Let's do this.
Congrats to:
Coop83 - 8,000 blams.
TehMoonMaster - 50 reviews, and 100 posts.
TwentyCharacterLimit - Flash passing judgement.
KungFuCow - Top 700 b/pers, and 50 stickers.
Agak - 7.0000000000000000 VP.
You forgot a zero. No mad skillz for you.
Minion777 - 14,000 b/p.
RoflmuffinGlock - 3,000 exp.
wesdewd - 25 flashes/audio.
PointyStick - 1,000 saves.
schneelocke - 34,000 blams.
WastedWizard - Top 3,000 exp users.
Bahamut- - 21,000 blams.
face_on_fire - 12,000 b/p.
Dre_Man - Level 3.
-Popbrain - 3,000 posts.
AlexPawlowski - Safety Patrol.
Thine journey hath begun, young padawan.
Crashman - 5,000 exp.
LordTrinks - 1,111 posts.
At 5/14/06 11:54 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
Good idea Mr_Crazy.
My mind is full of many ideas. Ideas that are destined to be unleashed to the people, when the time comes. :)
At 5/15/06 10:44 AM, Bahamut- wrote:
No thanks to:
None of you mentioned about me being the 10th user to get 500 responses and the 20th user to get 1k for all stats! >:(
Congrats to:
Bahamut- - 10th user to get 500 responses, and 20th user getting 1,000 in all stats.
At 5/16/06 12:23 AM, Smizzoach wrote:
Pimp, I hope you get a stroke.
Something we could all use. :\