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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 02:29:25

My thanks to the following people:


Milestone reached! (yeah, I just had one a few days ago so sue me).

The Official Stages of a Project:

1.) uncritical acceptance
2.) wild enthusiasm
3.) dejected disillusionment
4.) complete confusion
5.) search for the guilty
6.) punishment of the innocent
7.) promotion of the non-participants

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 03:37:18

Coop83, after calming down from the euphoria of Denvish's 100k, congratulates the following:
Adam: Level 10
souseiseki: 6,000 Experience
StarF68: 9,000 Posts
AllReligiousDrunk: EG Corporal
pepeatumi: 18,000 Blams

That's just a nasty way to be one up on me

Dream-of-Duke: EG Major General
RupeeClock: 7,777 Posts

sevens weren't so lucky for me yesterday - got 2 four of a kinds in the same hand in a Mahjongg game and lost 2400 points for false declaration...

M-A-R-C-U-S: 45,000 B/P
ixi: Deity Whistle, 77,777 B/P
MetalDart: 6,000 Saves
Fennec: 2,000 Experience
FBIpolux: 8,000 Posts
Bloodthorne: 13,000 Experience
Mad-Cow: 3,000 Experience
ReconRebel: 26,000 Saves

Also, Coop will pass thanks on to:

At 10/28/06 07:17 PM, Denvish wrote: Thanks for the congrats, chaps <3

You deserve it, old boy!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 04:14:36

During my 16 day hiatus I reached 16k saves a few days back 24k blams yesterday resulting in a 40k total and
5 got to Police Captian.

Conrats to:
MegaGold: LV15
S-C-D 13,3337 posts
Hemlok 3k exp
Matt: level 18 9k posts
pwroftheseagoat 5 years on ng
LittleWashu 22222 B/P (YES IT IS)
dawin45: Eg Corpal
Blue-Phoenix-X: level 10
Edward-XIII 3k exp
TheNotorious: level 11
dave: Golden leaf
ibhenowflee silver whistle back
Sterockicy: EG Private
NOMAnDER 3k exp
ReconRebel 74k b/p, 26k saves
brainface: Baseball Bat
TheSecondComing 2k exp
Denvish: 70,000 blams 30,000 saves 100,000 total (*tear* farewell E>)
BahamutClock: level 10
Mrputter 5k exp
Adam: level 10
StarF68 9k posts
Coop83 18k b/p
AllReligiousDrunk: EG Corparal
pepeatumi 18k blams
Dream-of-Duke: EG Major General
RupeeClock 7,777th post
Placebo Gold Whislte
M-A-R-C-U-S: 45,000 B/p
ixi Diety whistle 77,777 b\p
MetalDart 6k saves
Patrick-Star: Police Captian
Fennec: 2k exp
FBIpolux 8,000 post
Minion777 Eg Ge oh wait um 15,15x blams
Bloodthorne 13k exp (damn blood you should let me pass you)
Mad-Cow 3k exp
Starberry TOP 1k Exp


