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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 03:31:42

Just noticed that I'm now over 16,000 B/P points.


Sig by BlueHippo / User Icon by CosmicDeath.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 04:58:25

Coop gets ready to give his cricket bat a further test, while congratulating:
BIGmamaKATIE: 5,000 Saves
lilhunter03: 12,000 B/P
BBQBeefburgerdragon: Level 25
Flared24: Sergeant
Night-Ranger: 2,000 Blams
gfoxcook: 13.37 Voting Powers
zimzap: 9,000 B/P
Aksumka: Level 37. 6 weeks, 1 day ahead of me.
ReconRebel: 92,000 B/P
Timmy: 16,000 B/P

Thank Yous to these fine individuals:
Haggard (x2)
NintendoMadness (x2)
gfoxcook (x2)

At 3/1/08 10:04 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/29/08 08:13 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/28/08 06:34 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/28/08 04:00 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/27/08 08:00 AM, Haggard wrote: Whoa, what's with all those mods posting here? :P
We're being watched :S
Uh-oh, big brother in action... *plays some mysterious music*
Meh, if you're too careful, you don't end up living at all!
But if you aren't careful enough, you don't get to live that long :P

I'd rather live 25 years (almost equivalent to how long I've currently lived) and enjoy myself than exist forever in fear and boredom.

Plus, you don't get to listen to mysterious music that often! ^^

Try playing it backwards, it has a message :P

At 3/2/08 12:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/28/08 04:00 AM, Coop83 wrote: C0GMA was made well before the redesign, as a play on a well known user (Denvish?) he's good for getting that Level 32 icon, as well :)
Denvish? Shouldn't that be D0GMA? =P
MTE when I read Coop say that, but I didn't want to bother replying. Since you already did, however... yes, MTE. #;-}>

I'd have thought that you could have spotted the sarcasm, Greg. I took it for granted that some users wouldn't :P

At 3/2/08 01:21 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/28/08 03:01 PM, Casualty wrote:
At 2/28/08 04:00 AM, Coop83 wrote: C0GMA was made well before the redesign, as a play on a well known user (Denvish?) he's good for getting that Level 32 icon, as well :)
Denvish? Shouldn't that be D0GMA? =P
Yeah, I was just joking, to see if people had actually managed to forget one of the great statwhores.

Of course there are people around here who don't know D0GMA, but me and Casualty and Bahamut and so forth are not amongst them.

Yeah, but I'm part of the people who would have his memory preserved. When I started here, I remember people talking of idolising both him and Denvish (and of course you, Greg)

I hope people will remember me if I leave
Durrrrrrrrrrrr. Don't be silly. #;-}>

I'm glad you think that. Of course, I won't be leavign for quite some time, as I've still got stuff to do!

At 3/1/08 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Celebrating 14,000 Experiencewith his 11,111th Posts, Coop congratulates:
Woot woot, congrats on both!


Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 05:07:54

Reached one of my favorite level icons today. NUNCHUCKS!

Level 25 baby.

"Think about it think think about it" ~ Flight of the Conchords

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 05:34:41

At 3/2/08 04:58 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop gets ready to give his cricket bat a further test, while congratulating:
ReconRebel: 92,000 B/P
Timmy: 16,000 B/P

Damn...sorta overshadows my achievement a little bit...

Oh well - congrats ReconRebel on being so far ahead of me.

And thanks for the congratulations, Coop.

Sig by BlueHippo / User Icon by CosmicDeath.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 07:34:45

Listening to:

Stratovarius - Episode

Congrats to:

Coop83 - 14000 EXP, 11111 posts. I'm so sorry for missing you out. :(
lilhunter03 - 12000 B/P
Flared24 - Sergeant
Night-Ranger - 2000 blams
gfoxcook - 13.37VP! OH MY GOD!
zimzap - 9000 B/P
Aksumka - Level 37
ReconRebel - 92000 B/P
ZombiePhil - 666 posts
Timmy - 16000 B/P
AdamJack - Level 25

Thanks to:


At 3/1/08 10:04 AM, Haggard wrote: Ha! You'll never find me!

We know you live in Hamburg, Germany, which happens to be where Helloween came from.

Now if only all of the Adolf Hitler-rip offs would get deleted, too...


At 3/1/08 11:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote: LEVEL 33 MOD.

Can I be a level 34 mod? :P

lol, there goes all of my potential at becoming a mod.
At 3/1/08 11:30 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Well, there's been plenty around in the past week.

Which is great, but one could do with deleting some posts made by PinballWizard. He's a bit of a problem right now.


That's all you have to say? :P

Can't watch now. Gots teh iTunes going. Mebbe layter!

Mebbe relink later? :P

It's just 5 bucks to play it on the Wii. Come on now. SMB1's worth buying again. Again. #;-}>

I'm happy with the GBA port.

You snipped the context AGAIN, dude. If I don't know what you said to me that made me say what I said up there, what good is it for me to know that whatever it was was somehow to do with adlv getting into the top 10k in exp? Sheesh, man. #;-}>

I try to cut down on the quotes, but perhaps I should start cutting down on cutting down the quotes. XD

Considering the amount of Nirvana haters, that doesn't surprise me.
I never said I hated them. I quite like 'em. Just not as much as the other main grunge acts I listed.

I know that, but what I meant that there's so many people that aren't into Nirvana that it doesn't surprise me when one says they're not into it.

Which is one of the reasons why I can't leave the LUL.
YES. It is verboten.

I've actually been thinking the same thing for months. I think to myself "I cannot leave the BBS because of all the swell people who go to the Wi/Ht? forum."

Gamecube is mostly fun when with freinds on Super Smash Bro. Melee.
Well of course, but there's other fun games. Like.... Alien Hominid...

Only in America.

At 2/27/08 04:14 PM, Bahamut wrote: I made a new news post. Go and see it. :)


At 3/2/08 12:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote: You've got some great U2 taste, man.

Speaking of U2, here's a Dream Theater song which is considered to be very U2-esque.

At 2/25/08 01:28 PM, Bahamut wrote: I did. Virgin trains beat the shit out of Coach trips.
God damn english public transport, the Irish build it, and we get a shit version. Typical :P

At least the Irish have Father Ted.

MTE when I read Coop say that, but I didn't want to bother replying. Since you already did, however... yes, MTE. #;-}>

NintendoMadness won't know who D0GMA and Denvish were. :( Unless he took a history lesson. >:3


Because.... he's...



