Coop recovers from sunburn, grassburns and a nasty laceration to the shin while congratulating:
Akatsuki321: EG Corporal
alrd: 10,000 Total Points
NEVR: 10,000 Total Points
Are you two related?
Agent-B-Animation: 4,000 B/P; Gold Whistle
ArtDanVal: Level 12
BonusStage: 25,000 Saves
superstatguy: 3,000 Experience
Mrputter: 5,000 B/P; EG Sergeant 1st Class
At 6/3/07 11:11 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/3/07 05:04 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Dragons have hair? And style?
lol, yes they do. ;)
Since when? I demand you make a flash about it.
At 6/3/07 02:27 PM, schneelocke wrote:
At 6/3/07 05:04 AM, Coop83 wrote:
That's true, but I've got to concentrate on getting there first. It's still a long slog for me
Well, you're ~87% there already. :) How many B/P points do you get per day on average these days?
It can be anything from 20 (bad day when I only get to check the portal 3 times) to 70 (good day with losts of checking stops thrown in there for good measure)
The worst stat for me at the moment is posts, as that's dropped from something close to 9-10 per day down to about 2 or 3 per day :(
At 6/3/07 03:48 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 6/2/07 07:09 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Well, it's really sunny where I am - I've got cricket today in the sunshine, so factor 666 for me :)
That's so unfair, it's still raining. It's the only downside to Ireland though. But it's a major one, it's freaking June, and I've got a cold >_<
Can't help where you're born, can you?
Well, I've been up earlier, but it is a Saturday
Well, I win, you can't take that away from me
Yes I can *grabs and runs*
At 6/3/07 11:34 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/29/07 06:37 AM, Bahamut wrote:
HMMMMmmmmmmmmmm... maybe the Simpsons' writers were depending on Futurama's writers for teh ASSISTANCE?
Al Gore's daughter was writing for Futurama at one point.
Kristan Gore still does, to my knowledge.
Did Conan O'Brien just write for the Simpsons back in the early 90s? I don't think he was ever involved with Futurama.
He was a staff writer for the Simpsons, then made his way into other projects. He has had at least 1 guest appearance on Futurama (Xmas Story - he has a stand up gig for breakfast at the resort where the gang are staying)
At 6/3/07 11:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
.... I guess I meant to type "There's currently an active list" there. Boy, that was quite the fuck-up.
Meh, I've made worse.
And hey, you just hit 26,000 b/p, eh? So congrats on that 36-related accomplishment right there. #;-}>
Thanks for noticing. I'm closing in on 3/4 of your holy grail of B/Ping - 36k
Thank you, I've got quite a few more achievements before then, though
But of course. Still... 1234... gotta love it.
Yeah, no-one will ever take breaks from the BBS like you, unless someone like D0GMA or Denvish make their returns.
Well, Dogma took an insane break from the BBS and then DID come back, so I guess you could argue I've pulled a Dogma a few times. I didn't have the patent on that sort of thing.
"Pulling a D0GMA", yeah, that sounds suitably loaded with innuendo.
Since when was Denvish considered to be MIA? I know he still mods and shit... but... I guess he's not around these parts much anymore, eh? I thought maybe I was just missing him a bit in the past 6 weeks, like maybe he'd posted just before my catch up back in mid-April that started my period of regularity. Oh noe. ;_;
Well, I've considered him MIA since he handed over the B/P ranks 51+ to Afro_Stud. I've just not seen him around much at all. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places...
1s are good. Every card player knows that A stands for either 1 or 11, so Aces are the order of the day!
Yeah, 1 or 11 in blackjack and...
I was about to say that there's also a time when it stands for 14, but now I'm not so sure.
Not that I was aware of. I was taught to count using a pack of cards and it had taught me so much about life before I was 2
At 6/3/07 11:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
I'd ask Coop if I could do that with his saves, but then I'd shoot right past 36k, since I noticed he said he's passed 13k now... #;-}>
Well, you can have a few of them, that would certainly help me make up my mind for getting to 15k / 15k. C0GMA's got over 200 now, so take them, by all means as well.
At 6/4/07 04:05 AM, X-Naut wrote:
At 6/3/07 05:04 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Dragons have hair? And style?
Of course. What kind of dragons have you been seeing?
Bald dragons who think that poilishing the top of their head is the height of fashion!
Read the packet and you'll find out.
"No more than 8 tablets in 24 hours." Thought it'd be smaller than that.
It's not quite as bad as paracetamol. To cure this sort of migraine, I need Ketamine (Horse Sedative) in vast quantities, which I'm not having.