||Metal Hell||C&C Regular||My TF2 (created in Garrys Mod) Series: Trouble in the Intel Room - Featuring FPS scenes! *le gasp!* - This weeks sig by: ParadoxVoid

||Metal Hell||C&C Regular||My TF2 (created in Garrys Mod) Series: Trouble in the Intel Room - Featuring FPS scenes! *le gasp!* - This weeks sig by: ParadoxVoid
Rank: Police Officer :P Ah well, it now matches my alias.
At 4/1/07 08:41 PM, ReconRebel wrote: I'm gonna celebrate with some Seafood Combination Chow Mein
Mmmm, let me guess... pr0n chow mein? ^_~
OK guys! Level 11 and a bronze whistle, what more could I ask for?
At 4/2/07 05:36 AM, Nicholas-Deary wrote: OK guys! Level 11 and a bronze whistle, what more could I ask for?
Congrats to you Nicholas, you got a lot more to pursue. Perhaps the boxing glove/gold whistle/ more portal awards?
I'm glad to have finally reach Lv.21, I will miss that sledgehammer.
At 4/2/07 05:47 AM, BR wrote: Congrats to you Nicholas, you got a lot more to pursue. Perhaps the boxing glove/gold whistle/ more portal awards?
Yeah, gold whistle would be awesome. The portal awards thing will be worked on and I should get some more in the summer if I work hard. When I was doing my Handmations, that was the best time to win awards, but a ot of them were getting daily 6th and 7th places.
I'm glad to have finally reach Lv.21, I will miss that sledgehammer.
Good for you, its going to be years before I even reach anything close to that, I'll be happy when I reach level 27, the bronze glove!
6RATS to
sketch0587 7.77 voting power
Coop83 11,111 Saves
TheBlackDahliaMurder Top 3k exp
DarkSoldier: E.g. Sergeant Major
Imacow 3k exp
Dream-of-Duke 8k exp
VengeanceL Level 13
wizardman 1,234 reviews
Sterockicy 8,888 b/p's
Nicholas-Deary: Level 11
HouseMasta: E.g. Praporshchik
AtomicTerrorist 10,ooo saves
carmelhadinosaur 13,337 saves
IvanTuroc 27k b/p ( yeah)
ShortMonkey One year ng Barfhtdaiy
MadCow 11,000 Blamss
Major-punk 20k Saves
Warrickneff 6.66 VP
pepeatumi 7,000 exp
FBIpolux 8k EXP
SpeedMetalSandwich: Level 12 ( I was hoping for 9k exp)
Officer: Police Officer
BR Level 21 ( I cant wait to get the sledgehammer)
At 3/31/07 09:09 AM, sketch0587 wrote:At 3/31/07 04:09 AM, iscrulz wrote: if you added the letter l after b and before a. You would have be lynched by the New Nazi and KKK alliance.I missed this post and i am now quoting it.
At 3/31/07 07:45 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Now I'm pissed. The portal was flooded with stupid 'fart day' submissions and I starting dropping zeros like mad. Just as I'm on a roll I get an alarm call on 2nd. I'm gone no more than 5 minutes and when I get back the last 20 submissions are nowhere to be seen. There's some greedy people out there. >:-(
Its that stupid 50 votes under .50 rule ever since that was introduced Blams have become alot harder to get. Also april fools is a time when lots of people are online looking for a laugh. SO when the 07ers and 08ers get EGSC its likely they will have high S2B ratio.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
Listening to:
Die Sterne - Sofern die Winde wehen
Blind Guardian - This will never end
Moby - Fireworks
J.B.O. - Mandy
Yeah, quite slow today...
Congrats to:
HouseMasta: EG Praporshchik
Shanus: 11,000 B/P, #5555 in Exp
AtomicTerrorist: 10,000 Saves
carmelhadinosaur: 13,337 Saves
Warrickneff: Silver Whistle, 6,66 VP
IvanTuroc: 27,000 B/P
ShortMonkey: First NG-Birthday
MadCow: 11,000 Blams
Major-punk: 20,000 Saves
pepeatumi: 7,000 Exp
FBlpolux: 8,000 Exp
SpeedMetalSandwich: Level 12
Officer: Police Officer
So, are you stopping to B/P now? :P
Nicholas-Deary: Level 11, Bronze Whistle
BR: Level 21
I listened to these songs while making this post:
Blind Guardian - 'Goodbye My Friend' and 'Lost in the Twilight Hall'
Congrats to:
HouseMasta - Elite Guard Praporshchik
Shanus - #5555 EXP
AtomicTerrorist - 10000 saves
carmelhadinosaur - 13337 saves
IvanTuroc - 27000 B/P
ShortMonkey - 1 year old NG account
MadCow - 11000 blams
Major-punk - 20000 saves
Warrickneff - 6.66VP
pepeatumi - 7000 EXP
FBIpolux - 8000 EXP
SpeedMetalSandwich - Level 12
Nicholas-Deary - Level 11
BR - Level 21. The axe > Sledgehammer
At 4/1/07 02:29 PM, Azentiger wrote: Or it is?