...I heard Dio runs an amusement park.

Those mods are fine, but aren't as dedicated to the Wi/Ht? as BlueHippo and absent are/were.
Or me, right? Or Denvish, ramagi, jonthomson, and all the other mods who used to mod here more frequently. Oh, bygone times.

That's right. They were modding here frequently a lot back when my account was only under a year old.

At 3/2/08 01:21 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
I'm one of the few users in the quadralist (4 x 10k), while XwaynecoltX is the only current member of the pentalist (5 x 10k)

Hey, Cyberdevil is getting close to 5x10k. All he needs to do is review more (flashes).

Of course there are people around here who don't know D0GMA, but me and Casualty and Bahamut and so forth are not amongst them.

I blame Wade.

Awwww. Such a compliment. I suppose that's why you want to inherit it, eh? #;-}>



8th March, was it?

Hold out hope, Luke. Maybe TomFulp will add a level 61 after all, and it shall be teh Lemonparty level icon?

Luke would prefer it if it was level 69.

And level 64 will be goatse!

Don't make Luke angry.

OMG. I'm on it, Captain Dragon, sir!

Captain Dragon? No, I'm THE king of Dragons.



Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 07:36:43

My total post count equates to exactly 9,000 as of making this post right here.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 07:40:50

At 3/2/08 02:02 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 2/25/08 03:09 AM, gfoxcook wrote: One of my fave Dire Straits. After Sultans of Swing, for sure, though. Best EVER.
Sacrilege! Sacre bleu? I like cheese dogs?

The title track from Brothers In Arms was their best tune (and a great album).

Like I said earlier, I don't know that track very well. I guess I shoulda specified "Best EVER (of the Dire Straits songs I own on CD/am very familiar with)"... Better? #;-}>

At 2/25/08 02:12 PM, Casualty wrote: I got LEVEL 32! It's one of the greatest looking levels, IMO. Next few ones are pretty cool as well... But that's still a while =P
My flail looks better than your flail. Congrats on level 32 Casualty. :)

Heh. But they're both quite nice.

Your flail will be my flail as well... in less than 18 hours.

At 2/27/08 06:42 PM, PinballWizard976 wrote: 1,800 posts bitches.
Do you speak to your fathers like that?


What, he's got two gay dads? #;-}>

That's what I figured too. Something is afoot when posts, PMs and reviews go bye-bye.

Well, reviews go bye-bye all the time... Posts quite often....

But what's this about PMs going bye-bye?

I don't know anything about how far back forum mods can do things.
What?!? But you've got the gold aura and everything! ^_~

Heh. But just as much an outsider on the forummoddingness as ye, as I'm sure that winking anime smiley attests to your own awareness thereof. The gold.... so.... vague.

Hey look at that; 92,000 blam/protect points!

Congrats on a cool 92k. Wish I had 92k bucks laying around....

At 3/2/08 04:58 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop gets ready to give his cricket bat a further test, while congratulating:
gfoxcook: 13.37 Voting Powers

Thankee kindly.

Thank Yous to these fine individuals:
Haggard (x2)
NintendoMadness (x2)
gfoxcook (x2)

You're quite welcome.

I'd rather live 25 years (almost equivalent to how long I've currently lived) and enjoy myself than exist forever in fear and boredom.

Who says that life in teh 1984 would be both fearful and boring? It all depends on your personality, first and foremost, as I think the book and movie attest to...

At 3/2/08 12:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/28/08 04:00 AM, Coop83 wrote: C0GMA was made well before the redesign, as a play on a well known user (Denvish?) he's good for getting that Level 32 icon, as well :)
Denvish? Shouldn't that be D0GMA? =P
MTE when I read Coop say that, but I didn't want to bother replying. Since you already did, however... yes, MTE. #;-}>
I'd have thought that you could have spotted the sarcasm, Greg. I took it for granted that some users wouldn't :P

Sorry, dude.... saying "well known user (Denvish?)" didn't get me to catch on, it just.... made me wonder what the heck was going on when clearly you shoulda have typed D0GMA... with no ? mark.

Of course there are people around here who don't know D0GMA, but me and Casualty and Bahamut and so forth are not amongst them.
Yeah, but I'm part of the people who would have his memory preserved. When I started here, I remember people talking of idolising both him and Denvish (and of course you, Greg)

I don't think teh D0GMA memory is in any danger at this point, there's too many folks to pass on the torch right now. Now, if that ever changed.... then yes.... vigilence would be needed once more.

Durrrrrrrrrrrr. Don't be silly. #;-}>
I'm glad you think that. Of course, I won't be leavign for quite some time, as I've still got stuff to do!

Sure, but... someday you could, at the very minimum, enter a gfox-like state of not being around much for a solid year or two. Just make sure to drop in sporadically like I did in 2006-2007.... don't disappear COMPLETELY, that's all we ask.

Like ol' Drimarki. Oh he of the complete and utter disappearing act.

"Life.... will flash before my eyes
So scattered and lost... I want to touch the other side
And no one.... thinks they are to blame
Why can't we see.... That when we bleed we bleed the same?

I can't get it riiiiiii-iiiiiii-iiiiii-iiiiight....
Get it riiiiii-iiiiii-iiiiiii-iiiiight....
Since I met you...." -Muse

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 08:01:41

FOILED AGAIN. By teh Bahamuts.

At 3/2/08 07:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: Coop83 - 14000 EXP, 11111 posts. I'm so sorry for missing you out. :(

Yay. It is teh mades up.

gfoxcook - 13.37VP! OH MY GOD!

6.... 6 6! The leetness of the beast!

Thanks, man. No thanks for posting 5 minutes before me, though... but oh well. +1 and all. :::rolls teh eyes:::

At 3/1/08 11:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote: LEVEL 33 MOD.
Can I be a level 34 mod? :P

lol, there goes all of my potential at becoming a mod.


That was the plan, right? To ruin all chances?

That's all you have to say? :P

Yeah. I was feeling kinda... wordless. Yet I wasn't bringing out the snip scissors enough. WEIRD, HUH?

Mebbe relink later? :P


It's just 5 bucks to play it on the Wii. Come on now. SMB1's worth buying again. Again. #;-}>
I'm happy with the GBA port.


