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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 04:59:41

I leveled up through the power of redesign!

Like the moon over

the day, my genius and brawn

are lost on these fools ~Bowser, in Super Mario RPG

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 05:05:19

I have went up 14 levels and have went over 3,333 posts today. Not bad for the new Redesign.

Top 50 Reviewers

Top 200 Medal Points

Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 05:29:48

My voting power went from 9.37 to 10.07 :)

Thanks to

Congrats List Catch Up (page 1894-1899)
page 1894
EnglishPanda: (old) Police Lieutenant
Powerage: 7.00 Voting Power
craigalan: Gold Whistle & (old) EG Sergeant
McJesus: (old) Level 10
Ronald-McDonald-LoL: Silver Whistle
Deadring2: Normal Whistle & 100 BP
Odyssic: (old) Level 12
bifgis: 4000 Blams & EG Captain
alrd: 2 Years on NG

page 1895
JerkClock: 7.00 Voting Power
UltimateDude: (old) Level 10
Powerage: 6000 Experience
GaiaGuy: 0 Experience
hardD: (old) Level 15
schneelocke: Top 500 Experience - *gives cake*
Incognitus: 2500 Saves
BobMisterX: (old) Level 6 & Safety Patrol
LinaKimura: 1000 B/P - you´re going fast 0_o
Duh-Boss: (old) Level 9

page 1896
All-American-Badass: 555 Saves
Emlfuryoflion: 7000 Total Stats
jonthomson: 16000 Experience
EvilJesus: (old) Level 12
XwaynecoltX: Level 40
aldr: Level 20
pepeatumi: Level 27
schneelocke: Level 31
Shanus: Level 19 & 8.50+ VP
Odyssic: Level 20
NickScott: Level 18
Jamie: Level 13
Paradox: Level 15
LordKooler: Level 26
Tommy: Level 32

page 1897
Casualty: Level 28 - I totally agree with that :s

but luckily the next 5 look awesome :p

Coop83: Level 33, 10.00 base VP, 15.00 VP
:(although it probably changed now)
Haggard: Level 26
All-American-Badass: Level 17
Powerage: Level 24
DrHood: Level 29
Blitzam: Level 5
wesdood: Level 26
X-Naut: Level 27
alexsmolik: Level 41
Major-punk: Level 26
C0GMA: Level 13
RageVI: Level 39
Shanus: 8000 Saves
BobbyJenkins: Level 37
Emlfuryoflion: Level 11
MARINE: Level 26
AdamJack: Top 2000 Experience
madknt: Level 33

page 1898
John12346: Level 18
ThemonkeyonNG: Level 23
joeyjoe1: Level 12
Masculine: Level 34
IM-KOOL-R-U: Level 36
Ptcfast: Level 10
NEVR: Level 20, 1111 posts
Stuff4u2kno: Level 25
life: Level 34
CadillacClock: Level 33
Sirockalot: Level 16
JPI: Level 18
bifgis: Level 21 & (old) EG Captain
madknt: 13000 Posts
Lagatag: Level 24
ShortMonkey: Level 19
Snowy-Beast: 10000 Experience

page 1899
BlueHippo: 9000 Experience
FBIpolux: 9000 Experience
bladeofluigi: Level 10
MegaGold: Level 30 & 3333 posts


[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 05:32:04

At 7/18/07 05:29 AM, Auz wrote: My voting power went from 9.37 to 10.07 :)

Cool, congrats on getting to 10+. :)

schneelocke: Top 500 Experience - *gives cake*

*munches happily* ^^

schneelocke: Level 31

Thanks! :)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 05:33:59

At 7/18/07 04:57 AM, iscrulz wrote: I want yours. The best is IMKRU eskimo axe.