Belated Congrats to:
HairydragonballZ 8k exp
Helloween 40k b/p, 13,337 saves, top 700 exp
benzine: level 10
ramagi ranked 24th exp ranked
PimpMasterKDOG 44th, 43rd exp ranked
Fim: level 13
AllReligiousDrunk: EG Private 1st class, level 10, 666 saves, 1,111 posts
HouseMasta: G0ld whislte, dietey now, EG mastur Sergeant
Fedharfuotar Eg Private first class 6.00ish vp
Coop83: Eg Colonel with 9 and half vp, 9k exp
souseiseki 5555 posts 6k exp
MARINE 3 years here sliver whistle
KWAS-GotReviewBanned: level 10
Choke-Back-Tears: lvl 10
Unheard 1k exp
SexOnStreet: Police Captian
Tommy: level 16
Frostbreath 9.00 VP, 7,000 exp
DarkRedFlame: lvel 10
Toohot100: Security Gurad, Police officer, Police Sergeant and now police Lieutenant
RupeeClock: 3 star general, 777 days on ng, age 17
RenegadeGirl Deity whistle (nobody tells a renegade what to to)
BonusStage 50k posts
LUL 50,000 replies
Suicidal-kid gold
dave: lvl 17 (yes please)
Minion777: EG Genearl
X-Naut 77k b/p
Hemlok 15k b/p, Eg Lieutenant Colonel, 9,000 blams, 6,666 save had
j00bie diety whistle
RyanY: EG Sg. 1st class
M-A-R-C-U-S 28,000 blams, 3 year ng account
MrT-Time ditye whistle
TITROTU daily 5th
gfoxclock: Eg private first class, too bad blams are harder to get now.
Crossofdevil dietey whistle, 3k exp
Pimplediddy 2k posts, 1k exp
PoJoX: level 10
Seamonky: top 100 rank b/p
kidray76 1,000 posts
IvanTuroc: Deiry whistle, Elite Guard Lieutenant General, 16k blams
Jordan 1k exp
Undercover level 15 or 14
Casualty: gold whislte EG Captian
DreamTheater: level 11
Fat-and-Proud: top 400 b/p ranks, Praporshchik
LordOfKetchup 666 posts
Metal-Gear-Solid golde
Shadow-Angel ES B/Per 7919 blams n saves also diettee whistle, 8k saves, 8k blams
ElMaster: EG 2nd lt, 10k b/p
AnzRage 777 review
TJ 1337th post, gold whislte
PineappleGlock: level 10
Dent0n: silver back and EG Major
pepeatumi: 12k saves, 4k posts, egsc
absent: eg Major and 8 ppd, 4,444 posts
homer8722 B+
StarF68 3 year ng anniverary
RageVI 5 year old account
AfroMoustache 1k exp
AfroUnderscoreStud top ten uploader
Auz 12k blams
monsterMunchy B+
Gooch passed wade in exp. I remember the day I did it.
SKS level 14
Michael 5k exps
3M0-KID: level 11
Zendra: gold whistle, level 17
FBIpolux 3 years
Frenzy: 3,000 posts
AfroStar: levl 11
Vince50: 7,000 exp
Snowy-Beast LVL 15
LittleWashu 6.00 vp, 8,000 saves
johnfn 2k posts
Infinite-Pie : level nine
Imacow: level 10
Melt-D silver-back
anonymous: level 10
Ocelot level 11
GUTHRIE 10k exp
Sarai: level 11
ArtDanVal 10k blams
Raizen-Pyro: level 10
Muffin: EG Prap. (damn how do you do it BH)
Suicidal-kid 23k blams 6k saves, diety(your sort of going to reach egsc like NIjsse and iamnone did)
Donthurtme: 8vp Eg major top 200 b/p rank 5k protection pts
Siggles: levle 10
ReconRebel 48k blams
Inuyusha: EG Major Genral 9.00+ vp, top 1k exp
Qwoxyl 40k blams
Killer-of-cows: Eg Corporal, 1k blams, level 12
jonthomson top 120 for exp
DanielTheFalcon 1k posts
BlueHippo and dave: 500k views on their flash
Funkybob2 Deitea whistle
SpeedMetalSandwich: 2k posts
Pink-Soda 2k exp
CadillacClock: level 17
pwroftheseagoat: level 12 eg captian
TheSoulMan: 2nd Lieutenat
MadCow 7l posts
Siren-Afro 2k stop (stop saying its not a big deal)
madknt 9k exp
H0GMA: level 10
NapaLm-MeLLon 6.66vp
ExtraLife: level 13 5k exp
Paranoia 5,555 posts
Spackerchip: level 10 agian
Psycho-Simple: Police captian
MetalDart: B+
EnglishPanda: Police Sergeant 1k posts
TheSecondComing: Elite Guard Sergeant Major
Shanus 2k b/p
wesdoodNG: 5,555 saves, EG Captian
alexsmolik: level 23 (nice lmao)
Zubat: level 12
NobGoblin: 666th post 1k exp Police Captian, 1k exp and b/p
BlueHippo equal posts here and on Weebles-stuff

*belated means over 2 days.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 04:15:50

At 10/13/06 03:34 PM, BonusStage wrote: Fuck this 50 votes for a blam shit, god it's pissing me off so much. 6 UJ's right now are all in the

graveyard. It's absolute bullshit

Worst new rule ever I am getting lots of saves though but in the end I still hate this new implement.

