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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 07:55:46

Listening to:
Dritte Wahl - Zeit zu gehen
Nobuo Uematsu - Parting Sorrow

Congrats to:
LiquidSapphire: Corporal, 2,222 Saves
Dream-of-Duke: Saves > Blams - ;)
Sterockicy: Captain, 14,000 B/P
ramagi: 22,000 Experience
Aksumka: 4 Years on NG
Darkside7000: 5,000 Experience
Spackerchip: Level 14

At 8/25/07 01:31 PM, schneelocke wrote: Oh, but you can't just say "tu" to a stranger, now can you? That'd be impolite! :)

Hm, this reminds me of Dieter Nuhr (a german Comedian). He once said in one of his shows:
"Die Menschen kennen heutzutage gar keine Distanz mehr. Man schläft ein paar mal zusammen, schon wird nach dem Vornamen gefragt..." :D

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 12:36:26

2nd Year Anniversary here.

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /777777

http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.

My old NG profile ID: 1321019

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 14:30:57

Made level 26!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 14:31:50

Aa a decent weekend winds down, Coop congratulates:
Sentio: 19,000 Saves; Saves > Blams
Little-Rena: Level 21
Frostbreath: Top 1,000 Experienced
absent: 16th Birthday
HouseMasta: 20,000 Total Points
LiquidSapphire: 8.000+ Posts per Day; Corporal; 2,222 Saves
Mendou: 4,000 Saves
DewclawedstormV1: 500 Reviews (Flash)
emochild: Level 13
ReignX: 2,000 Saves
Planky: Level 26
deslona: 25,000 Total Points
Dream-of-Duke: Saves > Blams
Sterockicy: Captain
ramagi: 22,000 Experience
Aksumka: 4th NG Berfday
Darkside7000: 5,000 Experience
Spackerchip: Level 14
MetalDart: 2nd NG Berfday

Thanks to:

At 8/24/07 06:23 AM, Little-Rena wrote: Lol, my saves have been past blams for ages, the gap just gets bigger for me.

But he's got almost double your saves count.

At 8/24/07 07:12 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/24/07 04:18 AM, Coop83 wrote: But I've got to put up with throwing stars for another 75 fucking days >:(
Yeah, but at least you are trained in using this weapon. I still can't handle my Nun chucks right... *rubs head*

Hmm... good point, I suppose

At 8/24/07 11:15 AM, Casualty wrote: Coop83: LVL 34 - <Dodges again but phails>

A good job I wasn't throwing any at you then :P

At 8/24/07 04:18 AM, Coop83 wrote: 139, 143, 131 were my scores last night. Pretty bad for me :(
WHAT, my highest score ever is like 129... :/

I've had a highest score of 154, but I was quite angry that I couldn't tend to finish spares off. More practise is called for, I suppose :P

At 8/24/07 05:53 PM, PureLionHeart wrote:
At 8/24/07 04:18 AM, Coop83 wrote: So, you're saying that random butchering of semi-innocents can make me feel better? *evil twinkle in Coop's eyes*
It's always worked for me in the past.
By the way, I'm Patrick Bateman. Nice to meet you.

*Shakes hand* Oh.

At 8/25/07 01:07 AM, LiquidSapphire wrote:
At 8/25/07 12:53 AM, emochild wrote: I just leveled up a couple of minutes ago yay!!, also I'll be back in a couple of weeks for my 1337 post
Congrats, hope to see your 1337 post sometime. You could reach it even tomorrow if you wanted though, you're so close.

Please learn how to post properly. Copy / Paste, so that you don't keep double posting, it's starting to get on my nerves.

At 8/25/07 05:15 PM, X-Naut wrote:
At 8/24/07 04:18 AM, Coop83 wrote: 139, 143, 131 were my scores last night. Pretty bad for me :(
Yeah, you'd kick my ass. I'd be lucky if I could break 100. I'm bad.

It's only a case of practise. I'm usually bowling while I'm too drunk to care, so there's little inhibition :)

At 8/25/07 11:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Denizens of the lounge? Prepare yourself for gfox catchup mode. I'm going to try and do it super-blitz style tonight. Let's see if I can keep it to 2 posts or less as opposed to the usual 4-5 post catch-up. :::crosses fingers::: #;-}>

Oh shit *braces to receive charge*

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 14:44:04

At 8/26/07 07:55 AM, Haggard wrote: Hm, this reminds me of Dieter Nuhr (a german Comedian). He once said in one of his shows:
"Die Menschen kennen heutzutage gar keine Distanz mehr. Man schläft ein paar mal zusammen, schon wird nach dem Vornamen gefragt..." :D

Heh. Yeah, I know Nuhr, although I don't like him that much... I'm more a fan of Alf Poier, "Maddin" Schneider and Johann König. Well, as far as I'm a fan of any comedian, anyway, which isn't very far at all really. :)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 14:56:24

Hey everyone, just gotten back from Amsterdam, where I was taking a short break from the everyday annoyances of everyday life in England =)

Just before I left I posted the fact that I got to level 21, so thanks to everyone who congratted me for that - I haven't been able to check up on the LUL for the past few days, as I couldn't be arsed to pay 5 euros for a 15 minute session on the internet whilst I was away.

