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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-26 08:50:19

Thank you for your deposit, PunkRockSmileyFace! You now have 1,480 experience points. You need 2 more to get to level 10.

So. Damn. Close.

My name is EvanStone.

You will refer to me as such or I'll crack your head open with my level 20 rusty pipe.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-26 10:36:45

At 4/26/06 08:33 AM, dooseyboyclock wrote: yay 375 posts yay
oh wait yeah


Congrats to:

Minion777 - Elite Guard Captain
Dream_of_Duke - 11000 blams
KIRBY_LINK - Level 10. This thread is to post acheivements you made on NG and to try and get all of those stat threads into one.
Turkeybean - 6.00VP
WastedWizard - 3000(5) EXP

Thanks to:


I should be getting 7777 saves very soon!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-26 11:50:23

At 4/26/06 10:36 AM, Bahamut- wrote: OMFG BEST ACHEIVEMENT EVAR!!!!!1

No it isn't, my achievement is!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-26 11:58:12

This is my 2,500th post and I am ranked 555 in b/p.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-26 12:23:01

I'm pretty sure I posted it, but it wasn't in my post history.
I have just made 500 posts, and 2,500 blams and protects in total.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-26 14:58:26

400 Saves and Level 11 Today. Almost 900 Blams as well. Congradulations to me.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-26 16:52:06

yay lvl up! lvl 4 now.

Thanks to Turkeybean for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-26 17:41:14

Ladies and Gentlemen (don't you love my usual opening), as of now, I've reached 11111 b/p...

...sadly my screenie missed it by one.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-26 19:25:24

At 4/26/06 02:58 PM, AvsJoe wrote: 400 Saves and Level 11 Today. Almost 900 Blams as well. Congradulations to me.
off topic

Your sig makes me angery. If you don't know why then you need to die.

My name is EvanStone.

You will refer to me as such or I'll crack your head open with my level 20 rusty pipe.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-26 19:36:50

At 4/25/06 09:47 AM, Mr_Crazy wrote:
You're not totally cool, unless you're in the double digits. :P

Oh sweet jesus that would be terrible. I seems to be getting a lot of double digit posting days recently, but I really don't want to have over 10 in my profile, then you know you're a post whore.

At 4/25/06 03:14 PM, Medinus wrote: Soon, ill be level 10, punching glove, ill look liek a pro!


At 4/25/06 09:21 PM, KIRBY_LINK wrote: i see no point in this thread so any way i guess i'm level 10 now.

And yet you posted in it :O

At 4/26/06 01:06 AM, -Cataclysm- wrote: 1666 posts! :)

Woah man, three numbers that are the same, in a row. That's got to be cool right? Er...

At 4/26/06 08:50 AM, PunkRockSmileyFace wrote: So. Damn. Close.

Owned >:(

Your sig makes me angery. If you don't know why then you need to die.

Because he hates smilies? Smilies suck except text ones which look ok. Most picture smilies are annoying and usually look terrible.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 00:12:44

Congrats to:
WastedWizard - 3000+ exp, 2,500 posts, and ranked 555 in b/p.
mr_putter - 500 posts, and 2,500 b/p.
AvsJoe - Level 11.
Darth_Jake - Level 4.
agatio - 11,111 b/p.

At 4/26/06 07:36 PM, BaronVonNaptime wrote: I really don't want to have over 10 in my profile,

Killjoy. >:(

then you know you're a post whore.

Yeah, I know. :D

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 00:12:47

I finnaly made it past the 900 saves point. Only a little ways to go to reach 1,000. I remember a few months back when I never thought I would make it to a 900 total. I love the portal. Congratulations to everyone leveling and ranking up here. It looks like there have been some major accomplishments lately. Keep it up.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

|NGSM|NGM|EGB|NGPD|DA|Sig by - CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 01:38:38

Just made Elite Guard Colonel. It only took me like 1 1/2 years. Remember back in the day when I was getting a couple hundred a day? Ah... the good old days, yet, I have more important things to do these times =)

Voting power 10.69. Way back then I thought I'd never break 10

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 01:49:02

At 4/27/06 01:38 AM, RageVI wrote: Just made Elite Guard Colonel. It only took me like 1 1/2 years. Remember back in the day when I was getting a couple hundred a day? Ah... the good old days, yet, I have more important things to do these times =)