Me too

I agree BlueHippo I liked my vp when it was 15 haha

I like all the new updates they all please me but when NG is slowing down it reminds me of the old NG again not when i had my 300 baud connection but when it use to be very slow and I use to get lots of b/p

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 05:54:49

I found it funny that even the Secret NG Link has been "redesigned" haha

NG Review Moderator // Report Today!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 06:04:42

I'm here.
I'm level 18 and i think i'll post more on the forum.. ^^
Btw why it needs so much exp to get a secret? Oo

I am just curious,lunatic,distracted,inconsta nt,stubborn...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 06:19:38


I just wet myself.

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 06:25:50

That I really needed to know </sarcasm>

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 06:38:26

At 7/18/07 05:33 AM, IM-KOOL-R-U wrote: I like all the new updates they all please me but when NG is slowing down it reminds me of the old NG again not when i had my 300 baud connection but when it use to be very slow and I use to get lots of b/p

Ha yeah.

Nice Level icon there, tomahawk axe :)



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 06:38:31

At 7/18/07 06:25 AM, Verdonious wrote: That I really needed to know </sarcasm>


Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 06:42:26

i went from lvl 10 to 15 ^^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 06:44:10

I went from 16 to 30, pretty darn unbelievable.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 06:48:25

At 7/18/07 06:44 AM, CursedPanther wrote: I went from 16 to 30, pretty darn unbelievable.

thats a lot :(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 06:49:11

Getting his first martathon congrats list out of the way, Coop congratulates:
Casualty: Level 28
Haggard: Level 26
All-American-Baddass: Level 17; 1st NG Berfday
Auz: Level 28
Powerage: Level 24
DrHood: Level 29
wesdood: Level 26
X-Naut: Level 27
Alexmolik: Level 41
Major-punk: Level 26
RageVI: Level 39

Bruce Campbell "Groovy"

Shanus: 8,000 Saves
BobbyJenkins: Level 37
iscrulz: Level 37; 15.00+ Voting Power
Emlfuryoflion: Level 11; 7.50 Voting Power
MARINE: Level 26; 12.00+ Voting Power
AdamJack: Level 22
madknt: Level 33; 13,000 Posts
Sentio: Level 26; 15.50+ Voting Power
John12346: Level 18
ThemonkeyonNG: Level 23
BR: Level 39
Joeyjoe1: Level 12
NEVR: Level 20; 1,111 Posts
Masculine: Level 34
IM-KOOL-R-U: Level 36
ptcfast: Level 10
ramagi: Level 45
Stuff4utokno: Level 25
Life: Level 34
CadillacClock: Level 33
Sirockalot: Level 16
JPI: Level 18
Bifgis: Level 22; Captain
MrSnrub: Level 38
Lagatag: Level 24
Shortmonkey: Level 19
SnowyBeast: Level 31; 10,000 Experience
YoinK: Level 45
Emochild: Level 11
BlueHippo: Level 29; 9,000 Experience
FBIPolux: Level 29; 9,000 Experience

OMG Twins

bladeofluigi: Level 10
MegaGold: Level 30; 3,333 Posts
lordofchaos000: Level 18
RootythePie: Level 33
Mr-Furball: Level 15
Cursed-Panther: Level 30

Thanks to

At 7/17/07 05:42 PM, schneelocke wrote:
At 7/17/07 05:16 PM, Coop83 wrote: Level 33; 10.00 Base Voting Power; 15.00 Voting Power
Strange - I've got a higher BVP even though I've got less XP than you (10.05). o.o

See post from last night

schneelocke: Level 31
Thanks! :)

You're welcome. Especially as you missed my marathon post of congratulations today :P

Well, there are few better ways to pass the time while the site is being rejigged :)
True. ^^ *relaxes and enjoys having her fur brushed and combed*

but now the redesign is up, I need to pay attention to the site again. I'll come back for a final comb on Saturday, ok?

Ok, I'll get a fruity one sent up.
Yay. :)

Enjoy it!

At 7/17/07 05:55 PM, X-Naut wrote: I may have missed some people, and I apologize for that, but this site still has features that I have yet to look at. And I have to say this now, it feels really weird congratulating people that are level 30 and above.

