At 2/22/06 06:41 AM, Bahamut- wrote: Congrats to...
What about me? :-(
Culture is to society as cancer is to the body. We need structure, dicipline and no more relaxation.
No more gentle shit, pain is the fundation of a solid nation.

At 2/22/06 06:41 AM, Bahamut- wrote: Congrats to...
What about me? :-(
Culture is to society as cancer is to the body. We need structure, dicipline and no more relaxation.
No more gentle shit, pain is the fundation of a solid nation.
At 2/22/06 03:18 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Congrats old buddy...
Ya its gets fun with every new level hehe, anyways long time no see, what you been upto? anyways congrats on the new level...
i got in trouble with the law and have 2 more court d8's i have to go to
i have a felony charge against me so i'm hoping not to go back to jail
thanks also goes to:
At 2/22/06 07:22 AM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: i got in trouble with the law and have 2 more court d8's i have to go to
i have a felony charge against me so i'm hoping not to go back to jail
Wha? What for? =O
Culture is to society as cancer is to the body. We need structure, dicipline and no more relaxation.
No more gentle shit, pain is the fundation of a solid nation.
Wade finally looked at a bunch of stuff I flagged yesterday which made my whistle level go from "normal" to "silver" overnight!
At 2/22/06 01:25 PM, purpleninja wrote: Stuff...
Hey, you got Bahamut-'s approval when it comes to using his BBS signature picture?
Culture is to society as cancer is to the body. We need structure, dicipline and no more relaxation.
No more gentle shit, pain is the fundation of a solid nation.
At 2/22/06 10:50 AM, Lidov wrote: Like, totaly 3,000 blams!
that is like, so totally good, congrats
At 2/22/06 01:25 PM, purpleninja wrote: Wade finally looked at a bunch of stuff I flagged yesterday which made my whistle level go from "normal" to "silver" overnight!
lol same thing happened to me, congrats
You know, it just occured to me that 2,626 posts is sort of cool, because it's one of those things. You know, one of those things where you have the numbers, and the other numbers look like it, or something.
I'm now an Elite Guard Sergeant (3000 b/p). Uh, yay I guess.
At 2/22/06 03:04 PM, LordXanthus wrote: You know, it just occured to me that 2,626 posts is sort of cool, because it's one of those things. You know, one of those things where you have the numbers, and the other numbers look like it, or something.
It is neat 26/26 2,626 heh, anyways congrats on the neat looking numbers you almost at 3,000 so go for that aswell, and good luck, but most of all congrats on the 2626...
Congrats to:
Sanjay - 12,345 posts.
Lidov - 3,000 blams.
purpleninja - Silver whistle.
wizardman - EG Sergeant.
kirby_694 - 1,111 posts.
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
At 2/15/06 01:32 AM, _ggk_ wrote: Elite Guard Corporal! :)
Elite Guard Sergeant! :)
At 10/6/02 02:56 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: IM A LEVEL 11 NOW
HARHARHAR this is an old topic
Congrats to:
_ggk_ - EG Sergeant.
kirby_694 - 1,000 blams.
I see you're finally doing multiple congrats, instead of doing it one-by-one. Big improvement there.
At 2/22/06 07:22 PM, THEFLYINGMONKEY wrote: HARHARHAR this is an old topic
What makes you say that?
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
At 2/22/06 07:52 PM, kirby_694 wrote:
According to my calculator, your total blam/protection points is about 3,003 (more than 3,000 blam/protection points).
Let's see...I've been B/P for this account around 1/10 and its 2/22...So i'm just going to round it up to two months. the rate i'm going its gonna take me around 20 months to reach Elite Guard Supreme Commander!
I think...
At 2/23/06 12:01 AM, wizardman wrote: Level 15. Yay, cool avatar.
cool, congradulations on level 15. Hopefully you won't get pushed back in the morning.
Congrats to:
-API- - Level 12.
wizardman - Level 15.
Hope you don't lose that, by morning. :P
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
At 2/22/06 02:12 PM, Andersson wrote: Hey, you got Bahamut-'s approval when it comes to using his BBS signature picture?