Songs listened to while making the list:
Mastodon - Crusher Destroyer
Mastodon - March of the Fire Ants
Mastodon - Iron Tusk
Hahaha, I was in the "users online" record, although I only logged in for like 30 seconds that evening XD
Congrats to:
HouseMasta: EG Praporshchik
Shanus: 11,000 Total Stats; Ranked #5,555 Experience
AtomicTerrorist: 10,000 Saves
carmelhadinosaur: 13,337 Saves
Warickneff: Silver Whistle; 6.66 VP
IvanTuroc: 27,000 B/P
ShortMonkey: 1 NG Year
MadCow: 11,000 Blams
Major-punk: 20,000 Saves
pepeatumi: 7,000 Experience
FBIpolux: 8,000 Experience
SpeedMetalSndwich: LVL 12
Officer: Police Officer
Nicholas-Deary: LVL 11; Bronze Whistle
BR: LVL 21 - The most awesome level, IMO...
Why is the jump from lv9 to lv10 cost so much more, than all the other l.v.l. ups?
At 4/2/07 12:42 PM, EvilGendo wrote: Why is the jump from lv9 to lv10 cost so much more, than all the other l.v.l. ups?
Because starting after level 9, XP requirements are not fixed anymore; rather, they go up when the level 30 user(s) deposit(s). Someone else will probably post a more detailed explanation or refer you to a topic where this has been discussed in detail.
At 4/2/07 01:43 PM, Nicholas-Deary wrote: Thanks a lot guys xD
Your very welcome.
Thank you for your deposit, Ertyguy! You now have 2,885 experience points. You need 3 more to get to level 11.
So freaking close. I can't wait to get rid of this boxing glove.
At 4/2/07 05:53 AM, Nicholas-Deary wrote:At 4/2/07 05:47 AM, BR wrote: Congrats to you Nicholas, you got a lot more to pursue. Perhaps the boxing glove/gold whistle/ more portal awards?Yeah, gold whistle would be awesome. The portal awards thing will be worked on and I should get some more in the summer if I work hard. When I was doing my Handmations, that was the best time to win awards, but a ot of them were getting daily 6th and 7th places.
I congrats you too for reaching Lv11. Now you just entered the looonnnggg way to go to Lv12.
Good for you, its going to be years before I even reach anything close to that, I'll be happy when I reach level 27, the bronze glove!
I'm glad to have finally reach Lv.21, I will miss that sledgehammer.
Don't want to be cheap, but the bronze glove is the Lv17 icon.
Lv27 icon is the Golden Hammer.
Christ, I go away for an extended weekend and this forum is spammed up to the hilt with people using shit topic titles and asking stuff that's either off-topic or in the FAQ already. Well, much more than usual as that happens anyway. Idiots.
At 4/2/07 04:55 PM, Azentiger wrote: Don't want to be cheap, but the bronze glove is the Lv17 icon.
Lv27 icon is the Golden Hammer.
Oh yeah, sorry, I pressed "2" instead of "1" :S
Congrats to:
BR - Level 21.
carmelhadinosaur - 13,337 saves.
FBIpolux - 8,000 exp.
IvanTuroc - 27,000 b/p.
MadCow - 11,000 blams.
Major-punk - 20,000 saves.
MARINE - Level 14.
Nicholas-Deary - Level 11, and bronze whistle.
Odyssic - EG Sergeant, and 6.66 VP.
Officer - Police Officer.
pepeatumi - 7,000 exp.
ShortMonkey - First NG berfday.
SpeedMetalSandwich - Level 12.
Warrickneff - Silver whistle, and 6.66 VP.
At 4/2/07 05:51 PM, jonthomson wrote: Christ, I go away for an extended weekend and this forum is spammed up to the hilt with people using shit topic titles and asking stuff that's either off-topic or in the FAQ already. Well, much more than usual as that happens anyway. Idiots.
That's Newgrounds for you.
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
began whistling today. the road to deity lies before me, i have some work to do.
but, already reached bronze, woop woop.
gimme a facial and make me a cupcake, braj.
Does any one have an extensive list of the rankings? (B/P, Exp., Etc.)
At 4/3/07 12:14 AM, BlueHippo wrote:At 4/3/07 12:02 AM, Kenneth-Knows-All wrote: Does any one have an extensive list of the rankings? (B/P, Exp., Etc.)exp
Hey Thanks !!
Anything to do with Whistles now?!
At 4/3/07 12:25 AM, Kenneth-Knows-All wrote: Hey Thanks !!
Anything to do with Whistles now?!
naw, seeing as theres no way us regular users can tell how much whistle points anyone has, and besides, everyone and their grandmother has deity whistle now :P