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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-23 04:33:54

Coop runs excitedly over to the weapon cabinet to trade his throwing stars in for... more throwing stars (!) [Level 34] while congratulating:
Sterockicy: 16th Birthday
NEVR: Level 21
MARCUSM: 10,000 Experience

*hands you a slice of cake*

Jamie: Level 15
Pik-Man: Level 14
1337: 8,888 B/P Points
Frostbreath: 9.99 Voting Power; 22,000 B/P
craigalan: Top 500 B/Per

I'll be top 100 in a few weeks :)

bifgis: Captain
PureLionHeart: 19,000 B/P Points
craigalan: 10,000 Total Points

At 8/22/07 10:55 AM, Bahamut wrote: LEVEL 32!!! My first level up since the redesign and I love this level icon! :D

My first level up as well. Shame I don't think the same about my new icon :P

At 8/22/07 07:40 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 8/22/07 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, my brother failed his 6 times :P They say that passing after failing makes you a better driver, but I'm not so sure.
I can actually drive perfectly, but you've gotta do it their way, and I dont like that :P

I know the feeling. I thought I'd failed my test, so I relaxed and actually passed it :P

At 8/23/07 01:17 AM, PureLionHeart wrote:
At 8/22/07 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: And tomorrow it's "Yay, I've leveled up, I don't have those shitty throwing stars any more! Feel the wrath of my... spikier throwing stars..."
More spikes = more fun.
Better than duller ones. ;)

Yeah, but I've not really had a change of weapon :( Everyone else gets one!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-23 06:43:14

At 8/23/07 01:17 AM, PureLionHeart wrote: Italian. I find it equal to poetry, and much of my favorite poems are in Italian as well.
nothing against German, though. ^_^

Oh, I actually didn't have German in mind at all... I was just wondering if you might be referring to Icelandic. :)

Mm, I can't say Italian really does anything for me, but to each their own. :)

Lies. *Goes to buy the ring*

No, seriously...

True enough. Maybe if I can find a good teacher, too. I can't see it being as fun with just me working on it. It's better to be shared. And the satisfaction is shared among both parties, as well.

Yeah, having a good teacher is definitely paramount. That's why I never learnt French despite two years of French classes in school - the teacher I had had that "you'll-never-learn-this-because-it's-so -difficult-and-BTW-I-really-hate-my-job-
please-just-kill-me" attitude. :/

What's the next language, folks? French, perhaps?

Count me out, then (and see above for the reason why). :) The only thing I know how to say in French is "voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir" (which I learnt in history class, BTW c.c).

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-23 07:33:34

now i AM level 10

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-23 08:17:51

Listening to:

Helloween - 'Grapowski's Malmsuite 1001' and 'I Stole Your Love'

Congrats to:

1337 - 8888 B/P
Frostbreath - 9.99VP, 22000 B/P
craigalan - Top 500 B/P, 10000 total points
Falling-Angel - Level 10
bifgis - Captain
Jamie - Level 15
PureLionHeart - 19000 B/P
Coop83 - Level 34

Thanks to:

PureLionHeart. What horse?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-23 09:14:12

top 1000 in B/P points

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-23 10:19:32

Listening to:
Led Zeppelin - Walter's Walk
George Throughgood - Bad to the bone

Congrats to:
Bahamut: Level 32
1337: 8,888 B/P
Frostbreath: 9.99 Voting Power, 22,000 B/P
craigalan: Top 500 in B/P, 10,000 Total Stats
bifgis: Captain
Jamie: Level 15
PureLionHeart: 19,000 B/P
Coop83: Level 34 - The level 34 stars sure look better thatn those on level 33. Nice trade!
Falling-Angel: Level 10
LiquidSapphire: 4,000 Posts
sixflab: Top 1,000 in B/P

At 8/22/07 01:03 PM, Frostbreath wrote:
At 8/21/07 07:47 AM, Haggard wrote: Oh, spanish... err... "Hola, qué tal?"
Correct grammar and everything, but why be so strict? Be casual, say "Oye, qué pasa hombre?"

Hmm, I should memorize that. Sounds so much better :D .

Well, that's about all I know in spanish...
no wait! "No hablo español!" :D
Perfect spanish. But what would you do if someone said "pero, tú hablas español ahora?". You can then really fuck with their minds by saying "Si, pero solo puedo que se decir no hablo espanõl, en español".

This would sure be funny ^^.

Great :)

Yay! ^^

At 8/22/07 11:44 PM, bifgis wrote: PS- How come nobody's speaking German any more?

