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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 00:07:01

i am now the 218th person to reach the rank of Colonel

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 02:07:29

At 5/18/08 07:12 PM, gfoxcook wrote: HAHAHAHAHA. THAT FOOL.

Thanks for setting him straight, Bahamut. Good to see you've come to see things Coop's-and-my way. #;-}>

I dunno why this guy calling me a full with no reason. Taking offense with me I guess.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 02:08:30

At 5/19/08 02:07 AM, youngblood26 wrote:
At 5/18/08 07:12 PM, gfoxcook wrote: HAHAHAHAHA. THAT FOOL.

Thanks for setting him straight, Bahamut. Good to see you've come to see things Coop's-and-my way. #;-}>
I dunno why this guy calling me a "FOOL" with no reason. Taking offense with me I guess.

I'll fix this one. There, read my previous quote on you.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 03:21:19

Coop cranks up the stereo, while congratulating:
Rucklo: Level 22
sirtom93: 3,000 Experience
MARCUSM: 12,000 Experience
lilhunter03: Level 18
AnalPenguinFarming: 9.00 Voting Power
Haggard: 12,000 Saves
gfoxcook: #63 Most Experienced
zerozero: Level 10
Emlfuryoflion: Colonel

Thank yous to:

At 5/18/08 05:11 AM, Rucklo wrote:
At 5/18/08 04:59 AM, Coop83 wrote: 48 days? Man, that's such a long time. How will you cope when you've got to wait as long as people like me for a level up? I'm up to 81 days to level up now from 37 to 38 :P
it's not the wait for a new level, it's the wait to get rid of the damn plumber-dildo. look just at it, it looks fucking urgh!

Such are the hardships of being a Newgrounder :P

At 5/18/08 02:13 PM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: Why did jonthompson get demodded? Is it prejudice against the British? It is, isn't it? Goddamn it. >:(

I think he got bored.

At 5/18/08 07:09 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/6/08 03:06 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop gets ready to return to the office, while congratulating:
gfoxcook: 26,000 Saves; 62,000 B/P - Reversible, nice :P
You noticed, too? #;-}> Thanks, man.

I notice things like that - it's practically my job :P

At 5/6/08 03:06 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 5/6/08 02:30 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Sorry, man. What can I say... other than solidarity works just as well in defeat as it does in victory. :::stands by ya:::

I gotta support you in all the other sports teams you're a fan of, since I can never support you in your Yankees fandom, after all. #;-}>
LOL, it's good to hear that there are more people than just me that can bitch about the Wings winning :P
They're one of the "Yankees/Lakers/Cowboys" of the NHL, amiright? So... of course I'll help you bitch about 'em. #;-}>

Not really, I've always viewed the Canadiens as that franchise. They're just in the Yanks' 1970-1990s slump now :P

Pulling for the Pens now?

Nah, I don't really care who wins, because any of the other 29 teams winning is a loss of the Avs :(

Well, they are the only two teams left in the NHL that regularly wears green :P After all, the Avs did manage to rid the
playoffs of the Wild, didn't they?

Mmmm.... green. I didn't know the Sharks wore green, BTW. I knew the Stars did.

Sharks wear teal, which I believe is a derivative of Green.

At 5/18/08 07:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/18/08 07:12 PM, gfoxcook wrote:

Muchos postage fuckuppedness :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 05:17:18

Congrats to:
killslasher: Police Sergeant
gfoxcook: #63 in Experience
Zerozero: Level 10
Emlfuryoflion: Colonel

Thanks to:

At 5/18/08 07:09 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/6/08 01:44 PM, Haggard wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook: 26,000 Saves, 62,000 B/P
Domo arigato, Haggard-san.

I wish I would know how to say "you're welcome" in japanese... ;)

At 5/6/08 01:44 PM, Haggard wrote: And Pistons lead 2-0 against the Magic already. ON TO THE CONFERENCE FINALS!
But anyway, you and izzy's Pistons have got a lot of people now thinking it could be a Lakers/Pistons finals rematch instead of the long-anticipated Lakers/Celtics..... WE SHALL SEE. Don't count out the Spurs... is one lesson I've learned from the last decade.