Also, big thanks to alrd for depositing for me! <3

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 15:05:59

At 8/26/07 02:44 PM, schneelocke wrote: Heh. Yeah, I know Nuhr, although I don't like him that much... I'm more a fan of Alf Poier, "Maddin" Schneider and Johann König. Well, as far as I'm a fan of any comedian, anyway, which isn't very far at all really. :)

I don't know Alf Poier, but I do know "Maddin" and Johann König... and I can't say that I like them that much ^^. But then again, there are few good comedians here...

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 15:30:37

100 flash reviews :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 15:31:38

At 10/6/02 02:56 PM, the-phantom-spancker wrote: IM A LEVEL 11 NOW

man that was a long time ago your levle 34 now damn it. Wow this is a very old topic.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 17:59:07

At 8/26/07 03:31 PM, JohnStephens wrote: man that was a long time ago your levle 34 now damn it. Wow this is a very old topic.

No shit, Sherlock.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 18:21:45

Don't worry folks, LUL didn't get the better of me last night, hanging out with my gf taking turns playing Guitar Hero II (oh, that foul temptress!) and getting sleepy and going to sleep with her did. Ahhh, Saturday nights never do quite go as planned. #;-}>

But here I am... just Sunday afternoon instead of Saturday night.

I congratted ramagi on the 22k exp last night, and I just noticed on page 1904ish that PMKD hit 20k. CONGRATS TO THE KDOG. Sweet exp amounts are coming fast and furious as of late. Now, on with the show:

At 7/16/07 01:57 AM, X-Naut wrote:
At 7/15/07 06:46 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Awwww, MAN! Damnit... I wish you HAD done that. Dagnabit. ;_;
Ow, man. I don't know what it is, whether it's because you're a different person, or more well known, or something, but your words hurt a lot more than Bahamut's words. :c

Awww. I can't believe I actually feel a bit sorry about that, 'twas not my intent to hurt. Just to... chastise. #;-}>

If you hadn't ever taken that name in the first place... OR... if you were to manage to get an admin to change your name now or at any point in the future from now... you would SOOOO save yourself a bunch of mocking. :::nods vigorously:::
Well, sure, I wouldn't be mocked as much, but I also wouldn't have much attention aimed towards me then. It may be bad publicity, but it's still publicity.

Well, you and teh real X-Naut are the only situation on the entire freakin' site that make me wish the username lockdown could be undone for just a few minutes while everything is put back to rights. That's all I'll say on the matter right now.

At 7/16/07 04:35 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/15/07 07:13 AM, schneelocke wrote: Ah. Yeah, true... but I can always shake it back into shape. :) (And for the rest, I've got my personal groomer. *hands you a fur comb*)
*grabs a chair* Ah, my lot in life is a complex, but enjoyable one

... Disturberation.

At 7/15/07 06:26 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/25/07 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: I'm not there yet - I want to try and beat you and you're making it quite tough!
Why thank you. You didn't make it easy for me to pass you, but thanks for allowing it to happen anyway :P

Yeah yeah, what can I say. I don't post enough's all. #;-}>

Or often enough, rather... that's the main problem.

*grooms schneelocke* I'm a little busy at the moment, Greg. Give me a day or two on this...

Oh boy... Too busy with that to kiss me ass like you said you wanted to, eh? Well, I guess you didn't want to all that badly in the first place, then. #;-}>

Dude... your alt could have nearly 4000 exp by now. You've credited your addiction to teh stats with getting your alt to level 10 when your alt should be to level 12 by now.... I guess you're not quite addicted enough. #;-}>
I've never really been totally addicted to depositing for my Alt. That's the problem. If anyone can help me cure this, please dial 1-800-STATS and tell me how!

If only such a number existed.

Now, of course, I say this with my own alts, gfoxclock and gfox, each missing only 90-100 exp each. I've done a great job with my alts. I can't say the same thing for gfoxcook, alas. That's my crime.... my deepest NG sin. ;_;
Like my crime is missing a whole 4 deposits (I think that's right) with my main?