I try to cut down on the quotes, but perhaps I should start cutting down on cutting down the quotes. XD

Sometimes I cut all the way down to just 1 level of quotes, like right now. Other times I leave 2, 3, or 4, depending on whether I think the context is important enough. I'm always very deliberate with my cropping, I don't tend to have a "Default setting" as it were, though I always try to err on the side of more quotes than not.

I know that, but what I meant that there's so many people that aren't into Nirvana that it doesn't surprise me when one says they're not into it.

Ah, I see.

I've actually been thinking the same thing for months. I think to myself "I cannot leave the BBS because of all the swell people who go to the Wi/Ht? forum."

Heh. Well, we're not chaining you here, dude. If you really wanted to leave, we'd all support you in that.

Well of course, but there's other fun games. Like.... Alien Hominid...
Only in America.


At 2/27/08 04:14 PM, Bahamut wrote: I made a new news post. Go and see it. :)

Ehhh... Mebbe layter.

At 3/2/08 12:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote: You've got some great U2 taste, man.
Speaking of U2, here's a Dream Theater song which is considered to be very U2-esque.

Pretty good. Decent song. I don't see much U2 in it, though. I've been noticing a lot of U2ness in some Killers songs I'm into as of late, and even a bit of U2 in this song from GH3 that I can't remember the songname/artist offhand... it's one of the bonus songs. So I'm quite apt to see similarities where they are.

Funny comment on teh youtube page:

"Bruce Dickinson would kick some serious JL ass"

I didn't mind the vocalist at all or see what people were saying about him being sick or not being a good enough singer to match the rest of the band. But I will say that I didn't like the "sing it!"s that he injected twice in the song. I don't know if that was just cause it was live, or that's how the lead-in to the choruses goes, but it was kinda lame. Worst part of the song, bar none.

NintendoMadness won't know who D0GMA and Denvish were. :( Unless he took a history lesson. >:3

Dogma, sure. But not even Denvish? Denvish hasn't been gone THAT long, has he? ;_;


Because.... he's...


Heh. Well, you WERE the last person in a long list.... or line, as it were. Hence the "And Bahamut" that whoever I was just replying to..... was noticing.

...I heard Dio runs an amusement park.

Hope it's better and less creepy than Michael Jackson's!

Hey, Cyberdevil is getting close to 5x10k. All he needs to do is review more (flashes).

He's too busy with teh audio reviews. He should really child with those till he gets his main reviewcount to 10k, IMO.


Awwww. Such a compliment. I suppose that's why you want to inherit it, eh? #;-}>

Well, that's some honesty there for ya, at least.

8th March, was it?

For me to hit 10k? I was predicting that, but it seems it's likely an overestimate. I might be there by 3/03 or 3/04 at this rate.

Maybe I'll work on the list update real hard before next weekend so maybe I can get it out of the way before Super Smash Bros Brawl is released on 3/09?

No promises, but that would be very nice to do.

Luke would prefer it if it was level 69.

Are there 69ing old folks in Lemonparty? Forgive my ignorance, but it's been a long time since I saw it, and I don't need to refresh my memory directly. :::nods:::

And level 64 will be goatse!
Don't make Luke angry.

He no likey?

OMG. I'm on it, Captain Dragon, sir!
Captain Dragon? No, I'm THE king of Dragons.

Okay, cap'n.



"When the Zetas fill the skies.... it's just our leaders in disguise!
Fully loaded satellites... will conquer nothing but our minds..." -Muse

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 08:44:19

Listening to:
J.B.O. - Tschibum
Reservoir Dogs Soundtrack - Harvest moon
Hass - Liebe ist tot
Anarchist Academy - Wenn die Nacht am tiefsten

Congrats to:
lilhunter03: 12,000 B/P
BBQBeefburgerdragon: Level 25
Flared24: Sergeant
Night-Ranger: 2,000 Blams
gfoxcook: 13.37 Voting Power
zimzap: 9,000 B/P
Aksumka: Level 37
ZombiePhil: 666 Posts
ReconRebel: 92,000 B/P
Timmy: 16,000 B/P
AdamJack: Level 25
Darkside7000: 9,000 Posts
DaVeB0T: Level 21

At 3/1/08 11:30 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/27/08 08:00 AM, Haggard wrote: Listening to:
Luca Turilli - Kings of the nordic twilight
Death - Lack of comprehension
Eläkeläiset - Humppapommi
Eisregen - Scharlachrotes Kleid (Version Schoppheim)
Is the third one a song about hippopotamus sex? HUMPAPOTAMUS!

Um, no it's about Humppa, which is finnish folk music ^^. You really should check out Elkäkeläiset (not only because they have umlauts in their name, but because they are incredibly funny ;) ).

At 2/26/08 05:10 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/25/08 04:22 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/25/08 02:59 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Fatboy Slim album, yep. That's it. Thanks, man. I so lazy. #;-}>
Me too, but checking wikipedia doesn't disturb my lazyness at all :P
Normally it doesn't mine, either. The problem is I'm really really vulnerable to wiki-traps. If I go to wikipedia just to look up one thing, sometimes I spend hours reading dozens of articles. IT'S A TRAP.
I totally know what you mean. I got trapped there often enough... :/
Wikitrap is the most dangerous timesink in existence. FREE TIME GOES THERE TO DIE.

It's similair to youtube... how many minutes I have wasted there watching stupid videos?

Doesn't that make you happy? Umlauts all over the place! #;-}>
This makes me a very happy panda! :)
Good! It's probably my most umlaut-filled CD in my collection of 1000-2000 CDs.

Then you definatly should check out Eläkeläiset :P

At 2/26/08 06:47 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I don't bother getting someone else to do my depositing when I'm away.
And that's why you will phail!

I'd say he already has.


I didn't want to sound so harsh.

At 2/28/08 04:00 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/27/08 08:00 AM, Haggard wrote: Whoa, what's with all those mods posting here? :P
We're being watched :S
For an inspection?
Anal inspection, maybe.

Body cavities inspection!

At 2/29/08 06:14 AM, Haggard wrote:
Big Brother?

