i noticed i leveld up, and since i was bored i made this picture :0
gimme a facial and make me a cupcake, braj.

i noticed i leveld up, and since i was bored i made this picture :0
gimme a facial and make me a cupcake, braj.
At 2/20/07 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote: Sorry, the brain was working on a different level to the fingers yesterday - I meant by the end of my thried year on Newgrounds, which is unlikely at best. 8ppd gives me about another 500 spams, so not even 9k
Ah, OK - yeah, that seems unlikely, then.
Thanks to:
Casualty - you know, I'm going to make a cron just for the sake of uploading my NG log stats. :-)
Coop83 - it's juraj :-)
Congratulations to:
Craig - level 10
Crag - gold whistle
wait, wtf, Craig and Crag? :-)
MadCow - stuff.
MetalDart - level 13
Stuff4u2kno - level 13
Shadow-Angel - top xp position
LordKooler - gold whistle
HouseMasta - stuff :-)
AfroStar - 4k exp
HyphenHyphenClick - 3k exp
AfroUnderscoreClock - level 10, welcome to upper levels
AfroStud - level 10
Ludicolo - another level 10!
HomerDough - 10k total stats
M-A-R-C-U-S - 20k protects
Muffin - level 13. yuk @ pic
Oh, by the way, today's my birthday. 15, finally.
So yeah, I got like 14000 posts and didn't notice, weeeeee
Congrats to:
Crag - Gold whistle
Seamonky - Top 1500 EXP
MadCow - 8888 posts, Top 2000 EXP
juraj - Elite Guard Corporal. Happy birthday!
Stuff4u2kno - Level 13
Shadow-Angel - Top 1500 EXP
LordKooler - Gold whistle
HouseMasta - Lucky 7s
AfroStar - 4000 EXP
HyphenHyphenClick - 3000 EXP
AfroUnderscoreClock - Level 10
AfroStud - Level 10
Ludicolo - Level 10
HomerDough - 10000 total points
M-A-R-C-U-S - 20000 saves
Muffin - Elite Guard First Lieutenant. I love the picture.
jonthomson - 14000 posts
Thanks to:
At 2/19/07 03:56 PM, Odyssic wrote:At 2/19/07 03:33 PM, Anko wrote: 2337 post! Since I missed my first :(Does that count?
I wouldn't count it.
At 2/19/07 07:54 PM, Casualty wrote: I'm posting this with 2 monitors! One for Notepad and the other one for Firefox. Tons of fun, you should try it once!
If I had a hutch I could.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
oops I do hate when I hit the Post it. Well generic congrats to all my notepad was cleared I am to tired to start back from the beginning.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
W00Ts :P
Stats i archieved:
- Posted 5 Flashed in the portal today
- Safety Partol rank reached (100 S/B Points)
- Batting Average B+ rank :)
Dammit I was hopin for 25 B/P per day, but looks like partyin is gettin in the way.
I've got too many commitments
Crag - Gold Whistle
Seamonky - #1500 exp
MadCow - 8888 post & top 2000 exp
Anko - 2337 posts ;)
juraj - Elite guard corporal
MetalDart - level 13 - I've gotta get use to the new you
Stuff4u2kno - level 13 - what I said above
Shadow-Angel - #1499 exp - LOLZ
LordKooler - GoldWhistle
HouseMasta - 7770 exp & #777 exp
AfroStar - 4000 exp
HyphenHyphenClick - 3000 exp
AfroUnderscoreClock - level10
AfroStud - level 10
Ludicolo - level 10
so many alts :)
HomerDough - 10000 total stats
M-A-R-C-U-S - 20000 saves
Muffin - Elite Guard First Lieutenant
jonthomson - 14000 posts
Spammer ;)
HyperRaider - B+ BA
others aren't really achievements
At 2/19/07 01:19 PM, Casualty wrote: Stuff bout NGlog program
Amazing, can't wait. It's gonna kick ass
At 2/19/07 03:56 PM, Odyssic wrote:At 2/19/07 03:33 PM, Anko wrote:2337 post! Since I missed my first :(
Does that count?
