I'm ashamed I missed 2 days in a row, this post will take hours >:(
Got 3333 Blams Yesterday night, was quite late but I got the screenie mwahahahaa
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At 6/30/07 10:04 PM, X-Naut wrote: I saw it. Just don't expect to be so lucky next time.
I won't do it for a while, just thought it'd be a nice way to mark the occasion
While on the subject, did it ever thoroughly explain how Dr. Doom came back from his presumed death?
Not really, he's encased in metal in places and is badly scarred. That's all
At 7/1/07 11:42 AM, Bahamut wrote: Because you're cool.
Don't care how much of that was sarcasm, I'll take the compliment ;D
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