I was thinking more of a 1984 type of Big Brother...
We're being watched :S
Uh-oh, big brother in action... *plays some mysterious music*
I've picked up someone talking about Big Brother. Grab your guns and we'll be off.
I was thinking more of a 1984 type of Big Brother...
oh wait, I said that already -_-
Good you're here. grab a gun and we'll go. We'll shoot his hand off so he can't change the channel.
I was thinking more of a 1984 type of Big Brother...
This is getting repititve :P
I thought you meant the 1984 BB as well, which is why I didn't reply.... apparently everyone else thought you meant the TV show, eh? Heh. I wasn't sure of that till the "can't change the channel" one, though, as I hadn't been paying super-close attention while skimming through the topic.

I think more people need to read 1984... or at least watch the film (which reminds me, I haven't watched the film yet).
And I think the 1984 BB is the reason that that show is called "Big Brother"...

At 3/2/08 04:58 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/1/08 10:04 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/29/08 08:13 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/28/08 06:34 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/28/08 04:00 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/27/08 08:00 AM, Haggard wrote: Whoa, what's with all those mods posting here? :P
We're being watched :S
Uh-oh, big brother in action... *plays some mysterious music*
Meh, if you're too careful, you don't end up living at all!
But if you aren't careful enough, you don't get to live that long :P
I'd rather live 25 years (almost equivalent to how long I've currently lived) and enjoy myself than exist forever in fear and boredom.

Sure, living as a Sponge isn't so much fun, even if you can live for more than 10.000 years that way. But what's the use in only living 20 years for example, if you could have easily lived for another 60 years if you only had been a bit more careful?

Plus, you don't get to listen to mysterious music that often! ^^
Try playing it backwards, it has a message :P

Oooh, spooky! ^^
*listens to it backwards*
Hmm... it says I should tidy my room...

At 3/2/08 07:34 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/1/08 10:04 AM, Haggard wrote: Ha! You'll never find me!
We know you live in Hamburg, Germany, which happens to be where Helloween came from.

Good luck finding me among 1.7 milion inhabitants ;) .

Now if only all of the Adolf Hitler-rip offs would get deleted, too...

I was more thinking of crap like the "Joseph Stalin releasing"- and "Tom Fulp deleting"- and "Ice Cube"-doing-whatever-flashes

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 16:20:39

1,900 posts.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 16:45:24

Number of the Beast Total Voting Power.

Congrats to:
Night-Ranger: 2,000 Blams
gfoxcook: 13.37 Total Voting Power - That is so cool.
zimzap: 9,000 B/P
Aksuma: Level 37
ZombiePhil: 666 Posts - Beastly
Timmy: 16,000 B/P
ReconRebel: 92,000 B/P - Holy. Shit.
AdamJack: Level 25
Darkside7000: 9,000 Posts
DaVeB0T: Level 21

At 3/1/08 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
The doublelist is a stat list compiled by gfoxcook. It's an addendum of the pentalist, which lists users with 2 or more stats at 10,000+
Is there a list for people with 2 20k stats?
Well, if there was, the highest person on there would have 4x20k stats, as no-one has 20k Reviews. I've not seen one, so I'd assume no.

That would be some big statwhore.

At 3/1/08 09:17 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/29/08 04:59 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:




Errr.... yes. It's like EmoDragon is EmoDragon a Bahamut?
Is TheNumberOfTheDragon a Bahamut? :P
OI! I'm asking the questions!
Yes, EmoDragon is an emo Bahamut.

'K. So is LittleBahamut?











At 3/1/08 10:04 AM, Haggard wrote: AtomicTerrorist: Level 31, 10,000 Experience, 30,000 B/P, 18,000 Saves, Top 600 in Experience, Top 100 in B/P

Not true. He's had level 31 for a bit and you can tell it's a bit of a dodgy job.

At 2/29/08 01:14 PM, Bahamut wrote:

Cats and birds of thunder?!

At 2/29/08 06:14 AM, Haggard wrote: I was thinking more of a 1984 type of Big Brother...
This is getting repititve :P
We're still going to get you. :P
Ha! You'll never find me!

Oh yeah? Where do you live Mr. Haggard? >whispers> This'll catch him out. </whispers>

At 2/29/08 04:59 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
I was thinking more of a 1984 type of Big Brother...
Still, don't remind us of it!
You really should read that book ;) .
At 3/1/08 11:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/26/08 08:21 AM, Coop83 wrote: Boarding the emotional roller-coaster once more, Coop congratulates:

No... chocolates.

How does one get off of life, and then have to re-board it? O_O

Easliy, get knocked out.

At 2/26/08 12:06 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: It seems I passed 32k posts without noticing.

It looks even more sexier with modship

At 2/26/08 12:09 PM, Zerok wrote: Though mine's not tasty. I liked the mace thing better. These stars are sorta gay. The trio of 'em's a bit cooler though. Oh well.

It looks even more sexier with modship

At 3/1/08 11:30 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/26/08 06:47 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Whenever you don't have a responce you post "Heh.". Reason?
It's my standard no-content response to things. My "reaction sound."

Mines meh.

You gotta better idea for something to say when you got nothing to say?


At least heh is a sound.


At 2/25/08 03:09 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Choc choc GOOD GOOD!
Yum yum in the tum tum.

Yummy yummy yummy I got bugs in mah tummeh.

Throws a little wrench into your plans, eh wot?
Awwww..... >:(


The change to the date/time info on the topics and the last posted in info? I already made my thoughts on that available in one of the small topics floating around. Just look in my post history for it if you haven't read the topic in question.
Sorry Mr. Gfox, We are the media, we can't be bothered to look at through old records, also it reminds people of their past times and some people don't like their past times, therfore we get sued. We need a new comment directley from your food place. :)
The media can't be bothered to poke around and find past times to dig up?


You're not really with the media, clearly. :::ignores your question/request:::

We are the lazy media from another dimension.

Gamecube is mostly fun when with freinds on Super Smash Bro. Melee.
Well of course, but there's other fun games. Like.... Zelda Windwaker, Metroid Prime 1 (and from what I hear, 2), Alien Hominid, Viewtiful Joe, and others.

Multiplayer=Mario Kart DD

At 2/27/08 08:00 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/26/08 06:47 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I don't bother getting someone else to do my depositing when I'm away.
And that's why you will phail!

My experience will deplete.

At 3/2/08 12:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/28/08 05:12 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
We're being watched :S
For an inspection?
Anal inspection, maybe.

Good... wait!

Bahamut gets an and? ):<

Because.... he's...


Still he still gets an and...

