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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-27 07:20:10

At 1/20/08 04:51 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: A really annoying thing happened just now. I had done all the quoting and then I accidentley pressed F5 on the post were I had all the quoting. SO FREAKIN ANNOYING!!!

Yeah, that does blow, it's happened to me. I usually type all my quoting in notepad, but even so you can fuck up and lose it all, and so have I, so I have. ;_;

gfox is metal \m/
What does "\m/" stand for?

Index finger... UP! Middle+ring fingers... DOWN! Pinky... UP!

Warding off the evil eye / devil's horns, depending on your view of the symbol.

Either way... "rock on."

At 1/20/08 06:03 PM, NEVR wrote: I'm so tired, and annoyed. I had literally just finished my list and chat when my web browser stopped working, and I couldn't retrieve it. Anger.

Holy crap... happened to you AND NintendoMadness on the same day, basically? That blows.

You get a NEVR-specific reply in return! #;-}>
Heh, awesome :)


Wouldn't a game like KOTOR, which IIRC means Knights of the Old Republic... be coming out for PC also? Anyway, 360 does have some good stuff.
Yeah, it would most definitely come out on PC, but I use a Mac, which (as far as I've tested) isn't great for running games.

You know, I actually thought about the possibility you were a Mac user when I typed PC up there, I remember that. But I thought Macs had gotten better and better in the past 5 years or so at emulating PCs to run PC games and so forth.

Indeed. You're at fault for this, crazy UP news comment topic-creating guy!
Should I use my powers to fight crime, or for evil...?

BOTH, of course. Complex characters are so much better.

Yeah, lots of pointless posts that just clutter up the thread. Additionally, there's no real social feeling to the thread like there is in the LUL - probably because most of the users who post in there are fairly self-involved, whereas this thread is about other people's achievements as well as your own.

Yeah, we're so much cooler than those other guys. :::nods:::

I like the buckles on this one. The original gauntlets did look fairly similar, but they were awesome nevertheless - especially the golden level 25 one.

Well of course, I was really looking forward to level 24's sword and level 25's golden gauntlets, but I was really just commenting on the old bronze one vs. the new bronze one, restricting my comments to that.

Yeah, that must blow. I'm glad I had it with all three of my main accounts. I'm sorry for yer pains. ;_;
Ah well, I'll still have level 27, so it's not like I'll never get to wield the nunchaku :)

Yeah. But the old days, they're gone for good.

At 1/20/08 05:04 AM, Coop83 wrote: Some people don't have the face. Some people don't get chosen by the facial hair!
I didn't shave this morning, and I may not for the next few days, depending on how much of an idiot I look :)

Facial hair never makes one look like an idiot, unless you shave it into some weird-ass pattern.

Aww... You congratted me for an achievement I didn't even post... hang on, I have something in my eye... *hastily wipes away tears of joy* <3

It's great when people do that, isn't it.

*Cry of delight from finishing this post AGAIN*


At 1/21/08 08:12 AM, Bahamut wrote: Hey, remember what I said about leaving this place a month ago?

Not really. LEAVING? WHY??!?!? ;_;

DP36 - Gold whistle. HEY GFOX, ANOTHER 36 LOVER!!

HAhahah, yeah. I noticed, trust me!

smc316 - 4000 posts

So close to another 36'er, yet so far.

At 1/20/08 01:17 PM, alrd wrote: You think 2000+ pages came up in a day?
Sadly, people like him are too stupid to realise that.

People like him only notice page 1 of long topics, it seems. They reply to the very first post, and then never even read the most recent page that their reply ends up on. IT BOGGLES THE MIND.

hopefully I'll have to time to do that....but it might take more than 1 post.
Of course it'll take more than 1 post, it's gfox!!

Hey, if we all work together, maybe we can condense these convos JUST A BIT. I'm doing my best to snip out the dead weight.

You stopped posting?
If I did stop posting, then I wouldn't be posting THIS right now. :P


Well, you could compare any Wi/Ht'er here (besides the faggots such as Joeyag and HypaShadow, obviously) to a General user and they'll easily be sensible.

Hey, can we cut down on the "faggot" use around here? That's very... "General-ish," for lack of a better term.

How can it chafe if you're wearing an entire werewolf costume underneath? :)
I see....You two are still into this sort of discussion. O__o

Yeah, it amused me earlier that while Coop may be all "me and bifgis? NO WAI, what about me girlfriend?" he's been flirting with and having essentially a LUL-coupling with schnee for YEARS now. #;-}>

At 1/21/08 02:19 AM, maxsparkson wrote: yay i DIDNT just level!!
Try and rephrase that because your English is appalling.

I think he was mockingly saying he DIDN'T level up?

At 1/21/08 08:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: Celebrating Level 36 with the scalps of his fallen enemies, Coop congratulates:

CONGRATS ON THE HOLY 36NESS, MY GOOD SIR. I knew something looked different about you...

Shame it's not really that great of a level icon, but it still beats level 40.

I have actually worn a Hitler Moustache to work for a £20 bet. Told a colleague that I was going to shave the beard off and he slapped a note on the table and made the bet official that I had to wear that style of facial hair in to work for an entire 8-hour shift on a day that he was working.

Hahah. That's a great story.

So long as it's not Disney's Robin Hood, which is actually a decent movie :P

One of my faves, yeah. The King Arthur one's pretty good, too.

At 1/20/08 01:17 PM, alrd wrote: You think 2000+ pages came up in a day?
I'm so glad it doesn't, I'd have to spend so fucking long making the lists :P


I've kind of missed it.

We bet!

At 1/21/08 12:59 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: I'm really bad at doing this thankyou list, but I'll give it a shot today. I get confused becasue I'm not sure if I should be thanking the person that thanked me.

No, but you can say "you're welcome," if you like. That's how the responses to "thank yous" tend to go in modern society, after all. O_o

Either way, that's pretty much the end of the back and forth, either way.


Soviet intelligence agency ring a bell?

What does "\m/" stand for?
Devil horns.
Oh, it dosn't really look like that. /\_/\

Not ACTUAL horns. The hand sign. The \ / are the upstretched fingers, the m = two knuckles from the middle two fingers being curled down.

Alice Cooper - Poison
Ah, I remember when I listened to this song on loop. I've listened to it over 100 times now.
Pfft. I've listened to it thousands of times. It was part of the tape in my car that was played for the first 3 months of me owning it, so it got a lot of airtime :P
I liked singing that song on the Singstar 80's...
My throt hurt after that.

LOL! Man, my mention of that song sure prompted a lot of entertaining recollections from Bahamut/Coop/Nintendo. I always thought it was one of Cooper's lesser known songs.

At 1/21/08 08:59 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/20/08 09:18 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/19/08 10:06 AM, Haggard wrote: And you are a dragon. It hardly can't get any more evil than that! :P
So, who are we fucking?

Two things:

LOL! Good one.

So you CAN keep all the quote attribs in place when you reply to stuff. I was beginning to doubt it. #;-}>

Anyways I'm off to do some gfox quoting.

Oh boy...

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-27 08:05:22

At 1/21/08 03:47 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: GFOX SPECIAL QUOTINESS


Do you ever get this thing call hunger?!

