Thank you for your deposit, RoflmuffinGlock! You now have 4,000 experience points. You need 952 more to get to level 13.
joy :3 never missed a deposit yet :0 *knocks on wood*
At 8/23/06 12:17 PM, electricfreak wrote: Four thousand experience points.
ill be watching to see if you deposit your exp every day and see if you keep up }:D
gimme a facial and make me a cupcake, braj.
Congrats to:
Coop83 - EG Lieutenant Colonel.
CowsCanFly - 6 VP, and EG Private.
electricfreak - 4,000 exp.
Imacow - 1,337 posts.
KungFuCow - 5,000 exp.
mtsack - 6 VP.
Peregrinus - EG Sergeant First Class.
Rioan - 5 VP, and level 8.
RoflmuffinGlock - 4,000 exp.
Ruffy - Level 8.
Washu-Chan - 4,444 posts.
XOOX - 11,000 posts.
At 8/23/06 04:14 PM, Coop83 wrote: but I cannot relax now, I shall return to the portal
Slow down, cowboy. Today isn't Clock Day, you know. :D
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
Congrats to:
Coop83 - EGLC
CowsCanFly - 6 VP, EGP
electricfreak - 4,000 exp
-Flynt- - 900 posts
GrammerClock - 400 reviews
KungFuCow - 5,000 exp
Imacow - 1337 posts
mt_sack - 6 VP
Peregrinus - EGSFC
RoflmuffinGlock - 4,000 exp
Ruffy- - Level 9
Washu-Chan - 4,444 posts
XOOX - 11,000 posts
Thanks to:
At 8/23/06 04:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: My lack of commitment is shown when I had a congratulations list that long and right clicked copy instead of paste over someone else's congrats list, so I could get their name to add to the list >:(
Hey, I'm only playing around, don't worry about it. It could happen to anyone.
At 8/23/06 10:54 AM, zerocrazy wrote: diddo
:: sniff :: I SMELL ALT!!
At 8/23/06 12:32 PM, Ruffy- wrote: bump
Don't do that. Believe me, this thread will never be forgotten long enough for it to need a bump.
Mad-Cow makes an uninteresting 6,000th post.
Now I need to get 666 moar >:3
6,000 posts, and 300 pm's in the same day.
Excitement :|
Today is my birthday!
Or at least that's what my ds told me. That thing never lies :o
It's too bad I couldn't be level 13 on the same day though, darn internets.
At 8/24/06 12:29 AM, Mad-Cow wrote: 6,000 posts, and 300 pm's in the same day.
Excitement :|
I deleted your post with the picture you forgot, since PMs are not an accomplishment.
Uh... I recently got 7,000 posts. Congratulations all who've done note-worthy things.
CowsCanFly: 6.00 VP
Imacow: 1,337 Posts
electricfreak: 4,000 Experience
Peregrinus: 5,000 B/P; EG Sergeant 1st Class
KungFuCow: 5,000 Experience
mt_sack: 6.00 VP
RoflmuffinGlock: 4,000 Experience
Mad-Cow: 6,000 Posts
Hemlok: EG 1st Lieutenant
-absentminded-: Birthday
Evark: 7,000 Posts
Thanks to:
At 8/23/06 06:29 PM, ElMaster wrote: Haha whats the rush, this isnt Clock Day. Only about 5 submissions per 15 mins.
Well, the World of Warcraft servers were down last night, so I was checking the portal, checking WoW, then returning to surf some more >:(
At 8/23/06 07:21 PM, Feedback- wrote: Slow down, cowboy. Today isn't Clock Day, you know. :D
Yeah, but I want more points as I'm behind schedule!
At 8/21/06 06:52 PM, Major_punk wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook - 14,000 experience
At 8/22/06 07:23 PM, Rioan wrote: Congrats to (My list, not copied, goes back a few pages so some may be old):
gfoxcook - 14,000 experience;
An old congrats is a congrats nonetheless. Thanks.
Rioan - Bad vocabulary, Level 7, 1,337 blams, 1,500 b/p, first congrat list post.
So what? I'm a little conceited, that's all.
You congratted yourself on making a congrat list post?
Alphabetical. For those who are too lazy to use Ctrl+f.
Still unorganized with blams, saves, b/p, experience, posts, rank, level, other stuff, etc. not in a certain order.
... O_o
At 8/21/06 10:19 PM, Qwoxyl wrote: Thank you for your deposit, Qwoxyl! You now have 10,000 experience points. You need 633 more to get to level 18.
Congrats, Qwoxy. I've been watching and waiting for your exp stat to hit the big 5-digits on the pentalist for the past... oh, half year or so? Glad to see I won't have to wait any more! Good job.
