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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 03:26:35

Coop battles against a severely icy car, then congratulates:
Magical-Mark: Bronze Whistle
BahamutClock: 6,000 Experience
Toohot100: Level 29
bifgis: Lieutenant General
Shanus: 100 Reviews (Audio)
aldlv: 8,000 Saves
zimzap: 3,000 Saves
Bstuk2: Level 19
GUTHRIE: Level 36
blackanese: Level 26

At 2/3/08 10:07 AM, rune-hunter wrote: only 50 reviews till the review top 100

Yeah, that's not an achievement. We had a go for you spamming up the top reviewers thread for not writing reviews of substance and also for not really writing osts like that either :P

At 2/3/08 11:33 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/3/08 04:45 AM, Coop83 wrote: "Ooh, you really made the earth move, you sex monster!"
"Come on, let's do it some more!"

Well at least we don't have to see Rottweiler again for a long time *Rottweiler bursts through the wall and grabs Richie and Eddie around the throat.*

Which episode next?

Well, you've not got 160 flash on your own, but considering that if they reviewed all of your flash and all of the Adolf Hitler Catching 'em All in 493+ Days series, they'd have around 550 Reviews with responses. That would be more than enough to sink RR, who only has around the 160 mark :P
Well, over 350 reviews, but for Afro_Stud's older flashes, he takes AAAAGES to respond, because he's such a faggot.

Yeah, I've got 22 reviews outstanding with him now...

At 2/3/08 12:38 PM, Mtypenguim wrote: how did you get to levl 11 if your level 34?

Posting that 5 years ago.

At 2/3/08 04:05 PM, schneelocke wrote:
At 2/2/08 05:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: 800 reviews for now, then 11,000 posts and maybe push for some others in between. I'll be getting a new Axe just after my birthday as well :)
Sweet. :) I can't wait to ditch these stupid throwing stars, myself - the level 31 meat cleaver looked SO MUCH better.

It's almost over... another 2 months :P

At 2/3/08 11:34 PM, SupraAddict wrote: Got Captain at the last 30 min. of this NG day!
not to mention tomorrow, I become lvl 16 :P

Holy shit! I think I'm becoming a stat whore!

No, you're not anywhere near becoming a stat whore, with only police ranks :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 03:38:05

Okay folks... there was a page 2065 here yesterday. Now there's 2060 pages.

So if 5 pages are gone, that means 150 posts are gone.

And if 150 posts are gone, I think that means a user with 150 posts in Wi/Ht? was deleted.

Anyone know who it was?

On with the catch-up:

At 1/27/08 10:57 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Congrats List + quotes and part of gfox quotes

Oh boyeth!

Congrats to:
gfoxcook - 666 flash reviews


At 1/26/08 11:39 PM, gfoxcook wrote: RAINING BLOOD.
*looks at what I'm listening to* Speak of the devil!


At 1/27/08 06:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote: HOLY SHIT, GOFX. O_O
Hmm, GothX.


OH ME OH MY, I've been segregated. #;-}>
Don't be ashamed.

I don't remember why I was segregated anymore, so I kinda can't be ashamed about it.

Hey, don't knock any 666-related stats. 666 is an awesome number. Google it and check the wiki page.
But 666 total points....

666 ANYthing, man. Anything.

I can feel some hair on my chin. :)

YOURS or someone else's? O_O

THEY'RE SAVING THE WORLD BY KILLING ALL HUMANS!! However, they all seem too lazy right now. :(


The Bourne Ultimatum
The Golden Compass
Meh, I'm not bothered about those movies.

Your lossy loss.

I would have seen that with my friends if it came out a week earlier, but since it wasn't out, we all decided to watch something else, which was...

Weird reason not to see a movie later on. O_o

That, Superbad. However, it wasn't the best choice since it wasn't the movie some of my friends wanted to see. He had to leave at the near-end around the sex scenes since he felt like he was cheating on his girlfriend. My other two friends who are engaged also didn't feel comfortable about that part and they left too, so myself and another friend of mine left to make sure they were fine. And then there was one of us left watching the rest of the movie. To be honest, I would have been fine with watching the rest of the movie, but I was more concerned about my friends.

Watching sex scenes in a movie makes your friend feel like he's cheating on his girlfriend? WTF? Why did your other two friends feel uncomfortable? WTF is going on these days?!?! Kids can't take a little sex in movies anymore? WHAT TEH HELL?

So because of that one little part, my friend declares Superbad as the worst film he's ever seen. However, I can name a few movies that are well worse than that movie such as I Am Legend, Red Dragon and Kingdom of Heaven. I'd rather watch a movie about three boys wanting to get laid than those movies.

It was a decent movie, but a lot of people don't like it as much as I did, which wasn't insanely much. :::shrugs:::

Aces High > The Number of the Beast

Yeah, it kinda is. I've been listening to Aces High on Powerslave since I bought Powerslave last week (I got TLIL by Dio, too, BTW, and a few other CDs) a lot more than TNOTB from... TNOTB (which was one of the others).

Eh, like I told Coop, I've heard better Priest.
Painkiller, Exciter, Beyond the Realms of Death, etc.

I was more thinking of Electric Eye, You've Got Another Thing Coming, Breaking the Law, and a couple others. I think I know Exciter.

You're more metal than Trivium. ^^

But everyone is, so... that's not saying much, right?

I know a number called 36. And it was the GREATEST NUMBER IN THE WORLD. Yes, it was the GREATEST NUMBER IN THE WORLD... This is just a TRIBUTE. To the greatest number in the world.
What's with the obsession with 36 anyway? o.O

The above lines would suggest more of an obsession with Tenacious D, but I'm not, really.

36? I dunno, I've loved it since I was a child. Do I need a reason?

Okay, it's an awesome number. It's even, it's divisible by a whole shitload of basic numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18), it's 3 dozen, it's 1.5 days, it's the number of degrees in a circle divided by 10, 36 months is 3 years, uh.... I dunno. Like I said about 666, go to the wiki page for 36, there's a shitload of cool stuff about it.

I think it's a perfect number, it's triangular, and square, IIRC.

Oh yes, and it's 6 times 6, and 6 is my favourite single digit, so... Eh.

18 is half of 36.
Someone's happy.


17 is one less than half of 36. And it's odd. And prime. BURN IT.


Oh wait, shit, it's Lance Berkman's jersey number. FUCK. SAVE IT!!! SAVE IT! SOMEONE PUT THE FIRE OUT!
How can I put the fire out?


You were never neutral, so I don't care either way, you blighter!
Correction: I was neutral when I signed up, but changed it when I found out I could change my aura to whatever pleases me.

Laaaaaame. You were never neutral in your HEART, then.

Neither Dio nor Zep is modern, but Zep is music of the gods, Dio's just "pretty good." Sorry, Dio. ;_;
Dio with Rainbow?

The group? I haven't heard 'em.

Cause I called him by his ONE TRUE NAME?
Yes. :P *waits for bitching from the original X-Naut*


If I didn't, it wouldn't be a very effective taunt, now would it? #;-}>

Used my smiley, you mean? I'll bet you're expecting me to use it again RIGHT NOW. And hey, look, I haven't used it in awhile in thist post....

Guess what? I'm gonna surprise you. I'm not going to use it right now.

Badass. But why does the HMV employee look like Sloth from the Goonies? O_o
Because that's what can happen to my lazy drawings. BTW, Sloth? Goonies? What?

I had a feeling you might not know who Sloth was. That's why I linked to a Sloth flash in that post. At least, I seem to remember doing that. Didn't you click the link?

Jebus, Google "Goonies" and then check out the wiki or IMDB pages about it. Such a starved childhood you had. ;_;

At 1/20/08 10:10 AM, DP36 wrote: Gold whistle baby!
OH HELL YEAH, another 36-ite.
I hope DP means Deep Purple. :D

As opposed to double penetration?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 03:39:09

At 1/27/08 10:58 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's second part of gfox quoting


I've always been lucky when using NotePad/WordPad, but I certainly won't be lucky if I got a blackout or the computer randomly restarts by itself. :O

Yeah, that'd kinda blow.