Not when I wake up. Then I mostly have this thing called "wanting to go back to sleep."

Which I have to fight all the way through hurrying up and getting ready for work, driving to work, and starting to work.

I usually nap during lunch and eat lunch during break.

Maybe he likes 36 becasue he's 36 years old?

Who, 36Holla? Cause if you meant me, I ain't (yet).

But man, age 36 is gonna rock. BEST YEAR EVER.

Sadly, it will be followed by age 37. ;_;

That'll probably be the year I die. Oh well, I've got 6 more good years left in me, at least.

At 1/12/08 07:13 AM, gfoxcook wrote: BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR.

YOU JUST.......... *MIGHT*........ GET IT!!!


My brain explodes due to the common quoting mistakes.

Yeah, you tend to make a lot of those. O_O

I havn't really heard of any other Bungie games apart from the Halo triology. :(

That's crazy. They were famous long before teh Halos.

But......my level looks so crap with neutral.


Well, no old level did. Maybe some new level system icons do... I haven't studied all 60 THAT closely.

We've all had a craze of high-fives. But then we agreed it was lamely cool. I', still high fiving till this date. *high fives someone butt*

I was asking for it Borat-style, and lamely cool is EXACTLY why Borat rocks.


Oh he of the self-censorship, eh? I think I saw something about him a week ago. What's the story with that guy?

On NG!

8PM to 2AM is where I live... ANYWHERE, not just NG. NIGHT OWLS FTW.

readies the clip scissors::
Some castration going on?

Of your replies to me, silly.

Ehhh = the sure sign that something might be near the mediocre range.
Sort of the same as "meh".

Yeah, I guess eh is kinda redundant that way. But at the same time, ehhhhhh with lots of h's tends to imply you're thinking as you hhhhhh it out longer... whereas meh is a "I've made up my mind to definitely meh this straight off the bat" sort of feeling.

Yes that had hint of freindly sarcasm.

Thank the maker.

At 1/14/08 03:22 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 1/13/08 06:07 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: START OF PART 1!!!!!
You really put too much effort in to post big posts.
He takes after me that way, I'm afraid.
Sad but fun.

We're like one big happy family here, like the drunkards in Cheers!

At 1/19/08 11:02 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 1/14/08 08:50 AM, NEVR wrote:
At least he now knows the almighty gfox.
His initiation into the LUL is complete.
For serious? That's all he needed?
Hey, they said I'm in....I'm in. :p

Yeah, I can see how you'd want to just go ahead and accept it before anyone has any second thoughts. #;-}>

Yet strangely... I don't feel like defending him TOO much from Coop. Mostly because I think one of me is enough, most likely.
I can't really help myself from doing it, it just.....happens.

Trust me... I know. O_O

Even more wow....

Yeah, but there was still post # 5 to come. INSANITY.

At 1/19/08 11:06 PM, gfoxcook wrote: PM stats is shit. And I agree with NEVR that only awesome PPDs like 13.337, 11.111, 12.345, etc. are worthy of mention as a standalone "achievement claim post" in this topic, yes.
Isn't there only 2 numbers after the decimal on PPD?

It used to be 3 before the redesign. Damn them for changing it. ;_;

(6 to the 6th power) to the 6th power.

i.e. (6^6)^6 = 46,656^6 = 10,314,424,798,490,535,546,171,949,056

That's the number of parallel universes in Heinlein's "The Number of the Beast," dontchaknow.
I find alot of your post is very complicated, but meh.

Yeah? So what's it to ya, eh?


Amazingly I managed to fit this all in one post.

Rock on!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-27 08:08:15

At 1/23/08 12:19 AM, BonusStage wrote: There's so much conversation nowadays, nothing about lists and all right?


Dude, don't be snide. There's plenty of non-list conversation in here, I'm positive proof of that, as I stopped making congrats lists in 2004 or 2005, whenever the fuck.

Oh, but anyways, Recon said i should not always be so distant, it's a shame college makes you stay out til' midnight every day. Such a shame.

Such a shame to be enjoying college? Now with the sarcasm.

At any given rate, but a non-determinable place (physics fags will laugh, i just know the rule, so i'm currently exempt from the physic faggotry), i do hope that you all keep this beautiful thread going, even if your posts are lacking ... meaning.

It's well and good to feel all high and mighty when you're in college and exercising your mind a hell of a lot more than NG makes you, but don't forget that plenty of us around these parts have been there and done that, man. Just because we're not constantly posting academic dissertations in our posts here doesn't mean the MINDS behind the posts are lacking ... "meaning."

ellipse retained for... EM-PHA-SIS on the wrong SYL-LA-BLE. #;-}>

Seriously, dude. Lose the 'tude, it's unbecoming for a great such as yourself.... or is that now... ONCE-great? Say it ain't so, Bonus. Say it ain't so. ;_;

At 1/23/08 11:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: The Mars Volta - The Bedlam in Goliath...STFU Faggard!

What's up with your insta-commentary on listening to that band? Did someone in here make fun of 'em or something?

I think HypaShadow got banned for a few days, so that's good. :)

You meanies miss him already, I know it.

At 1/22/08 12:23 PM, Haggard wrote: Even though you are causing so much evil AND you're listening to bands like "The Mars Volta"???

Ah, I see.

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE MARS VOLTA?!?! BlueHippo introduced me to that band and I like them because they're like King Crimson on steroids. o__O

I dunno what King Crimson is like, really. Vaguely familiar name, but have I heard their shit? Dunno.

At 1/22/08 04:04 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Wii is too addictive, I'm suprised I find enough time to do some Ng'in.
I've tried to cut back on the Wii for the last 2 nights and I shouldn't because I won't have it from late February 'till Easter. That's because the Wii will be at my sister's place in London.


At 1/23/08 11:21 AM, NEVR wrote: Yeah, anybody with less than 22,000 posts is just a pathetic new +1 poster, right? You're a fucking hypocrite. You want this thread to stick around but you don't want people to make lists unless they have your personal approval.

Relax, man. He's just cranky because he used to be active around these parts and he hasn't been lately, and instead of pulling a gfox and trying in vain to catch up or keep up or being silly like he used to be... instead he's got sand in his vagina. Give him another chance, he used to be a contenda.

I've been contributing to the Wi/Ht lately as best I can, not just in this thread but answering questions in other threads, too. I've yet to encounter somebody who believes my contribution to this forum is 'poisonous +1 posting'. If I wanted to +1 post, there are a million easier ways to do it than making one list per day in this thread.

You don't need to defend yourself, dude. No one's gonna read Bonus' crazy drunken ramblings in here and think you're a +1er.

At 1/24/08 01:12 AM, ramagi wrote: I'm coming for all of you, every last one!


Thanks for voting, ramagi! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 23,490 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 47.

For the dense that means I leveled up.

Well of course, but you have to admit the old NG had a better message for you when it happened. I don't even bother to screenshot the new messages, I just take a NG Log "OMG, YOU LEVELLED UP!" screenshot. #;-}>

Congrats on level 47! That's my mom's birthyear (yep, she's 60 this past year, and I'm 30. PERFECT 2:1 RATIONESS).

At 1/24/08 03:13 AM, superstatguy wrote: 1,000 days ago, I joined Newgrounds, looking for a new land of friends and family. Now, I am a open homosexual, having frequent gay orgies with all other Newgrounders.

