Congrats to Fawful for ranking up to Elite Guard Corporal.
Congrats to Fawful for ranking up to Elite Guard Corporal.
You silly fools, why am I not being congratulated and showered in affection?
21,000 blams.
Wi/Ht? #28
Level Up Lounge! I've only been here on newgrounds for a short time and i allready love it! VOTE FOR PEDRO!
Congrats to:
Domnikathor - 300 posts.
Lidov - 2,222 blams.
dewclawedstorm - 5,000 b/p.
Fawful - EG Corporal.
-Mitsubishi- - EG Corporal.
Xiivi - 21,000 blams.
At 1/25/06 09:25 PM, Xiivi wrote: You silly fools, why am I not being congratulated and showered in affection?
A little something called lives? No, couldn't be that. Don't know what it could be.
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
i know have over 100 reviews with responses. now for 200. that could be a while though.
At 1/25/06 09:25 PM, Xiivi wrote: You silly fools, why am I not being congratulated and showered in affection?
Can I just shower you with my tongue instead? :P
At 1/25/06 03:17 PM, schneelocke wrote:
You don't have to put anything into it... but without a profile, there's no way to check your actual blam/save numbers, which is rather unfortunate. :)
It is, but I enjoy the low-level status for some reason. I guess I mostly enjoy the forums here, and not so much the B/Ps . . . but B/Ping is addicting :)
Congrats to:
Domnikathor - 300 posts
Lidov - 2,222 blamz0rs
LittleMissVixen - Elite Guard General. Swanky.
dewclawedstorm - 5000 B/P
-Mitsubishi- - EG Corporal.
Xiivi - 21,000 blams.
Grizzley - 100 reviews with responses. Good luck on your quest for 200, that's a monstrous number.
Rank up (security guard now I think)
At 1/25/06 11:25 PM, AreYouSure wrote: It is, but I enjoy the low-level status for some reason. I guess I mostly enjoy the forums here, and not so much the B/Ps . . . but B/Ping is addicting :)
Well, you can stay at level 1 and still have a profile... ^^
Rank up (security guard now I think)
Yup - sorry, the last one I congratulated you on should've been Safety Patrol. Congrats, in any case!
Also congrats to:
dewclawedstorm - 5000 posts
Fawful - Elite Guard Corporal
-Mitsubishi- - Elite Guard Corporal
Xiivi - 21000 blams
Grizzley - 100 review responses
As for myself, I passed D0GMA and am now #20 on the B/P user list. Yay! ^.^
i just got a vp of 11 so that makes me happy i can now fall to sleep
At 1/26/06 12:02 AM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: i just got a vp of 11 so that makes me happy i can now fall to sleep
A vp of 11? Very nice!
So does this mean you're still cool?
thanks to the following for congratsing me on 20,000 b/p:
you guys sure are swell <3
also, not really an achievement, or congratsworthy, but for once (first time i actually really tried) i got the first deposit of the day, beating muyburrito and his smelly face :P
<MuyBurrito> Pshh
<MuyBurrito> Congrats, I guess.
At 1/26/06 12:07 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: A vp of 11? Very nice!
So does this mean you're still cool?
yes it does mean i am still cool especially with running my new vista look
its s3xy
At 1/26/06 12:02 AM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: i just got a vp of 11 so that makes me happy i can now fall to sleep
At 1/26/06 12:15 AM, kirby_694 wrote: I made it to 970 posts! Am I lucky?
Nope. But if you do want to be lucky, get 1,000 posts, then post here when you reach it.
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
At 1/25/06 09:25 PM, Xiivi wrote: 21,000 blams.
Congrats on yet another record, blams are nice, i myself like protects though, anyways congrats...
At 1/25/06 04:37 PM, schneelocke wrote: You do realise that these (especially / at least the ones accompanied by emoticons such as "O;-)>") are fake, right? :)
I sure do O;-)>
I think I also said it in one way or an other. Well, I am not complaining, it is better than nothing ;-)
Congrats to:
Domnikathor - 300 posts. :P
Lidov - 2222 blams. Why can't you edit the fucking screenshot?!
LittleMissNewgrounds - Elite Guard General. And I'm only at Major General. :(
dewclawedstorm - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
Fawful - Elite Guard Corporal
-Mitsubishi- - Elite Guard Corporal
Xiivi - 21000 blams
Grizzley - 100 responses
TehBlueHippo - First to deposit
BonusStage - 40000 B/P
At 1/26/06 12:07 AM, TehBlueHippo wrote: you guys sure are swell <3
Heh, thanks. ^^
At 1/26/06 07:48 AM, Lidov wrote: I sure do O;-)>
I think I also said it in one way or an other. Well, I am not complaining, it is better than nothing ;-)
OK, just making sure. :) And yes, it is.
IM_KOOL_R_U - 11.00 VP (although it seems you've been pimp'ed)
TehBlueHippo - First deposit
A Listedsa:
Domnikathor 300 posts. you spam doesnt look like it.
Lidov 2,222 blams
LittleMissVixen: EG General too bad its wasted on a low level.
dewclawedstorm: EGSFC and fake 5,000 b/p
Fawful: EG Corporal
-Mitsubishi-: same as above
Xiivi 21,000 blams
Grizzley 100 responses
AreYouSure: Portal Security Guard
schneelocke 20th b/p ranked.