I'm humouring him :D
At 2/20/07 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 2/19/07 08:29 AM, Shanus wrote:I sense sarcasm, but It's cool. I have only myself to blame
For once, I wasn't actually being sarcastic. It's hard to believe, I know.
You're just too cool, for people to take offence to your sarcasm, <3
Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog
I watch an unholy amount of films
Congrats to:
Crag: Gold Whistle
Seamonky: #1500 of Exp
MadCow: 8888 posts, 2000 Exp
MetalDart: Level 13
Stuff4u2kno: Level 13
LordKooler: Gold Whistle
HouseMasta: Lucky 7's
AfroStar: 4000 Exp
HyphenHyphenClick: 3000 Exp
AfroUnderscoreClock: Level 10
AfroStud: Level 10
Ludicolo: Level 10
HomerDough: 10,000 total stats
M-A-R-C-U-S: 20,000 saves
Muffin: Level up. Nice picture :) .
juraj: Happy birthday! :)
jonthomson: 14,000 posts
HyperRaider: Safety Patrol
This really took far too long, but I finally reached a new milestone worth mentioning. Of course, Afro will pass me soon enough, but at least I got 70k before him...
300 reviews in 51 days and a little less than halfway to the top 100 flash reviewers.
At 2/20/07 04:05 PM, HomerDough wrote: 300 reviews in 51 days and a little less than halfway to the top 100 flash reviewers.
oh sorry for the double post but what I meant was from 200 reviews to 300 reviews in 51 days. Also just realized, 0.666 reviews a day for me. Again sorry for the double post
Congrats to (Congrats list #1)
Crag- Gold Whistle
Seamonky-#1500 of exp
MadCow-8888 posts, #2000 in exp
MetalDart-Lvl 13
Stuff4u2kno-Lvl 13
LordKooler-Gold Whistle
HouseMasta- 7770 exp and #777 in exp
AfroStar- 4000 exp
HyphenHyphenClick- 3000 exp
AfroUnderscoreClock- lvl 10
AfroStud- lvl 10
Ludicolo-Lvl 10
M-A-R-C-U-S - 20000 saves
Muffin- Elite Guard First Lieutenant
juraj- Birthday- 2/20/07
jonthompson- 14000 posts
HyperRaider- Safety Patrol
schneelocke- 70000 b/p points
Hemlok- 8.88 VP
HomerDough- 300 reviews, 0.666 reviews a day, 10000 total stats
AtomicTerrorist-7000 exp points
Thanks to
At 2/20/07 07:33 PM, ObsessedOne wrote: Finally Diety!
ya! finally!
Congrats to:
HouseMasta: 7,770 Experience; Top 777 Experience
AfroStar: 4,000 Experience
HyphenHyphenClick: 3,000 Experience
AfroUnderscoreClock: LVL 10
AfroStud: LVL 10
Ludicolo: LVL 10 - You're almost worse than Bahamut =P
HomerDough: 10,000 Total Stats; 300 Reviews
M-A-R-C-U-S: 20,000 Saves
Muffin: EG First Lieutenant
jonthomson: 14,000 Posts
HyperRaider: Safety Patrol; B+ B/A
schneelocke: 70,000 B/P
Hemlok: 8.88 VP
ObsessedOne: Deity Whistle
At 2/20/07 06:46 PM, AtomicTerrorist wrote: 7000 experience!
Im catching up Casualty!
Hah, too bad I keep moving too =P No seriously, congrats mate!
Congrats to:
Crag: Gold Whistle, Well done.
Seamonky: #1500 of Exp
MadCow: 8888 posts, 2000 Exp
MetalDart: Level 13
Stuff4u2kno: Level 13
LordKooler: Gold Whistle, Well done.
HouseMasta: Lucky 7's
AfroStar: 4000 Exp, Very nice.
HyphenHyphenClick: 3000 Exp
AfroUnderscoreClock: Level 10
AfroStud: Level 10
Ludicolo: Level 10
HomerDough: 10,000 total stats
M-A-R-C-U-S: 20,000 saves
Muffin: Level up.
juraj: Happy birthday!!!
jonthomson: 14,000 posts, Gash so much well done.
