Congrats to-
[Name] (Acheivments) {Note}
[Coop83] (10k blams) {I'm trembling before you!! :P}
[Agak] (4k saves) {Nice man! 4k blams is ok, but 4k saves is wicked!}
[Washu-Chan] (1k PM's) {Wow! That's amazing! You're popular ^-^}
[EscapeFromReality] (5k) {Have fun being a regular man!}
[--Click] (1k exp.) {Nice! You're doing great for an 06'er}
[_Yoink_] (14.14 VP) {That's a slick VP! Have fun rockin' the vote!}
[EI_Master] (7777 total stats, 1337 posts) {Awesome dude! Keep up the hard work!}
[BonusStage] (Level 16) {Gratz man! You've got my favorite level.. *jealousy*}
[Frostbreath] (2 years on NG) {Dang! There's a ton of 2 year annaverseries this year!}
[-corruption-] (1k exp) {Another great 06'er! Don't give up on the exp!}