At 12/4/06 05:53 PM, LittleWashu wrote:At 12/4/06 07:08 AM, schneelocke wrote:
Actually yes I do. But this time it wasn't me who started the complaining this time. If you were reading all the way through someone was bitching about the system being to easy at first and then someone was complainin that it was too hard. That was when I qouted the guy. I am sorry if my "Whinning " is getting on your nerves but in a nutshell all that guy needs to do is flag harder and he wil get deity simple as that.
That wa me that first complained, it was way too easy granted i took like two months of intense flaggin on and off but it was way too easy to get the "elite" whistle
like it takes even the most insane b/p-ers a year or two to get the highest rank, why can't it be the same with whistles
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