Wade must have gotten to many why isnt this shitty 2 frame stcink figore movie blammed I blamed it

with meh 5.10 vp 10 minteus ago.

At 10/13/06 04:56 PM, jonthomson wrote: LOL, just saw courtday browsing this forum. There's a blast from the b&ping past.

hmm I dont remember him but looks likelooks like hes back.

At 10/13/06 09:01 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 10/13/06 02:27 AM, Iscaryrules wrote:
COnmgrats to:
Didn't see my name on your congrats list you ungrateful swine. I'm returning the gift I bought you.


You were on the list I think you saw your name after that post. I better get my christmas gift.

At 10/15/06 06:18 PM, RupeeClock wrote: The 50 votes thing was my suggestion and Tom put it in effect, this was to combat the ammount of

shit clogging up the portal a while ago, but it seems to be causing problems now.

You caused me to miss to many blams, also it didd clog the portal what takes band with is the adam

phillps there she is FF A+ flash.

At 10/15/06 09:07 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 9/23/06 12:20 AM, JerkClock wrote:
At 9/22/06 11:50 PM, isCRULZ wrote: I didnt notice it, there goes his 3+ depositing streak.
He's been missing every once in a while, but one of his misses happened this week. HumanTarget was

behind him by 50, now he's behind by 40.

Maybe so, but Pimp's like 80 or 90 exp ahead of HT now. So HT's been missing more than Pimp has,

that's for certain.

Defineately its like he gave up I hope Bomb gets #2.

At 9/24/06 04:45 PM, Iscaryrules wrote:
At 9/24/06 06:37 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Saves, now matching 20k+ saves and blams and the gap between them is very close aswell...
gfoxclock would be proud of that.
DAMN STRAIGHT. Some day gfoxclock himself will hit 20k saves and 20k blams, it's a fine, fine thing

to hit. Great job, X!

Someday lets hope Afro_stud stops at 60k and volunteers

Well, okay, maybe not. I think he'd settle for 10k/10k or 15k/15k for teh ultimate landmarks.

It would be nice to get that for an alt. I wont maybe 5,555/5,555 or just saves at 5,555 because vote

2 on everything is ok but not 1.

But for now, 5k/5k is the main major longterm goal, anyway.

Yes that could happen someday if you get maybe 30 a day.

At 10/15/06 09:14 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 10/15/06 09:09 PM, gfoxclock wrote: BTW, funny how usually when I drop by to catch up once in a blue moon... you're banned... but this

time you're not... but iscrulz is. WHACKY.

almost a month for having that hot link in there time to add another nsfw.

LOL iscrulz is so fucking hot.

i mean, i still love you the most

I need a cleveland steamer I am craving one.

At 10/16/06 02:55 AM, gfoxclock wrote: I'm glad SOMEone around here can spell deity correctly.

look above at my flawless spelling.

At 10/16/06 09:12 PM, AnzRage wrote: HOw I cant believe people deleted my old reviews. I mean those are history and i'd like to reflect

on my immaturity. OH well 777 reviews. Gonna keep it at that. I'm a good christian boy.

Yes part of my ng history is being deleted. I hope to save most all of them.

At 10/19/06 08:11 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 10/18/06 10:23 PM, Major-punk wrote: Who knows who's going to be after her but my 5 best guesses are:
1) Wylo 2) X-Naut 3) AfroUnderscoreStud 4) schneelocke 5) ramagi never loses it.
So bila and I don't count? What a dickwad. >:(

looks like bila retired, and your 50 b/p perday vs theier 120 b/p thats why, but you can pass bila and

mpa then Denny to get 3 more ranks.

At 10/21/06 02:59 AM, KIRBYLINK wrote: SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CLOSE TOVL 12 ONLY 318 MORE EXP!!!!!!!!!!!

who cares hmm I think I remeber you please say when you at level to oh shit 124 exp to goa,asda

At 10/21/06 10:49 PM, dave wrote:

:When one of my stats reaches 15,000 I may stop and just work on the other one to end it on an even note (I am stopping when I get EGSC).

better hope its blams.

Has anyone else ever done this?

I thought Carmel was or is trying for it.

At 10/22/06 01:13 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Holy (Expletive that's synonymous for poo, dung, or turd).. Congrats on that..

