At 6/21/06 08:32 AM, Coop83 wrote: Forget what?
What I said about how I want (and don't want) to be treated.
Possibly for suggesting that a moment with you could be described as harrowing? I don't know, there's too much going on at work for me to think straight at the moment
Mmmm... well, I guess it would be rather harrowing for a man if his penis size is made fun of in front of a woman (even more harrowing than it normally would be, without a woman present, that is). Not that it should matter, of course; you have what you have, and people who rag on others are quite the turn-off, anyway. For that matter, of course, so are those made fun of, depending on how they react; a more general principle, I think, is that *everyone* who takes penis size too seriously (no matter whether it's their own or someone else's) is. Not that big penises aren't nice, but if I had to choose, I'd choose someone with a smaller penis who knew how to use it over someone with a bigger penis and an overinflated ego.