basketball Crew I Asian Users Club I Follow me on Twitter! I
Thanks, BlueHippo

At 8/9/08 06:48 AM, HypaShadow wrote: Level 14.
You forgot that you have reached 1000 Posts.
I Pinoy Club! I American Basketball Crew I Asian Users Club I Follow me on Twitter! I
Thanks, BlueHippo
Congrats to:
EmoDragon: 7,000 Experience
LiquidSapphire: 600 Reviews
DarkFlame0211: Police Officer
TECh2o: Level 18
youngblood26: 1 Year on NG
Aci6: Level 22
Racoonmario: Level 17
At 8/9/08 02:20 AM, gfoxcook wrote:At 7/17/08 11:40 AM, Haggard wrote: FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!Out of context FTW!
</rage against the machine>
It wasn't out of context. :(
NOOOOOOOOooooooooooo. ;_; How can you hate teh House?OMG. More exp topic reading for you, mister! :::writes you a prescription and signs it as Dr. Gregory House:::*reads the signature*
*throws prescritpion away*
God, I hate that guy. :P
Because he's an asshole. And it's always the same in every episode. Or, to quote News Reporter: "Not interesting."
I don't dislike it for anything to do with its alchie content. It's the weird rotten fruit aftertaste I don't like.God, I hate how that stuff tastes. NO WORRIES FOR ME.I'm not that much into the "hard" stuff anyways, so I never drank it. ^^
Hm... rotten fruit... I guess I will NEVER drink it. ^^
At 8/9/08 04:43 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 8/8/08 08:12 AM, Haggard wrote:Für ein kleines bißchen Horrorschau!At 8/8/08 03:02 AM, Coop83 wrote:Vorhang aufHier kommt Alex*prepares for the end of the song*At 8/5/08 03:32 PM, Haggard wrote:Für ein kleines bißchen HorrorschauAt 8/5/08 02:57 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 8/4/08 06:06 AM, Haggard wrote:At 8/2/08 04:33 AM, Coop83 wrote:Vorhang aufHEY! Hey... hey...Hier kommt Alex... Alex.. Alex
Hier kommt Alex... Alex.. Alex
Vorhang auf
Für seine Horrorschau
Ok, which song is next? How bout "Painkiller" by Priest? :D
Safety patrol AND bronze whistle! A great start, eh?
Listening to:
Diamond Head - Lightning to the Nations
Congrats to:
youngblood26 - Gold whistle, 1 year old account
danwolves - Police Lieutenant
61 - Silver whistle
LiquidSapphire - 600 flash reviews, Sergeant Major
TECh2o - Level 18
Aci6 - Level 22
Racoonmario - Level 17
HypaShadow - Level 14
RohantheBarbarian - Private First Class
Thanks to:
At 8/8/08 08:12 AM, Haggard wrote:At 8/8/08 07:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: BIG LOL!LOL indeed!
If he has such a big problem with the Wi/Ht?'ers, why can't he leave this forum? He's much better off in the General forum.
At 8/8/08 06:07 PM, TehSlapHappy wrote: Congrats To All The People Who Spend Time On NG Doing All This:
EmoDragon || 7,000 exp || Let me borrow some. :P
Like I said about your congratulations to TheNumberOfTheDragon's achievement, no.
Sinitron || 5500 exp || EmoDragon has moar, imma mooch off him.
Good luck with that, I guess.
At 8/9/08 02:18 AM, gfoxcook wrote: FINALLY CATCH-UP ON TEH LUL.
At 7/17/08 09:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: Danger, danger, high voltage? lol.When we touch. When we kiss.
Damn straight.
You know, Afro_Stud declares that as a shitty song.
If it was, I'd never reach 18 years old. XPOMG, IT WAS 7/7 WHEN THIS PART OF THE CONVO STARTED, BUT NOW IT'S 8/8/8!!! OMG. (note: I typed this part on 8/8, but didn't get around to combing through the entire topic up to current till today, 8/9, hence this part being inaccurate now... D'OH!)
There was going to be a Bahamut N' Satan 888, but that idea was scrapped after Pokelord forgot the idea for that flash and myself focusing too much on my 100th flash.
I like Crazy Train and Mr. Crowley. :)I listen to those a lot on my essential ozzy 2 disc collection, as they're disc 1 tracks 1 'n' 2, and I like them a lot as well. But they're more down in the 4-10 region of my top 10.
Speaking of those two songs, they've been confirmed for Guitar Hero World Tour. :D
I did stop the crazy train today with Blind Guardian's The Forgotten Tales. Featuring covers of Dio, Judas Priest, The Beach Boys, Uriah Heep and Mike Oldfield. :D Also contains orchestral and acoustic versions of their own songs, which sound great! ^^URIAH HEEP!
My god, I lost my Judas Priest CD. I can't find that one Futurama DVD... and now my freakin' SCREAMING FOR VENGEANCE CD. ;_;
Wait, which Futurama DVD? :O
top 5000 in EXP
(not so awesome.. i have to accept it... but I'm really happy about it)
My grass went emo, so now I don't have to cut it anymore.
Anyone up for some Team Fortress 2??
Sig pic stolen from this person.
You can go evel_icons/power10b.gif and just change the /power to whatever level you want. For example you wanted a level 20 dark you would change it to evel_icons/power20c.gif
A= Light aura B= Neutral aura C= Dark aura
hey thats my account. how the hell did you do that?
kirby the king
I actually like my Blam/Save badge right now the most.