Your crime is bullshit! Think of something else, cause that ain't it. #;-}>

.... grrrrr... BAHAMUUUUUUUUUUUUUT!!!!
Head Over Heels?
My god. There is no way you haven't heard at least ONE of those songs. 80s classics.
Indeed it is! Finally, someone who shares another of my loves. Fisrt stats, now 80s classical music

Classical? There sure is a big implied difference if you add the -al there. #;-}>

At 7/16/07 07:02 AM, schneelocke wrote:
At 7/15/07 07:31 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Because the level 16 nunchaku is the coolest level icon in NG history, of course.

I miss it... almost every day. ;_;
Stop depositing and you'll get it back eventually. :) But seriously, the level 20 hammer is much cooler. And the level 27 hammer is even cooler, albeit unattainable, unfortunately.

So she says... early on the last day of level 16 nunchaku heaven. #;-}>

Posted at: 7/16/07 09:33 AM
Posted at: 7/17/07 04:17 PM

And then there was... REDESIGNS. And so.... NG mark IV ends and NG mark V begins. Or thereabouts. :::starts new multi-reply post in commemoration thereof:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 18:27:08

YES! I did it, folks. I squeezed it all into two posts. INCREDIBLE:

At 7/18/07 01:13 AM, YoinK wrote: I don't know about you guys, But i'm loving this dark aura!

Then why are you using the evil aura now? O_o

Dark and mod auras look best with that level 45 scythe. Very very nice.

At 7/18/07 03:09 AM, schneelocke wrote:
At 7/17/07 07:56 PM, NEVR wrote: I personally am a tad disappointed with the new B/P ranks. Anyone else feel this way?
Absolutely! The new levels are cool (although they'll take some getting used to, naturally), but the ranks? Disappointing, yes.

I'm sure it's been said enough in the past month or so already, and indeed I've said it (in other topics), but... I don't feel I can pass up even just one more chance to say in agreement to that statement:

Me three thousand!

At 7/20/07 07:04 PM, alrd wrote: I think 46 is the best new level aswell, also I must say that level 51 is fucking ridicoulous, looks no way good enough to be that high, looks like it'd fit more between 20 - 30, it's just a normal-looking sword?

What? Level 51 isn't some "normal-looking sword," it's the freakin' Master Sword from the Legend of Zelda series of game. LINK ring a bell to you?

The only thing wrong with it, or any of the other sword levels, IMO, is that too many of them have the blade down instead of up. I think the katana and the... mini-katana, since I can't remember the actual name for the seppuku blade.... curving down and to the side works okay since that's how they'd look when being drawn from the sheath, but... for both the 42 and 51 swords to be pointed downwards is... bleh. At least the 55 sword is held upright.

At 7/20/07 07:28 PM, alrd wrote: I was quite dissapointed with those too, aswell as with the new designs of the metal gauntlets they looked SO much better before. I also miss level weapons from the levels old levels of 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28 and 29 they were pretty much abadonned.

No they weren't.... 21 and 22 are still in the new levels, 24 and 25 pretty much are as well. More on that in a sec:

At 7/20/07 07:47 PM, NEVR wrote: 19 and 26 always eluded me in the sense that I was never quite sure what they actually were.


21 and 22 were awesome axes, but they have been replaced by the orgasm of a level icon that is the level 46 axe, so that makes it slightly better.

That, and also 37 and 38 in the new system are pretty much exactly 21 and 22. Same types of axe, at least, if not the exact same looks...

23 I never really liked. It just looked too fragile to be level 23 out of 30.

Hear hear. 23 bites, I'm glad they didn't make a "new 23" level.

24 was a nice little sword, but there are 4 or 5 swords in the new system. I reckon the level 42 and 51 swords should be switched though.

Well, the 42 sword is very badass, yes, but 42 is a badass number. I'm really looking forward to hitting 42 by the end of 2007, in fact. I wouldn't mind waiting until 50+ for it, either. As I just went over a bit up in this post, there's nothing wrong with 51 except it's pointing down.

I think the actual "level 24 sword" of the new system is the level 55 sword, though.

25 was just amazing. I guess 47 has replaced it, but it looks nowhere near as cool.

Yep, there you go. 47 = old 25, and yes, it's nowhere near as good as 25, unfortunately.

28 was the sweet golden axe, I believe? But again, axes aplenty.

More than enough axes of every variety, yes, including a freakin' Indian axe (36), a bone axe/cleaver (40), maybe another one I don't see while glancing at the list.. All of those + the 37/38 axes and 46, AND the golden 53 axe, too. SO MANY. I hope the axe fans are happy, but I'm more of a sword fan. There's less swords (AGAIN), but still way more than in the 30 level system, so I happy, too.