I'm very excited to see how the Pistons will do against the Celtics. Boston is a slight dissapointment so far in the playoffs. Dominating the Season, but going all the way of 7 games in both the first and the second round of the playoffs.
Also, the Pistons have done quite well against the Celtics during the season, IIRC.

At 5/6/08 03:06 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 5/5/08 07:04 AM, Haggard wrote: Plus, when else do you get the chance to drink beer from 5 different continents? ^^
As a non-beer drinker, I wouldn't particularly care :P
;_; </gfox> :P
LOL! So true. I just can't handle hearing folks not enjoy beer. #;-}>

I was more reffering to the smilie I used. ^^

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 05:21:36

At 5/18/08 04:40 AM, Coop83 wrote: I'm not bad thanks - been playing cricket, collecting bruises (2 on my left foot, 1 on my left wrist this time) and I went on my first holiday for 12 years a few weeks ago. Read about it in my news post, if you want to know more. I've also taken on the Blammers list, so I'm a [bigger] stat-whore list writer now :)

Lol sorry i dont know that stat whore term :P Cricket that must be fun. aww lists are always fun aswell.

At 5/18/08 07:09 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/17/08 02:21 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Congrats to anyone and everyone

TEH X RETURNS. Thanks. Kinda. #;-}>

Haha no problem, yeah i guess you could say one can never really retire from newgrounds or reviewing, especially after what is it 7 years i forget hehe.



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 08:09:40

A rare post in here... having made one of my main goals on NG a couple of weeks ago (Top 50 in B/P), I've now made another- 10,000 EXP! And with that came level 31 yesterday, though being 'triple listed' is far more exciting if you ask me.

Congrats to everyone else who deserves them, I don't look in here often, but it certainly moves fast!

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 09:05:08

150 Audio Review Responses

Racking them up!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 10:59:51

18,000 B/P!

6,000 blams should be achieved soon.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 13:00:54

I hope Casualty had a great 18th birthday! :D

Listening to:

Angra - Rebirth

Congrats to:

MARCUSM - 12000 EXP. Ah, good to see you again. :)
lilhunter03 - Level 18
youngblood26 - Police Sergeant, 3333 posts
AnalPenguinFarming - 9.00VP
Haggard - 12000 saves
Zerozero - Level 10
Emlfuryoflion - Colonel. I believe I was the 120th user or so to reach Colonel.
Sentio - Top 50 in B/P, Level 31. Come back tomorrow.
Coop83 - 150 audio responses
Haggard - 18000 B/P

At 5/18/08 09:27 AM, XxRandomdmxX wrote: WOO level 3!!!man.. how long do you have to play to get to lvl 30+...


ooh ok nvm..

Hey, you can reach those levels someday. :)

At 5/18/08 09:41 AM, youngblood26 wrote:
At 5/18/08 09:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yep, the light aura isn't so pale on the redesign, which is why it looks better. Also, you shouldn't have called them swords. Now you'll have to fight with Coop and gfox about whether they're swords or sais. :P And yes, I'm proud to be light.
Oh, so you hate the fab aura because it is pale in color?

It's not that. I hate it because it's PINK!

Anyway, I have no idea why don't you want to call your level icon "a pair of sword" although it is true

They might look like a pair of swords, but they're actually sais.

That's why I'm unpredictable.

Unpredictable = Random = GOOD!

At 5/18/08 02:02 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 5/17/08 02:38 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/17/08 09:41 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 5/16/08 12:00 PM, Bahamut wrote: Well I do! >:(
Well, I don't! >:(
I believe I shouldn't continue this argument by saying "Well I fucking do! >:("
It's better I guess. Because then I had to reply with some profanity like "GO FUCK YOURSELVE! >:(" or something similar. And I really don't want to have to...

OK then.

Well I fucking do think Helloween are better than Judas Priest! :P


At 5/18/08 05:15 PM, Muffin wrote:
At 5/18/08 02:13 PM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: Why did jonthompson get demodded? Is it prejudice against the British? It is, isn't it? Goddamn it. >:(
Too much drunken moderation/postings, then causing a scene when his drunken rick roll threads were deleted ;)

Oh, I thought it was due to inactivity. :O

At 5/18/08 07:09 PM, gfoxcook wrote: POTENTIAL STAT ACHIEVEMENTS:

ZOMG. Moved up from exp rank #64 to #63.... please don't tell me Shrapnel's at exp rank 0 again, though. #;-}>

He hasn't.