SHIT Yes Holy SHIT Recon die you kill that many Zombies.

At 10/24/06 12:04 AM, CadillacClock wrote: Level seventeen! I was debating leaving the nunchuks but a new level is always a nice change.

Yes many people have but they see a new level and nunchucks get woren out. So goodluck on whatver the next level is you get.

At 10/25/06 07:24 AM, Helloween wrote: H0GMA - Level 10. I couldn't be arsed making a B0GMA alt.

I should of made alts for J0GMA and my other name changes, maybe 3 right when the new levels come in, then its 1 main 2 alts 3 new ones and 3 dead I (will) have.

oh double post flood.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 04:23:54

At 10/29/06 04:14 AM, Iscaryrules wrote: During my 16 day hiatus I reached 16k saves a few days back 24k blams yesterday resulting in a 40k total and
5 got to Police Captian.

Congrats to: too many

Are you running for president or something?

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 04:30:54

At 10/29/06 04:14 AM, Iscaryrules wrote: 5 got to Police Captian.

* Police Lieutenant*

At 10/29/06 04:23 AM, ixi wrote:
At 10/29/06 04:14 AM, Iscaryrules wrote: Congrats to: too many
Are you running for president or something?

Yes vote for me Nov 7 2008

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 04:31:38

2000 exp :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 08:02:38

Thanks for voting, wesdoodNG!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 6.00 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 36% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 8.16 votes!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 09:30:42

Congrats to:

Adam - Level 10
souseiseki - 6000 EXP
StarF68 - 9000 posts
Coop83 - 18000 B/P
AllReligiousDrunk - Elite Guard Corporal
pepeatumi - 18000 blams
Dream-of-Duke - Elite Guard Major General
RupeeClock - 7777 posts
Placebo - Gold whistle
M-A-R-C-U-S - 45000 B/P
ixi - Deity whistle, 77777 B/P
MetalDart - 6000 saves
Patrick-Star - Police Captain
Fennec - 2000 EXP
FBIpolux - 8000 posts
Minion777 - 27000 B/P
Bloodthorne - 13000 EXP
Mad-Cow - 3000 EXP
Starberry - Top 1000 EXP
ReconRebel - 26000 saves
Iscaryrules - 16000 saves, 24000 blams, 40000 B/P
Psycho-Simple - 2000 EXP
Onnet - 3000 EXP
wesdoodNG - 6.00 base VP

Thanks to:


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 11:10:13

I'll be leveling up to level 14 later today. :D

XBL GT: SleepyB 408

I Xbox 360 Club I MLB Club I

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 11:22:25

At 10/29/06 04:31 AM, Psycho-Simple wrote: 2000 exp :)

Congratulations, enjoy the picture.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 11:29:58

Congrats to:

Adam: Level 10
souseiseki: 6000 EXP
StarF68: 9000 Posts
Coop83: 18000 B/P
AllReligiousDrunk: Elite Guard corporal
Dream-of-Duke: Elite Guard Major General
RupeeClock: 7777 posts
Placebo: Gold Whistle
M-A-R-C-U-S: 45k B/P
ixi: 77777 EXP and Deity Whistle, and a screw you for picking up Romo in Fantasy football.
MetalDart: 6000 saves
Patrick-Star: Police Captain
FBIpolux: 8000 posts
Minion777: Elite Guard general
Bloodthorne: 13k EXP
Mad-Cow: 3000 EXP
Starberry: top 1000 EXP users
ReconRebel: 26k Saves
Psycho-Simple: 2000 EXP
Onnet: 3000 EXP
wesdoodNG: 6.00 base VP

pepeatumi: 18,000 Blams

That's just a nasty way to be one up on me

That's what you get for being a Yankees fan, Coop.