Don't know. People started complaining about it... aber wenn du willst, können wir gerne ein wenig deutsch miteinander reden ;) .

At 8/23/07 06:43 AM, schneelocke wrote:
What's the next language, folks? French, perhaps?
Count me out, then (and see above for the reason why). :) The only thing I know how to say in French is "voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir" (which I learnt in history class, BTW c.c).

I always wondered why one should ask "voulez-vous". I mean, one asks a person if he/she wants to have sex with one.. so why should one address that person so formally? ^^
Why not ask "Veux-tu choucher..."? ^^ [man, don't even know if this is correct french. I never really got into this language.. :( ]

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-23 17:47:38

Wooo, just hit 2000 saves. Clock day was certainly my friend!

Congrats to:
Ss2-teen-gohan-Ss2: Police officer
Peaceblossom: Level 17
Emlfuryoflion: top 500 B/P
Kidiri: Level 17
dumassstudios: Level 11
JohnCena423: Level 15
Odyssic: 6000 saves
Shanus: 4000 blams, 10000 saves, Captain, 14000 B/P overall (you're just a walking stat machine!)
Casualty: 10.00 VP (that's huge!)
Stick-man-dude: Police officer + 1000 posts
Dream-of-Duke: 33000 B/P
bifgis: 20000 nglog points + EGC
HouseMasta: Sergeant Major (I think that's my favourite looking rank)
inuyashaiskool: Level 12
JacYeahMe: Level 4 (level ups are *always* good)
ShirtClock: Level 4
sixflab: Corporal with 1000 Blams + 3000 saves + top 1000 B/P
Stereockicy: 4444 blams (+happy birthday!)
NEVR: Level 21
Longhorn555: Level 6
Marcusm: 10000 Exp
pik-man: level 14
Bahamut: level 32 (love that mace)
1337: 8888 B/P
Frostbreath: 22000 B/P
craigalan: top 500 B/P + 10k total stats
Jamie: Level 15
PureLionHeart: 19,000 B/P
Coop83: Level 34
Falling-Angel: Level 10
LiquidSapphire: 4000 posts

Thanks to:

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-23 18:09:20

Well, I have leveled up a while ago, but I couldn't find this for some reason, forgot which Forum, anyway I am now level 12! And I will be level 13 in 7 days! exactly a week from now!! 13! The slicing blade, wow! I love that one!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-23 18:15:39

Wohoo, 4,444 Saves! But no screenie... T.T

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-23 19:58:59

Congrats to:
1337 - 8,888 b/p.
Bahamut - Level 32.
bifgis - 20,000 total points, and Captain.
Coop83 - Level 34.
craigalan - Top 500 b/pers.
Falling-Angel - Level 10.
Frostbreath - 9.99 VP, and 22,000 b/p.
Haggard - 4,444 saves.
HouseMasta - Sergeant Major.
inuyashaiskool - Level 12.
JacYeahMe - Level 4.
Jamie - Level 15.
killa9512 - Level 12.
LiquidSapphire - 4,000 posts.
Longhorn555 - Level 6.
MARSCUSM - 10,000 exp.
NEVR - Level 21.
philonous - 2,000 saves.
pik-man - Level 14.
ShirtClock - Level 4.
sixflab - Corporal, and top 1,000 b/pers.
Sterockicy - 16th berfdai IRL, and 4,444 blams.

At 8/22/07 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: My girlfriend for one. Might take her bowling tonight

Never bring me for a game of bowling. I don't know how well either of you play, but I know well enough that you'd both kick my ass.


Your cruel laughter hurts me.

At 8/22/07 07:48 AM, schneelocke wrote: *chuckles* Of course.

So what exactly is the letter "þ" supposed to be? More importantly, how do you "type" it?

I be confused.

At 8/23/07 04:33 AM, Coop83 wrote: My first level up as well. Shame I don't think the same about my new icon :P

What's wrong with three six-sided shurikens/throwing stars/whatever else they're known as?

Wait, three 6's? Nah, that's probably just a coincidence.

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-23 20:18:22

2000 B/P, Police Captain.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-23 20:28:05

Exp. Rank #: 999. Finally im in the top 1 thousand. Ive been waiting my whole life for this.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-23 20:52:08

At 8/23/07 08:28 PM, MARINE wrote: Exp. Rank #: 999. Finally im in the top 1 thousand. Ive been waiting my whole life for this.

Dude that's awesome! Congratulations. It's gonna take me like years to get there :'(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-23 21:40:29

25 B/P points/day.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 00:07:44

Level 25

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 00:22:25

Statman, Away!