All those days that I quested for level 30 and now I'm past it. It's a wierd thing.

Also, to Coop, I have some extremely important news that I have to tell you right now.

My nunchuks > Your ninja stars.

Fuck no, my throwing stars can do this *throws star, neatly embedding it in the top of a beer. Coop pulls the star and top off the beer, before chugging*

At 7/17/07 06:37 PM, iscrulz wrote:
At 7/17/07 05:16 PM, Coop83 wrote: Level 33; 10.00 Base Voting Power; 15.00 Voting Power
Congrats on the new level everyone

but are you sure you have a BVP of 10.00 I am at 9.89 and TVP of 15.82.

It's what it says on my profile, I'm not entirely sure how its working now...

At 7/17/07 08:05 PM, Masculine wrote: With that vote, you now have 12,560 experience points. You need 12,830 more to get to Level 35.

Holy hell.

I think that%u2019s worded wrong %u2013 you need 12,830 total to reach level 34

At 7/17/07 09:29 PM, ramagi wrote: you know if I wasn't busy deleting the 50 million redesign topics I go through and delete all the
OMG I are a retard posts and leveled up

thanks for spamming!

And that scythe truly makes you the harbinger of doom for said topics

At 7/18/07 12:59 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 7/17/07 05:55 PM, X-Naut wrote:
My nunchuks > Your ninja stars.
Rolf. Your Nunchuks are indeed awesome. Coop83, your ninja stars are nice as well, but, uhh, X-Naut's got a point here. Sorry. =/ Please don't kill me with your stars, Coop.

*pins PenguinLink to the wall with a star* I%u2019m sorry, what did you say?

At 7/18/07 02:55 AM, CitricSquid wrote: I'd just like to say LOLPWNT to Level1noob or whatever their name is. The person with 10exp and 10k+BP's

Now it auto desposits for you, rofl.

LevelOneAccount, which is property of AfroUnderscoreStud can still gain B/P points and not experience. But only at a pace of 4 points per day, before the auto deposit triggers.

At 7/18/07 05:29 AM, Auz wrote: Coop83: Level 33, 10.00 base VP, 15.00 VP

Yeah, 7.44 base; 11.54 Total. At least I've gained a +.50 Voting Power Bonus

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 07:36:35

At 7/18/07 05:54 AM, BR wrote: I found it funny that even the Secret NG Link has been "redesigned" haha

*snerk* :)

At 7/18/07 06:04 AM, lordofchaos000 wrote: Btw why it needs so much exp to get a secret? Oo

Doesn't matter - those pics are most likely just a joke, anyway. As soon as someone reaches 30k XP, we'll either see that it was a joke all along when the pics become accessible, or the amount needed will be raised. (Or maybe nothing will be done at all and you'll just get an error message when you try to access it.)

At 7/18/07 06:49 AM, Coop83 wrote: but now the redesign is up, I need to pay attention to the site again. I'll come back for a final comb on Saturday, ok?

That works.

Enjoy it!

I already am! :) *stuffs herself with cake*

I think that%u2019s worded wrong %u2013 you need 12,830 total to reach level 34

Yeah, and in addition, the "you now have" part lists your old XP, too, not the new amount. :P

LevelOneAccount, which is property of AfroUnderscoreStud can still gain B/P points and not experience. But only at a pace of 4 points per day, before the auto deposit triggers.

Yeah, but he'll still be level 2! :)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 08:08:58

At 7/17/07 06:35 PM, BobbyJenkins wrote:
but if I find there's a crowbar somewhere that I missed, I ain't gonna be happy.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 09:09:24

but my level is 2!!!!!!!!!!!!
nobody can reach this

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 09:21:26

At 7/18/07 01:13 AM, YoinK wrote: I don't know about you guys, But i'm loving this dark aura!