Thanks to:

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 12:10:07

wow 2k post already it seems only 2 months ago i was at 1k

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 15:15:42

7,000 saves.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 16:31:41

Congrats to:
AllReligiousDrunk - 777 saves.
Bloodthrone - 13,000 exp.
FBIpolux - 8,000 posts.
Fennec - 2,000 exp.
Hemlok - 7,000 saves.
Imacow - 2,000 posts.
Iscaryrules - 16,000 saves, 24,000 blams, and 40,000 b/p.
ixi - 77,777 b/p, and Deity whistle.
M-A-R-C-U-S - 45,000 b/p.
MadCow - 3,000 exp.
MetalDart - 6,000 saves.
Minion777 - EG General.
Onnet - 3,000 exp.
Patrick-Star - Police Captain.
pepeatumi - 18,000 blams.
Placebo - Gold whistle.
Psycho-Simple - 2,000 exp.
ReconRebel - 26,000 saves.
RupeeClock - 7,777 posts.
Starberry - Top 1,000 expers.
wesdoodNG - 6 Base VP.

At 10/28/06 07:33 PM, dave wrote:

I c wat u did thar. :o

As for me, 40,000 b/p.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 18:21:23

At 10/29/06 12:10 PM, Imacow wrote: wow 2k post already it seems only 2 months ago i was at 1k

good job, keep it up!

I just got elite guard major from my second direct blam of the day. Here is the picture:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-29 20:54:56

Congratulations to
WesdoodNG- Elite Guard Captain
Megagold- Level 15
Pwroftheseagoat- Five years on Newgrounds
LittleWashu- 22,222 B/P points
Dawin45- Elite Guard Corporal
SpackerChip- Level 10
NobGoblin- 1,000 experience points and 1,000 B/P points
Blue-Phoenix-X- Level 10
Edward-XIII- 3,000 experience points (we are neck and neck)
TheNotorious- Level 11
Dave- Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel (wow, you are catching up fast)
ibhenowflee- Silver whistle
Sterockicy- Elite Guard Private
NOMAnDER- 3,000 experience points
Brainface- Level 13
TheSecondComing- 3,000 experience points
Denvish- 100,000 B/P points
BahamutClock- Level 10
Mrputter- 5,000 experience points
Adam- Level 10
StarF68- 9,000 posts
Hybrid-Of-Souls- 911 posts ( I don;t consider that an achievement but whatever)
Coop83- 18,000 B/P points
AllReligiousDrunk- Elite Guard Corporal
Pepeatumi- 18,000 blams
Dream-Of-Duke- Elite Guard Major General
RupeeClock- 7,777
Placebo- Gold whistle
M-A-R-C-U-S- 45,000 B/P points
ixi- Deity whistle and 77,777 B/P points
MetalDart- 6,000 Protection points (I just got 7,000 >:)
Patrick-Star- Police Captain
Fennec- 2,000 experience points
FBIpolux- 8,000 posts
Bloodthorne- 13,000 experience points (lol, nice burn)
Mad-Cow- 3,000 experience points
Starberry- Top 1,000 experience users
ReconRebel- 26,000 saves
Psycho-Simple- 2,000 experience points
Onnet- 3,000 experience points
wesdoodNG- 6.00 base voting power
Imacow- 2,000 posts ( I almost have 3,000)
AllReligiousDrunk- 777 saves
Milinko959- Elite Guard Major

Thanks to

My God I have to do this sooner next time.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-30 03:02:21

At 10/29/06 04:15 AM, Iscaryrules wrote:
At 10/13/06 09:01 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Didn't see my name on your congrats list you ungrateful swine. I'm returning the gift I bought you.
You were on the list I think you saw your name after that post.

How could my name be on your list if you didn't see my level up until after you made the post? Holy shit Merlin, teach me more. 0_o

I better get my christmas gift.

Then get down on your knees and pray like you've never prayed before!

At 10/29/06 04:15 AM, Iscaryrules wrote: looks like bila retired, and your 50 b/p perday vs theier 120 b/p thats why

Hey bud, slow and steady has kept me in the game so far. I'm not gonna spend all my waking hours sitting in front of a bloody monitor. Forty hours a week is more than enough. Unbelievable. I thought you would've been visiting the Bahamas by now. <3

At 10/29/06 08:54 PM, Hemlok wrote: My God I have to do this sooner next time.

...or just pick random days to congratulate people. ^_~

My thanks to the following people:

Helloween **
Coop83 **
pepeatumi **
Tannerite **

So if the voting threshold was lowered to 50 why is the portal backed up so much? Is there a system glitch?