Well of course, I was really looking forward to level 24's sword and level 25's golden gauntlets, but I was really just commenting on the old bronze one vs. the new bronze one, restricting my comments to that.

Under the old icon system, the new, or both? How can you say that, either way? (sniff)

So close to another 36'er, yet so far.
Maybe he slipped with the 1, or maybe he's a fan of Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Egad. 3:16? That's so un-36 it isn't even funny.

It's too hard to leave the Wi/Ht? forum because of awesome people like you.

*_* :::salutes as tears well up:::

Yeah, it amused me earlier that while Coop may be all "me and bifgis? NO WAI, what about me girlfriend?" he's been flirting with and having essentially a LUL-coupling with schnee for YEARS now. #;-}>
Wait, bifgis? Coop's girlfriend?

Yes, they are one in the same. Or so DoD thought. MWAHAHAHA.

About 150 days until I reach level 36.


Shame it's not really that great of a level icon, but it still beats level 40.
life hates the level 36 weapon with a passion.

I certainly don't love it, but I can't understand hating it, either. Why so for?

I said we're fucking dragons and we'll stick to that!!

You're.... a dragon... or you're FUCKING dragons? #;-}>

At 1/27/08 08:05 AM, gfoxcook wrote: But man, age 36 is gonna rock. BEST YEAR EVER.
ERROR - No user "bahamut36" exists in our system.

Sadly, it will be followed by age 37. ;_;
20 years until that happens and I'm not even 20 yet. ^^

I meant for me, foolio, on both counts. Why should years 36 and 37 have any significance to you whatsoever?

Shit, I didn't notice that until now. Then again, I don't give a shit about PPD anymore, but on the bright side, someone can get 13.37 PPD such as me.

Yeah, but now it's just 12.34 instead of 12.345. Also, you can already hit numbers like 12.34 and 13.37 in VP.

Having ppd be 5 digits instead of 4 made it special... er. #;-}>

You made congrats lists? Damn, I've been making them since 31st December 2004. How sad am I? XD But hey, I'm just being loyal to my home on the BBS.

Dude, I INVENTED the congrats list.

Well, not really, but I was certainly making them long before about 90% of the people who now make them in this topic ever knew of them, let alone made their first one.

Now I prefer to just congrat a few people on some select achievements while I'm catching up once in a blue moon.

I dunno what King Crimson is like, really. Vaguely familiar name, but have I heard their shit? Dunno.
Does their album cover ring a bell? (see picture below)

One of those rock TV-music channels I've been using for music in the background while I internet and don't want to tax the laptop with my iTunes at the same time... played two King Crimson songs in a row yesterday. One of them was in the Court of the Crimson King or something, and it did seem kinda familiar sounding.

The two songs were from the 70s and the 80s. I really don't know much about them, but I guess I do know a bit of their music.

At 1/27/08 11:38 AM, NEVR wrote: NEVR Congratulates:
gfoxcook: 666 Reviews (Flash)

Thanks. Do you really have to say flash, though? I'm sure people would assume you meant flash unless you said "audio reviews" specifically.

Or is it because of insane-o's like CrazyReviewingCyberMan reviewing 800 AP entries and 1200 FP entries in weekspans that people have to specify all the time, because reviews of both kinds are getting to widespread? #;-}>

At 1/27/08 07:20 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Holy crap... happened to you AND NintendoMadness on the same day, basically? That blows.
Yeah, that was a bad day! Some evil force was working against list makers...

noooooo. Oh wait, you meant congrats listmakers, not actual lists. Whew. #;-}>

Should I use my powers to fight crime, or for evil...?
BOTH, of course. Complex characters are so much better.
That's true. A character with an internal struggle is always interesting.

External struggles with yourself are even MORE interesting.

Go MPD and fight yourself in public with your superpowers!

Relax, man. He's just cranky because he used to be active around these parts and he hasn't been lately, and instead of pulling a gfox and trying in vain to catch up or keep up or being silly like he used to be... instead he's got sand in his vagina. Give him another chance, he used to be a contenda.
Yeah, that was a pretty bad day for me (was in a car crash), so I wasn't in the best mood, hence my readiness to get into an argument. Normally I try not to rise to that kind of thing, though.

I gotchas. And yes, I read about your car crash. Didn't I reply in your profile, too?

You don't need to defend yourself, dude. No one's gonna read Bonus' crazy drunken ramblings in here and think you're a +1er.
I should hope not! Still, it's annoying when people call listers +1ers, considering that without us this thread would be pretty much a meaningless plethora of achievements without any form of validation, and would probably end up being locked.

+1er is a very easy insult to throw around, that's all.

The only way you're REALLY going to avoid that tag, anyone on this site, is to take after ol' gfox and post 8000 byte posts. Cause then no one can accuse you of posting just to +1, or else you'd split those into smaller posts for super post +++++...

but then again, you just get a longwinded blowhard reputation instead of a +1er/spammer reputation. Who's to say which rep is worse to have? #;-}>

I wish Saturdays and Sundays were the "feels like a long day" days...
This Sunday has torn past like a fighter jet. It's already 4:30pm over here.

This Sunday has REALLY torn by for me. It's already 2am... on MONDAY.

Goodnight, teh gfox.

GOODNIGHT FAIR PRINCES OF uh... NEW ENGLAND... and... damn. I was totally channeling some Cider House Rules dialogue of Michael Cain there right there but then I forgot how it went.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 03:40:26

At 1/27/08 06:32 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook: 666 Reviews


At 1/27/08 06:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote: O_O...........
Many, many things have been discussed on the topic of thongs.


That was not an intentional typo, believe it or not, that was one of my rare unintentional ones that I didn't even notice at all.
Couldn't you just go and change it? :p

With that edit tool every user on NG has for all their posts, you mean? OH WAIT.

At 1/20/08 09:18 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Congrats List + quotes not by gfox
OH ME OH MY, I've been segregated. #;-}>

OHHH, that's what I meant by segregated. I didn't know till now cause Bahamut oversnipped.

Not with me. You get put in with the rest of the commoners. HAHAHAHAHA >:)

Good! I like it that way.

I was neutral when I signed up. And I stayed neutral up to the redesign then changed to light.

Well, you're a kooky one.

I put all mu quoting and my list in NGLogLULLM.
That's a long abbreiviation.

What's the LM at the end for? That's the only part I don't get.

Index finger... UP! Middle+ring fingers... DOWN! Pinky... UP!
I attmepted to do what you said but I ended up swearing HypaShadow. Whoops.

Don't strain a finger muscle, dude.

I really think they should have an oldskool NG day. Everthing was the way it was. Just for a day, mind.

Badass. But imagine someone who was level 13 on the old system and when they do that day is level 17 for that one day. They missed level 16 even WORSE than they had before, because they were SO CLOSE, yet still jumped over it. So sad for them! ;_;

Sometimes they don't even quote the post the are responding to.
Most say..."Well now you're level 34. hahaha."

Well yeah, they're just replying without quoting. Plenty of people do that on this site, though it's super crazy to do so because half the time people won't know what the hell you're replying to unless it's a really short topic in which case it can be safely assumed you're replying to the first post.

And then there's context, of course. But context isn't always knowable from short one-liner replies to topics. The one you made an example of certainly has tons of context packed into it, though, but mostly because we're so used to seeing posts of that ilk. #;-}>

Within the past 2 days there hasn't been that much convo.

THERE WILL BE IN THE NEXT 2 DAYS. Thanks to me. Maybe. It's up to you guys now. :::nods:::

Oh right. As in "ROCK ON!" type of hand signal.

Yes, that is what we were both trying to communicate to you about the hand/finger thingies, yes. #;-}>

I'd never think that my quoting would need a whole post.