29 was ok. No real opinion on it.

It was just a beefed-up 23. And since it was the best icon anyone but Pimp/HT could ever have... in a way, it was worse than 23. At least 23 you could get through in a year or two. 29... you'd have... FOR LIFE. Just ask Shrapnel.

At 7/21/07 09:19 AM, schneelocke wrote:
At 7/21/07 08:12 AM, JerkClock wrote: Yeah that's what tom said. Scaling's a thing of the past. Course that leaves us to wonder what 38640-??? means, but it could be anything at this point. I truly hope level 60 won't scale. 3964 days is enough for anyone to deserve level 60.
Personally, I think "???" means either "infinite" (in the sense of "unlimited") or "we may introduce new levels in the future if too many people actually reach level 60, but we're not gonna worry about that just yet".

??? should mean, IMO... that we don't know what the level 60's exp amount will be once there IS a level 60 (i.e. how high they'll get, whether they'll keep going forever or retire on some ungodly number like 100,000, etc. etc.... or, well, seeing as how all those high exp folks have -6 ending exp, I guess it'd be 100,006).

After all, if they were trying to show the ??? = scaling, the 38640 should be the ???, not the UPPER end of the level's exp range. #;-}>

But yes, as schnee said, it could be taken to mean they may tack on even more levels, yeah. But 60's enough, I don't really think it's necessary. We've gone from 30 to 60 (and aside from me loving the number 36).... what more could be gained without going way over the top? What'd be next? 100? Too many.

At 7/23/07 08:35 AM, alexsmolik wrote: Congratulations to me !
Level 42! :D

One of the best new levels, man. Nice claymore or zweihander or whatever sort of 2H sword that is. #;-}> ROCK ON WITH TEH LEVEL 42!

At 7/26/07 10:37 PM, NickScott wrote:
At 7/26/07 08:48 PM, SuperSteveo wrote: I just wanted to say that I love all you guys and if I was a girl I'd let you do me... :D
Why do you have to be a girl?

My oh my, I do tend to miss the funnest conversations in here as of late...

At 8/6/07 07:54 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 8/6/07 12:51 PM, Mihoshi wrote: level 27 is mine. thought the old level 16 icon looked far better then this pair does.
I still think it's one of the better looking icons to come out of the redesign. Plus, the level 27 chuks look better than the original level 16 ones with the red aura.

Level 27 new is not QUITE as good as level 16 old, no, but they're still black-handled metal nunchaku, and as a result they still rock.

I wouldn't care how either pair look with the red aura, though. #;-}>

At 8/10/07 04:13 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/9/07 07:30 AM, JerkClock wrote: 10000 saves, looks like it's time for Gfox to track me on his penta list, if he's even still around.

(Gasp)... an un-believer. You don't get out of this lounge much and see the rest of Wi/Ht?, do ya. O_o

he'll be doing one last update when he reaches 10,000 Posts and gets himself on the 4x10k list.

Sooner than I once thought, but not soon enough for most.

At 8/16/07 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote: For Clock Day, I gained 475 saves, no blams and 475 B/P in total.

I barely got teh more than you and Coop. The three of us together had about 1500 saves on Clock Day all told. #;-}>

Listening to:

Judas Priest - 'Rapid Fire', 'Metal Gods', 'Grinder', 'United', 'Living After Midnight' and 'Don't Have to be Old to Be Wise'


No You Got Another Thing Comin', Breaking the Law, or Electric Eye?!? What on earth were you thinking? #;-}>

To be honest, the ones you were listening to might be really great songs, I don't know too many Judas Priest songs. My sister probably knows more, she saw them live in Philly back in the 90s. Yar.

At 8/21/07 01:46 PM, schneelocke wrote: You do realise that that was paraphrased from the Simpsons, right? In "Cape Feare", the parole board makes a similar comment concerning Sideshow Bob ("No one who speaks German could be an evil man"). :) Look it up, or - better yet - watch it. :)

But that would... (gasp)... involve him NOT watching Futurama instead.

Can you believe that, guys? Simpsons-watching instead of Futurama? THE THOUGHT OF IT.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 19:14:42

At 8/26/07 03:05 PM, Haggard wrote: I don't know Alf Poier, but I do know "Maddin" and Johann König... and I can't say that I like them that much ^^. But then again, there are few good comedians here...