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-30 03:49:48

At 10/30/06 03:02 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
So if the voting threshold was lowered to 50 why is the portal backed up so much? Is there a system glitch?

thats a good question. I'm wondering that myself as the UJs just went into the second page on the portal :(

old people say lol; and we still use these }{

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-30 03:51:41

At 10/29/06 11:29 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Congrats to:
ixi: 77777 EXP and Deity Whistle, and a screw you for picking up Romo in Fantasy football.

Funny thing is that i only seen 1 quarter of what he has done,that and also preseason i knew he would do much better then Bledsoe.

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-30 07:10:44

6000 Posts. A proud day.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-30 07:18:19

Sixty thousand blam and protection points.

It was so important, that I had to write it out fully and miss the time of the event. Uck.

On the bright side, there's always the other milestones. Like a deity diety whistle I got the other day (either that or it died), 12th in rank and catching 1,000 views in the thread of Denvish (GO DENVISH, I will miss you even more now).

Congrats to MARCUS, Recon, and everyone who has a letter in their name.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-30 09:01:19

Congrats to:

Imacow - 2000 posts
AllReligiousDrunk - 777 saves
Hemlok - 7000 saves
Tannerite - 40000 B/P. You are getting close to me now.
milinko959 - Elite Guard Major
Michael - Level 13
Obliquo - 6000 posts
Qwoxyl - 60000 B/P, Deity whistle

Thanks to:


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-30 09:13:01

Hey folks, I'm finally back - did anyone miss me? My internet connection was broken from Thursday until today. :P

At 10/28/06 04:28 AM, Denvish wrote: 30,000 Protects
70,000 Saves
100,000 Total BP

That would definitely deserve more than some e-congrats - but those are all I can give, unfortunately. :) Congrats!

There's a challenge for all of you =)

Maybe I'll join you up there some day - I'm not sure yet, though. I've been thinking about retiring lately (that is, not being quite as active anymore), but I'm not sure if or when I'll do it. I definitely want to reach 30000 saves first, but overall, 100k sounds like a nice target.

At 10/28/06 09:35 AM, Coop83 wrote: schneelocke, this calls for a celebration, go and bake some biscuits!

OK. ^^ And how about some chocolate cake, too? :)


Adam - Level 10
alexsmolik - Level 23 (shouldn't that be a pain in the ear?)
AllReligiousDrunk - Elite Guard Corporal, 777 saves
BahamutClock - Level 10
Bloodthorne - 13000 XP
Blue-Phoenix-X - Level 10
brainface - Level 13
Coop83 - 18000 points
dave - Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel
dawin45 - Elite Guard Corporal
Denvish - 100000 points, 30000 saves, 70000 blams
Dream-of-Duke - Elite Guard Major General
Edward-XIII - 3000 Xp
EnglishPanda - 1000 posts
FBIpolux - 8000 posts
Fennec - 2000 XP
Hemlok - 3000 XP, 7000 saves
Imacow - 2000 posts
Iscaryrules - 16000 saves, 24000 blams, 40000 points
ixi - Deity whistle, 77777 points
LittleWashu - 22222 points
Mad-Cow - 3000 XP
M-A-R-C-U-S - 45000 points
Matt - 9000 posts, Level 18
MegaGold - Level 15
MetalDart - 6000 saves
Michael - Level 13
milinko959 - Elite Guard Major
Minion777 - 26000 points
Mrputter - 5000 XP
NobGoblin - 666 posts, 1000 XP, Police Captain
NOMAnDER - 3000 XP
Obliquo - 6000 posts
Onnet - 3000 XP
Patrick-Star - Police Captain
pepeatumi - 18000 blams
Placebo - Gold whistle
Psycho-Simple - 2000 XP
pwroftheseagoat - 5th NG birthday
Qwoxyl - 60000 points, deity whistle
ReconRebel - 74000 points, 26000 saves
RupeeClock - 7777 posts
souseiseki - 6000 XP
Starberry - top 1000 XP users
StarF68 - 9000 XP
Sterockicy - Elite Guard Private
Tannerite - 40000 points
TheNotorious - Level 11
TheSecondComing - 3000 XP
wesdoodNG - Elite Guard Captain, 6.00 BVP
Zubat - Level 12

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-30 12:41:45

At 10/30/06 09:56 AM, AllReligiousDrunk wrote: If it was lowered, I don't know if it was, please prove me that it was, why haven't they updated the FAQ?