If only Blue Hippy was active here. Let's ask him. The one with the greatest relation with the Hippy of Blue, please step forward.

The Hippy of Blue. That should be BlueHippo's alt's name.

Maybe Hippo of Blue people would make the connection easier.

At 3/2/08 01:21 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Muse - Origin of Symmetry
Muse - Absolution
Muse - Black Holes and Revelations
Supertramp - Breakfast in America


The tramp that has superpowers!

At 2/29/08 07:25 PM, PinballWizard976 wrote: Yay Portal Security! Finally!
But... take out the KISS and add in some Cream or Rolling Stones or Jimi Hendrix or something, and you've got yourself a deal. #;-}>

A deal for what? Druggeh!

At 3/2/08 07:34 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/1/08 11:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote: LEVEL 33 MOD.
Can I be a level 34 mod? :P

That would be cool.

At 3/2/08 12:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/25/08 01:28 PM, Bahamut wrote: I did. Virgin trains beat the shit out of Coach trips.
MTE when I read Coop say that, but I didn't want to bother replying. Since you already did, however... yes, MTE. #;-}>
NintendoMadness won't know who D0GMA and Denvish were. :( Unless he took a history lesson. >:3

I know who Denvish is! He's an awesome scripter and made the AS: Main. I know who D0GMA is because he made a stat list! SO THAR!

At 3/2/08 07:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/2/08 02:02 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
1,800 posts bitches.
Do you speak to your fathers like that?

What, he's got two gay dads? #;-}>

It's happened before. :p

At 3/2/08 08:01 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/2/08 07:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: NintendoMadness won't know who D0GMA and Denvish were. :( Unless he took a history lesson. >:3
Dogma, sure. But not even Denvish? Denvish hasn't been gone THAT long, has he? ;_;

I think I saw about 2 of his posts being posted.

At 3/2/08 08:44 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/1/08 11:30 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Wikitrap is the most dangerous timesink in existence. FREE TIME GOES THERE TO DIE.
It's similair to youtube... how many minutes I have wasted there watching stupid videos?

Mostly watching weird things and people getting hurt. Don't forget cool stunts on things.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 16:47:12

At 3/2/08 07:34 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Ha! You'll never find me!
We know you live in Hamburg, Germany, which happens to be where Helloween came from.
Good luck finding me among 1.7 milion inhabitants ;) .

We simply go to the latest cencus and look for your name: Haggard...

Almost got it into one post!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 16:52:25

Awesome, got to level 4! I'm also close to becoming a Town Watch in B/P points.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 16:52:30

Just realised I forgot to make my list yesterday! OH TEH NOES.

NEVR Congratulates:

Emlfuryoflion: 4,000 Blams
bifgis: 6,000 Blams; 22,000 B/P
DaVeB0T: 1,337 Posts; Level 21
AtomicTerrorist: 18,000 Saves; Top 600 in EXP; Top 100 in B/P
Darkside7000: 8,000 B/P; Sergeant First Class; 6.66 Base VP; 9,000 Posts
SoulPiker: Police Captain
1337: Level 25
Coop83: 14,000 EXP; 11,111 Posts
BIGmamaKATIE: 5,000 Saves
lilhunter03: 12,000 B/P
BBQBeefburgerdragon: Level 25
Flared24: Sergeant
Night-Ranger: 2,000 Blams
gfoxcook: 13.37 Total VP
zimzap: 9,000 B/P
Aksumka: Level 37
ReconRebel: 92,000 B/P
ZombiePhil: 666 Posts
Timmy: 16,000 B/P
AdamJack: Level 25
NintendoMadness: 6.66 Total VP

NEVR Thanks:


At 3/1/08 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Cool :) I am so glad that at least one person will stand testament to my memory, should I ever stop coming here before some sort of apocalypse

I'd always remember you, Coop. I'm not sure how many would remember me if I left tomorrow, but I'd hope that in a few years I'll be remembered if I left.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 17:00:57

Awesome, level 4 and I'm close to getting the Town Watch badge too!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 17:17:52

Achievements tend to come in streaks. I've reported 14,000 Experience and 11,111 Posts only yesterday, but today I've also managed 21,000 Saves

Odd the way they come along together, isn't it?

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 18:11:47

Level 14

Well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

Follow me on twitter ;) | PM me whether you like me or hate me. 52 like | 17 hate

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 18:15:12

Yess... from normal to garbage to normal to garbage to normal and finally bronze!

Thanks MuffDiver102 for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 22:37:32

666 saves!!!! The Save Number Of The Beast.


Sig by me.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-02 22:46:27

At 10/6/02 04:28 PM, Transformers wrote: Congrats on getting to level 11, I just leveled up yesterday.I don't think its nessesary to make a whole new thread about leveling up. :/

lol this thread got big as hell haha. i guess it was necessary.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-03 01:20:47

3000 posts


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-03 02:56:59

Belated 80,000 profile I should say userpage stats for me about 8 days ago. I am happy but not until 93,392. I wish the aliases were easy to copy.

A birthday belated thank you cards to:
NEVR ( A nicer thank you card too you)
Haggard (I rarely get bold congrats, that I can remember)

At 2/12/08 11:25 AM, Bahamut wrote: Two things:

1. I miss BigBahamut.

A. Who or What is BigBahamut?
B. Why do you miss him or it?
C. Why was he deleted

At 2/12/08 08:52 AM, iscrulz wrote: Oh and DISNEY> Looney Tunes. I am talking classic Disney cartoons and Disney Channel too.
At 2/12/08 05:25 PM, yoshi77777 wrote: Yeah definitely..

Thanks. I truly believe Disney is the superior brand.

gfox, NintendoMadness, shall we bring pitchforks and torches with us?

I will use the Hannah Montana fankiddies as frontline infantry.

At 2/12/08 04:56 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Thanks for popping and stuff..... wait a sec....
Did you just say.... OMFG.
BAHAMUT, GFOX..... come with me.

Your Welcome and things...okay...
I just said...like I know...
Bambi, Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast fans will take care of you all.

I've got some prepared for a flame war.

I will just ad lib stone cold facts in this war.

At 2/12/08 05:25 PM, yoshi77777 wrote: Yeah definitely..
At 2/13/08 03:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: Keep going, you know you want it!

Ah yes I need to go back to my roots and spam the general and get banned every month.

And 6 years on NG is a great achievement

Outfailure it is. So rare it only happens once.