I love you guys...................in the ass.

Awesome post, man. You've captured the homosexual subtext of our existence here on NG just about as well as the makers of 300.

Yes, for those that didn't know, 300 was actually a movie about NG BBS, not, as is commonly assumed, about Sparta and MADNESS.

At 1/24/08 10:35 AM, NEVR wrote: It feels like it's been a long day already.

I wish Saturdays and Sundays were the "feels like a long day" days...

At 1/23/08 11:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: lolol. I didn't notice that. Also, I noticed he was posting shitty threads in the General forums, so his opinion is invalid.
It's ironic how he says we have no lives for basically doing stuff that all NG members do, when he's a member himself.

He used to do it right here in LUL himself.

At 1/24/08 10:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: Uriah Heep - Look at Yourself
The Mars Volta - The Bedlam in Goliath. HA!


Congrats to (STFU list haters):


At 1/24/08 06:24 AM, Haggard wrote: Noooo, he did it again!!!!!!!1111oneoneone
Are you cool with Uriah Heep?

Wherefore doth thou asketh him...eth?

Because he was the one ridiculing Mars Voltas, eh eh?

At 1/24/08 01:13 PM, schneelocke wrote: Thanks. :) Yeah, it's nice to be back, too; I feel pretty out of touch, of course, but I guess that's to be expected.

Welcome to G "Rip Van Winkle" Fox's world on the Level Up!s most of the time. #;-}>

At 1/27/08 04:42 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop prepares to get back into the spirit of Cricket training, while congratulating:
gfoxcook: 666 Reviews (Flash)


At 1/27/08 05:00 AM, Odyssic wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook: 666 Flash Reviews


All right, folks. Only 4 posts this time, instead of 5, and the last two were kinda half-sized. I couldn't fit 'em both together, and I was tired of snippage. I massively edited at least 4 posts earlier tonight to get them to fit into the 8k limit, and I just couldn't do it one more time, so oh well.


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-27 10:57:40

Bahamut's Congrats List + quotes and part of gfox quotes

Listening to:

Slayer - Reign in Blood
Anthrax - Among the Living

Congrats to:

gfoxcook - 666 flash reviews
LordKooler - Level 30

At 1/26/08 09:19 PM, aldlv wrote: I'm not sure but... does 13,000 total stats counts...?

I'm afraid not. Only mention if it's 20000, 30000, 75000, 77777 and anything like that (75000 and 25000 would be my only exceptions for the 1000s).

At 1/26/08 11:39 PM, gfoxcook wrote: RAINING BLOOD.

*looks at what I'm listening to* Speak of the devil!

At 1/27/08 04:42 AM, Coop83 wrote: We have it cold, don't we Eddie?

That's right, we have it COLD?!


Didn't think you could get less metal that Silicon, when comparing to Trivium. Silicon by definition is a non-metal, as per the periodic table.

Anything is more metal than Trivium, srsly.

Sign up date - 12/02/06 That's the second of December 2006. You've not been here 2 years.

People are idiots.

At 1/27/08 06:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote: HOLY SHIT, GOFX. O_O

Hmm, GothX.

Turbo Lover was okay, I prefer at least 5 other Judas Priest songs, but the other two were badass at the time, yep. Good playlists on these TV radio channels, as it were.

I recently listened to Turbo Lover thanks to Last.fm with all the songs they made playable at anytime. ;D

OH ME OH MY, I've been segregated. #;-}>

Don't be ashamed.

Hey, don't knock any 666-related stats. 666 is an awesome number. Google it and check the wiki page.

But 666 total points....


I can feel some hair on my chin. :)


THEY'RE SAVING THE WORLD BY KILLING ALL HUMANS!! However, they all seem too lazy right now. :(

And you still haven't listed some of the best films from last year, BTW.

Oh yeah, Bender's Big Score. ^^

Not to say these are, but these are films I saw that you didn't mention (I saw all the ones you mentioned except the Die Hard one):

The Bourne Ultimatum
The Golden Compass

Meh, I'm not bothered about those movies.


I would have seen that with my friends if it came out a week earlier, but since it wasn't out, we all decided to watch something else, which was...


That, Superbad. However, it wasn't the best choice since it wasn't the movie some of my friends wanted to see. He had to leave at the near-end around the sex scenes since he felt like he was cheating on his girlfriend. My other two friends who are engaged also didn't feel comfortable about that part and they left too, so myself and another friend of mine left to make sure they were fine. And then there was one of us left watching the rest of the movie. To be honest, I would have been fine with watching the rest of the movie, but I was more concerned about my friends.

So because of that one little part, my friend declares Superbad as the worst film he's ever seen. However, I can name a few movies that are well worse than that movie such as I Am Legend, Red Dragon and Kingdom of Heaven. I'd rather watch a movie about three boys wanting to get laid than those movies.

Yeah, it's a pretty good song. No Number of the Beast, but still good.

Aces High > The Number of the Beast

Eh, like I told Coop, I've heard better Priest.

Painkiller, Exciter, Beyond the Realms of Death, etc.

You impress me, sirrah!

Now I need to go on that Final Countdown loop. XD

Not stereotypically, but I do love me some hard rock, and it intersects with metal enough to make me a borderline metal fan, if not a RAGING METALHEAD. #;-}>

You're more metal than Trivium. ^^

HE DID? Ahhh.. I'd forgotten, really.

Here it is. I'm surprised I found this thread because I thought it got deleted.

Glad to be shocking and amazing you! #;-}>

No shock, just amazing. :)

I know a number called 36. And it was the GREATEST NUMBER IN THE WORLD. Yes, it was the GREATEST NUMBER IN THE WORLD... This is just a TRIBUTE. To the greatest number in the world.

What's with the obsession with 36 anyway? o.O

18 is half of 36.

Someone's happy.

17 is one less than half of 36. And it's odd. And prime. BURN IT.


Oh wait, shit, it's Lance Berkman's jersey number. FUCK. SAVE IT!!! SAVE IT! SOMEONE PUT THE FIRE OUT!

How can I put the fire out?

You were never neutral, so I don't care either way, you blighter!

Correction: I was neutral when I signed up, but changed it when I found out I could change my aura to whatever pleases me.

The fact that it's WII, not WEE, means it CAN'T. #;-}> My Wiitar doesn't WEE, get it? GET IT?!?! AOFHJAEFOAJFO{AJ



Yes, sadly.

Well, I meant I was gonna PAY FOR IT after I "snagged" it, but that... is quite the image.


Neither Dio nor Zep is modern, but Zep is music of the gods, Dio's just "pretty good." Sorry, Dio. ;_;

Dio with Rainbow?



Cause I called him by his ONE TRUE NAME?

Yes. :P *waits for bitching from the original X-Naut*

If I didn't, it wouldn't be a very effective taunt, now would it? #;-}>




Well sure, but you don't have 77777 in your username. I was more commenting on how yoshi77777 sure seems awful happy for hitting 7777 stats when he's still missing one of those 7s from his username on that total to make it complete. #;-}>

Afro_Stud once made a Bahamut77777 alt, but got deleted for some reason. :(

Badass. But why does the HMV employee look like Sloth from the Goonies? O_o

Because that's what can happen to my lazy drawings. BTW, Sloth? Goonies? What?