But it did. Because there was SO MUCH OF IT I tried to reply to!


Well, if he's only 36Holla cause he's 36 years old, he sure is going to feel silly when he turns 37 and finds out you can't change your username on NG. OH SNAP!

But man, age 36 is gonna rock. BEST YEAR EVER.
That'll probably be the year I die. Oh well, I've got 6 more good years left in me, at least.
If I loved 36, I'd be happy if I died when I was 36.

I think you mangled the quoting of my post, man. I was saying that age 37 was going to be when I die. 36 will be the best year ever, as I just clearly said.

At 1/12/08 07:13 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
My brain explodes due to the common quoting mistakes.
Yeah, you tend to make a lot of those. O_O

You.... leave people's names at the top of quotes in what seems to be random fashion.

You should either clip all the names out, or leave all the names that are actually posting the quoted bits, IMO. But that's just my way of doing it, depending on whether I think it will be clear without the name/attributions or whether they are needed.

IOW, I clip everything name-related UNLESS I'm just starting to reply to a new person, or if I'm replying to a huge chunk of quote it's important to keep 3-6 layers of... and I want to show who said what.

When I look at your quoted stuff, I can't always tell who said what, and even if you're quoting a discussion I was in, it's still sometimes confusing as hell. That's what I meant. #;-}>

I like you, I like sex...it's nice. :)

See? You know teh Borat type of cool.

At 1/28/08 03:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: Chat post, List to follow from the office :P

Chat post > List post, but the best has both.

At 1/27/08 06:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Me = goatee-having for about 12 years. Except that one time I shaved it off in anger before going to senior prom with my girlfriend in the late 90s. Let's not get into that.
I had mine for about 2 years, before removal came about for 'superstitious sproting reasons' I'm batting better in the cricket at present, even though I have a blakc big toe on my left foot, due to drilling the ball straight into said toe, while taking Batting Practice.

You shaved to do well at cricket? Dude, that's... superstitious indeed.

And weirdly the reverse of how beards tend to be in MLB, too.

Unless you're on a really crappy streak, I guess, in which cause you'd try the opposite of what you've been doing (i.e. grow a beard if you've got none during the shite streak... or cut if off if you did have one).

Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Chile
Reading (as opposed to hearing) that title, I'm hungry for some nice voodoo-style chile. Mmmm-mmm-GOOD!
*Looks over at gfox island and watches the mountain fall down* He was singing metaphorically, Greg :P
About foodstuffs? No, I'm pretty sure he was singing literally about a child, not chile, it's just teh silly spellings. #;-}>
I meant metaphorically about the line "Well I'm standing next to a mountain and I'll chop it down, with the edge of my hand... I'll pick up all the pieces and make an island"

... argh, no I know that part of the lyrics, man, I just... oh, nevermind. #;-}> I was trying to address you telling me he was singing metaphorically, cause I couldn't get what you were trying to correct me, or steer me straight on, as it were. #;-}>

Nice tunes. Especially from Coop.
Coming from Coop, you mean?
No, Alice Cooper likes to be called Coop as well. Why not, it's a cool name.

AHHHHH. Well then, that part makes perfect sense now, unlike our previous convo chunk, at least.

Alice Cooper was in a Super Bowl commercial today. Really funny spot in a car advert.

I quite like it. I'm away from being a ninja and now I'm doing something psychotic :P

Well, it's a change of pace from the preceeding levels, I suppose, yeah.

No more shuriken or sai, eh?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 03:41:51

At 1/27/08 10:58 AM, Bahamut wrote: Wait, bifgis? Coop's girlfriend?
No, but I wasn't saying no to a little action on the side :P


At 1/28/08 03:33 AM, Timmy wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook: 666 Reviews


At 1/28/08 04:50 AM, iscrulz wrote: I just ordered my Bone Cleaver it looks great, too bad it will only last 87 days.

Eugh... I no likely the level 40, in part because it was my first level icon post-redesign on this account, and it was kinda disappointing to me as a "first level icon," personally... but congrats on level 40 nonetheless, it's a good, high, round number.

At 1/28/08 07:36 AM, Shanus wrote: Congrats:
gfoxcook - 666 Flash Reviews

Thanks! That was quite the insane congrats list, BTW.

Listening to:
Led Zeppelin - How the West was Won Discs 1, 2 & 3 :D

Schweet. I gots dat. And Mothership. Even though I already have all 8 albums and have since the 90s. #;-}>

At 1/28/08 08:55 AM, Coop83 wrote: Nursing his luminous purple toe, Coop catches up with congratulating as promised. Congrats to:

Mmmm, bruised toes. Been there, done that. Mine were from getting cleated playing soccer, though. Happened to me twice.

Toenail only came off on its own once of the two times, though.

Does your gf have an account on this site?
Yes, she does. Not that she really uses it. I don't know her password, otherwise I'd deposit for her :P

How can you not know your gf's passwords, man? WHERE'S THE TRUST.

No, seriously, it's no big deal either way. My gf and I are pretty open about each other's internet pwords with each other, but we both have so many for so many different sites, that we really don't have them down pat.

We do know each other's ATM PIN codes just fine, though. I need to, as I'm always punching it in for her at the drive-thru window from the driver's side window.

At 1/28/08 01:38 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 1/28/08 12:32 PM, HypaShadow wrote: fine just dont fucking congrats me!
Hopefully you'll read this......

Those achievments you posted arn't at all hard to acheive.

Now do you see why he's annoying Gfox?

I never said I didn't think he was annoying, but that still doesn't mean we have to ostracise him. YOU GOTTA SPREADS TEH LOVES, MAN.

At 1/28/08 03:20 PM, yoshi77777 wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook: 666 Flash Reviews
gfoxcook: 666 Reviews

Holy crap, thanks and thanks again! #;-}>

At 1/29/08 10:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: My first 20k Stat!

20,000 Saves!


At 1/29/08 11:11 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Yes, she does. Not that she really uses it. I don't know her password, otherwise I'd deposit for her :P
Heh, cool. gfox's GF is not interested in having an account here, even if she can have gfox's gfox alt.

Don't take from that that she doesn't like NG or anything. She's watched plenty of flash movies and even played a few flash games here, and she enjoys the portal on a viewing but not voting basis. She just doesn't feel she needs an account to view and play movies/games on the portal, and that's all she cares to do.

She doesn't even want to vote on them to influence scores, let alone to post/review/b/p/exp/etc.

At 1/30/08 03:22 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Heh, cool. gfox's GF is not interested in having an account here, even if she can have gfox's gfox alt.
Similarities between me and Greg = +1


At 1/30/08 09:42 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Similarities between me and Greg = +1
But your gf has an account, while gfox's gf has no account.

That would be a bit of a diff, yes. #;-}>

At 1/30/08 10:13 AM, Josh wrote: I'm Experience rank #74. Haha, I used to be #34 at the highest point in my NG life.

Yeah. Now I'm ahead of you. WHAT HAPPEN, BEDN? WHAT HAPPEN? ;_;

At 1/31/08 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote: No icons look good in Fab.

Not a single one? Wow.

But your gf has an account, while gfox's gf has no account.
Yeah, but my girlfriend was convinced (forced) to have an account, because she kept telling me what to write in my reviews and how to vote on certain movies. This way she can (but probably won't) leave her own reviews and votes, as she sees fit.

Ah, but see, then the fact that she has an account isn't the main diff between her and mine, it's the fact that my gf doesn't care what I review/post/vote on anything on NG, so...

At 1/31/08 12:00 PM, Shanus wrote: So another day another laptop fuck up, this is getting ridiculas >:(
Oh go see Sweeney Todd, I've seen it 3 times, and have the sound track, *cool points -1*

I have seen Juno once and have the soundtrack. Cool points +2.

At 1/31/08 05:05 PM, NEVR wrote: Ever have one of those weird nostalgic conversations with an ex girlfriend? I had one last night with my first serious girlfriend - very strange.