At 2/13/08 11:42 AM, Bahamut wrote: I have reached 30000 saves! That's great, but not as great as this:

Damn I got to try for 3oK saves now, I don't think I can make it to 25k before NG shuts down.

Top 400 in EXP

ah hell yes congrats

It took ages to go from top 500 to 400. While it's reasonable to take so long to get there, it was really tough fighting through the ranks 401 - 410. Oh

well, time to get to the top 300.

Rogh and tough. I am still battling for the top 100 enter the 200rds in some one find out for me. I took a huge blow when I miss a deposit last month I

slept for 15 hours and remembered 15 minutes late I was steamed.

At 2/14/08 06:46 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: Level 38, baby

Wait until 39 sure its overrated but it still my fav out of the all the ones I had 37-40, 0-23(alts)

At 2/14/08 07:25 PM, yoshi77777 wrote: 5,555 Saves

five would be very proud.

At 2/16/08 05:56 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/12/08 08:52 AM, iscrulz wrote: A thanks dude. I am getting to the second 10k mark. Too bad to nglog always tells me I could had 23k.596
Yeah, it's a dagger in the gut. After knowing about my lost exps for as long as I have, though, and especially since I'm getting close to getting into my rightful spot in the top 50, time mellows all, and it's no longer such a painful wound for me.

The wounds never heal knowing a user who signed up after ya as a lot more exp. I am trying to get me rightful if so spot in the top 100. But I past some rivals and it helps only 20 more to go yippee

Hmm sorry I don't read trough all your or other peoples post, an invasion of the privacy it is sort of. Oh I see the irony I do glance through or skim at 'em.
Heh. Well, you could at least search for "iscrulz" and find me replying to you, because it sucks that it's a one-way convo in here, apparently. #;-}>

sorry I don't and didn't do that. I will try to make in two ways.

Oh and DISNEY> Looney Tunes. I am talking classic Disney cartoons and Disney Channel too.

Shock you may have been, but I hold my opinion strong.

First of all, there IS no Looney Tunes channel, so that's unfair.

Oh contrar Looney Tunes are owed by Warner Brothers as the CW ( WB + UPN). [You knew that]

Classic cartoons wise, there are some awesome Disney ones, and of course you've got Disney movies, up to and including recent Pixar fare...

Yes all the heartwarming 2d Disney animated films to the wacky and silly pixar cgi films wins over LT.

but I was saying that basic cartoon classic core of teh LT > D.

Sorry but there mascot Buggs Bunny is an arrogant cunt.


I disagree with that statement and on this one.

7 years for Bedn, 6 years for you, and 8 years for me. We're all getting NG-old, man.

7 years, 8 years, damn. NG-Old precisely. What are we talking about, huh.

Congrats on good ol' numbah 6!

A thank you, heres to another year. Maybe this time (this year) I will make over 1k b/p and get banned more.

At 2/16/08 07:55 AM, Bahamut wrote:

Sorry I am late for the lynches, I have been really busy with work, school going out and other shit. So bring it boys. I am still here and Disney is better.
Dang thank goodness for NewsRepoter I couldn't handle scrolling through another super long multi-quotes post.

::Oakedy skippedy do pages 2070 to 2082::

Congrats to*
ReconRebel: 92,000 blam/protect points!
ZombiePhil 666 posts
TImmy: 16,000 B/P points.
AdamJack: Level 25 baby.
DarkSide post count equates to exactly 9,000
DaVeB0T: level 21
Vilit0 Garbage whistle
NintendoMadness: Number of the Beast Total Voting Power.
Coop83: 14,000 Experience and 11,111 Posts only yesterday, but today I've also managed 21,000 Saves
Sk8erGirl14: Level 14 ( are you 14)
emochild 3000 posts

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-03 06:08:28

Listening to:
Blutjungs - Das Monster aus der grünen Lagune
Deep Purple - This Time Around/Owed to 'G'

Congrats to:
NintendoMadness: 6.66 Voting Power
Coop83: 21,000 Saves
Sk8erGirl14: Level 14
KIRBYLINK: 666 Saves
Nimhster: Level 17, Police Officer
emochild: 3,000 Posts

At 3/2/08 04:45 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/1/08 10:04 AM, Haggard wrote: AtomicTerrorist: Level 31, 10,000 Experience, 30,000 B/P, 18,000 Saves, Top 600 in Experience, Top 100 in B/P
Not true. He's had level 31 for a bit and you can tell it's a bit of a dodgy job.

Yes, "for a bit". Level 31 and 10,000 Exp are like 10 Exp away from each other ;) .

I was thinking more of a 1984 type of Big Brother...
This is getting repititve :P
We're still going to get you. :P
Ha! You'll never find me!
Oh yeah? Where do you live Mr. Haggard? >whispers> This'll catch him out. </whispers>

In Hamburg, but you already know that :P

At 3/2/08 04:47 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/2/08 07:34 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Ha! You'll never find me!
We know you live in Hamburg, Germany, which happens to be where Helloween came from.
Good luck finding me among 1.7 milion inhabitants ;) .
We simply go to the latest cencus and look for your name: Haggard...

Shit, I'm doomed! O_O

I'll PM Tom for a name change...

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-03 08:13:54

Coop watches Dale Jr. Register his best competitive finish for Hendrick, while congratulating:
AdamJack: Level 25
Darkside7000: 9,000 Posts
DaVeBOT: Level 21
NintendoMadness: 6.66 Total Voting Power
Sk8erGirl14: Level 14
KIRBYLINK: 666 Saves
Nimhster: Level 17
emochild: 3,000 Posts
iscrulz: 80,000 Total Points

Thank yous go out to:
Bahamut (x2)
NEVR (x2)
iscrulz (x3)

At 3/2/08 05:34 AM, Timmy wrote:
At 3/2/08 04:58 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop gets ready to give his cricket bat a further test, while congratulating:
ReconRebel: 92,000 B/P
Timmy: 16,000 B/P
Damn...sorta overshadows my achievement a little bit...

Oh well - congrats ReconRebel on being so far ahead of me.

I tend not to concentrate on people who are so far ahead of me, to make me insignificant. Determination can get you there

And thanks for the congratulations, Coop.

No problem

At 3/2/08 07:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: Coop83 - 14000 EXP, 11111 posts. I'm so sorry for missing you out. :(

Don't worry about it, these things happen.

