I just hit 2k exp. nothing major.
Gratz to Indigo for 3k posts :)
I think the last time I posted here I was like level 13 and had just reached 2,000 post haha.
So, is voting the only way to get points or posting in the forum aswell?
At 10/8/06 02:40 PM, AllReligiousDrunk wrote: Post again when you are level 20, and I will be impressed.
Well with the new levels it might not be as hard. Right now it would take me about a year to get to Level 20.
Congrats to:
dave - EG Major, and 9.50 VP.
ElMaster - 5,000 blams.
Grotesk - Police Captain, and silver whistle.
head2toewinner - Level 9.
homer8722 - 6 VP.
Indigo - 3,000 posts.
kidray76 - Level 11.
LevelOneAccount - EG Lieutenant General.
livingdaylights - Silver whistle.
M-A-R-C-U-S - 16,000 saves.
Malibu - 500 exp.
Metal-Gear-Solid - Level 10.
Pink-Soda - Police Sergeant.
Pyro - Level 10, and 666 posts.
Trinidex - 2,000 exp.
At 10/8/06 05:57 AM, Helloween wrote: Retard. :)
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
At 10/8/06 02:21 PM, SexOnStreet wrote: But now you can!
Stop posting useless achievements in this thread.
At 10/8/06 02:43 PM, AlbinoZombie wrote: So, is voting the only way to get points
Yes, voting and depositing is the only way to gain experience points.
or posting in the forum aswell?
No, that only increases your post count.
I don't exactly know if this is an achievement but I just recieved my 100th response.
At 10/8/06 02:21 PM, SexOnStreet wrote: But now you can!
I don't get it. What's groundbreaking here?
unban russianspy22
ug, im feeling sluggish right now >_< can't search for my last wi/ht congrats post, so no congrats right now, because im selfish and fat.
level 14, the sexy pipe is mine ;)
At 10/8/06 10:04 PM, BlueHippo wrote: ug, im feeling sluggish right now >_< can't search for my last wi/ht congrats post, so no congrats right now, because im selfish and fat.
level 14, the sexy pipe is mine ;)
It just doesn't fit you. Sorry. :(
I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.
FINALLY level 13 wooohooo no more dumbass boxing glove.
At 10/8/06 10:04 PM, BlueHippo wrote: ug, im feeling sluggish right now >_< can't search for my last wi/ht congrats post, so no congrats right now, because im selfish and fat.
I'm in the same posistion, but I know its a couple pages behind. I do congatulation list later on.
just got 1.50 in protect/blam ratio :)
At 10/8/06 05:12 AM, schneelocke wrote:At 10/8/06 01:07 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Check out the 60 levels - where will you be? topic for more info. Can't verify how accurate it is.Neat, thanks for the link. Even if it turns out not to be accurate, it's still interesting. ^^
Most of the older accounts will experience a nice level boost (if they kept up with their deposits) but I'm really anticipating the artwork for all the new icons. I still never got an answer about the additional auras and if they'll mean anything. :(=
At 10/6/06 02:50 PM, schneelocke wrote: ReconRebel - 73000 points (I'll get you some day. >:) )
Hey look! It's schneelocke!
yesterday, I got 7500 EXP! 3/4 way there! :D
Congrats to:
Metal-Gear-Solid - Level 10
dave - Elite Guard Major, 9.50VP
homer8722 - 6.00VP
Indigo - 3000 posts
Trinidex - 2000 EXP
Hemlok - 100 responses. It's a good acheivement. Something like 2800 posts isn't.
BlueHippo - Level 14, first deposit of the day. LOL, who cares?
MARINE - Level 13
At 10/9/06 12:10 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Most of the older accounts will experience a nice level boost (if they kept up with their deposits) but I'm really anticipating the artwork for all the new icons. I still never got an answer about the additional auras and if they'll mean anything. :(=
*noddles* Do the old auras really mean anything anymore by now? I've got the feeling that people use them more because they look nice, or maybe because they tend to see themselves as dark, tragic and gothy ^^, rather than because they (the auras) accurately reflect their (people's) voting habits compared to other users.