At 5/6/08 01:11 PM, Bahamut wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook - 26000 saves, 62000 B/P. Whoa. :O
Thank ya, Bahabutt! Whoaing because I'm moving faster than ever? Where "ever" is defined as since I retired at 60k, of

course. #;-}>

Whoaing because 26 is 62 backwards.

Also, those double-spaces on your posts look terrible. Thank fuck it was only a small mistake by yourself. I was scared that liljim added some double-space feature on the BBS, which makes every big post ugly.

At 5/6/08 01:11 PM, Bahamut wrote:
And Zavvi. That's where I got the Arch Enemy and Stratovarius CD. :)

Zavvi is just as good as HMV.

BTW, I had to check your previous posts to know what we were talking about again. YOU CRITICISED ME FOR TAKING OUT TOO MUCH QUOTINGS! :'(
I know. But I'm totally on a "brief LUL catchups" kick. Sorry, man. If you want more full quote-tasticalness from me, only have long convos with me in VP and pentalist topics.

Oh, alright then.

Doesn't look like that was the case this time. You guys bloated this fucker by about 7 pages in around 11-12 days. That may not be an epic pace of OLDE, but it's fairly quick for this spring.

Maybe so, but more good activity in this thread would be nice.

At 5/18/08 07:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/18/08 07:12 PM, gfoxcook wrote:

Uhh, gfox, this thread is modless nowadays. Fortunately, you could drop absent a PM asking him to delete that post. :)

At 5/14/08 06:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: iscrulz. You need to post here more often.
You'd like that, wouldn't you.

Yes I would.

Gay as in happy, friendly, nice, kind, exciting...
Gay as in homosexual.

And gay as in Afro_Stud.


No, it's a good thing I'm saying that.

At 5/13/08 05:47 PM, iscrulz wrote: *click* *cock* *bang bang bang* Okay now wheres that fucker Jack Thompson
He rocks.
You're so delusional. Don't you know that once Jack Thompson gets all the violent games banned, then he'll come after FF games for having "magic" in them and teaching kids to be witches and warlocks?

If he does that, THEN I'll cut the bullshit and kick him up the arse.

*needs to do a Father Ted kicking Bishop Brennan up the arse .gif at some point*

At 5/18/08 09:16 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/18/08 01:59 AM, youngblood26 wrote: I need 4,000 more to get you requirement. Nice blue, but not so pale, blue aura sword. Proud to be light, right?
Yep, the light aura isn't so pale on the redesign, which is why it looks better. Also, you shouldn't have called them swords. Now you'll have to fight with Coop and gfox about whether they're swords or sais. :P And yes, I'm proud to be light.

Thanks for setting him straight, Bahamut. Good to see you've come to see things Coop's-and-my way. #;-}>

I fucking had to, though.

At 5/19/08 05:21 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Haha no problem, yeah i guess you could say one can never really retire from newgrounds or reviewing, especially after what is it 7 years i forget hehe.

Good to see that you'll still review every now and again. :)



Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 13:03:12

Time for me to do a Molotov/Haggard!

70,000 B/P

And it's also time for me to take a short break from B/P'ing.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 14:19:21

At 5/19/08 01:00 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Sentio - Top 50 in B/P, Level 31. Come back tomorrow.

I don't know what was happening earlier, but it didn't update in my profile right away. I can assure you I made 10k EXP today though :P (screenie for proof). Congrats on your 70k B/P, going to be a LONG time before I get to that.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 14:21:42

.12 level dehcaer evah I

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 16:41:26

At 5/19/08 01:00 PM, Bahamut wrote: I hope Casualty had a great 18th birthday! :D

Yes Happy belated birthday to him. And a happy 18K exps to me.

iscrulz! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 18,000 experi

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 18:33:49

At 5/18/08 07:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/18/08 07:12 PM, gfoxcook wrote:

Thanks, modly friend, for yer helps.

I just noticed that the bottom half of my FIRST post in the two-post catch-up also had massive spacing problems and weird quote things going on, and I have no explanation for that, except to guess that the two NG downtimes this month have had unexpected side effects or something...

