Thanks to-:
Level-Up-Lounger 6.00 vp and 150 equal saves and blams
DonDoli 10,00O saves, double listed. 666 posts oh
PsychoYoshi: 1,000 exp lol img tags dont work use the >Attachment: box below the Message box to post a pic.
At 2/24/06 01:09 AM, iscrulz wrote: Me: Silver fist, I wont change until pimp deposits.
So I just made it by 0 points to reach lvl 18 is 9870. huh good so back to neutral agian since lvl 15.
At 2/24/06 05:42 AM, BonusStage wrote: This took long enough, let's see, what's there to congratulate me about?
Lets see
Well really only the fact that my Posts Per Day has now gone below 22 I have a goal of EVENTUALLY getting back below 20 but that'll be a while since posting is so much god damn fun.
Also because of my whole election into the Wi/Ht? club eh :P, that was a bit overdue according to my pompous self but hey at least i got the 26th enterer.
I have a little complaint about the alt deletion since one of the ones deleted was BonusStageUnlocked, an account I'd had for over a year and I'd never used for anything except posting when I felt like this account had too many posts or on occasion when I hit the 4 post quota, which never brings ban, but i guess it's SO WORTHY OF A DELETION, it had over 700 posts too, hell i can still see them in some of my threads, this is a complete ... what's it called ... fucking idiotic situation seems to work.
I saw bsuled and wonder why it was deleted. I dont know now you can say you had a account deleted.
So yeah, now I'm unbanned and I have a few things I need to get down soon now, I have 2 major things coming up but they're both not to be said until i actually GET there so yeah.
grats in the future then.
Hey sup dedeff
At 2/24/06 10:23 AM, DonDoli wrote:At 2/22/06 12:12 AM, iscrulz wrote: Late congrats to:Thanks.
DonDoli: LV18
No problem another 200 days for the iron dog toy.
DonDoli: EGSC, very late congrat my former b/p enemy/friend.Haha, thanks, let's just say buddy, shall we? ;)
Say buddy, got it.
Well iscrulz you said that we'd get here by april. I made it in february, now it's just up to you.
To get 10,000 saves or Egsc I know I wont get egsc bu april. Maybe 10k saves if I get my pace back up to 55.
At 2/24/06 01:57 PM, Bahamut- wrote: Hey, are you too lazy to make a congrats list yourself? What's so hard about opening Notepad, putting people's name for their acheivements etc? :P
I think your congratlists get stolen more than expected. Nobody steals mine because I make them crappy. But yeah hes to lazy or idiot to try covering it up. Oh well it happened in the past so its no major problem.
and finally my goal has been reached. s>p
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)