At 8/21/06 12:01 PM, -Myst- wrote: Hey guys ... how long would you say it takes to get back the exp of a whole summer of voting (which I haven't done as the slacker I am) at my level ?
Dude, I see that no one answered your question a couple pages back, but... I think I know why. It makes no sense.
I take it you're asking how long it will take to recover because you didn't get exp all summer?
It'll take forever. You can never get it back. You know the exp system works, right? The only way you'll "get it back" is if Pimp and humantarget and Shrapnel, and anyone else within.... oh, 1000 exp or so of level 30 (assuming you missed about 100 deposits) all miss deposits for 100 days (or whatever) as well.
You slack, you lose.
Haven't you learned from my lesson? I missed over 900 deposits on my account from 2000 to 2002, I'll never get them back, I've been depositing every day from the start of 2003 until now in 2006, but all that exp still doesn't put me up around 23,000 where I should be, in level 29. Instead, I'm around 14,000 exp and almost level 21.
See the difference? Slacking is teh suck. ;_;
But sadly, I didn't know I'd get into Newgrounds more than I ever had before during those dark years... if only I could have seen the future, I would have deposited a whole lot more.
gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!
blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!
At 8/22/06 03:04 PM, schneelocke wrote:At 8/22/06 02:41 PM, Feedback- wrote: Roflatobviousandbadcopyandpaste.Just to say it again, I don't mind when people copy my lists (imitation is the sincerest form of flattery), but not editing out my comments is admittedly a bit silly, yes. ^.^
I don't drop by this topic that often, and I gave up on catching up each time I drop back in back in 2005, if not late 2004!... but I seem to remember personally seeing yet another case of one of your congrats list being directly pasted by someone...
there's nothing legally wrong with it... morally wrong is another matter.
It's lazy and sad, though.
At 8/22/06 12:51 PM, -_-Psycho-Simple-_- wrote: Congrates to all:
Acid - Elite Guard Corporal, 7.00+ VP, 7000 posts
Agak - 8000 blams, 5000 saves
Alkador - 1000 blams,
dave - Elite Guard Second Lieutenant, 9.00+ VP
Ghost_Phantom - top 50 B/P users (heh, welcome. :))
Hemlok - 200 reviews
Imacow - 1000 XP
-MetalDart- - Elite Guard Captain
Minion777 - Level 13
-Moco- - top 2000 XP users
Mrputter - Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
mt_sack - 1000 saves
Peregrinus - 6.66 VP
Qwoxyl - 10000 XP
Raizen_Pyro - 1000 XP
RoflmuffinGlock - Elite Guard Sergeant (that's ranks, not levels.)
Stretchysumo - Level 10
I dont do this much but i dont really look here
Dude. All you typed was the "congrates to all," and "I dont do this much but i dont really look here."
A) your horrible spelling and grammar in those two lines REALLY clashes badly with schneelocke's great spelling and grammar in the congrats list between them...
B) if you really want to just congrat everyone she's congratted, then JUST REPLY TO HER POST AND QUOTE HER LIST, and say "congrats to everyone listed above by schnee!" Why do you have to paste it, her little notes and all, as though you came up with it yourself?!?
C) why are you fixating on hers? There's tons of other long-assed congrats list in this topic. Copy off of someone else next time you feel like being a kleptomaniac, spread the love and joy around a little, why don'tcha?
D) that is all.
At 8/23/06 09:18 AM, Snype_AR wrote:At 10/6/02 04:28 PM, Transformers wrote:.I don't think its nessesary to make a whole new thread about leveling up. :
You're "ditto"ing the statement of a MEMBER of this thread from 2002, before the thread became what it has been for awhile, and... perhaps isn't as much as it used to be, but... a place full of more than just level up announcements and congrats. Sadly... the discussions in here lately don't bear that out, but you'll just have to trust me on this one.
But again, Transformers is one of us, she posted in this thread many times after the post you selectively quoted. Way to just read page 1 of a thread.
At 8/23/06 10:54 AM, zerocrazy wrote: diddo
Are you agreeing with Snype_AR? If so, it's pretty sad you can't spell ditto even though Snype already spelled it for you. Way to go.
At 8/24/06 01:24 AM, -absentminded- wrote: Today is my birthday!
Or at least that's what my ds told me. That thing never lies :o
It's too bad I couldn't be level 13 on the same day though, darn internets.
You wanna level up on your birthday, eh? Well, stop depositing days into your "life exp" account for a day or two, and then you'll get your wish. HOORAY!
gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!
blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!
Congrats to:
Imacow - 1337 posts
electricfreak - 4000 EXP
Peregrinus - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
KungFuCow - 5000 EXP
Coop83 - Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel
mt_sack - 6.00VP
RoflmuffinGlock - 4000 EXP
Mad-Cow - 6000 posts
Hemlok - Elite Guard First Lieutenant
-absentminded- - Happy birthday!