At least the screw-ups in post #1 seem to be mostly confined to chopping my own text's paragraphs into single lines with doublespaces.... and to making quoteblocks have weird little upwards-extending lines to touch my own text.... but for the most part, the quotes themselves seem intact (unless post #2... attempt #1).

So anywho.... :::crossing fingers and going forward:::

Catch-ups... LATER.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-19 23:49:55

the day after colonel i got to

You passed 13000 Saves. Way to go!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-20 00:48:29

Level 13!

Thanks MuffDiver102 for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-20 02:41:27

At 5/19/08 01:00 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/18/08 09:41 AM, youngblood26 wrote:
At 5/18/08 09:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yep, the light aura isn't so pale on the redesign, which is why it looks better. Also, you shouldn't have called them swords. Now you'll have to fight with Coop and gfox about whether they're swords or sais. :P And yes, I'm proud to be light.
Oh, so you hate the fab aura because it is pale in color?
It's not that. I hate it because it's PINK!

Well, most of my tees is color pink but it doesn't mean that I love pink afterall. I just like the trend of it. Well, pink tees are very in here.

Anyway, I have no idea why don't you want to call your level icon "a pair of sword" although it is true
They might look like a pair of swords, but they're actually sais.

Oh, I see.

That's why I'm unpredictable.
Unpredictable = Random = GOOD!


At 5/18/08 09:16 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/18/08 01:59 AM, youngblood26 wrote: I need 4,000 more to get you requirement. Nice blue, but not so pale, blue aura sword. Proud to be light, right?
Thanks for setting him straight, Bahamut. Good to see you've come to see things Coop's-and-my way. #;-}>
I fucking had to, though.

Glad that's clear me up, but don't call me a fool for that, gfoxcook. >:(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-20 02:53:52

Listening to: The Crow [bar] Theme

Level 21 FTW!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-20 03:06:43

Coop sets the new career plan in action, while congratulating:
Sentio: 10,000 Experience; Triplelisted
Haggard: 18,000 B/P
Casualty: 18th Birthday
Bahamut: 70,000 B/P
tumahaB: leveL 21 - I should be congratulating you for Level 12, not 21 :P
shadowchaotailsevil3: 6.00 Voting Power
Emlfuryoflion: 13,000 Saves
TehHood: Level 13

At 5/19/08 05:21 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
At 5/18/08 04:40 AM, Coop83 wrote: I'm not bad thanks - been playing cricket, collecting bruises (2 on my left foot, 1 on my left wrist this time) and I went on my first holiday for 12 years a few weeks ago. Read about it in my news post, if you want to know more. I've also taken on the Blammers list, so I'm a [bigger] stat-whore list writer now :)
Lol sorry i dont know that stat whore term :P Cricket that must be fun. aww lists are always fun aswell.

I'll be interested to see if you're just going to sit around and let me pass you for saves ;)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-20 04:24:55

Congrats to the following stat whores

Coop83 (150 Audio Reviews)
Sentio (10,000 Exp)
Haggard (18,000 B/P)
Bahamut (70,000 B/P)
iscrulz (18,000 Exp)
Cogma (Level 21)

At 5/19/08 01:00 PM, Bahamut wrote: Good to see that you'll still review every now and again. :)

Heh im sure you will see me more the now and then, i can never not review hehe.

At 5/20/08 03:06 AM, Coop83 wrote: I'll be interested to see if you're just going to sit around and let me pass you for saves ;)

Oh im sure you may pass me, im not on here all day protecting stuff, but i do grab a few now and then.



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-20 05:50:10

Level 21.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-20 12:52:40

Listening to:

Stratovarius - Visions

Congrats to:

Sentio - 10000 EXP. Ah, a day sooner than I expected. :P
iscrulz - 18000 EXP
Emlfuryoflion - 13000 saves
TehHood - Level 13
C0GMA - Level 21
smc316 - Level 21

Thanks to:


At 5/19/08 03:22 PM, darknessdweller wrote: I know this may not seem liek much, but:

1,400 EXP. POINTS!

It's completely pointless. Stop posting this crap or else!

At 5/19/08 06:33 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/18/08 07:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/18/08 07:12 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Thanks, modly friend, for yer helps.