I was wanting someone to take my sig anyway.
Congrats to:
Andersson - Level 14. There, I mentioned you!
Lidov - 3000 blams
purpleninja - Silver whistle
wizardman - Elite Guard Sergeant, Level 15
kirby_694 - 1111 posts, 1000 blams
_ggk_ - Elite Guard Corporal
-API- - Level 12
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 6,666 quality entries.
Its about time... I'm finally level 13 (although i may drop down to level 12 again when HT deposits)...
Sucks to be you, wizardman! You leveled down!
Shit, forgot the picture! (Sorry for tripple posting.)
At 2/23/06 06:35 AM, CaptinChu wrote: Sucks to be you, wizardman! You leveled down!
Let's see... This afternoon the level up was at 6705, then moved to 6708. I deposit, and it's moved to 6711?
Aw :'( Okay, scratch my level up then.
At 2/22/06 07:31 AM, Andersson wrote: Wha? What for? =O
pos of xtc, weed, percocet and reckless drving
then spent 3 nights in jail first time i missed deposits on NG to
At 2/21/06 09:14 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Hey i've got flash on my mac! so... someday I hope to make flash again. mac's do not crash so therefore it won't be frustrating like a pc when you do all that work and it crashes. :)
ah congrats, macs are awesome, they can actually run flash well :D wish i could say the same for linux ;)
At 2/21/06 11:11 PM, OMGWIGGLESGAIHENTAI wrote: check the badge yo
you'll be Praporshchik and top 300 before you know it! congrats.
At 2/22/06 12:15 AM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: i am finally level 17 and now its like wow thats alot of points to get to next level over 1k i better not get into any more trouble if i wanna go up levles
congrats to you man, but i miss those nunchaku on you :(
At 2/22/06 10:50 AM, Lidov wrote: Like, totaly 3,000 blams!
very nice, now add another zero and get that egsc ;) congrats
At 2/22/06 03:26 PM, wizardman wrote: I'm now an Elite Guard Sergeant (3000 b/p). Uh, yay I guess.
congrats, keep it up and you can be in top 300 before you know it ^_^
At 2/22/06 03:37 PM, kirby_694 wrote: Now I made it with 1,111 posts!
one-derful. *snicker* congrats!
At 2/22/06 07:14 PM, _ggk_ wrote: Elite Guard Sergeant! :)
congrats! keep it up :)
At 2/22/06 11:22 PM, kirby_694 wrote: I made it with 1,000 blams! I got lucky this time!
everyone has to start somewhere, keep on truckin :)
At 2/22/06 11:52 PM, _ggk_ wrote: the rate i'm going its gonna take me around 20 months to reach Elite Guard Supreme Commander!
it's a long road, but the reward at the end is magical :p
At 2/23/06 12:01 AM, -API- wrote: Level 12 :D
congrats ^_^ enjoy those barbs!
At 2/23/06 12:01 AM, wizardman wrote: Level 15. Yay, cool avatar.
saddly you got pushed back a day by HT >:U but i'm still jealous. big congrats to you :3
At 2/23/06 05:47 AM, Bahamut- wrote: SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 6,666 quality entries.
woah step back oh dark one!
At 2/23/06 06:34 AM, -Superman- wrote: Its about time... I'm finally level 13 (although i may drop down to level 12 again when HT deposits)...
whew, safe this time. congrats... i'm jealous of you too :p
IM_KOOL_R_U; take it easy man, hope it all works out allright... and that you don't miss any more deposits ;)
Quick Congrats to:
Sanjay - 12345 posts
YoinK_VineS - 3,333 posts
-buddhist- - level 12
thanks to:
iscrulz x 2 (one day i shall reach 4,394 :P)
Bahamut- (i dunno, it just doesn't feel the same when fake)
My account is exactly one year old today, yah! =)
Congrats to:
Bahamut- - 6,666 saves.
-Superman- - Level 13.
YoinK_VineS - 3,333 posts.
Auz - One-year-old account.
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
w00t, I leveled up! Not much of an achievment, but at least it looks a bit better than the previous icon.