At 1/20/08 10:10 AM, DP36 wrote: Gold whistle baby!
OH HELL YEAH, another 36-ite.

I hope DP means Deep Purple. :D

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-27 10:58:40

Bahamut's second part of gfox quoting

At 1/27/08 07:20 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Yeah, that does blow, it's happened to me. I usually type all my quoting in notepad, but even so you can fuck up and lose it all, and so have I, so I have. ;_;

I've always been lucky when using NotePad/WordPad, but I certainly won't be lucky if I got a blackout or the computer randomly restarts by itself. :O

Well of course, I was really looking forward to level 24's sword and level 25's golden gauntlets, but I was really just commenting on the old bronze one vs. the new bronze one, restricting my comments to that.


Yeah. But the old days, they're gone for good.

Speaking of the nunchuck, I forgot to post a screenshot of myself at old level 16 until now (posted it on the previous post).

Not really. LEAVING? WHY??!?!? ;_;

Because I was getting fed up with all the trash in this thread.

So close to another 36'er, yet so far.

Maybe he slipped with the 1, or maybe he's a fan of Stone Cold Steve Austin.


It's too hard to leave the Wi/Ht? forum because of awesome people like you.

Hey, can we cut down on the "faggot" use around here? That's very... "General-ish," for lack of a better term.

Umm, bundle of sticks? XD So yes, I hate those "bundle of sticks" General forum users. :P

Yeah, it amused me earlier that while Coop may be all "me and bifgis? NO WAI, what about me girlfriend?" he's been flirting with and having essentially a LUL-coupling with schnee for YEARS now. #;-}>

Wait, bifgis? Coop's girlfriend?

I think he was mockingly saying he DIDN'T level up?

Yeah, I knew that, but he could do with improving his typing.

CONGRATS ON THE HOLY 36NESS, MY GOOD SIR. I knew something looked different about you...

About 150 days until I reach level 36.

Shame it's not really that great of a level icon, but it still beats level 40.

life hates the level 36 weapon with a passion.

Two things:

LOL! Good one.

I said we're fucking dragons and we'll stick to that!!

At 1/27/08 08:05 AM, gfoxcook wrote: But man, age 36 is gonna rock. BEST YEAR EVER.

ERROR - No user "bahamut36" exists in our system.

Sadly, it will be followed by age 37. ;_;

20 years until that happens and I'm not even 20 yet. ^^

That'll probably be the year I die. Oh well, I've got 6 more good years left in me, at least.


It used to be 3 before the redesign. Damn them for changing it. ;_;

Shit, I didn't notice that until now. Then again, I don't give a shit about PPD anymore, but on the bright side, someone can get 13.37 PPD such as me.

At 1/27/08 08:08 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Dude, don't be snide. There's plenty of non-list conversation in here, I'm positive proof of that, as I stopped making congrats lists in 2004 or 2005, whenever the fuck.

You made congrats lists? Damn, I've been making them since 31st December 2004. How sad am I? XD But hey, I'm just being loyal to my home on the BBS.

What's up with your insta-commentary on listening to that band? Did someone in here make fun of 'em or something?

Haggard hates them for some reason. I dunno why, but I think they're great. They're like King Crimson on steroids!

You meanies miss him already, I know it.

No, we're happy!


...Until he returns.

I dunno what King Crimson is like, really. Vaguely familiar name, but have I heard their shit? Dunno.

Does their album cover ring a bell? (see picture below)

He used to do it right here in LUL himself.

Are you sure? XD

Because he was the one ridiculing Mars Voltas, eh eh?

Yes. Let's see what he says when I say this:


Here's the picture GothX :P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-27 11:38:40

Wow, my list is tiny today. This may well be the smallest list I've ever made.

NEVR Congratulates:

gfoxcook: 666 Reviews (Flash)
LordKooler: Level 30
Darkside7000: Top 600 in B/P

NEVR Thanks:

Teh Bahamut
Teh Coop
Teh Odyssic

At 1/26/08 01:50 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yeah, I'm even getting PMs from some idiot called sirguyman who says I have no life, when I actually do. So I just blocked that fucker. Maybe I'll unblock him once he has a brain.

I haven't had any morons PMing me idiotic ramblings for a while now. I can't say I miss it.

17th February

OK, that's in exactly 3 weeks. I'll remember it.

Are you people actually going to contribute to Censorship Day or should this wait until next year? I doubt the idea will do well this year considering I only made this up a week ago.

I'll contribute in any way I can. I'm not sure what the best way to participate would be considering I don't have Flash, but I'll do what I can!

At 1/27/08 07:20 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Holy crap... happened to you AND NintendoMadness on the same day, basically? That blows.

Yeah, that was a bad day! Some evil force was working against list makers...


I enjoyed it.

You know, I actually thought about the possibility you were a Mac user when I typed PC up there, I remember that. But I thought Macs had gotten better and better in the past 5 years or so at emulating PCs to run PC games and so forth.

Hmm, well I haven't tried it lately with my Mac, but I need to update my OS soon, so once I've done that I may give it another whirl. It would be great if I could play a game like KOTOR 3 (if/when it comes out) without having to buy yet another console that will only end up being replaced by a newer one a few years later.

Should I use my powers to fight crime, or for evil...?
BOTH, of course. Complex characters are so much better.

That's true. A character with an internal struggle is always interesting.

Yeah, we're so much cooler than those other guys. :::nods:::

Massive agreement.

Yeah. But the old days, they're gone for good.

It really is a shame. Although I'm used to the redesign by now, I still miss the old days (except for those endlessly irritating sliding level requirements).

Aww... You congratted me for an achievement I didn't even post... hang on, I have something in my eye... *hastily wipes away tears of joy* <3
It's great when people do that, isn't it.

First (and probably last) time it will happen for me though :)

But man, age 36 is gonna rock. BEST YEAR EVER.

Sadly, it will be followed by age 37. ;_;

My best year so far has been 18. 19 has been boring. 20 will hopefully be kickass.

Relax, man. He's just cranky because he used to be active around these parts and he hasn't been lately, and instead of pulling a gfox and trying in vain to catch up or keep up or being silly like he used to be... instead he's got sand in his vagina. Give him another chance, he used to be a contenda.

Yeah, that was a pretty bad day for me (was in a car crash), so I wasn't in the best mood, hence my readiness to get into an argument. Normally I try not to rise to that kind of thing, though.

You don't need to defend yourself, dude. No one's gonna read Bonus' crazy drunken ramblings in here and think you're a +1er.

I should hope not! Still, it's annoying when people call listers +1ers, considering that without us this thread would be pretty much a meaningless plethora of achievements without any form of validation, and would probably end up being locked.

I wish Saturdays and Sundays were the "feels like a long day" days...

This Sunday has torn past like a fighter jet. It's already 4:30pm over here.


Goodnight, teh gfox.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-27 11:47:08

With a bad hangover Haggard steals Coop's idea once more and congratulates:
Fallencross: Level 11
Joeyag: Top 2000 in B/P
NEVR: 13,000 B/P
LordKooler: Level 30
Darkside7000: Top 600 in B/P

Thanks to:
Coop83 (2x)
NEVR - Neutral aura looks best with my current level icon ;)
Bahamut (2x)

Listening to:
Deep Purple - April

At 1/26/08 10:51 AM, NintendoMadness wrote: Dark looks much more awesome than Nuetral.

