Coop congratulates before leaving for the holiday weekend:
Haggard: Level 14
Andersson: 10,000 Experience
Kavinel: Level 10; Gold Whistle
Solidone: 1,337 Saves
Kidiri: 1,000 Posts
Backflipair: Level 11
Psychoyoshi: 5,000 Experience
TheBlackDahliaMurder: 7.00 VP
At 5/3/07 07:52 AM, Haggard wrote:
My Achievement today:
After years and years of depositing - or at least it seems so... well I have been away from NG for 3 or 4 years, so basically this is right ^^ - now I am finally level 14!
I sure miss that baseball bat :/ .
Looking at your signup date, I bet you really hate people like me, who have deposited almost every day and are ahead of you, don't you?
At 5/3/07 07:55 AM, Shanus wrote:
I will, I forgot bout insurance, god my age group is screwed in that regard. Like I'm gonna crash something that costs that much anyway :(
Exactly my point. I paid £1,200 for the car and then £850 for the first year's insurance (Third Party, Fire & Theft. Shop around on the internet, you'll get a better deal. I'm down to about £300 per season, which isn't bad. If I get a new car, I'll look into Fully Comp insurance
At 5/3/07 05:08 PM, KIRBYLINK wrote:
And I've contacted a mod about your impending 11th :P
At 5/4/07 12:03 AM, X-Naut wrote:
Hey Coop, have a nice trip.
*whacks X/Naut on back of knee with walking stick* You too, kid!