Hemlok: 8.88 voting power, High also.
AtomicTerrorist: 7000 experience
ObsessedOne: Deity Whistle! OMG Awesome!
Thanks to:
PenguinLink's Congratulations List #24
Congratulations to the following users:
KWAS-GotReviewBanned- Level 11
Cereal- 9,000 B/P Points
Edward- Level 12
MetalDart- Level 13
Washu-chan- 4,000 Experience Points
Zen-Zinxe- Level 10
ReconRebel- 13.00 Voting Power
Sterockicy- 4,000 Saves, 10,000 Total Stats
EmoDragon- 2,000 Experience Points
AtomicTerrorist- 18,000 B/P Points
RupeeClock- 9,000 Experience Points
Jarvid- Level 12
DarkSoldier- 5,000 B/P Points
Crag- Elite Guard Private First Class, Gold Whistle
Coop83- 10,000 Saves
MetalDart- 20,000 B/P Points
HomerDough- 2,000 Blams
2HyphenClick4Hyphen- 3,000 Experience Points
Choke-Back-Tears- Level 11
Craig- Level 10
MadCow- 8,888 Posts, #2,000 Experience Rank
Stuff4u2kno- Level 13
LordKooler- Gold Whistle
AfroStar- 4,000 Experience Points
HyphenHyphenClick- 3,000 Experience Points
AfroUnderscoreClock- Level 10
AfroStud- Level 10
M-A-R-C-U-S- 20,000 Saves
Muffin- Elite Guard First Lieutenant (Nice Picture by the way :D)
jonthomson- 14,000 Posts
schneelocke- 70,000 B/P Points
Hemlok- 8.88 Voting Power
AtomicTerrorist- 7,000 Experience Points
ObsessedOne- Deity Whistle
(Sorry for the late list)
Level: 12 (If you deposited every day (10000 EXP) you could have been Level 16.84)...
Wow, I'm so depressed right now after seeing this. Today should have been my victory day, but instead it's just the day I got 250 reviews (again).
Also, I have 126 responses, so more than half my reviews are response ;o
Blam/Protect: Ranked # 200 out of 1,106,639 users!
And the next one is only 79 points away!
Congrats to all:
HyperRaider: Safety Patrol
schneelocke 70,000 Points
Hemlok 8.88 VP
HomerDough 300 reviews
AtomicTerrorist 7k exp.
ObsessedOne Diety whistle
Casualty Rank 200th in b/p
Odyssic: Level 11
At 2/21/07 06:29 AM, BonusStage wrote:At 2/20/07 04:07 PM, HomerDough wrote:Double posts normally are EVIL if you go and make them about the same subject and add nothing new. You only did 1 of those 2 which is completely acceptable. It quite funny to see people freak out when they make a "double post"
I think its funny to they alawys apologize like it a huge deal and everyone will hate them it happens all over the place
Also, nice work on the reviews, i wish i still cared :\
At 2/20/07 11:06 PM, MadCow wrote: Level: 12 (If you deposited every day (10000 EXP) you could have been Level 16.84)...LOL owned nig
Wow, I'm so depressed right now after seeing this.
I am owned even more um 23.66 for me. wait I said that so pretend I didnt say it it hurts to much.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
Congrats to:
schneelocke - 70000 B/P
Hemlok - 8.88VP
HomerDough - 300 flash reviews
AtomicTerrorist - 7000 EXP
ObsessedOne - Diety whistle
Casualty - Top 200 B/P
Odyssic - Level 11
Thanks to:
At 2/20/07 08:41 AM, HyperRaider wrote: W00Ts :P
Stats i archieved:
- Posted 5 Flashed in the portal today
In one day using alts? You jackass!
- Safety Partol rank reached (100 S/B Points)
- Batting Average B+ rank :)
Sucky acheivements.