That being said, I kinda look forward to the pink aura myself. ^^ Although a white one would've been even nicer.
At 10/6/06 02:50 PM, schneelocke wrote:Hey look! It's schneelocke!
At 10/9/06 03:05 AM, BlueHippo wrote: first deposit for the day :0
try to become the last if you dare, or or even better last and first :D
At 10/9/06 12:08 AM, MARINE wrote: FINALLY level 13 wooohooo no more dumbass boxing glove.
but now you got a dumbass bat.....
At 10/9/06 12:10 AM, ReconRebel wrote:At 10/8/06 05:12 AM, schneelocke wrote:Most of the older accounts will experience a nice level boost (if they kept up with their deposits) but I'm really anticipating the artwork for all the new icons. I still never got an answer about the additional auras and if they'll mean anything. :(=At 10/8/06 01:07 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Check out the 60 levels - where will you be? topic for more info. Can't verify how accurate it is.Neat, thanks for the link. Even if it turns out not to be accurate, it's still interesting. ^^
At 10/6/06 02:50 PM, schneelocke wrote: ReconRebel - 73000 points (I'll get you some day. >:) )Hey look! It's schneelocke!
Are they really gonna make more levels? Do we really need them? Even if the system goes into effect and you get a higher level number, your exp points doesn't change so whats the point?
YAY! 2,900 posts, and I'm one flash away from getting that scrolly bar in my profile!
Congratulations to:
ElMaster: 4,000 Saves; 5,000 Blams
Dream-of-Duke: 8,000 Saves
Hemlok: 6,000 Saves; 100 Responses
MadCow: EG Captain
M-A-R-C-U-S: 16,000 Saves
LevelOneAccount: EG Lieutenant Colonel
kidray76: Level 11
Pyro: Level 10
LardLord: 1,000 B/P
Metal-Gear-Solid: Level 10
dave: EG Major; 9.50 VP
Homer8722: 6.00 VP
Indigo: 3,000 Posts
Trinidex: 2,000 Experience
BlueHippo: Level 14; Quickdraw 09.10.06
MARINE: Level 13
Heloween: 7,500 Experience
At 10/7/06 10:15 AM, BonusStage wrote:At 10/7/06 09:42 AM, Coop83 wrote: And that was designed as a compliment for Bahamut (understandable) and BonusStage(WTF?)Opinions are a wonderful thing.
So is grammar - "Opinions are wonderful things." or "An opinion is a wonderful thing"
At 10/7/06 02:28 PM, schneelocke wrote: Hmm... I don't think that your own PPD is really important. :) And FWIW, *my* PPD is much lower than that even, and that doesn't keep me from sounding off, either. ;)
Yeah, and when you come to think about it, I'm still spouting off my opinions as well :D
At 10/8/06 06:18 AM, Frostbreath wrote:At 10/7/06 09:42 AM, Coop83 wrote: Wow, I actually started catching you up :PHey, you've gained lots since i left :O But don't be silly enough believing you'll pass me :D
Thanks for the compliment - I entertain dreams of passing most members at some point during my NG career, why should I not entertain that of you?
At 10/8/06 02:43 PM, AlbinoZombie wrote: So, is voting the only way to get points or posting in the forum aswell?
Well, voting is the only way to get experience points. You can get total profile points by posting, since that is the sum of Exp, Blams, Saves, Reviews and Posts
At 10/9/06 04:41 AM, schneelocke wrote: That being said, I kinda look forward to the pink aura myself. ^^
To match that new collar of yours?
Although a white one would've been even nicer.
You're already whiter than white, you need other colours to show off your brilliance ;)
I'm not sure how, but I've just noticed a diety whistle in my profile, as well as in a lot of peoples profiles. Is it some sort of glitch, or has the system changed?
At 10/9/06 11:14 AM, AnzRage wrote: woot gold whistle.
Right behind you, my friend. ^_^
At 10/9/06 11:16 AM, TITROTU wrote:At 10/9/06 11:14 AM, AnzRage wrote: woot gold whistle.Right behind you, my friend. ^_^
Gold Whistle over here aswell!