At 3/2/08 08:44 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/2/08 04:58 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/1/08 10:04 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/29/08 08:13 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/28/08 06:34 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 2/28/08 04:00 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 2/27/08 08:00 AM, Haggard wrote: Whoa, what's with all those mods posting here? :P
We're being watched :S
Uh-oh, big brother in action... *plays some mysterious music*
Meh, if you're too careful, you don't end up living at all!
But if you aren't careful enough, you don't get to live that long :P
I'd rather live 25 years (almost equivalent to how long I've currently lived) and enjoy myself than exist forever in fear and boredom.
Sure, living as a Sponge isn't so much fun, even if you can live for more than 10.000 years that way. But what's the use in only living 20 years for example, if you could have easily lived for another 60 years if you only had been a bit more careful?

The point being would living (existing) for 60 more years actually be classed as living, in being able to derive any enjoyment or fulfilment from this activity?

Plus, you don't get to listen to mysterious music that often! ^^
Try playing it backwards, it has a message :P
Oooh, spooky! ^^
*listens to it backwards*
Hmm... it says I should tidy my room...

Chop chop then!

At 3/2/08 04:45 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 3/1/08 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
The doublelist is a stat list compiled by gfoxcook. It's an addendum of the pentalist, which lists users with 2 or more stats at 10,000+
Is there a list for people with 2 20k stats?
Well, if there was, the highest person on there would have 4x20k stats, as no-one has 20k Reviews. I've not seen one, so I'd assume no.
That would be some big statwhore.

I'm not sure if anyone has, but I can always check some of gfoxcook's earlier pentalist updates

At 3/2/08 04:52 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 3/1/08 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Cool :) I am so glad that at least one person will stand testament to my memory, should I ever stop coming here before some sort of apocalypse
I'd always remember you, Coop. I'm not sure how many would remember me if I left tomorrow, but I'd hope that in a few years I'll be remembered if I left.

Well, that one's simple - I would NEVR forget you!

At 3/3/08 02:56 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 2/13/08 03:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: Keep going, you know you want it!
Ah yes I need to go back to my roots and spam the general and get banned every month.

That's the spirit!

And 6 years on NG is a great achievement
Outfailure it is. So rare it only happens once.

On the anniversary, you make a new account to celebrate another 6 years on NG!

Congrats to*
Coop83: 14,000 Experience and 11,111 Posts only yesterday, but today I've also managed 21,000 Saves


Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-03 09:29:16

I finally got Private First Class probably a year and a half after I got Private today. Took long enough. Also, I got 1,000 saves, but that's not that important.

Took me long enough. :D

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-03 11:44:46

Total stats gathered since last log: 32
Avg. total stats per day: 23.555
Total: 10003 (= exp + b/p + posts + reviews)

I was just logging my stats on NgLog when I'd noticed hat I've reasched 10k total points.

I hope you consider this an achievement because it certainly took long enough. :)


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-03 12:37:24

Congrats to:
Coop83: 21,000 Saves
KIRBYLINK: 666 Saves - I let you off because this wasn't post related. >_>
Nimhster: Level 17
emochild: 3,000 Posts
Nomander: Sergeant First Class and 1,000 Saves
Sk8erGirl14: Level 14
BIGmamaKATIE: 10,000 Total Stats

Sends out thanks to:

At 3/3/08 02:56 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 2/12/08 11:25 AM, Bahamut wrote: Two things:

1. I miss BigBahamut.
A. Who or What is BigBahamut?

An alt of BIGmamaKATIE's.

B. Why do you miss him or it?

Because Bahamut likes other Bahamut's.

C. Why was he deleted

Impersonating another user.

At 2/12/08 05:25 PM, yoshi77777 wrote: Yeah definitely..
Thanks. I truly believe Disney is the superior brand.

They have nice music in some music... I'l give you that.

gfox, NintendoMadness, shall we bring pitchforks and torches with us?
I will use the Hannah Montana fankiddies as frontline infantry.


At 2/12/08 04:56 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Thanks for popping and stuff..... wait a sec....
Did you just say.... OMFG.
BAHAMUT, GFOX..... come with me.
Your Welcome and things...okay...
I just said...like I know...
Bambi, Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast fans will take care of you all.

Really? *discusses what movies we shall use against him*

At 2/13/08 03:37 AM, Coop83 wrote: Keep going, you know you want it!
Ah yes I need to go back to my roots and spam the general and get banned every month.

Of course. We all have to get banned once in our NG life.

At 2/16/08 05:56 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
First of all, there IS no Looney Tunes channel, so that's unfair.
Oh contrar Looney Tunes are owed by Warner Brothers as the CW ( WB + UPN). [You knew that]


but I was saying that basic cartoon classic core of teh LT > D.
Sorry but there mascot Buggs Bunny is an arrogant cunt.

Yes he is but I like him.

7 years for Bedn, 6 years for you, and 8 years for me. We're all getting NG-old, man.
7 years, 8 years, damn. NG-Old precisely. What are we talking about, huh.

Your age... I mean your NG-age: How long you've been on NG.

At 3/3/08 06:08 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/2/08 04:45 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Not true. He's had level 31 for a bit and you can tell it's a bit of a dodgy job.
Yes, "for a bit". Level 31 and 10,000 Exp are like 10 Exp away from each other ;) .

He's had it for more than a day. I think.

Ha! You'll never find me!
Oh yeah? Where do you live Mr. Haggard? >whispers> This'll catch him out. </whispers>
In Hamburg, but you already know that :P

No I didn't. But now I do... hehe.

At 3/2/08 04:47 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Ha! You'll never find me!
We know you live in Hamburg, Germany, which happens to be where Helloween came from.
Good luck finding me among 1.7 milion inhabitants ;) .
We simply go to the latest cencus and look for your name: Haggard...
Shit, I'm doomed! O_O

I know.

I'll PM Tom for a name change...

Good luck because Wade is the one that changes usernames.

At 3/3/08 08:13 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 3/2/08 04:52 PM, NEVR wrote: I'd always remember you, Coop. I'm not sure how many would remember me if I left tomorrow, but I'd hope that in a few years I'll be remembered if I left.
Well, that one's simple - I would NEVR forget you!