Coop realises his error of not checking the last page, so congratulates:
HouseMasta: Ranked #777 Experienced
AfroStar: 4,000 Experience
HyphenHyphenClick: 3,000 Experience
AfroUnderscoreClock; AfroStud; Ludicolo: Level 10
HomerDough: 10,000 Total Points 300 reviews (flash)
M-A-R-C-U-S: 20,000 Saves
Muffin: EG First Lieutenant
juraj: Human Level 15
jonthompson: 14,000 Posts
schneelocke: 70,000 B/P
Hemlok: 8.88 Voting Power
AtomicTerrorist: 7,000 Experience
ObsessedOne: Deity Whistle
Another person who can't spell deity!
MadCow: Level 12; 250 reviews (flash)
Casualty: Top 200 B/Per
Thanks to:
At 2/19/07 10:58 PM, DukeOfMuffins wrote:At 2/17/07 04:50 PM, Coop83 wrote: *looks* I'm not really that close...Well, you're a lot closer than I remember you being.
I'm still putting down around 8-10 a day
besides, I've got gfox to fry first!Taking it one step at a time, I see.
Well, even though you've posts 4 times in the past 2 days, I can see you're posting faster than gfox, so you'll pass him iside this week
At 2/20/07 04:55 AM, schneelocke wrote: Ah, OK - yeah, that seems unlikely, then.
Not that it's going to stop me from trying!
At 2/20/07 05:10 AM, juraj wrote: Coop83 - it's juraj :-)
Early morning, pre caffiene - nuff said
At 2/20/07 07:53 AM, iscrulz wrote: oops I do hate when I hit the Post it. Well generic congrats to all my notepad was cleared I am to tired to start back from the beginning.
At 2/20/07 10:01 AM, Odyssic wrote: Damn, why did I do that?
That gives me some solace - I did it too :P
At 2/20/07 10:06 AM, Shanus wrote:At 2/20/07 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote: For once, I wasn't actually being sarcastic. It's hard to believe, I know.You're just too cool, for people to take offence to your sarcasm, <3
Thanks for the compliment. I wish it were true.
At 2/21/07 07:34 AM, iscrulz wrote: I am owned even more um 23.66 for me. wait I said that so pretend I didnt say it it hurts to much.
Yeah, but you're still a higher level than me >:(
Bahamut, shouldn't that sig of yours be Fagamut's?
Finally made it to level 12 and top 1000 for b/p
Ow my face hurts from the alcohol, whiskey = bad
anyway Congrats to:
schneelocke - 70000 B/P - amazing achievement well done
Hemlok - 8.88 VP
HomerDough - 300 reviews, 100 reviews in 51 days & 0.666 reviews per day
AtomicTerrorist - 7000 exp
ObsessedOne - Deity Whistle - sweet
MadCow - more than half reviews with responses - 10000 exp would've been sweeter though
Casualty - #200 B/P
Odyssic - level 11 - all the level 10's are turnin to 11 now, I'm gettin very confused
kidray76 - level 12 & to 1000 B/P
At 2/20/07 07:33 PM, HomerDough wrote: Congrats to (Congrats list #1)
Woo, welcome to the thankers
HomerDough- 300 reviews, 0.666 reviews a day, 10000 total stats
Haha, hmmm you seem to like to congratulate yourself, good luck with that
At 2/20/07 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 2/20/07 10:06 AM, Shanus wrote:You're just too cool, for people to take offence to your sarcasm, <3
Thanks for the compliment. I wish it were true
I'm pretty sure everyone would agree the level up! lounge wouldn't be the same without you
Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog
I watch an unholy amount of films
Congrats to:
schneelocke: 70,000 B/P Points
Hemlok: 8.88 Voting power
HomerDough: 300 reviews, 0,666 reviews per day
AtomicTerrorist: 7000 Exp
ObsessedOne: Deity whistle
MadCow: 250 reviews
Casualty: Ranked #200 in Blam/Protect
Odyssic: Level 11
kidray76: Level 12, Top 1000 in Blam/Protect
Batting average: 3.39 / 5.00 (B+) lol it was 3.60A+ the other day :'(