I've had.... 5 ex-girlfriends. Well, have.

And I've had conversations with only.... 3 of them, really.

Annnnnd.... with one, it was just one convo, we met years later when she was dropping through town and we hadn't seen each other in years (we knew each other in Japan, and she was coming through Houston)... that one was... I dunno if nostalgic was the right word, but it was certainly weird. But perhaps.

The other two were gfs that I remained friends with, though not very close friends with, after the relationships were over, and the convos were just normal convos, they were never nostalgic. And never too weird.

Now, the post-breakup sex with one ex... was weird. And nostalgic. At least for me. That was with only one of 2 of the 5 total gfs who left me rather than me them or a move forcing the end of the relationship.

At 2/1/08 10:37 AM, Auz wrote: Top 100 B/P & VP!!! (motherf*ckers)

Congrats, mofo!

At 2/2/08 01:38 AM, Phantox wrote: Just reached 3000 posts and 6.5 posts per day.

6.5 ppd isn't an achievement. 6.66 will be. Wait for then, damn you!

... whew... only took me about 1.5 hours to catch up, and four big ol' posts. Mostly Bahamut replying. Honourable mentions to NEVR, Nintendo, and of course Coop, for making me type lots too. #;-}>


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 07:04:55

Listening to:
Big Brother & The Holding Company - Piece Of My Heart, Turtle Blues

Congrats to:
BahamutClock: 6,000 Exp - B!
Toohot100: Level 29
bifgis: Lt. General
Shanus: 100 Audio Reviews, UoTD on NGLog
DP36: 777 Posts
aldlv: 8,000 Saves
SupraAddict: Captain, Level 16
zimzap: 3,000 Saves
Bstuk2: Level 19
GUTHRIE: Level 36
Blackanese: Level 26

Thanks to:
Shanus (3x)

At 2/3/08 11:33 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 2/2/08 10:32 AM, Haggard wrote: I AM TEH MOAR LAZY THAN YUO!!!11 >:(
Plus, I started being lazy earlier than you, so YOU are copying ME!



B - E - E - R!

It's beer that helps ugly people having sex since 1862, not cider.



At 2/3/08 01:17 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 2/3/08 11:12 AM, Haggard wrote: Listening to:
Big Brother & The Holding Company - I Need A Man To Love
I don't know the song, but it sounds like you're taking a leaf out of Faggard's book :P

Hm, it's the great Janis Joplin who sings that song, so I guess it's ok and no faggortry involved there at all ;) .

No more chatting today, I'm so tired. I still love you all though.

It sounds like YOU're taking a leaf out of FAGR's book there :P

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 07:32:47

1337 B/P with rank 4,000; amazing.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 09:17:37

News just in! I have reached level 14! In other news, gfoxcook makes some interesting posts here. :)


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 10:22:50

Bahamut's Daily LUL Post(s) - PART ONE

Listening to:

Metallica - Master of Puppets and Black album

Congrats to:

bifgis - Lt. General
Shanus - 100 audio reviews, UOTD on NG Log.
DP36 - 777 posts
aldlv - 8000 saves
SupraAddict - POLICE Captain, Level 16
zimzap - 3000 saves
Bstuk2 - Level 19
GUTHRIE - Level 36
Blackanese - Level 26
plebmonk - 1337 B/P

Thanks to:

Haggard. B!

At 2/3/08 12:09 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Shanus is UoTD on NG Log!

That lucky bastard.


Spiderman is a chess piece. :D

Sheep are scary according to Gaz.


When you say go I think I'm a car so I try to press the accel


Noble-yet-naughty NintendoMadness

Much better! :D

It would of been a better joke if HypaShadow was my alt.

Did you just tell us your biggest secret? XP



Maybes he's forgotten about you. :(

How can he?

At 2/3/08 01:17 PM, NEVR wrote: Hey guys, sorry for the lack of list yesterday - I was out literally all day, and got back home earlier on today. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I had my Grandpa's 90th birthday party to go to, and my friend's engagement party afterwards. My liver hurts.

You should have reminded us again a day before you went there. I mean, a day before I go to London, I will remind everyone about it.

At 2/3/08 03:15 PM, Shanus wrote: I'm actually a girl, so it's Dame Shanus to you :P

Sex? :D

I wouldn't say that round here, there are welsh people about :O

Who's Welsh?


Nothing, I'm just a bad person :P


If only, it's plain olde capitalism for me :(

Postman Pat supports communism!

At 2/1/08 10:19 AM, Wumba wrote: lol@this thread.
LOL @ your mom, oh snap!!!!

LOL @ you all.

You have too many 7's after your name!!!!!

Really? Since when?

At 2/4/08 03:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: Which episode next?

How about we play chess? :)

Yeah, I've got 22 reviews outstanding with him now...

I'll steal his wig if he doesn't give in to our demands.

At 2/4/08 03:38 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Okay folks... there was a page 2065 here yesterday. Now there's 2060 pages.

Yeah, I knew something wasn't right when I saw the LUL with 2060 pages. Maybe a mod deleted a lot of spam here? :D

So if 5 pages are gone, that means 150 posts are gone.

Imagine if all of my posts were deleted. There'd go over 50 pages. 0__0

And if 150 posts are gone, I think that means a user with 150 posts in Wi/Ht? was deleted.

If it was one user losing posts, then I wonder who it was.

Anyone know who it was?

I wish.

On with the catch-up:



Plan to go above 666 anytime soon?




I assume you don't like goths.

I don't remember why I was segregated anymore, so I kinda can't be ashamed about it.

Because of your uber long posts. :P

666 ANYthing, man. Anything.

666 EXP would be cool, however.

YOURS or someone else's? O_O



Hey baby, wanna kill all humans?

Your lossy loss.

tru dat.

Weird reason not to see a movie later on. O_o

We planned to go to the cinemas 2 days before then and it was too late to change our plans.

Watching sex scenes in a movie makes your friend feel like he's cheating on his girlfriend? WTF?

I understand him. After seeing that part of the movie, he felt terrible about what his girlfriend would say to him. We only saw Superbad because one of us said it was the only movie worth seeing at the cinemas then.

Why did your other two friends feel uncomfortable? WTF is going on these days?!?! Kids can't take a little sex in movies anymore? WHAT TEH HELL?

Actually, they're not kids. ^^

It was a decent movie, but a lot of people don't like it as much as I did, which wasn't insanely much. :::shrugs:::

I thought it was alright too. I was mostly irritated at the Star Wars and MySpace references.

Yeah, it kinda is. I've been listening to Aces High on Powerslave since I bought Powerslave last week (I got TLIL by Dio, too, BTW, and a few other CDs) a lot more than TNOTB from... TNOTB (which was one of the others).

I knew it! You stole The Last in Line just as what my picture showed!

I was more thinking of Electric Eye, You've Got Another Thing Coming, Breaking the Law, and a couple others. I think I know Exciter.

Exciter's got a very very heavy outro. :D

But everyone is, so... that's not saying much, right?

Is it true that they stole your bike?

36? I dunno, I've loved it since I was a child. Do I need a reason?

And do I need a reason for why I like to say "JAM JARS!!"? :D Fair enough.

Okay, it's an awesome number. It's even, it's divisible by a whole shitload of basic numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18), it's 3 dozen, it's 1.5 days, it's the number of degrees in a circle divided by 10, 36 months is 3 years, uh.... I dunno. Like I said about 666, go to the wiki page for 36, there's a shitload of cool stuff about it.

3 6's = 666. Hmm...




Dragons don't breathe out water, silly. :P

Laaaaaame. You were never neutral in your HEART, then.

You're right about that. However, that doesn't mean none of my alts have neutral aura. :)

The group? I haven't heard 'em.


Yes. :P *waits for bitching from the original X-Naut*

False alarm.

Used my smiley, you mean? I'll bet you're expecting me to use it again RIGHT NOW. And hey, look, I haven't used it in awhile in thist post....