No, neutral fits that icon best! :P

You're always angry when you post achievments.

Heh, Molotov always posts his achievements with the angry faic and I liked that idea... ^^

At 1/27/08 10:58 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yes. Let's see what he says when I say this:


I say: You're probably right ^^

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-27 18:32:33

Congrats to:
Joeyag: Top #2,000 in B/P
NEVR: 13,000 B/P
LordKooler: Level 30 - Almost mistook you for Haggard or Cyberdevil
Darkside7000: Top #600 in B/P
gfoxcook: 666 Reviews
shadowchaotailsevil3: Level 16 - Some people's usernames confuse me.

At 1/26/08 01:50 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/25/08 02:53 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Bahamut has boobs?
Apparently so. o__O

Wow, some mega titties.
Let's mug Bahamut.

I love it. But I mostly watch it for "Who's Line is it Anyway?" becasue of there great quicky improvising. My favourite person on there is Ryan.
I usually watch Dave for Bottom, Harry Enfield and sometimes Mock the Week. Just whenever my dad puts the TV on.

I only saw Bottom on Dave when it has that special nothing but... special.

At 1/26/08 09:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: Great TV Channel
Indeed. Sometimes, News Reporter watches that channel.

Does he report his finds?

Meh, I decided to give up with the start time and end time thing. I just felt it wasn't necessary to mention at all, most especially the end time.

That's the second time I did that, becasue I just remembered. I stopped doing it before because I'm not making the list between the beginning and end time.

At 1/27/08 04:42 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 1/26/08 10:51 AM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 1/26/08 09:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: Problem being, one of my colleagues probably fed it to one of their children when I was out of the office - I got hungry one morning, bought a pack of 12 weetabix and used them for breakfast for the rest of the week.
Good good. The most Weetabix I've eaten at one time is 7.
Is that like the Jacobs Cream Cracker challenge?

I was just hungry. >_<
I can eat lots of Jacobs.

At 1/26/08 06:43 PM, Nimhster wrote: Keeping the good in and the crap out of Newgrounds for 2 years!
Sign up date - 12/02/06 That's the second of December 2006. You've not been here 2 years.

There's three types of people on this world. Those who can count and those who can't.

At 1/27/08 06:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 1/20/08 05:04 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 1/19/08 05:06 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Yeah, but it's not the same. Besides, the thong chafes, hence why I only do it for a level up.

Many, many things have been discussed on the topic of thongs.


That was not an intentional typo, believe it or not, that was one of my rare unintentional ones that I didn't even notice at all.

Couldn't you just go and change it? :p

At 1/20/08 09:18 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Congrats List + quotes not by gfox
OH ME OH MY, I've been segregated. #;-}>

Not with me. You get put in with the rest of the commoners. HAHAHAHAHA >:)

Would you count 666 total points? LOLOL! Stupid HypaShadow.
Hey, don't knock any 666-related stats. 666 is an awesome number. Google it and check the wiki page.


Speaking of facial hairs, I'm starting to grow a moustache. :O

Lol, I thought you said "WITHOUT THE BREAD, IT'S JUST STRANGE."
I suppose, no bread=madness.

The Bourne Ultimatum
The Golden Compass

National Treasure is awesome. I'm gonna' watch the new one on Feb 8.

At 1/20/08 09:19 AM, Bahamut wrote:
17 is one less than half of 36. And it's odd. And prime. BURN IT.

Oh wait, shit, it's Lance Berkman's jersey number. FUCK. SAVE IT!!! SAVE IT! SOMEONE PUT THE FIRE OUT!

UMMM....*throws his cat on fire* SHIT, GET HIM OFF THERE!

Can I stay with light? Haggard is doing his best to persuade me to go back to evil, but he won't succeed.
You were never neutral, so I don't care either way, you blighter!

I was neutral when I signed up. And I stayed neutral up to the redesign then changed to light.

At 1/27/08 07:20 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 1/20/08 04:51 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Yeah, that does blow, it's happened to me. I usually type all my quoting in notepad, but even so you can fuck up and lose it all, and so have I, so I have. ;_;

I put all mu quoting and my list in NGLogLULLM.
That's a long abbreiviation.

Index finger... UP! Middle+ring fingers... DOWN! Pinky... UP!

I attmepted to do what you said but I ended up swearing HypaShadow. Whoops.

At 1/20/08 06:03 PM, NEVR wrote: I'm so tired, and annoyed. I had literally just finished my list and chat when my web browser stopped working, and I couldn't retrieve it. Anger.
Holy crap... happened to you AND NintendoMadness on the same day, basically? That blows.

Yes and we cried in our corners.

Ah well, I'll still have level 27, so it's not like I'll never get to wield the nunchaku :)
Yeah. But the old days, they're gone for good.

I really think they should have an oldskool NG day. Everthing was the way it was. Just for a day, mind.

At 1/21/08 08:12 AM, Bahamut wrote: Sadly, people like him are too stupid to realise that.
People like him only notice page 1 of long topics, it seems. They reply to the very first post, and then never even read the most recent page that their reply ends up on. IT BOGGLES THE MIND.

Sometimes they don't even quote the post the are responding to.
Most say..."Well now you're level 34. hahaha."

hopefully I'll have to time to do that....but it might take more than 1 post.
Of course it'll take more than 1 post, it's gfox!!
Hey, if we all work together, maybe we can condense these convos JUST A BIT. I'm doing my best to snip out the dead weight.

Within the past 2 days there hasn't been that much convo.

At 1/21/08 12:59 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
Devil horns.
Oh, it dosn't really look like that. /\_/\
Not ACTUAL horns. The hand sign. The \ / are the upstretched fingers, the m = two knuckles from the middle two fingers being curled down.

Oh right. As in "ROCK ON!" type of hand signal.

At 1/27/08 08:05 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 1/21/08 03:47 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: GFOX SPECIAL QUOTINESS

I'd never think that my quoting would need a whole post.

Do you ever get this thing call hunger?!
Not when I wake up. Then I mostly have this thing called "wanting to go back to sleep."

The disease of non-workyitis.

Maybe he likes 36 becasue he's 36 years old?
Who, 36Holla? Cause if you meant me, I ain't (yet).


But man, age 36 is gonna rock. BEST YEAR EVER.
That'll probably be the year I die. Oh well, I've got 6 more good years left in me, at least.

If I loved 36, I'd be happy if I died when I was 36.

At 1/12/08 07:13 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
My brain explodes due to the common quoting mistakes.
Yeah, you tend to make a lot of those. O_O


We've all had a craze of high-fives. But then we agreed it was lamely cool. I', still high fiving till this date. *high fives someone butt*
I was asking for it Borat-style, and lamely cool is EXACTLY why Borat rocks.

I like you, I like sex...it's nice. :)

readies the clip scissors::
Some castration going on?
Of your replies to me, silly.

*phew* My cat's lost his and I sure don't want to loose mine.

Yes that had hint of freindly sarcasm.
Thank the maker.