There are several thresholds, though, aren't there? My own personal feeling is that they added a new one after 50 votes or so but removed it again; a while ago, I often found that new submissions had already been blammed when I wanted to check out them, but that stopped again, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a new threshold that is gone again now.

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-30 14:16:47

At 10/30/06 09:56 AM, AllReligiousDrunk wrote: If it was lowered, I don't know if it was, please prove me that it was

Submissions are (currently) deleted if they fall below the listed score at the listed number of votes:

050 votes - 0.60
100 votes - 0.75
150 votes - 1.25
200 votes - 1.60

liljim gave me that information a while back.

why haven't they updated the FAQ?

It will probably be updated when the site's redesign comes.

At 10/30/06 12:41 PM, schneelocke wrote: There are several thresholds, though, aren't there? My own personal feeling is that they added a new one after 50 votes or so but removed it again; a while ago, I often found that new submissions had already been blammed when I wanted to check out them, but that stopped again, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a new threshold that is gone again now.

I've noticed that some submissions are still disappearing quickly.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-30 16:19:31

Coop83 offers congratulations of varying magnitues to:
Psycho-Simple: 2,000 Experience
Onnet: 3,000 Experience
wesdoodNG: 6.00 VP
imacow: 2,000 Posts
Hemlok: 7,000 Saves
Tannerite: 40,000 B/P

2.5 Tanners to the Denvish!

milinko959: EG Major
Michael: Level 13
Obliquo: 6,000 Posts
Qwoxyl: 60,000 B/P

1.67* Qwoxyls to the Denvish!

FrankTheHedgehog: EG 1st Lieutenant
BonusStage: 60,000 B/P

BonusStage + Qwoxyl > Denvish? NEVER!

Coop83 will thank the following users
Iscaryrules (x4)

At 10/29/06 04:30 AM, Iscaryrules wrote:
At 10/29/06 04:23 AM, ixi wrote:
At 10/29/06 04:14 AM, Iscaryrules wrote: Congrats to: too many
Are you running for president or something?
Yes vote for me Nov 7 2008

w00t, the campaign has begun! Iscaryrules for President 2008!

At 10/29/06 11:29 AM, pepeatumi wrote: pepeatumi: 18,000 Blams
That's just a nasty way to be one up on me
That's what you get for being a Yankees fan, Coop.

No, I get the satisfaction of being perennially better than the Red Sox, for being a Yanks fan :P

At 10/30/06 03:49 AM, IvanTuroc wrote:
At 10/30/06 03:02 AM, ReconRebel wrote: So if the voting threshold was lowered to 50 why is the portal backed up so much? Is there a system glitch?
thats a good question. I'm wondering that myself as the UJs just went into the second page on the portal :(

Some sort of 'submit loads of flash day', I guess

At 10/30/06 09:13 AM, schneelocke wrote: Hey folks, I'm finally back - did anyone miss me? My internet connection was broken from Thursday until today. :P

Of course I missed you, miss Wolfie :)

At 10/28/06 09:35 AM, Coop83 wrote: schneelocke, this calls for a celebration, go and bake some biscuits!
OK. ^^ And how about some chocolate cake, too? :)

Well, I'm not really a fan of chocolate cake, but you can get me a beer while you're in the kitchen :)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-30 16:30:09

At 10/30/06 02:16 PM, AfroUnderscoreStud wrote:
At 10/30/06 09:56 AM, AllReligiousDrunk wrote: If it was lowered, I don't know if it was, please prove me that it was
Submissions are (currently) deleted if they fall below the listed score at the listed number of votes:

050 votes - 0.60
100 votes - 0.75
150 votes - 1.25
200 votes - 1.60

liljim gave me that information a while back.

They mostly likely changed this when the Wade was taking in that BPB thread when he was going on about "how a certain group of regulars keep voting 5 and they over power the masses" This change must be to help keep the masses happy. Well thanks for the info.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-30 18:03:45

You now have 3,910 experience points. You need 1 more to get to level 12.



Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-10-30 18:21:34

Thanks to the promotion to EGMG yesterday, now I have got 9.00+ VP, yepppiii!!! :D

BBS Signature