With some levels i think it looks really cool, but with others I prefer the evil aura =)

Your level looks shweeeet.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 09:25:30

At 7/18/07 02:31 AM, Haggard wrote: Yeah, I experienced the same. I had a whooping VP of 11, now I'm back to 8.
Must have something to do with VP now being based on EXP, Whistle, Blams/Saves and written reviews and that it wasn't counted the right way.

Hm... I didn't know reviews counted as well, perhaps that is why I didn't drop so much. I don't review much, unless I really like it or have something constructive to say.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 10:07:19

Listening to:
Anarchist Academy - Des Teufels rechte Hand
Mantus - Spiegelwelt
Hagalaz' Runedance - Behold The Passionate Ways Of Nature
Hypocrisy - Take the Throne
Mila Mar - Nova
Hypocrisy - Craving For Another Killing

Congrats to:
EvilJesus: Level 13
XwaynecoltX: Level 40
alrd: Level 20
pepeatumi: Level 27
schneelocke: Level 31
Shanus: Level 19, 8.50 VP, 8,000 Saves
Odyssic: Level 20
NickScott: Level 18
Jamie: Level 13
Kronno: Level 40
Paradox: Level 15
LordKooler: Level 26 - I really like the new 26-Icon :)
Tommy: Level 32
Casualty: Level 28
Coop83: Level 33
All-American-Badass: Level 17
Auz: Level 28 - Yeah, 26 is pretty cool. But my fav is the chainsaw -.-
Powerage: Level 24
DrHood: Level 29
wesdood: Level 26
X-Naut: Level 27
alexsmolik: Level 41
Major-punk: Level 26
C0GMA: Level 13
RageVI: Level 39
BobbyJenkins: Level 37
Emlfuryoflion: Level 11
MARINE: Level 26
AdamJack: Entered the top 2,000 in Experience
madknt: Level 33, 13,000 Posts
Sentio: Level 26
John12346: Level 18
ThemonkeyonNG: Level 23
joeyjoe1: Level 12
IM-KOOL-R-U: Level 36
Ptcfast: Level 10
NEVR: 1,111 Posts, Level 20
Stuff4u2kno: Level 25
life: Level 34
Sirockalot: Level 16
JPI: Level 18
bifgis: Level 22, EG Captain
Lagatag: Level 11, Gold Whistle
ShortMonkey: Level 19
Snowy-Beast: 10,000 Experience
BlueHippo: 9,000 Experience
FBIplolux: 9,000 Experience
bladeofluigi: Level 10
MegaGold: Level 30, 3,333 Posts
Auz: 10+ Voting Power
lordofchaos000: Level 18
Rooty-the-Pie: Level 33
Mr-Furball: Level 15
CursedPanther: Level 30

Thanks to:

At 7/17/07 06:12 PM, schneelocke wrote:
At 7/17/07 05:56 PM, Haggard wrote: Depends on your point of view. If you had listened to a song from "Die Kassierer" before listening to "Ich will nur ficken", well then you'll think "Ich will nur ficken" is the most intelligent song in the world :D .
I don't know that band, but the name sounds... well, telling.

Hm, I think songtitles like "Das schlimmste ist, wenn das Bier alle ist" or "Blumenkohl am Pillemann" are enough to know, what kind of songs this band makes ^^ .

At 7/17/07 07:56 PM, NEVR wrote: I personally am a tad disappointed with the new B/P ranks. Anyone else feel this way?

Hm, don't know. I think the icons look ugly. And I went back from Staff Sergeant to Corporal T.T .

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 10:51:34

At 7/18/07 10:07 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/17/07 07:56 PM, NEVR wrote: I personally am a tad disappointed with the new B/P ranks. Anyone else feel this way?
Hm, don't know. I think the icons look ugly. And I went back from Staff Sergeant to Corporal T.T .

Which icons do you mean, the old ones or the new ones?

And yeah, I went back from Sergeant Major to Master Sergeant. Extremely annoying,

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 11:04:08

At 7/18/07 10:51 AM, NEVR wrote:
Hm, don't know. I think the icons look ugly. And I went back from Staff Sergeant to Corporal T.T .
Which icons do you mean, the old ones or the new ones?

