Coop passes you a note, congratulating:
GoryBlizzard: 3rd NG Berfday
NinoGrounds: 3,000 Posts
Dadid: 4,000 Experience
MeltD: Level 11
dave: EG Colonel
Guardian: Level 13
Sterockicy: Gold Whistle
Patrick-Star: Level 10
Thanks to:
At 11/21/06 02:05 PM, schneelocke wrote:
*chuckles* Any estimates yet for when you'll reach it?
Probably within 2 weeks, dependant upon portal activity and how much computer time Becki steals from me
Not to mention that posts along the lines fo "lol omg wdae lost a lvl" are pretty nonsensical, anyway. Since when do we gloat when someone loses stats?
Unless it's SevenStar or KWAS
At 11/21/06 09:39 PM, Tantera wrote:
You're telling me. You never get to see anymore commercials with cereals like Count Chocula, and Frankenberry, and good cereals like that continue to go unnoticed.
Mind you, it's better than what I had for breakfast - 20ml of Beechams all in one (Cough syrup)
I'll have to go down the shop in a bit and get some bread for much toast this morning