Thankyou maker. :)

I find alot of your post is very complicated, but meh.
Yeah? So what's it to ya, eh?

Not much.


Amazingly I managed to fit this all in one post.
Rock on!

I'll use the new smilie I learnt while writing this post. \m/
Pointy knuckles.... \m/

At 1/27/08 08:08 AM, gfoxcook wrote: GIVE IN TO THE POWER OF THE WII, YOU FOOLS!

I have, but for too long now.



Phew, done the Gfox quoting...took some while. Now on to the replies of Gfox!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-27 18:34:03

At 1/27/08 10:57 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/27/08 06:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 17 is one less than half of 36. And it's odd. And prime. BURN IT.

You mean Mr. Prime? Don't take him....

Oh wait, shit, it's Lance Berkman's jersey number. FUCK. SAVE IT!!! SAVE IT! SOMEONE PUT THE FIRE OUT!
How can I put the fire out?

Can you retreive my cat? I threw him in my madness to save Lance Berkan's jersey.

You were never neutral, so I don't care either way, you blighter!
Correction: I was neutral when I signed up, but changed it when I found out I could change my aura to whatever pleases me.

That's what I said!

Cause I called him by his ONE TRUE NAME?
Yes. :P *waits for bitching from the original X-Naut*

Lol, X-Naut is off Super Paper Mario. >_<a t 1/27/08 10:58 AM, Bahamut wrote:

Bahamut's second part of gfox quoting

AHH! There's more!

At 1/27/08 07:20 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Well of course, I was really looking forward to level 24's sword and level 25's golden gauntlets, but I was really just commenting on the old bronze one vs. the new bronze one, restricting my comments to that.

It's Casualty's fault.

Yeah, it amused me earlier that while Coop may be all "me and bifgis? NO WAI, what about me girlfriend?" he's been flirting with and having essentially a LUL-coupling with schnee for YEARS now. #;-}>
Wait, bifgis? Coop's girlfriend?

Lol, that's what I thought.

CONGRATS ON THE HOLY 36NESS, MY GOOD SIR. I knew something looked different about you...
About 150 days until I reach level 36.

I know someone that will be happy.

Two things:

LOL! Good one.
I said we're fucking dragons and we'll stick to that!!

Okay, I only see one dragon around her....*peers over to Bahamut's side of town*

At 1/27/08 08:05 AM, gfoxcook wrote: But man, age 36 is gonna rock. BEST YEAR EVER.
ERROR - No user "bahamut36" exists in our system.


It used to be 3 before the redesign. Damn them for changing it. ;_;
Shit, I didn't notice that until now. Then again, I don't give a shit about PPD anymore, but on the bright side, someone can get 13.37 PPD such as me.

I'd congrat a 13.37 PPD.

At 1/27/08 11:38 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 1/26/08 01:50 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yeah, I'm even getting PMs from some idiot called sirguyman who says I have no life, when I actually do. So I just blocked that fucker. Maybe I'll unblock him once he has a brain.
I haven't had any morons PMing me idiotic ramblings for a while now. I can't say I miss it.

I got this weird science test thing and it said evertime I respong I get oney and I was like WTF?

At 1/27/08 07:20 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Holy crap... happened to you AND NintendoMadness on the same day, basically? That blows.
Yeah, that was a bad day! Some evil force was working against list makers...

Must of been the way we make lists........CASUALTY

I wish Saturdays and Sundays were the "feels like a long day" days...
This Sunday has torn past like a fighter jet. It's already 4:30pm over here.

This man just said dribble on tele.

At 1/27/08 11:47 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/26/08 10:51 AM, NintendoMadness wrote: You're always angry when you post achievments.
Heh, Molotov always posts his achievements with the angry faic and I liked that idea... ^^

I think it's a way of expressing the crazy of being happy.

I is finished.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-27 19:09:39

Made 4000 saves!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-27 19:48:03

At 1/26/08 08:24 AM, schneelocke wrote: Coop runs about in his new werewolf costume (sans-thong), showing off schneelocke's new level

Level 34 y'all!

Yay. :)

At 1/26/08 09:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: The only problem being that since I'm human shaped and that you're humanoid shaped, we can fit into the humanoid shaped werewolf costume. Bahamut being a dragonoid shape, he can't neccessarily fit into it.

I'm pretty sure there's more to it than that, but eh.

Wearing one thong at a time is enough for any man... at least it is for me!



At 1/27/08 08:08 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Welcome to G "Rip Van Winkle" Fox's world on the Level Up!s most of the time. #;-}>

Heh. Thanks, I guess...

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-27 21:42:02

Moving on up.....

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 00:14:24


~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 00:56:08

10,000 B/P's


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 03:26:11

Chat post, List to follow from the office :P

At 1/27/08 06:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 1/20/08 05:04 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 1/19/08 06:10 AM, HypaShadow wrote: im sorry for posting shit here! i will now post a propper acheavment! 100 saves!
Do you want to contiune contradicting yourself?
LMAO, my good sir.

Certainly the better way to deal with vagabonds.

At 1/19/08 05:06 AM, Coop83 wrote: And the goatee even came back for Xmas :P
Maybe I should grow one... I think it would make me look silly though. Not everybody suits facial hair.
Some people don't have the face. Some people don't get chosen by the facial hair!
Me = goatee-having for about 12 years. Except that one time I shaved it off in anger before going to senior prom with my girlfriend in the late 90s. Let's not get into that.

I had mine for about 2 years, before removal came about for 'superstitious sproting reasons' I'm batting better in the cricket at present, even though I have a blakc big toe on my left foot, due to drilling the ball straight into said toe, while taking Batting Practice.

Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Chile
Reading (as opposed to hearing) that title, I'm hungry for some nice voodoo-style chile. Mmmm-mmm-GOOD!
*Looks over at gfox island and watches the mountain fall down* He was singing metaphorically, Greg :P
About foodstuffs? No, I'm pretty sure he was singing literally about a child, not chile, it's just teh silly spellings. #;-}>

I meant metaphorically about the line "Well I'm standing next to a mountain and I'll chop it down, with the edge of my hand... I'll pick up all the pieces and make an island"

Nice tunes. Especially from Coop.
Coming from Coop, you mean?

No, Alice Cooper likes to be called Coop as well. Why not, it's a cool name.

At 1/27/08 07:20 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 1/21/08 08:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: Celebrating Level 36 with the scalps of his fallen enemies, Coop congratulates:
CONGRATS ON THE HOLY 36NESS, MY GOOD SIR. I knew something looked different about you...

Shame it's not really that great of a level icon, but it still beats level 40.

I quite like it. I'm away from being a ninja and now I'm doing something psychotic :P

I have actually worn a Hitler Moustache to work for a £20 bet. Told a colleague that I was going to shave the beard off and he slapped a note on the table and made the bet official that I had to wear that style of facial hair in to work for an entire 8-hour shift on a day that he was working.
Hahah. That's a great story.

True stories can be really funny, simply because they're true.

At 1/27/08 10:57 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/27/08 04:42 AM, Coop83 wrote: We have it cold, don't we Eddie?

That's right, we have it COLD?!