Voting power 10.69. Way back then I thought I'd never break 10

Major congratulations on that. Those are some very big accomplishments. A couple hundred a day must have been nice. It is quite difficult to pick up points like that in the portal these days. You are still held very high in the regards to stats. You hold the 124th spot for expierience and the 123rd for B/P. That is also somthing to be proud of. Keep up all the hard work. Good luck breaking a voting power of 11.00 Now that will be a day to celebrate eh? Have fun.

|NGSM|NGM|EGB|NGPD|DA|Sig by - CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 08:44:23

Finally, level 10!

My name is EvanStone.

You will refer to me as such or I'll crack your head open with my level 20 rusty pipe.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 10:36:42

17000 total points, w00000!!!!!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 10:41:53

Congrats to:

Lidov - EXP = Post count
WastedWizard - 2500 posts, #555 B/P
mr_putter - 500 posts, Elite Guard Corporal
AvsJoe - Level 11
agatio - 11111 B/P
Turkeybean - 900 saves
RageVI - Elite Guard Colonel
PunkRockSmileyFace - Level 10
Dream_of_Duke - 17000 B/P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 12:53:59

I made level 10 a while ago.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 13:01:44

At 4/27/06 12:53 PM, ganon-dorf wrote: I made level 10 a while ago.

Yeah, that must've been quite some time. And tomorrow you'll reach 2k experience, be sure to post about that too :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 13:53:30

5000k exp.

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 13:56:50

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 14:20:47

At 4/27/06 01:56 PM, Denvish wrote:

How the hell do you even spot that !?!?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 14:23:13

I have finally reached nthe first leaf level...

Here to EGSC!

"Aww man I shot marvin in the face..."


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 14:49:52

First post with a level 11 icon!

counting the days to level 12



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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 15:00:31

No "real" level ups for me, but i got a few things i recently accomplished.

- I finally reached 2000 posts a few days ago, not that i try really hard to get them but 2000 is a nice number :P.
And i just deposited my experience for the day and made it to exactly 5000.

My b/p's are also coming along nicely, i will probably level up that rank by the end of the week,

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 15:36:23

At 4/27/06 02:20 PM, Tommy- wrote:
At 4/27/06 01:56 PM, Denvish wrote:
How the hell do you even spot that !?!?

I occasionally check -Casualty-'s NG Log. I noticed I was nearing the 100k a few days ago, so I've been checking it a few times daily over the past few days... now I'll go back to checking it once or twice a week.

In other news, my new Flash game (R!SE) should be on the portal tonight

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 16:30:27

At 4/27/06 03:36 PM, Denvish wrote: I occasionally check -Casualty-'s NG Log. I noticed I was nearing the 100k a few days ago, so I've been checking it a few times daily over the past few days... now I'll go back to checking it once or twice a week.

Oh yeah, i totaly forgot about that.

In other news, my new Flash game (R!SE) should be on the portal tonight

/me gets 5 at the ready.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 18:09:20

Congrats to:
Turkeybean - 900 saves.
RageVI - Elite Guard Colonel, and 10+ VP.
PunkRockSmileyFace - Level 10.

Now begins the wait for level 11. Still a few more weeks until I'm level 12.

Dream_of_Duke - 17000 b/p.
ganon-dorf - Level 10.
Kirk_Cocaine - 5,000 exp.
Latinoralf - EG Brigadier General.

3 stars > 1 star.

Zwe - Level 11.

Let me help you with the counting. 100+ days.

Chris_Aldin - 2,000 posts, and 5,000 exp.

At 4/27/06 01:56 PM, Denvish wrote:


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 19:42:56

At 4/27/06 04:30 PM, Tommy- wrote:
In other news, my new Flash game (R!SE) should be on the portal tonight
/me gets 5 at the ready.


Give it what you think it deserves... I'm gutted that I had to include the sounds in the file (I originally intended to load them from offsite, but it didn't work. The game without sound is only 22 KB....

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-04-27 20:38:09

At 4/27/06 07:42 PM, Denvish wrote: http://www.newground..m/portal/view/309756

I have no idea how you pull stuff like this off Denvish, but it is fucking amazing.



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