Founder of the Asian Users club
Member of the Super Smash Bros.Crew since page 58. SSBB friend code: 3265-4812-7128
At 8/9/08 05:43 PM, kRaZyAzN wrote: I actually like my Blam/Save badge right now the most.
scout? rly?
I haven't had a level up in a very very long time, but I have finally gotten something. Today I will have reached 4,000 Blam Points.
Coop avoids cricket yesterday and isn't sure if the weather will let him play today. Congrats to:
Hypashadow: Level 14; 1,000 Posts
LiquidSapphire: Sergeant Major
RohantheBarbarian: Private 1st Class
pYROkINDoFgUY: Level 12
joeyag: 3,000 Experience
Corky52: 4,000 Blams
Seamonky: 11,000 Experience
Hacsev: Corporal
Joshiwa: 6.66 Base Voting Power
idiot-buster: Gold Whistle
Lotus: Level 23
Listening to:
Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover
Pearl Jam - Even Flow
Priestess - Lay Down
White Zombie - Black Sunshine
At 8/9/08 07:34 AM, Haggard wrote:At 8/9/08 04:43 AM, Coop83 wrote: Für ein kleines bißchen Horrorschau!Ok, which song is next? How bout "Painkiller" by Priest? :D
I don't know it, so therefore, I'll sit out the next song. Maybe Bahamut wants to join in again?
At 8/9/08 09:05 AM, Odyssic wrote: Coop83 - I was born on the 8th day of a month as well.
So 8 really is a lucky number for you - I was born on the 7th, but was due on about the 25th. Useless fact, but I thought I'd share it :P
At 8/9/08 02:19 PM, Bahamut wrote:At 8/9/08 02:18 AM, gfoxcook wrote: My god, I lost my Judas Priest CD. I can't find that one Futurama DVD... and now my freakin' SCREAMING FOR VENGEANCE CD. ;_;Wait, which Futurama DVD? :O
We've already been over this, we think it was the last DVD of season 2 or the first of season 3... I can't remember which one. Trouble is, he won't watch the rest of the collection until he finds the disc...
At 8/9/08 03:47 PM, SILKS wrote:You can go evel_icons/power10b.gif and just change the /power to whatever level you want. For example you wanted a level 20 dark you would change it to evel_icons/power20c.gifhey thats my account. how the hell did you do that?
A= Light aura B= Neutral aura C= Dark aura
Because your browser is logged into your account, it will take you to your account. As whoever gave you the information (Haggard?) showed you, it was a link to his account at that time :P
Also, when you quote, you need to leave in wqho was saying it, so we can see who did it - makes for easier reference.
Listening to:
Black Sabbath - Sabotage
Congrats to:
aldlv - Top 5000 in EXP. It's alright.
pyrokindofguy - Level 12. The hell with those rAnDoM cApS
Joeyag - 3000 EXP
Corky52 - 4000 blams
Seamonky - 11000 EXP
Hacsev - Corporal
Joshiwa - 6.66 base VP
idiot-buster - Gold whistle
Lotus - Level 23. Change aura plz.
At 8/10/08 05:00 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 8/9/08 07:34 AM, Haggard wrote: Ok, which song is next? How bout "Painkiller" by Priest? :DI don't know it, so therefore, I'll sit out the next song. Maybe Bahamut wants to join in again?
Hell yeah, great idea! :D
Will you start Haggard?
At 8/9/08 02:19 PM, Bahamut wrote:We've already been over this, we think it was the last DVD of season 2 or the first of season 3... I can't remember which one. Trouble is, he won't watch the rest of the collection until he finds the disc...At 8/9/08 02:18 AM, gfoxcook wrote: My god, I lost my Judas Priest CD. I can't find that one Futurama DVD... and now my freakin' SCREAMING FOR VENGEANCE CD. ;_;Wait, which Futurama DVD? :O
Oh yes, I see now. Damn you gfox! Find it!
At 8/10/08 05:32 AM, Odyssic wrote: ROFL
Awww dammit, you and Paradox are making me want to fuck around with him a bit more. XD
I reached level 25 today, but...No lemonparty.
Lvl 15! I personally thought my old one looked cooler but at least I'm moving up! =)
Congrats to:
LiquidSapphire: Sergeant Major
RohantheBarbarian: Private First Class
pYROkINDoFgUY: Level 12
Joeyag: 3,000 Experience
Corky52: 4,000 Blams
Seamonky: 11,000 Experience
Hacsev: Corporal
Joshiwa: 6.66 Base Voting Power
idiot-buster: Gold Whistle
Lotus: Level 23
LukeLovesLemonparty: Level 25
1337: 8,000 Experience, 16,000 B/P
DarkFlame0211: Level 15
At 8/10/08 05:00 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 8/9/08 07:34 AM, Haggard wrote:I don't know it, so therefore, I'll sit out the next song. Maybe Bahamut wants to join in again?At 8/9/08 04:43 AM, Coop83 wrote: Für ein kleines bißchen Horrorschau!Ok, which song is next? How bout "Painkiller" by Priest? :D
You really should listen to it.
At 8/10/08 05:32 AM, Odyssic wrote: ROFL
Heh, good thing I blocked him from writing comments on my user page and PMing me.
At 8/10/08 08:30 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/10/08 05:00 AM, Coop83 wrote:Hell yeah, great idea! :DAt 8/9/08 07:34 AM, Haggard wrote: Ok, which song is next? How bout "Painkiller" by Priest? :DI don't know it, so therefore, I'll sit out the next song. Maybe Bahamut wants to join in again?
Will you start Haggard?
*Starts with that amazing drum solo*
Out of nowhere I just turned to level 20. I don't know if it was today, or sometime recently, but it's a big achievement for me.