Eddie, you killed him! *Eddie drops frying pan* I never touched him

Didn't think you could get less metal that Silicon, when comparing to Trivium. Silicon by definition is a non-metal, as per the periodic table.
Anything is more metal than Trivium, srsly.

Well it's true.

At 1/27/08 10:58 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/27/08 07:20 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Yeah, it amused me earlier that while Coop may be all "me and bifgis? NO WAI, what about me girlfriend?" he's been flirting with and having essentially a LUL-coupling with schnee for YEARS now. #;-}>
Wait, bifgis? Coop's girlfriend?

No, but I wasn't saying no to a little action on the side :P

At 1/27/08 06:32 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 1/27/08 04:42 AM, Coop83 wrote: Is that like the Jacobs Cream Cracker challenge?
I was just hungry. >_<
I can eat lots of Jacobs.

I've done 4 in a minute, followed by a pint of Strongbow, just to contribute to the dryness of my mouth.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 03:33:00

5,000 EXP reached

Thanks to:

Congrats to:
Joeyag: Top #2,000 in B/P
NEVR: 13,000 B/P
LordKooler: Level 30
Darkside7000: Top #600 in B/P
gfoxcook: 666 Reviews
shadowchaotailsevil3: Level 16
Night-Ranger - 4000 Saves
cadreamer - lvl 14
nimhster - lvl 16
aldlv - 5.55 base vp
highwatermark - 10,000 B/Ps

Sig by BlueHippo / User Icon by CosmicDeath.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 04:03:00

Entered top 30 reviewers.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 04:04:12

Crack that whip, licorice whip.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 04:50:27

At 1/27/08 12:14 PM, shadowchaotailsevil3 wrote: level 16.

Your welcome.

I just ordered my Bone Cleaver it looks great, too bad it will only last 87 days.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 07:14:47

Listening to:
Radiohead - Hunting bears
Moby - Harbour

Congrats to:
shadowchaotailsevil3: Level 16
Night-Ranger: 4,000 Saves
cadreamer: Level 14
Nimhster: Level 16
aldlv: 5.55 Voting Power
highwatermark: 10,000 B/P
Timmy: 5,000 Experience
Darkside7000: Top 30 in Reviews
sunahS: Level 15
iscrulz: Level 40 - Yes, that's the disadvantage of the new system... cool level icons only last for some days... but then again it's better as if they were lasting for some years ^^

At 1/27/08 06:34 PM, NintendoMadness wrote:
At 1/27/08 11:47 AM, Haggard wrote: Heh, Molotov always posts his achievements with the angry faic and I liked that idea... ^^
I think it's a way of expressing the crazy of being happy.

It's a way of saying: "I'm so fucking happy! >:("

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 07:18:12

I have a 7.00 base voting power!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 07:20:52

10k Blam points, took a while :x

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 07:21:20

No time to chat today. <3 to all though.

NEVR Congratulates:

shadowchaotailsevil3: Level 16
Night-Ranger: 4,000 Saves
cadreamer: Level 14
nimhster: Level 16
aldlv: 5.55 Base VP
highwatermark: 10,000 B/P
Darkside7000: Top 30 Reviewers (Flash)
sunahS: Level 15
iscrulz: Level 40

NEVR Thanks:


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 07:36:21

Hiatus over, I'm back. I won't be quoting anyone cause that's be insane, :P
Just been sorting out college, and I type this on my laptop finally :D

This took 4 days to make :P

Haggard - 4000 Blams, Lieutenant, 2222 on NG, 1337 Posts & level 30
BBQBeefburgerdragon - 6000 exp
NEVR - Lieutenant, level 34, 8.88 VP & 13000 B/P
GarthN - 5.00VP+
HeavenDuff - top 1000 B/P
highwatermark - Sergeant Major, top 400 B/P, 7.77 VP & 10000 B/P
Joshiwa - 13000 B/P & 20000 Total Points
schneelocke - 12000 exp & level 34
yoshi77777 - 77777 Total Stats, 5000 Saves, level 12, Staff Sergeant & 6000 B/P
Aci6 - 700 Flash Reviews
Coop83 - 60000 Total Points, 777 Flash Reviews, 35000 B/P & level 36
NotOdyssic - level12
RyanTime2 - Gold Whistle, Police Captain &level 12
ZombiePhil - Police Sergeant
Phantox - 2500 Posts & Private First Class
Pinoyguy75 - Deity Whistle
aldlv - 200 Audio Review Responses & 5.55 Base VP
KIRBYLINK - Police Lieutenant
madknt - Sgt. First Class, 8000 B/P & 15000 Posts
generalchampion - level 10
LadyX - 2000 exp
BIGmamaKATIE - top 800 B/P
DP36 - Gold Whistle
LiveBreatheTom - 1000 Saves
Joeyag - 500 Blams, 666 Posts & top 2000 B/P
smc316 - top 5000 exp & 4000 Posts
McFooFa - level 17
Skat0r - 1000 Posts
SoulMaster71 - Deity Whistle
AnalPenguinFarming - Sergeant
JerkClock - Commander & 20000 Saves
Jon4life - level 13
NintendoMadness - Police Captain
Tluck-Person - level 10
Tivaelydoc - level 12
1337 - 6000 exp, 1500 days on NG, 5000 Blams, 5000 Saves & 10000 B/P
Paradox - level 20
Davidzx - level 17
Bloodthorne - level 39
lilhunter03 - 9000 B/P & 6666 Saves
AtomicTerrorist - level 31, Supreme Commander, 10000 exp, 30000 B/P, 17000 Saves & 12000 Blams
SlashFirestorm - level 27
Stuff4u2kno - level 28
BahamutClock - level 24
BrAddErZ958 - level 15
Pinoyguy75 - level 10 & Private
Skeik-Sprite - level 12
Bahamut - Favourited 50 Times :O
36Holla - Deity Whistle
Kidiri - 4 Post/Day
Little-Rena - 17000 Saves & 10000 Blams
jokerscard - level 14
SilentSoldier - level 15
Darkside7000 - 1337 Flash Reviews & 30 Review Responses
kidray76 - 5000 Posts
Auz - Supreme Commander
Bert "MOTHERF*CKER!" n - top 800 B/P & 1000 posts
Wartender - level 10
plebmonk - level 10
ramagi - level 47
superstatguy - 1000 Days on NG
Magical-Mark - level 10
Sk8erGirl14 - level 13
Hybrid-Of-Souls - level 23
emochild - 3000 exp
Koeberto190 - 7.00 VP
zimzap - level 25
Cigolini55 - level 11
Timmy - 14000 B/P, Captain & 5000 exp
C0GMA - 6.00 Base VP
renzoljd - level 11
Sir-Nuts - Sergeant & 1000 posts
Unknown2dark - level 11
Emlfuryoflion - 14000 B/P, Captain & level 18
Kart-Man - level 19
youngblood26 - level 12
Krazy-Rex - level 12
Fallencross - level 11
LordKooler - level 30
Darkside7000 - top 600 B/P
gfoxcook - 666 Flash Reviews
shadowchaotailsevil3 - level 16
Night-Ranger - 4000 Saves
cadreamer - level 14
Nimhster - level 16
iscrulz - level 40
Toohot100 - 7.00 Base VP

Thanks to:
Auz - OMG doing the same as you :P

Listening to:
Led Zeppelin - How the West was Won Discs 1, 2 & 3 :D

At 1/26/08 11:59 AM, NintendoMadness wrote: Sorry for not posting this for a bigger post but I would forget to post it.....
Has anybody seen Shanus around? Has life taken over his NG time?