Evark - 7000 posts
-fuzz- - Level 11. You shouldn't be happy.
ThePeterMissile - Level 11
Glaiel_Gamer - 20 portal awards
At 8/24/06 06:37 AM, gfoxclock wrote: there's nothing legally wrong with it... morally wrong is another matter.
It's lazy and sad, though.
I concur with both of these comments, as you're not making any friends by dicking baout like that at all.
C) why are you fixating on hers? There's tons of other long-assed congrats list in this topic. Copy off of someone else next time you feel like being a kleptomaniac, spread the love and joy around a little, why don'tcha?
Werewolf fetish, anyone? Stalking a werewolf is surely suicide by proxy, isn't it?
At 8/24/06 06:08 AM, ThePeterMissile wrote: Lvl 11 motha fuckas!!!
At 8/24/06 08:06 AM, theworldismine wrote: LEVEL 10 BITCHES! OH YEAH SUCK ON THAT! OH YEAH LEVEL 10 OH YEAH LEVEL 10,OH YEAH LEVEL 10!
*Coop issuses a beat-down upon ThePeterMissile and theworldismine with his Nunchacku*
At 8/24/06 08:15 AM, Coop83 wrote: *Coop issuses a beat-down upon ThePeterMissile and theworldismine with his Nunchacku*
mental note dont mess with coop in a few months
At 8/24/06 11:02 AM, Imacow wrote: mental note dont mess with coop in a few months
Or ever. I don't intend on missing deposits. I was just being slightly peeved by people filling this place up with abusive methods of trying to get congratulations. I'll add them to the list tomorrow morning, but there are nicer ways to get sorted.
i ate my 11 millionth fried baby brain today
I'm proud to say that it only took me a week and a half to reach Elite Guard First Lieutenant from Second. Still, it's no accomplishment compared to Denvish... : |
At 8/23/06 03:51 PM, KungFuCow wrote: 5,000 experience points. God damn, it seems like I level up faster now. It seems like only last week that I just got level 12.
I hit 5,000 today also!!
no it feels like i hit level 12 in march
Thank you for your deposit, Yoyodog76! You now have 660 experience points. You need 879 more to get to level 10.
So Close, 87 days left. oh and 500 posts.
Reason for ban: Do not as for pirated copies of programs. <3 Enoll << Thanks for the love. <3
Just broke 1,100 reviews... Man, that took quite some time, I must say...
At 8/24/06 06:08 AM, ThePeterMissile wrote: Lvl 11 motha fuckas!!!
PSN ID/Gamertag: KittensWithBeer
At 8/24/06 06:35 AM, gfoxclock wrote:At 8/22/06 07:23 PM, Rioan wrote:An old congrats is a congrats nonetheless. Thanks.
You're quite welcome.
You congratted yourself on making a congrat list post?
Yes, it was my first. I'm rather proud of it, but you already knew that.
... O_o
Okay, okay, only true and serious accomplishments from now on, and none of my own.
It'll take forever. You can never get it back.
Seconded. It's impossible to "catch up" on experience.
B/P's is easy catch up on, but experience is take it or leave it.
Are you agreeing with Snype_AR? If so, it's pretty sad you can't spell ditto even though Snype already spelled it for you. Way to go.
Dude... snype=alt.
At 8/24/06 02:19 PM, xShadow-Angelx wrote: I'm proud to say that it only took me a week and a half to reach Elite Guard First Lieutenant from Second. Still, it's no accomplishment compared to Denvish... : |
Don't expect to ever be as good as Denvish, that's like believing (actually BELIEVING) that you'll be the Top Experienced User someday.
At 8/24/06 03:54 PM, Yoyodog76 wrote: Thank you for your deposit, Yoyodog76! You now have 660 experience points. You need 879 more to get to level 10.
So Close, 87 days left.
Actually, it's more like 88, IF Pimp doesn't deposit.
At 8/24/06 02:19 PM, xShadow-Angelx wrote: I'm proud to say that it only took me a week and a half to reach Elite Guard First Lieutenant from Second. Still, it's no accomplishment compared to Denvish... : |
congrats. don't feel bad, denvish puts all of us to shame ;)
afro_stud is a robot and doesn't count.
At 8/24/06 04:59 PM, Phabel wrote: 400 posts!
Thanks. You made it to where I wouldn't double post.
I didn't realize it, but I just posted my 500th post recently.
At 8/24/06 04:58 PM, Rioan wrote: Dude... snype=alt.
Wrong name, I meant zerocrazy.
Actually, it's more like 88, IF Pimp doesn't deposit.
Either way, I now have a reason to procrastanate School and what not.
Reason for ban: Do not as for pirated copies of programs. <3 Enoll << Thanks for the love. <3