Alf Poier ist ein einigermaßen durchgeknallter Österreicher, der ab und zu mal im Quatsch Comedy Club war. :P

At 8/26/07 06:21 PM, gfoxcook wrote: So she says... early on the last day of level 16 nunchaku heaven. #;-}>

Eh... to be honest, the nunchucks were never my favourite. The cleaver I have now is much nicer. :)

At 8/26/07 06:27 PM, gfoxcook wrote: But that would... (gasp)... involve him NOT watching Futurama instead.

Can you believe that, guys? Simpsons-watching instead of Futurama? THE THOUGHT OF IT.

I don't know about you, but I'll take the Simpsons (the older episodes, anyway) over Futurama any day. :)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 19:43:45

At 8/26/07 05:59 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 8/26/07 03:31 PM, JohnStephens wrote: man that was a long time ago your levle 34 now damn it. Wow this is a very old topic.
No shit, Sherlock.

Elementary my dear Watson.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 19:48:06

Sweet my first 1k posts i'll be back later tonight for a level and hopefully another B/p level.

Multipurpose Blog/Normal comments.

I'm officially gay now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 19:51:10

At 8/26/07 07:49 PM, ronnoc991 wrote: how do i become evil?

My account>general informaion>scroll down and change aura.

Multipurpose Blog/Normal comments.

I'm officially gay now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 20:47:19

At 8/26/07 06:27 PM, gfoxcook wrote: YES! I did it, folks. I squeezed it all into two posts. INCREDIBLE:

That was incredible. YOU are incredible!

At 8/26/07 07:43 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 8/26/07 05:59 PM, NEVR wrote: No shit, Sherlock.
Elementary my dear Watson.

Nice to see you, Recon =D

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 21:53:27

Ouch :(

LiquidSapphire - 8 Posts/Day, 2222 Saves, Corporal & top 1000 B/P
Mendou - 4000 Saves
DewclawedstormV1 - 500
emochild - level 13
ReignX - 2000 saves
Justin - 500 posts
Planky - level 26
deslona - 25000 Total Points
Sterockicy - 14000 B/P & Captain - Been there done that :P
ramagi - 22000 exp
Aksumka - 4th NG B-Day
Darkside7000 - 5000 exp
Spackerchip - level14
MetalDart - 2nd NG B-Day
pwroftheseagoat - level 26
bifgis - 100 Flash Reviews
craigalan - 1000 posts

Listening to:
GN'R - Again

At 8/25/07 04:02 PM, schneelocke wrote: You know, it's perfectly fine to combine posts and reply to more than one person in the same post instead of double-posting all the time. o.o

Damn, ya beat me to it :P
I'd also advise LiquidSapphire to do a list like eveyone else here :P

At 8/26/07 05:41 AM, Casualty wrote: I'll probably stay here a little longer, too :P

Ah, I'm living back with em since it's summer hols still, be gone again soon though

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 21:55:21

50 Audio Reviews

Yay double postness >:(

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 22:24:56

At 8/26/07 08:47 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 8/26/07 07:43 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 8/26/07 05:59 PM, NEVR wrote: No shit, Sherlock.
Elementary my dear Watson.
Nice to see you, Recon =D

They say foul beings of old times still lurk in dark forgotten corners of the world, and gates still gape to loose, on certain nights, shapes pent in hell.

Nice to see you too NEVR =D

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-26 22:27:38

thought this was pretty nifty a base vp of 7.77

nice to see you are still alive Recon

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-27 00:04:09

10 000 saves!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-27 00:48:42

Sgt. First Class,5,555 saves,and level 13 what a great night.

Multipurpose Blog/Normal comments.

I'm officially gay now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-27 00:56:47

Ah sorry about the double post but 8k total b/p's.

Multipurpose Blog/Normal comments.

I'm officially gay now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-27 01:51:37


the only people with sigs are the ones who sit there for 5 hours thinking about writing one

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-27 01:58:47

At 8/27/07 01:51 AM, chris4321 wrote: WOW, a 5 YEAR TOPIC

Almost 5 years but yes this is a very old topic and it's gonna be here forever and ever.

Multipurpose Blog/Normal comments.

I'm officially gay now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-27 03:32:26

I've reached level 30. Woohoo!

Ignore this signature.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-27 04:37:24

At 8/26/07 07:49 PM, ronnoc991 wrote: how do i become evil?

Here, this may help: http://www.eviloverlord.com/

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-27 05:08:30

I have reviewed like 20 flash movies but i'm still lvl 2 how do u lvl up?

The God Slayer of Gaming

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-27 05:10:51

At 8/27/07 05:08 AM, Goten849 wrote: I have reviewed like 20 flash movies but i'm still lvl 2 how do u lvl up?

I can't wait till i'm a higher lvl!

The God Slayer of Gaming