Aw, thanks for caring :D but yeah NEVR's right, college, work, travel, leaves not much time for NG. But my laptop's been returned to me, with a 20GB HDD upgrade for free as well, so I should be around more often i.e. everyday, I nearly missed like 4 deposits over the last week, that's just how busy I was.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 07:38:22

Listening to:

Europe - The Final Countdown (x2)
Iron Maiden - Brave New World

Congrats to:

shadowchaotailsevil3 - Level 16
Night-Ranger - 4000 saves
cadreamer - Level 14
Nimhster - Level 16
aldlv - 5.55 base VP
highwatermark - 10000 B/P. WHAT?! 9000?!
Timmy - 5000 EXP
Darkside7000 - Top 30 in flash reviewers
sunahS - Level 15
iscrulz - Level 40

At 1/27/08 11:38 AM, NEVR wrote: NEVR Thanks:

Teh Bahamut
Teh Coop
Teh Odyssic

Heh, Teh Goatse.

I haven't had any morons PMing me idiotic ramblings for a while now. I can't say I miss it.

Speaking of those morons, I haven't had any complaints about my quizzes recently via PM. It's a shame, because they're the funniest comments I get for the quizzes. One even made an essay about how Sega made Sonic and not Nintendo. XD

OK, that's in exactly 3 weeks. I'll remember it.

I might as well make a flash for Censorship Day, whether it becomes popular or not.

I'll contribute in any way I can. I'm not sure what the best way to participate would be considering I don't have Flash, but I'll do what I can!

News post?

Yeah, that was a bad day! Some evil force was working against list makers...

Casualty is (or was) at it again!

At 1/27/08 11:47 AM, Haggard wrote: I say: You're probably right ^^

Either you're sarcastically agreeing with me or you were being sarcastic about hating Manowar. I have no idea. XP

At 1/27/08 06:32 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: Wow, some mega titties.
Let's mug Bahamut.


I only saw Bottom on Dave when it has that special nothing but... special.

I watch it whenever my dad watches. It used to be on every Wednesday night, but Dave seemed to have changed the schedules around and that made me sad. It reminds me of the terrible scheduling Channel 5 do. :(

Does he report his finds?

On Dave?

At 1/27/08 06:34 PM, NintendoMadness wrote: You mean Mr. Prime? Don't take him....


Can you retreive my cat? I threw him in my madness to save Lance Berkan's jersey.

HOW DO I PUT THE FUCKING FIRE OUT?! You know my Mega Flare isn't some sort of fire-fighting tool.

That's what I said!

I said it before you.

It's Casualty's fault.

His fucking fault! I can imagine him destroying New York or even a planet like Jupiter....SHIT!!

I know someone that will be happy.

I bet that someone isn't gfox. :p

Okay, I only see one dragon around her....*peers over to Bahamut's side of town*

Wait, there's a female dragon? BACK OFF, SHE'S MINE!!! >:(



I'd congrat a 13.37 PPD.

Me too. I have 13.73 PPD as I'm typing this.

Must of been the way we make lists........CASUALTY


At 1/28/08 03:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: Eddie, you killed him! *Eddie drops frying pan* I never touched him

Hello hello hello. What's this dead body doing here?

Well it's true.

Even the Teletubbies are more metal than Trivium. Heh, Trivitubbies.

No, but I wasn't saying no to a little action on the side :P

Does your gf have an account on this site?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 08:20:09

B/P Rank Up.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 08:55:45

Nursing his luminous purple toe, Coop catches up with congratulating as promised. Congrats to:
shadowchaotailsevil3: Level 16
NightRanger: 4,000 Saves
cadreamer: Level 14
Nimhster: Level 16
highwatermark: 10,000 B/P
Timmy: 5,000 Experience
sunahS: Level 15
iscrulz: Level 40
Toohot100: 7.00 Base Voting Power
Little-Rena: 10,000 Blams; Doublelisted

Thanks to:

At 1/28/08 07:38 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/28/08 03:26 AM, Coop83 wrote: Eddie, you killed him! *Eddie drops frying pan* I never touched him
Hello hello hello. What's this dead body doing here?

*writes*Nothing.. wrong.. with this meter, do not check.. again for.. three.. hundred.. years. Left in high.. spirits, to indulge... in my hobby.. of bus-surfing*

Hurry up Eddie, there's one at the lights!

Well it's true.
Even the Teletubbies are more metal than Trivium. Heh, Trivitubbies.

This seems as good an opportunity as ever to bring up the one pub discussion - throw a predator into Teletubby land.

No, but I wasn't saying no to a little action on the side :P
Does your gf have an account on this site?

Yes, she does. Not that she really uses it. I don't know her password, otherwise I'd deposit for her :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 11:28:13

lots today!

level 7
passed 5.00 voing power
top 30000 in blam n saves


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 13:38:35

At 1/28/08 12:32 PM, HypaShadow wrote: fine just dont fucking congrats me!

Hopefully you'll read this......

Those achievments you posted arn't at all hard to acheive.

Now do you see why he's annoying Gfox?

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2008-01-28 15:20:09

Start Time: 3:01 PM

Congrats to:
Emlfuryoflion: Captain, Level 18
Kart-Man: Level 19
youngblood26: Level 12
Krazy-Rex: Level 12
schneelocke: Level 34
Haggard: Level 30 Neutral looks weird on you...
Fallencross: Level 11
NEVR: 13,000 B/P
gfoxcook: 666 Flash Reviews
LordKooler: Level 30
Darkside7000: Top 600 in B/P
gfoxcook: 666 Reviews
shadowchaotailsevil3: Level 16
Night-Ranger: 4,000 Saves
cadreamer: Level 14
Nimhster: Level 16
aldlv: 5.55 Voting Power
highwatermark: 10,000 B/P
Timmy: 5,000 EXP
Darkside7000: Top 30 in Reviews
sunahS: Level 15
iscrulz: Level 40
Toohot100: 7.00 Base VP
Little-Rena: 10,000 Blams
Darkside7000: Master Sergeant
BigFuzzyKitten: Level 22, Deity Whistle

Thanks to:
NintendoMadness (x2)

At 1/28/08 03:06 PM, HypaShadow wrote:
At 1/28/08 02:58 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/28/08 01:54 PM, HypaShadow wrote:
At 1/28/08 01:53 PM, BigFuzzyKitten wrote: level 22, diety whistle
you have had lvl 22 for ages so stop post whoring!
And you should just fuck off!
and u should just die!

Sometimes..I hate you all.

Shit, I didn't notice that until now. Then again, I don't give a shit about PPD anymore, but on the
bright side, someone can get 13.37 PPD such as me.
I'd congrat a 13.37 PPD.

I would...

At 1/28/08 12:32 PM, HypaShadow wrote:
fine just dont fucking congrats me!

You're a hypocrite. You say others achievements are shit, but you post shit yourself.

End Time: 3:19 PM-Ya Ima speed demon. :P