Good. #;----NO, I WON'T USE IT!

Guess what? I'm gonna surprise you. I'm not going to use it right now.

What the fuck?!

I had a feeling you might not know who Sloth was. That's why I linked to a Sloth flash in that post. At least, I seem to remember doing that. Didn't you click the link?

A link? I didn't see a link.

As opposed to double penetration?

No, I hope DP in his name means Deep Purple.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 10:23:52

Bahamut's Daily LUL Post(s) - PART TWO

At 2/4/08 03:39 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 1/27/08 10:58 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's second part of gfox quoting


Yeah, that'd kinda blow.

Oh well, the last blackout I had was 2 years ago. I've told you about that blackout experience before. With the solar-powered lights and the drunk guy thinking I was a policeman. XD

Under the old icon system, the new, or both? How can you say that, either way? (sniff)

New. Casualty made the gauntlet evil.

Egad. 3:16? That's so un-36 it isn't even funny.

And that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so.

Wow, I can remember that line?
*_* :::salutes as tears well up:::

Thank you everyone.

Yes, they are one in the same. Or so DoD thought. MWAHAHAHA.

lol DoD.


50 days until I get the dual-swords. :)

I certainly don't love it, but I can't understand hating it, either. Why so for?


You're.... a dragon... or you're FUCKING dragons? #;-}>

I'm a dragon who fucked a dragon.

I meant for me, foolio, on both counts. Why should years 36 and 37 have any significance to you whatsoever?

No idea. Besides, 37 isn't such a bad number. 3 7's. :)

Yeah, but now it's just 12.34 instead of 12.345. Also, you can already hit numbers like 12.34 and 13.37 in VP.

That is true. I got a while before I hit 12.34 VP.

Having ppd be 5 digits instead of 4 made it special... er. #;-}>

But that doesn't mean they'll be reaccepted as achievements here.

Dude, I INVENTED the congrats list.

History lesson please.

Well, not really, but I was certainly making them long before about 90% of the people who now make them in this topic ever knew of them, let alone made their first one.

I started making congrats list because a few like Denvish back then were making them. I just wanted to socialise here. ^^

Now I prefer to just congrat a few people on some select achievements while I'm catching up once in a blue moon.

So what about when I get 36k blams?

One of those rock TV-music channels I've been using for music in the background while I internet and don't want to tax the laptop with my iTunes at the same time... played two King Crimson songs in a row yesterday. One of them was in the Court of the Crimson King or something, and it did seem kinda familiar sounding.

Oh yes, The Court of the Crimson King. Epic song.

The two songs were from the 70s and the 80s. I really don't know much about them, but I guess I do know a bit of their music.

I only have their first two albums right now and I dunno when I'll be getting the rest of their albums. One of my reasons for being hesitant to get them is because Greg Lake left after the second album.

Or is it because of insane-o's like CrazyReviewingCyberMan reviewing 800 AP entries and 1200 FP entries in weekspans that people have to specify all the time, because reviews of both kinds are getting to widespread? #;-}>

I think audio reviews are a big enough stat now.

The only way you're REALLY going to avoid that tag, anyone on this site, is to take after ol' gfox and post 8000 byte posts. Cause then no one can accuse you of posting just to +1, or else you'd split those into smaller posts for super post +++++...

That's no problem, because we all do a lot of quoting here. :)

At 2/4/08 03:41 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Schweet. I gots dat. And Mothership. Even though I already have all 8 albums and have since the 90s. #;-}>

I'm waiting for when my dad gets Physical Graffiti, and then I'll have listened to all their studio albums. :D

Don't take from that that she doesn't like NG or anything.

I never said she doesn't like NG. One of my friends doesn't have a NG account, but watches some flashes anyway, while two other friends of mine have accounts, but don't deposit. And then the other two friends of mine deposit very often. Those two I showed you before.

... whew... only took me about 1.5 hours to catch up, and four big ol' posts. Mostly Bahamut replying.

W00t, I rule!


See you in a thousand years.

At 2/4/08 07:09 AM, Yamor wrote: Woohoo, your moving on up now. Won't be long before you get on some sort of top 50.

Nah, he'll take years or maybe never.

At 2/4/08 07:04 AM, Haggard wrote: NO WAI!


B - E - E - R!

C - O - F - F - E - E!

It's beer that helps ugly people having sex since 1862, not cider.

But cider makes me go and make spam journals on deviantART. ^^



Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 11:04:19

Oooh 11,000 exp, spiffy :3

THANKS: forlastnight


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 12:14:27

We've lost 5 pages, the horror...

NEVR Congratulates:

Shanus: 100 Reviews (Audio)
aldlv: 8,000 Saves
SupraAddict: Police Captain; Level 16
zimzap: 3,000 Saves
Bstuk2: Level 19 - Looks awful :)
GUTHRIE: Level 36
Blackanese: Level 26
plebmonk: 1,337 B/P
NewsReporter: Level 14
BlueHippo: 11,000 EXP

At 2/3/08 03:15 PM, Shanus wrote: I'm actually a girl, so it's Dame Shanus to you :P

A girl on the internets? OH TEH NOES!!!

MMMM pickled liver, I only drank for an hourlast nite, I ran out of beverage :(

At least your liver is OK, mine still isn't talking to me :)

At 2/3/08 11:34 PM, SupraAddict wrote: Got Captain at the last 30 min. of this NG day!

There's a very large difference between Captain and Police Captain.

At 2/4/08 03:39 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Thanks. Do you really have to say flash, though? I'm sure people would assume you meant flash unless you said "audio reviews" specifically.

Or is it because of insane-o's like CrazyReviewingCyberMan reviewing 800 AP entries and 1200 FP entries in weekspans that people have to specify all the time, because reviews of both kinds are getting to widespread? #;-}>

Force of habit - I used to leave it unspecified for flash reviews, but now that audio reviews are becoming far more popular as achievements in here, I like to specify both.

It wasn't really a problem before, though, as nobody ever really paid all that much attention to reviewing audio.

noooooo. Oh wait, you meant congrats listmakers, not actual lists. Whew. #;-}>

Although, some evil force is working against life and the B/P Ranks 51+ list...

External struggles with yourself are even MORE interesting.

Reminds me of that scene at the end of the Nutty Professor, where he starts beating himself up.

I gotchas. And yes, I read about your car crash. Didn't I reply in your profile, too?

No, but you replied about the cereal thing. I think 2 news post comments from teh gfox would cause me to implode. :)

+1er is a very easy insult to throw around, that's all.

True. It's a more plausible insult for some of the '07 users with nearly 10,000 posts, though.

The only way you're REALLY going to avoid that tag, anyone on this site, is to take after ol' gfox and post 8000 byte posts. Cause then no one can accuse you of posting just to +1, or else you'd split those into smaller posts for super post +++++...

I don't really care if anybody calls me a +1 poster, because it should be fairly obvious that I'm not. just over 2,000 posts in almost 3 years on NG is fairly modest, I'd say.

but then again, you just get a longwinded blowhard reputation instead of a +1er/spammer reputation. Who's to say which rep is worse to have? #;-}>

At least the former carries some credibility, unlike the latter.

This Sunday has torn past like a fighter jet. It's already 4:30pm over here.
This Sunday has REALLY torn by for me. It's already 2am... on MONDAY.

Bah, Sundays always tear past. I spent most of yesterday catching up on the sleep I'd missed on friday night.

At 2/4/08 03:41 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I never said I didn't think he was annoying, but that still doesn't mean we have to ostracise him. YOU GOTTA SPREADS TEH LOVES, MAN.

I sent him a PM a few days ago with the general standards of achievements we like around here, and told him he could PM me if he had any questions. Since then he's been alright - he even said in here that he'd return when he was level 10, and he's sent me a PM asking about one or two achievements.

I suppose nobody is beyond hope of redemption.