Congrats to:
craigalan: 10,000 Total Stats
Coop83: Level 34
FallingAngel: Level 10
LiquidSapphire: 4,000 Posts
sixflab: Top 1,000 In B/P
philonus: 2,000 Saves
Haggard: 4,444 Saves
ReignX: 2,000 B/P
MARINE: Rank #999 in Experience
Powerage: Level 25

Thanks To:

At 8/23/07 04:33 AM, Coop83 wrote: Yeah, but I've not really had a change of weapon :( Everyone else gets one!

At least you managed one with the Redesign. Don't worry, you'll kill us al lwith a new weapon soon enough. :P

At 8/23/07 06:43 AM, schneelocke wrote: Mm, I can't say Italian really does anything for me, but to each their own. :)

Indeedy. ^_^

No, seriously...

But...but...I already got the ring... :'(
Morbo demands explanation!

Yeah, having a good teacher is definitely paramount. That's why I never learnt French despite two years of French classes in school - the teacher I had had that "you'll-never-learn-this-because-it's-so -difficult-and-BTW-I-really-hate-my-job-
please-just-kill-me" attitude. :/

My French teacher genuinely tried, but I hated it anywa.y I did not enjoy being forced to learn a new language.

Count me out, then (and see above for the reason why). :) The only thing I know how to say in French is "voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir" (which I learnt in history class, BTW c.c).

J'mapple Adam. Je parle le français.

At 8/23/07 08:17 AM, Bahamut wrote: PureLionHeart. What horse?


King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 01:23:37

At 8/23/07 08:52 PM, bifgis wrote:
At 8/23/07 08:28 PM, MARINE wrote: Exp. Rank #: 999. Finally im in the top 1 thousand. Ive been waiting my whole life for this.
Dude that's awesome! Congratulations. It's gonna take me like years to get there :'(

Ah just hire a hit man to assassinate the people who are higher than you.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 04:18:00

After winning 1 of 3 games last night while bowling, Coop congratulates:
Falling-Angel: Level 10
LiquidSapphire: 4,000 Posts

Fuck off with the picture spam.

sixflab: Top 1,000 B/Per
philonous: 2,000 Saves
Killa9512: Level 12
Haggard: 4,444 Saves
ReignX: 2,000 B/P
MARINE: Top 1,000 B/Per
Powerage: Level 25

And thanks to:

At 8/23/07 10:19 AM, Haggard wrote: Coop83: Level 34 - The level 34 stars sure look better thatn those on level 33. Nice trade!

But I've got to put up with throwing stars for another 75 fucking days >:(

At 8/23/07 07:58 PM, X-Naut wrote:
At 8/22/07 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: My girlfriend for one. Might take her bowling tonight
Never bring me for a game of bowling. I don't know how well either of you play, but I know well enough that you'd both kick my ass.

139, 143, 131 were my scores last night. Pretty bad for me :(

At 8/23/07 04:33 AM, Coop83 wrote: My first level up as well. Shame I don't think the same about my new icon :P
What's wrong with three six-sided shurikens/throwing stars/whatever else they're known as?

The fact that I've traded throwing stars fro throwing stars won't become apparent until you do in a few levels time...

Wait, three 6's? Nah, that's probably just a coincidence.

Just coincidence

At 8/24/07 12:22 AM, PureLionHeart wrote:
At 8/23/07 04:33 AM, Coop83 wrote: Yeah, but I've not really had a change of weapon :( Everyone else gets one!
At least you managed one with the Redesign. Don't worry, you'll kill us al lwith a new weapon soon enough. :P

So, you're saying that random butchering of semi-innocents can make me feel better? *evil twinkle in Coop's eyes*

At 8/24/07 01:23 AM, MARINE wrote:
At 8/23/07 08:52 PM, bifgis wrote: Dude that's awesome! Congratulations. It's gonna take me like years to get there :'(
Ah just hire a hit man to assassinate the people who are higher than you.

But you've still got to pass them for points, it's not as if their account is deleted when they die, just look at Livecorpse, for example.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 06:10:49

First time I've posted here in a while.

My saves passed my blams last night for the first time ever, something that has been coming for some time. I was aiming for 20k each for a temporary retirement, but with blams so scarce right now I may have to rethink that. Also I passed 19000 saves!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 06:23:00

Lol, my saves have been past blams for ages, the gap just gets bigger for me.