I'd never forget any of you guys if you left. Mostly because I spend all of my NG time posting in here and the C&C so I'd remember people's usernames but I'd remember you guys in me heart. <3

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-03 12:42:41

How could sk8girl14 be level 14 so quickly.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-03 13:10:44

Listening to:

Stratovarius - Episode. This album keeps being the one I first listen to for the day out of all the albums I'm listening to right now. o__O

Congrats to:

Darkside7000 - 9000 posts. I can resist myself from saying you know what.
DaVeB0T - Level 21
Coop83 - 21000 saves
Sk8erGirl14 - Level 14
KIRBYLINK - 666 saves. You're still a moron.
Nimhster - Level 17
emochild - 3000 posts
iscrulz - 80000 total points
Nomader - Private First Class, 1000 saves. Long time no see. :O
BIGmamaKATIE - 10000 total points
Joeyag - Level 14

Thanks to:


At 3/2/08 08:01 AM, gfoxcook wrote: FOILED AGAIN. By teh Bahamuts.

You should have either refreshed the page or wait a few minutes later. :P

6.... 6 6! The leetness of the beast!

Yes it s.

Thanks, man. No thanks for posting 5 minutes before me, though... but oh well. +1 and all. :::rolls teh eyes:::

One post closer to 10k, so I'm happy! :D


That was the plan, right? To ruin all chances?

Umm, what would be wrong with my aura being gold?

Mebbe relink later? :P

Mebbe tonight?

It's just 5 bucks to play it on the Wii. Come on now. SMB1's worth buying again. Again. #;-}>
I'm happy with the GBA port.


I know that, but what I meant that there's so many people that aren't into Nirvana that it doesn't surprise me when one says they're not into it.
Ah, I see.

But good to hear you having a better opinion on the band than the majority.

I've actually been thinking the same thing for months. I think to myself "I cannot leave the BBS because of all the swell people who go to the Wi/Ht? forum."
Heh. Well, we're not chaining you here, dude. If you really wanted to leave, we'd all support you in that.

No, if I wanted to leave, you'd all have to try and bring me back! Back in December, I said I'd leave the LUL if the spamming in this thread wasn't dealt with and/or the users learned to stop posting useless crap here. Here we are in March and some idiots still try to wreck this place.

Only in America.


Ehhh... Mebbe layter.

OK then. :3

Speaking of U2, here's a Dream Theater song which is considered to be very U2-esque.
Pretty good. Decent song. I don't see much U2 in it, though.

Maybe you like U2 and those criticise the song don't? :P

I didn't mind the vocalist at all or see what people were saying about him being sick or not being a good enough singer to match the rest of the band.

He really isn't a bad singer. IMO, he's only terrible on their pop ballads.

Dogma, sure. But not even Denvish? Denvish hasn't been gone THAT long, has he? ;_;

He's been away from the Wi/Ht? for a long time now.

...I heard Dio runs an amusement park.
Hope it's better and less creepy than Michael Jackson's!

I guess not if the park contains people in chococostumes. :P

Hey, Cyberdevil is getting close to 5x10k. All he needs to do is review more (flashes).
He's too busy with teh audio reviews. He should really child with those till he gets his main reviewcount to 10k, IMO.

At least he's very close to 10k posts. But yes, he needs to focus more on his flash reviews or at least stop making all the Guessing games, because Pokemon name questions are too easy to be "guesses".

Awwww. Such a compliment. I suppose that's why you want to inherit it, eh? #;-}>
Well, that's some honesty there for ya, at least.


8th March, was it?
For me to hit 10k? I was predicting that, but it seems it's likely an overestimate. I might be there by 3/03 or 3/04 at this rate.

Certainly not 3/03 now, but 3/06 seems reasonable.

Maybe I'll work on the list update real hard before next weekend so maybe I can get it out of the way before Super Smash Bros Brawl is released on 3/09?


No promises, but that would be very nice to do.


Luke would prefer it if it was level 69.
Are there 69ing old folks in Lemonparty? Forgive my ignorance, but it's been a long time since I saw it, and I don't need to refresh my memory directly. :::nods:::

Luke might make a complaint about you on your news post later.

Don't make Luke angry.
He no likey?

Of course not.

Captain Dragon? No, I'm THE king of Dragons.
Okay, cap'n.

Damn. :[

"When the Zetas fill the skies.... it's just our leaders in disguise!
Fully loaded satellites... will conquer nothing but our minds..." -Muse

Want to hear a Dream Theater song that the fans consider as a Muse-like song?

At 3/2/08 08:44 AM, Haggard wrote:
We know you live in Hamburg, Germany, which happens to be where Helloween came from.
Good luck finding me among 1.7 milion inhabitants ;) .

I'll ask my good friends from Hamburg on how to get to your house.

Now if only all of the Adolf Hitler-rip offs would get deleted, too...
I was more thinking of crap like the "Joseph Stalin releasing"- and "Tom Fulp deleting"- and "Ice Cube"-doing-whatever-flashes

Oh, that's reasonable. I was about to say, my spinoffs DO NOT deserve to be deleted!

At 3/2/08 04:45 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: WEB!


Yes, EmoDragon is an emo Bahamut.
'K. So is LittleBahamut?





Afro_Stud would agree with you.







Can I be a level 34 mod? :P
That would be cool.

Yes it would.

lol I did it again.
I know who Denvish is! He's an awesome scripter and made the AS: Main. I know who D0GMA is because he made a stat list! SO THAR!

Ooooooooooooooh! Good boy.

At 3/2/08 10:46 PM, Ryanmcl wrote: lol this thread got big as hell haha. i guess it was necessary.

But was it necessary to reply to a 5 1/2 year old post? XP

At 3/3/08 02:56 AM, iscrulz wrote: A. Who or What is BigBahamut?


B. Why do you miss him or it?

Because it was a perfect interpretation/impersonation of myself.

C. Why was he deleted

Impersonating users is against the BBS users and nowadays, you can't change your name easily.

Thanks. I truly believe Disney is the superior brand.

I truly believe Disney sucks ass.

I will use the Hannah Montana fankiddies as frontline infantry.

Fuck, we lost!

well, time to get to the top 300.

90 ranks to go now.

Dang thank goodness for NewsRepoter I couldn't handle scrolling through another super long multi-quotes post.

News Reporter will be making a news post tonight.

At 3/2/08 04:45 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-03-03 13:38:47

300 Flash Reviews & 100 Audio Review Responses