At 2/4/08 07:04 AM, Haggard wrote: Hm, it's the great Janis Joplin who sings that song, so I guess it's ok and no faggortry involved there at all ;) .

Fair enough, I'll let it pass... for now. :)

It sounds like YOU're taking a leaf out of FAGR's book there :P

Busted. FAGR would be a funny alt, but Faggard is just so much greater.

At 2/4/08 10:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: You should have reminded us again a day before you went there. I mean, a day before I go to London, I will remind everyone about it.

I actually completely forgot about it when I was doing my list on Friday, but in future that's what I'll do.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 15:14:52

Top 1400 in EXP finally

Yea, I farm Anal Penguins. Do something about it.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 15:15:33

1337th Post

also please dont say it is not an archievment if you dont know what the number means

i am not waiting for beeing congratulated it is just an archievment for fun

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 15:59:50

At 2/4/08 03:15 PM, viceman wrote: 1337th Post


also please dont say it is not an archievment if you dont know what the number means

chill,, CJILL! it is and acheavment. and how can anyone not know what 1337 is?

i am not waiting for beeing congratulated it is just an archievment for fun



BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 16:48:52

For anybody who is concerned about this thread's 5 page loss:

I may have found the reason. I just realised that I have only 2 Audio reviews w/ responses now, whereas before I had 4. I looked at my Audio reviews and saw that the ones I left for works by alrd had gone. On further inspection, all of her posts have gone, as have all of her Audio and Flash reviews. She has posted several achievements in here, though I don't know if she posted in here 150 times, or if there's another user who has also had their posts deleted.

This seems somewhat strange to me, as alrd was always a pretty good poster, so unless she's requested to have all of her 3,000+ posts deleted, and her reviews, I can't imagine any reason that this has happened.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 19:02:42

Private first class. Passed 1000 exp points, 100 posts/reveiws -> the trifecta! (delayed bc of first ban LoL)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 19:10:02

Achievement time...

Just got to 8,000 Saves! Getting closer to the 10k mark. I think it's fairly easy to see that Saves will be my first singular 10k stat.

Screenshot because I want to:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 19:24:24

Safety patrol leve.
Soon ima level up AND 1 day after that ima get a secret.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 20:08:40

Further achievement time, for which I'm sorry I couldn't correlate it with the last one:

5,555 Saves are now mine.

I'm getting Saves much faster than Blams - I got to 7,000 Saves on 1/12/08, at which time I had just over 5,100 Blams. In the time that it's taken me to get the next 1,000 Saves, I've only gotten around 450 more Blams.

Screenshot because I feel it's appropriate:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-04 21:09:59

Bronze Whistle today! I've gone Garbage to Bronze in 2 weeks!

Well actually the Garbage Whistle took me something like 3 months to get rid of, but once I got to Normal it took 2 weeks!

Yea, I farm Anal Penguins. Do something about it.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-05 00:20:06

Leughvheghl therthgeughy shehvhen.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-05 00:46:33

At 2/5/08 12:20 AM, life wrote: Leughvheghl therthgeughy shehvhen.

You raise an intriguing point and, although your views are completely valid and make perfect sense, I think you're looking at the problem in black and white. You really have to try and attack the challenge from many different angles before you can fully understand it and thus present a solution that works satisfactorily.

Otherwise you're just half-assing it.

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-05 01:06:53

i just got 2 level 11! i get a knife

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-05 03:24:16

Coop doesn't really have much to say, but congratulates:
plebmonk: 1,337 B/P
NewsReporter: Level 14
BlueHippo: 11,000 Experience
viceman: 1,337 Posts
Joeyag: 2,000 Saves
Pinoyguy75: Private 1st Class; 1,000 Experience; 100 Reviews (Flash)
NEVR: 8,000 Saves; 5,555 Blams
life: Level 37
farfenwaffle: Level 11

At 2/4/08 03:38 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Okay folks... there was a page 2065 here yesterday. Now there's 2060 pages.

So if 5 pages are gone, that means 150 posts are gone.

And if 150 posts are gone, I think that means a user with 150 posts in Wi/Ht? was deleted.

Anyone know who it was?

My money's on BlueHippo stretching his modly muscles :P

At 2/4/08 03:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 1/28/08 03:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: Chat post, List to follow from the office :P
Chat post > List post, but the best has both.

Yeah, which is why this post has both.

At 1/27/08 06:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Me = goatee-having for about 12 years. Except that one time I shaved it off in anger before going to senior prom with my girlfriend in the late 90s. Let's not get into that.
I had mine for about 2 years, before removal came about for 'superstitious sproting reasons' I'm batting better in the cricket at present, even though I have a blakc big toe on my left foot, due to drilling the ball straight into said toe, while taking Batting Practice.
You shaved to do well at cricket? Dude, that's... superstitious indeed.

Yeah, I grew it and it didn't work, although I have picked up a few decent coaching points since then and I'm hoping it will help me next season.

And weirdly the reverse of how beards tend to be in MLB, too.

Unless you're on a really crappy streak, I guess, in which cause you'd try the opposite of what you've been doing (i.e. grow a beard if you've got none during the shite streak... or cut if off if you did have one).

Or alternatively try to play better. I just need to relax and play each ball as it comes, rather than trying to hit everything out of the ground.

Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Chile
Reading (as opposed to hearing) that title, I'm hungry for some nice voodoo-style chile. Mmmm-mmm-GOOD!
*Looks over at gfox island and watches the mountain fall down* He was singing metaphorically, Greg :P
About foodstuffs? No, I'm pretty sure he was singing literally about a child, not chile, it's just teh silly spellings. #;-}>
I meant metaphorically about the line "Well I'm standing next to a mountain and I'll chop it down, with the edge of my hand... I'll pick up all the pieces and make an island"
... argh, no I know that part of the lyrics, man, I just... oh, nevermind. #;-}> I was trying to address you telling me he was singing metaphorically, cause I couldn't get what you were trying to correct me, or steer me straight on, as it were. #;-}>

Nice tunes. Especially from Coop.
Coming from Coop, you mean?
No, Alice Cooper likes to be called Coop as well. Why not, it's a cool name.
AHHHHH. Well then, that part makes perfect sense now, unlike our previous convo chunk, at least.

Yes and on an unrealted note, he was 60 years old yesterday :)

Happy Birthday Coop

Well, it's a change of pace from the preceeding levels, I suppose, yeah.

No more shuriken or sai, eh?

I prefer the axes to be brutally honest.

At 2/4/08 03:41 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 1/28/08 08:55 AM, Coop83 wrote: Nursing his luminous purple toe, Coop catches up with congratulating as promised. Congrats to:
Mmmm, bruised toes. Been there, done that. Mine were from getting cleated playing soccer, though. Happened to me twice.

Toenail only came off on its own once of the two times, though.

Toenails haven't come off - I hit the side of the toe, rather than the nail.

Does your gf have an account on this site?
Yes, she does. Not that she really uses it. I don't know her password, otherwise I'd deposit for her :P
How can you not know your gf's passwords, man? WHERE'S THE TRUST.

No, seriously, it's no big deal either way. My gf and I are pretty open about each other's internet pwords with each other, but we both have so many for so many different sites, that we really don't have them down pat.

She knows my PIN, but I refuse to let my cards out of my sight while in her company. £5k when she's around could go missing with little prospect of reimbursement

At 1/29/08 10:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: My first 20k Stat!

20,000 Saves!


At 1/31/08 04:14 AM, Coop83 wrote: No icons look good in Fab.
Not a single one? Wow.

But your gf has an account, while gfox's gf has no account.
Yeah, but my girlfriend was convinced (forced) to have an account, because she kept telling me what to write in my reviews and how to vote on certain movies. This way she can (but probably won't) leave her own reviews and votes, as she sees fit.
Ah, but see, then the fact that she has an account isn't the main diff between her and mine, it's the fact that my gf doesn't care what I review/post/vote on anything on NG, so...