The new ones. But today I find them less ugly as yesterday ^^.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 11:10:22

I know, the lolipop and dark ^^
but I think you shouldn´t change the aura I think it should be ever the same or?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 11:12:14

I forgot so I must wrote it in a new....
My lolipop is a killerlolipop
a very dark killerlolipop

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 13:35:35

I miss my 11.89 voting power that I had last night.. >,>

"Your experience gave you a voting power of 6.65 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 24% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 8.25 votes!"

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 14:18:30

Well as the VP was corrected as of today I've no longer got 8.50+ Base VP but I did make it into the top 300 B/Pers last night, so It's all good :D

Also I'm now Dark Aura cause Coop complained

I'm actually glad now that I stuck with NG for the past year, cause now I can reap the rewards of the new levely goodness

I'm gonna congrat everyone, cause I'm a nice guy ;P

X-Naut - level 27
alexsmolik - level 41
Major-punk - level 26
C0GMA - level 13
RageVI - level 39
BobbyJenkins - level 37
Emlfuryoflion - level 11
MARINE - level 26
AdamJack - top 2000 exp
madknt - level 33 & 13000 posts
John12346 - level 18
ThemonkeyonNG - level 23
joeyjoe1 - level 12
Masculine - level 34
IM-KOOL-R-U - level 36
Ptcfast - level 10
NEVR - 1111 posts & level 20
Stuff4u2kno - level 25
life - level 34
CadillacClock - level 33
Sirockalot - level 16
JPI - level 18
bifgis - level 21 & Lieutenant as it's now called!!!
Lagatag - Gold Whistle & level 24
ShortMonkey - level 19 - I know how you feel
Snowy-Beast - 10000 exp & level 31
emochild - level 11 - your name suits your icon :P
BlueHippo - level bajillion & 9000 exp
FBIpolux - level 29, 9000 exp & 9000 posts
bladeofluigi - level 10
MegaGold - level 30 & 3.333 posts/day
lordofchaos000 - level 18
Rooty-the-Pie - level 33
Mr-Furball - level 15
CursedPanther - level30
NickScott - Pvt. First Class

Thanks to:
PenguinLink (x3 and -1)
BlueHippo - yes I am bajillion
Auz (x3 and -1)
Haggard (x3 and -1)
Odyssic (x2)

Listening to:
Halo 2 trying to install on my Laptop :)

At 7/17/07 07:56 PM, NEVR wrote: I won't be making a list for a few days, until I get up to speed with the new site. There's a lot to get to grips with, and a LOT of people posting new levels, as everyone has a new one now. I'll be back with my listings soon =)

I know how you feel but it must be done :D

Hope everyone is enjoying the redesign. I personally am a tad disappointed with the new B/P ranks. Anyone else feel this way?

I feel the same, but I suppose it's designed to be easier for noobies, as there are a few more low ranks etc. But overall it's great

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 15:10:53

At 7/18/07 10:07 AM, Haggard wrote: schneelocke: Level 31


Hm, I think songtitles like "Das schlimmste ist, wenn das Bier alle ist" or "Blumenkohl am Pillemann" are enough to know, what kind of songs this band makes ^^ .

Yeah. c.c I certainly don't think I'll feel compelled to check them out anytime soon...

At 7/18/07 12:02 PM, Odyssic wrote: schneelocke: Level 31


At 7/18/07 01:35 PM, Stuff4u2kno wrote: I miss my 11.89 voting power that I had last night.. >,>

I hear you... I had 16,07, and now I'm back down to 11,57. Oh well, it's still better than the 10,89 I had before.

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 16:42:10

I only levelled up 1, but I only have 10 points to get to level 12

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2007-07-18 16:45:06

At 7/18/07 04:42 PM, Monkey-Boy wrote: I only levelled up 1, but I only have 10 points to get to level 12

I mean 11

I'm a dumbass

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