Oh, that I didn't expect. :O

So anywho.... :::crossing fingers and going forward:::

Catch-ups... LATER.

Later as in the next day or so?

At 5/20/08 02:41 AM, youngblood26 wrote:
At 5/19/08 01:00 PM, Bahamut wrote: It's not that. I hate it because it's PINK!
Well, most of my tees is color pink but it doesn't mean that I love pink afterall. I just like the trend of it. Well, pink tees are very in here.

I hate the trend!

I fucking had to, though.
Glad that's clear me up, but don't call me a fool for that, gfoxcook. >:(

They've called me a fool for that.

At 5/20/08 03:06 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop sets the new career plan in action, while congratulating:
tumahaB: leveL 21 - I should be congratulating you for Level 12, not 21 :P

That's what I get for copying and pasting the previous post and editing the second digit rather than the first.

At 5/20/08 04:24 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
At 5/19/08 01:00 PM, Bahamut wrote: Good to see that you'll still review every now and again. :)
Heh im sure you will see me more the now and then, i can never not review hehe.

You can never not review? If that's so, then what about those long breaks from this year and last year? :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-20 14:27:36

Your Statistical Variations Today:
You passed 50000 Total Points. Bodacious!

Congrats to:
Life-Stream: 4,000 Posts
NewsReporter: Level 17
KirbyLink: 15,000 Total Stats
Coop83: 250 Audio Reviews, 150 Audio Review Responses
sirtom93: 3,000 Experience Points
MARCUSM: 12,000 Experience Points
lilhunter03: level 18
youngblood26: 1,000 B/P, Police Sergeant, 3,333 Posts
AnalPenguinFarming: 9.00 Voting Power
killslasher: 1,000 B/P
Haggard: 12,000 Saves, 18,000 B/P
Zerozero: Level 10
Emlfuryoflion: Colonel, 13,000 Saves
Sentio: Level 31, 10,000 Experience Points
Bahamut: 70,000 B/P
tumahaB: 21 leveL
shadowchaotailsevil3: 6.00 Voting Power
iscrulz: 18,000 Experience Points
TehHood: Level 13
C0GMA: Level 21
smc316: Level 21

Thanks to:

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-20 14:49:27

6,000 Blams! >:(

Congrats to:
Sentio: 10,000 Experience, Level 31
Coop83: 150 Audio Reviews
Bahamut: 70,000 B/P - Haha, nice impersonation! ;)
(; !12 level ton 21 level s'tI - 21 level :tumahaB
iscrulz: 18,000 Experience
Emlfuryoflion: 13,000 Saves
TehHood: Level 13
C0GMA: Level 21
smc316: Level 21
Auz: 50,000 Total Stats

Thanks to:
Auz (2x)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-20 14:50:41

Damn, I forgot to include the conversation in my last post... :(

At 5/19/08 01:00 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/18/08 02:02 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 5/17/08 02:38 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/17/08 09:41 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 5/16/08 12:00 PM, Bahamut wrote: Well I do! >:(
Well, I don't! >:(
I believe I shouldn't continue this argument by saying "Well I fucking do! >:("
It's better I guess. Because then I had to reply with some profanity like "GO FUCK YOURSELVE! >:(" or something similar. And I really don't want to have to...
OK then.


Well I fucking do think Helloween are better than Judas Priest! :P

Think what you want. But at least admit that you're wrong! :P



Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-20 15:25:40

4,000 posts

Unless the mods delete some of my posts


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-20 15:26:19

I got the chain!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-20 15:30:19

7000 (and 5) experience.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-05-20 16:12:07

Haven't dropped by here for a little while, so I thought I'd poke my head in and say hello.

At 5/20/08 12:52 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/19/08 03:22 PM, darknessdweller wrote: I know this may not seem liek much, but:

1,400 EXP. POINTS!
It's completely pointless. Stop posting this crap or else!

You don't want to make Bahamut angry. You won't like him when he's angry.

At 5/20/08 02:27 PM, Auz wrote: Your Statistical Variations Today:
You passed 50000 Total Points. Bodacious!

That is indeed a cool achievement, congrats dude :)

At 5/20/08 03:30 PM, BahamutClock wrote: 7000 (and 5) experience.


Must stay ahead of this alt...

BBS Signature