I think she's only interested because she's all "Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill, can I have a go on the computer?"

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-05 03:31:28

At 2/4/08 09:17 AM, NewsReporter wrote: News just in! I have reached level 14! In other news, gfoxcook makes some interesting posts here. :)

Congrats on lowly level 14.

I DID? Oh shit. That probably means they were crappy as hell.

At 2/4/08 10:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Daily LUL Post(s) - PART ONE


At 2/3/08 03:15 PM, Shanus wrote: I'm actually a girl, so it's Dame Shanus to you :P
Sex? :D

You wanna have sex with a girl named Shanus? THIS IS VERY STRANGE.

-us is about the most masculine ending a name can have, thanks to Latin.

At 2/4/08 03:38 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Okay folks... there was a page 2065 here yesterday. Now there's 2060 pages.
Yeah, I knew something wasn't right when I saw the LUL with 2060 pages. Maybe a mod deleted a lot of spam here? :D

I hope that's all it was, but I suspect not. For so many to go at once, I think it was user or users deletion... or at least massive post-wipes. NEVR's evidence about aldr seems to support that contention.

So if 5 pages are gone, that means 150 posts are gone.
Imagine if all of my posts were deleted. There'd go over 50 pages. 0__0

Imagine if all of MY posts were deleted. O_O

And if 150 posts are gone, I think that means a user with 150 posts in Wi/Ht? was deleted.
If it was one user losing posts, then I wonder who it was.

Anyone know who it was?
I wish.


Plan to go above 666 anytime soon?

Sure, in a week or two I'll review again. I'm not going to stay in one place too long. I wanna get over 700 at some point and try to get back on the list, for one thing.

I assume you don't like goths.

I'm neutral on the subject.


666 EXP would be cool, however.

Damn straight it would. Coolest low exp amount EVAR, if you can get it.

Hey baby, wanna kill all humans?


We planned to go to the cinemas 2 days before then and it was too late to change our plans.

Yeah, but I mean... just go see teh movie a few weeks later on your own or with one other person or whatever... do you always have to go to movies with a big horde? #;-}>

Watching sex scenes in a movie makes your friend feel like he's cheating on his girlfriend? WTF?
I understand him. After seeing that part of the movie, he felt terrible about what his girlfriend would say to him. We only saw Superbad because one of us said it was the only movie worth seeing at the cinemas then.

See if you can make me understand him, because I still don't. Is he like deeply religious or something?

If he wanted to avoid sex scenes and Ratatouille wasn't out yet, you guys should have seen Bourne Supremacy, as that... well wait... did it? I don't think it had sex. Some kissing, maybe.

Why did your other two friends feel uncomfortable? WTF is going on these days?!?! Kids can't take a little sex in movies anymore? WHAT TEH HELL?
Actually, they're not kids. ^^

Well, you're making him out to be like some sort of puritan child. NO OFFENSE, BAHAFRIENDS.

I thought it was alright too. I was mostly irritated at the Star Wars and MySpace references.

You can never have too many Star Wars references, man. You'd know that if you were more steeped in Star Wars lore.

OTOH, MySpace is teh lames. So yeah, it was kinda a mixed bag.

Yeah, it kinda is. I've been listening to Aces High on Powerslave since I bought Powerslave last week (I got TLIL by Dio, too, BTW, and a few other CDs) a lot more than TNOTB from... TNOTB (which was one of the others).
I knew it! You stole The Last in Line just as what my picture showed!


But everyone is, so... that's not saying much, right?
Is it true that they stole your bike?

I... don't know.

And do I need a reason for why I like to say "JAM JARS!!"? :D Fair enough.

Yeah, you keep that... and I'll keep 36.

Okay, it's an awesome number. It's even, it's divisible by a whole shitload of basic numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18), it's 3 dozen, it's 1.5 days, it's the number of degrees in a circle divided by 10, 36 months is 3 years, uh.... I dunno. Like I said about 666, go to the wiki page for 36, there's a shitload of cool stuff about it.
3 6's = 666. Hmm...

Sure, there's another cool thing.

Also.... 1+2+3+4+5+6+...etc.etc.etc. +33+34+35+36 = ... guess what?

666 also.


Dragons don't breathe out water, silly. :P

When did I say they did?

You're right about that. However, that doesn't mean none of my alts have neutral aura. :)

Alts iz alts.

The group? I haven't heard 'em.

I never said I'd never heard OF them, I said hadn't heard THEM, meaning their music. That I know of, at least.

What is it with Dio and rainbows, anyway? He mentions them in one or two songs per album that I've heard... and was in a band called Rainbow, too? WTF?

Used my smiley, you mean? I'll bet you're expecting me to use it again RIGHT NOW. And hey, look, I haven't used it in awhile in thist post....
Good. #;----NO, I WON'T USE IT!

You'd better not, especially when I'm showing such restraint.

Guess what? I'm gonna surprise you. I'm not going to use it right now.
What the fuck?!


I had a feeling you might not know who Sloth was. That's why I linked to a Sloth flash in that post. At least, I seem to remember doing that. Didn't you click the link?
A link? I didn't see a link.



See that, or about half of the movies by Lokken on NG.

As opposed to double penetration?
No, I hope DP in his name means Deep Purple.

What else did DP stand for besides those two, though? I can't remember now. You clipped too much in the interests of space-savingness.

Oh well, the last blackout I had was 2 years ago. I've told you about that blackout experience before. With the solar-powered lights and the drunk guy thinking I was a policeman. XD

Sounds fun.

New. Casualty made the gauntlet evil.

I see.

lol DoD.


50 days until I get the dual-swords. :)

Uhhh.... dual swords is level 44.

I think you mean the twin sais, am I right? Am I right?

You're.... a dragon... or you're FUCKING dragons? #;-}>
I'm a dragon who fucked a dragon.

That clears things up a ton, man. Thanks.

No idea. Besides, 37 isn't such a bad number. 3 7's. :)

One hard-ass song on GH3 on Hard and Expert modes, too. Damn you for invoking the evil powers of 37, Queens of the Stone Age!!!

Dude, I INVENTED the congrats list.
History lesson please.

Too lazy.

I started making congrats list because a few like Denvish back then were making them. I just wanted to socialise here. ^^


So what about when I get 36k blams?

Of course I'll be congratulating you on that.

I think audio reviews are a big enough stat now.

I guess so. All the links and stat display of them now has legitimised 'em.

I'm waiting for when my dad gets Physical Graffiti, and then I'll have listened to all their studio albums. :D


Don't take from that that she doesn't like NG or anything.
I never said she doesn't like NG. One of my friends doesn't have a NG account, but watches some flashes anyway, while two other friends of mine have accounts, but don't deposit. And then the other two friends of mine deposit very often. Those two I showed you before.

I never said you said she didn't, I was just saying that some people might assume she doesn't because she wants nothing to do with the account side of NG, but that she does enjoy the portal as a "Guest," basically.

See you in a thousand years.

A thousand years is a day?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-05 03:40:25

At 2/4/08 12:14 PM, NEVR wrote: We've lost 5 pages, the horror...


At 2/4/08 03:39 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Thanks. Do you really have to say flash, though? I'm sure people would assume you meant flash unless you said "audio reviews" specifically.

Or is it because of insane-o's like CrazyReviewingCyberMan reviewing 800 AP entries and 1200 FP entries in weekspans that people have to specify all the time, because reviews of both kinds are getting to widespread? #;-}>
Force of habit - I used to leave it unspecified for flash reviews, but now that audio reviews are becoming far more popular as achievements in here, I like to specify both.

Yeah... I'm glad for audio reviews, for audio reviewers, and for audio artists... but... it sucks we can't just say reviews and have it mean flash reviews automatically. Come on, peops.

If we say portal, don't we still assume FLASH portal unless someone specifies Audio Portal specifically? Let's not forget what the core of NG is, that's the main thing to keep in mind here.