I got to level 21! Although I liked my pipe better.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 06:44:20


At 8/24/07 01:23 AM, MARINE wrote: Ah just hire a hit man to assassinate the people who are higher than you.

Good idea, i'll start with the ones who are in the two spots in front of me...

*Wink wink*

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 07:12:03

Listening to:
Eisregen - Mein Eichensarg
Blind Guardian - Banish From Sanctuary

Congrats to:
philonous: 2,000 Saves
killa9512: Level 12
ReignX: Police Captain
MARINE: Ranked #999 in B/P
Powerage: Level 25
Sentio: 19,000 Saves
Little-Rena: Level 21
Frostbreath: Top 1,000 in Experience - Welcome back :)

Thanks to:

At 8/24/07 04:18 AM, Coop83 wrote: But I've got to put up with throwing stars for another 75 fucking days >:(

Yeah, but at least you are trained in using this weapon. I still can't handle my Nun chucks right... *rubs head*

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 07:18:24

Listening to:

Helloween - 'All Over the Nations' and 'Escalation 666'

Congrats to:

LiquidSapphire - 4000 posts
sixflab - Top 1000 B/P
philonous - 2000 saves
killa9512 - Level 12
Haggard - 4444 saves
ReignX - Police Captain
MARINE - Top 1000 EXP
Powerage - Level 25. Those nunchucks do look great with the light aura. :O
Sentio - 19000 saves
Little-Rena - Level 21
Frostbreath - Top 1000 EXP

Thanks to:


At 8/24/07 12:22 AM, PureLionHeart wrote: Ixion.

I'm never with Ixion, though.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 09:00:43

im going to lvl up tomorrow yay


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 10:25:03

At 8/24/07 09:00 AM, pelaez wrote: im going to lvl up tomorrow yay

This is the "Level Up Lounge" not the "OMG I AM GOING TO LEVEL UP TOMORROW BUT I POST HERE ANYWAYS! Lounge".

On a totally unrelated side note:
OMG! The user experiences are not shown anymore! Just the signup date and the amount of posts... :(

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 11:15:59

Listening to:
Cannibal Corpse - The Pick Axe Murders
Cannibal Corpse - Gallery Of Suicide
Cannibal Corpse - Stripped, Raped & Strangeled

Congrats to:
Frostbreath: 9.99 VP; 22,000 B/P
craigalan: Top 500 B/P
bifgis: Captain
Jamie: LVL 15
PureLionHeart: 19,000 B/P
craigalan: 10,000 Totals Stats
Coop83: LVL 34 - <Dodges again but phails>
Falling-Angel: LVL 10
LiquidSapphire: 4,000 Posts
sixflab: Top 1,000 B/P
philonous: 2,000 Saves - Nice to see another list maker here! :D
Haggard: 4,444 Saves
ReignX: captain
Marine: Top 1,000 Experience
Powerage: LVL 25
Sentio: 19,000 Saves
Little-Rena: LVL 21
Frostbreath: Top 1,000 Experience

Thanks to:

At 8/22/07 12:33 PM, Haggard wrote: It sure was Gelsenkirchen, hometown of Schalke 04. The runner-up in 2001 and 2007 in the Fußball Bundesliga ^^ .

Hmmm, don't think so, but I think I should visit that city once then ^_^

OMG! The user experiences are not shown anymore! Just the signup date and the amount of posts... :(

WHAT? What a shitty idea! I demand that they bring it back immediately! Where is the complaint thread?

At 8/22/07 04:25 PM, schneelocke wrote:
At 8/22/07 12:20 PM, Casualty wrote: I never apologize, Schnee. I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am.
I.. see.

You do realize this is a Simpsons quote? Of course you do.

At 8/22/07 07:40 PM, Shanus wrote: Exactly, who need capitalism, just work enough to live barely, it's the irish way :D

But I don't need to work, I live with my parents, so I get free food and stuff :)

Are you winking at me *blushes* :P

Hey sexy ;) ;) ;)

At 8/24/07 04:18 AM, Coop83 wrote: 139, 143, 131 were my scores last night. Pretty bad for me :(

WHAT, my highest score ever is like 129... :/




BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 13:15:48

horray level 7 lol


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 13:42:26

Well, it's my 16th birthday today ^_^

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 16:55:03

alright! 20,000 points on Denvish's NG Log!

»» HouseMasta «« PM


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-08-24 17:32:47

At 8/24/07 04:55 PM, HouseMasta wrote: alright! 20,000 points on Denvish's NG Log!

It's actually Casualty who created and runs NG Log. Denvish just hosts it ;)

Congrats though :D