Although, some evil force is working against life and the B/P Ranks 51+ list...

Noooooooo.. Yeah, updateness is very lacking due to THE CURSE.

I gotchas. And yes, I read about your car crash. Didn't I reply in your profile, too?
No, but you replied about the cereal thing. I think 2 news post comments from teh gfox would cause me to implode. :)

That's strange, I coulda sworn... I must be thinking of the BBS then, not your profile. In any event... yeah, too much of anything is too much for me. DON'T OVERDOSE.

I don't really care if anybody calls me a +1 poster, because it should be fairly obvious that I'm not. just over 2,000 posts in almost 3 years on NG is fairly modest, I'd say.

That's an understatement. 3 years is about 1000 days, so that's only 2 ppd.

Bah, Sundays always tear past. I spent most of yesterday catching up on the sleep I'd missed on friday night.

I hear ya, man.

I sent him a PM a few days ago with the general standards of achievements we like around here, and told him he could PM me if he had any questions. Since then he's been alright - he even said in here that he'd return when he was level 10, and he's sent me a PM asking about one or two achievements.

Awesome to hear. We needs more of that. YOU, SIR, ARE AN AMBASSADOR OF DIPLOMATIC MAGIC.

I suppose nobody is beyond hope of redemption.

Well.... almost nobody. #;-}>

At 2/4/08 04:48 PM, NEVR wrote: For anybody who is concerned about this thread's 5 page loss:

I may have found the reason. I just realised that I have only 2 Audio reviews w/ responses now, whereas before I had 4. I looked at my Audio reviews and saw that the ones I left for works by alrd had gone. On further inspection, all of her posts have gone, as have all of her Audio and Flash reviews. She has posted several achievements in here, though I don't know if she posted in here 150 times, or if there's another user who has also had their posts deleted.

Fascinating... hm. I don't know if alrd has posted in this topic 150 times. Doesn't seem likely.

This seems somewhat strange to me, as alrd was always a pretty good poster, so unless she's requested to have all of her 3,000+ posts deleted, and her reviews, I can't imagine any reason that this has happened.

Well, judging from your conversation in alrd's profile:

NEVR says:
Apologies for unrelated comment, but what happened to all your posts/reviews? :S
Feb. 4, 2008 | 5:02 PM
alrd responds:

No motive is suggested, but... deleted indeed.

At 2/4/08 08:08 PM, NEVR wrote: 5,555 Saves are now mine.

Congrats! Next iz teh 6666!

At 2/5/08 12:20 AM, life wrote: Leughvheghl therthgeughy shehvhen.

Congrats on the level up, but... ugh... 37. The way you said it sounds way more attractive than the number itself. WAY TO USE EUPHAMISMS DUDE BUT IT CAN'T COVER THE FACT THAT YOU'VE NOW ATTAINED THE ACCURSED LEVEL. ;_;

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-05 03:46:57

At 2/5/08 03:24 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop doesn't really have much to say, but congratulates:

Argh... 7 minutes prior to my first post. I never had loaded page 2060 with your post on it, or else I coulda put my reply to you in with my second post in here. TWO POST CATCH-UP! Such a record low. Oh well, a third won't hurt. #;-}>

My money's on BlueHippo stretching his modly muscles :P

So you vote for just "spam posts deleted here and there by various authors," eh? I hope we find out.

Chat post > List post, but the best has both.
Yeah, which is why this post has both.

And that's why it rocks.

You shaved to do well at cricket? Dude, that's... superstitious indeed.
Yeah, I grew it and it didn't work, although I have picked up a few decent coaching points since then and I'm hoping it will help me next season.

Okay, you ditched it cause it didn't work. Fair enough, at least.

Or alternatively try to play better. I just need to relax and play each ball as it comes, rather than trying to hit everything out of the ground.

Tends to be the way to succeed, yeah.

AHHHHH. Well then, that part makes perfect sense now, unlike our previous convo chunk, at least.
Yes and on an unrealted note, he was 60 years old yesterday :)

Happy Birthday Coop

For serious? Whoa.

Alice Cooper celebrated his 60th by being in an insane car commercial during the Super Bowl. What a world, what a world. #;-}>


I prefer the axes to be brutally honest.

Me too, in general. Just that some axes are better than others. And almost without exception, I'll take a sword anyday.

Mmmm, bruised toes. Been there, done that. Mine were from getting cleated playing soccer, though. Happened to me twice.

Toenail only came off on its own once of the two times, though.
Toenails haven't come off - I hit the side of the toe, rather than the nail.

Ah... probably even more painful, then.

She knows my PIN, but I refuse to let my cards out of my sight while in her company. £5k when she's around could go missing with little prospect of reimbursement

Well, there's no need for card sharing when you've each got separate accounts, after all.


'twas a worthy endeavor deserving of a worthy congrats.

Ah, but see, then the fact that she has an account isn't the main diff between her and mine, it's the fact that my gf doesn't care what I review/post/vote on anything on NG, so...
I think she's only interested because she's all "Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill, can I have a go on the computer?"

Hahahha. Yeah. Well, like I've mentioned, our desktop and laptop both have simultaneous net access, so it's very rare my gf needs the laptop specifically from me, so I have TEH FREE REIGNS most of the time.

If she needs to download/watch a TV show or use her tablet to draw some art, though, it's gotta be with this one due to the other one being 10 years old. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-05 04:46:57

Early morning list, ooh.

NEVR Congratulates:

viceman: 1,337 Posts
Joeyag: 2,000 Saves
Pinoyguy75: Pvt. First Class; 1,000 EXP
life: Level 37
farfenwaffle: Level 11

NEVR Thanks:

Coop83 (x2)

At 2/5/08 03:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Yeah... I'm glad for audio reviews, for audio reviewers, and for audio artists... but... it sucks we can't just say reviews and have it mean flash reviews automatically. Come on, peops.

If we say portal, don't we still assume FLASH portal unless someone specifies Audio Portal specifically? Let's not forget what the core of NG is, that's the main thing to keep in mind here.

Well gfox, you've convinced me. Just for you, I'll now try to break my habits, and only specify Audio reviews :)

Although, some evil force is working against life and the B/P Ranks 51+ list...
Noooooooo.. Yeah, updateness is very lacking due to THE CURSE.

The cursed curse. Perhaps the curse will be broken now that he has reached level 37. Conversely, it may become STRONGER THAN EVER...

That's strange, I coulda sworn... I must be thinking of the BBS then, not your profile. In any event... yeah, too much of anything is too much for me. DON'T OVERDOSE.

"Cause of death: gfox overdose."

That's an understatement. 3 years is about 1000 days, so that's only 2 ppd.

Yeah, I'm about 2.4 PPD right now.

Awesome to hear. We needs more of that. YOU, SIR, ARE AN AMBASSADOR OF DIPLOMATIC MAGIC.

A magical diplomat, swooping in with my cape of diplomacy, restoring peace and order in even the most chaotic of lands!

Fascinating... hm. I don't know if alrd has posted in this topic 150 times. Doesn't seem likely.

Considering she didn't make lists, it is indeed unlikely that she had 150 posts in here. Not impossible, though.

Well, judging from your conversation in alrd's profile:
No motive is suggested, but... deleted indeed.

Yeah... she didn't seem to want to provide a reason, and I didn't feel like poking my nose in any further in case it was highly unwanted.

Still, assuming she didn't have 150 posts in this thread, there must have been other users who also had all their posts wiped on the same day.

At 2/4/08 08:08 PM, NEVR wrote: 5,555 Saves are now mine.
Congrats! Next iz teh 6666!

Thanks, but me being silly, I typed 'Saves' instead of 'Blams'. I'm not used to getting Blamming achievements anymore - they just seem so scarce.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-02-05 05:25:45

Can you consider 7.77 Posts Per Day? If you consider it, thanks for the consideration, if not, well, thanks also.

Can I be one of you guys? If that's ok.