IM_KOOL_R_U 11.00 vp
TehBlueHippo first to deposit 1/26/2006
BonusStage 40,000 b/p
At 1/25/06 12:01 PM, schneelocke wrote:At 1/25/06 06:45 AM, iscRulz wrote: Retire on blams and only get saves. 20,000 would be great.20000 saves? Sure, but I'm trying to get there eventually, anyway. ^_~ And no, I won't retire on anything at all.
Well if your not retiring go after yaya and fixit but stopping at 30,000 20,000 would look nice getting 11,000 saves more and no blams wouldnt be fun.
At 1/25/06 01:06 PM, AreYouSure wrote: thanks schneelocke and iscrulz for the congrats.
I kinda like the feelin of not having a profile, I dunno what I'd really put into one if I made one.
Have no profile is neat. Put whatever but dont say your a huge gamer and love sonic mario and halo. and music and movies make something up.
At 1/25/06 02:15 PM, Frostbreath wrote: Especially when you've written an essay (or anything else with similar length), and only loking on your keyboard the whole time, only to discover that you've accidently pressed the cpaslock button :P
Yes then I have to waste extra time uncaptialize the letters well in word you can change the case but then you know the the other stuff someone would do.
At 1/25/06 04:22 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: It seems like some of you all will level up soon, Frostbreath and Lidov and Vixen soon as well. Barbwire gloves and baseball bats, the way it should be. I'm still rooting for alot of you guys way ahead of me. ;)
Root for me I want lvl 18 only because 17 sucks worst then 14.
At 1/26/06 12:15 AM, kirby_694 wrote: I made it to 970 posts! Am I lucky?
No -dreg-
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 1/24/06 06:06 PM, harryjarry wrote:7,000 Blams ^_^.
Congrats. Im only 2 ranks behind you now, the time may finally come this weekend. >: )
Once again out of the sixes!
Definately not me :P
6666 Blams
At 1/26/06 10:28 AM, iscRulz wrote: schneelocke 20th b/p ranked.
Well if your not retiring go after yaya and fixit but stopping at 30,000 20,000 would look nice getting 11,000 saves more and no blams wouldnt be fun.
Oh, I do plan to go after them... and some other users (well, one, at least, right now) that are ahead of me but aren't inactive, too. ;)
To hell with it. Im bored im gonna make a really long congrats list.
Lidov - 2,000 blams, 1337 saves, 2,222 blams
XwaynecoltX - 13,000 saves
schneelocke - 9,000 saves, 500 posts, 36,000 b/p, 27,000 blams
MegaGold 1,000 reviews
Latinoralf - Level 13
M-A-R-C-U-S - 8,000 exp points, 28,000 b/p, 9,000 saves
-Casualty- - 7.00 vp, EGSFC, 2,000 posts, level 12
SlashFirestrom - Elite Guard Master Sergeant, Sergeant Major
K-Pingu - Elite Guard Private
Ghost_Phantom - Elite Guard First Lieutenant, 3,000 saves
-Canas- - 8,000 posts
gumOnShoe - 5,000 posts
-Buddhist- 5,000 posts
Xiivi - 9,000 saves, Elite guard supreme commander, 21,000 blams
Ins0mniaC777 - Level 11, 4,444 saves
Morextremist - 10,000 posts
xStem - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
Guerilla-Unit - Level 16
format - 15,000 exp
leeboy105 - 50,000 b/p
Kirk_Cocaine - 10,000 b/p
Minion777 - 7.00 vp
MegaGold - 5,000 exp, 1337 posts
ReconRebel - 40,000 Blams, 60,000 b/p
Nicko9y - 4,000 posts
Legionnaire-X - Level 13
davidmoore0 - Level 10
Domnikathor - 1,000 saves
Auz - 10,000 points, 7.00 vp, 5,000 b/p
harryjarry - 10,000 b/p, 7,000 blams
Newgrounds - 900,000 profiles
-Shadic- - 3,000 exp
Vince50 - First deposit, level 13
Wylo's alt - 2,000 exp
squadus - 3,000 blams
zzazzman - 2,000 exp
ScottTowels - 7,000 exp
IvanTuroc - 5,000 exp
YourNext - 1,000 posts
M14_REAL_2001 - Level 24
BlueFlameSkulls - Level 13
DontReadThis - Level 10
DonDoli - 9,000 saves
KungFuCow - 3,000 exp, 1337 posts, 1,000 saves
moongod - 12.00 vp
Frostbreath - 10,000 b/p, 6,666 blams
zzazzman - Elite Guard Sergeant Major
_ggk_ - 4 rank ups in 5 days
Level-Up-Lounger - 3,000 exp
-Myst- 11.00 vp
Captain_Bob - 17,000 exp
Rhabdophobia - 4,000 posts
Wylo - 50,000 b/p
Normajeanx - 1,337 posts
-Shadic- Top 1,000 b/p
Afro_Stud - Elite Guard Major
LittleWashu - 13,000 points
Sanjay - 12,000 posts
TehBlueHippo - 20,000 b/p, first deposit
RedCircle - hey
LittleMissVixen - Elite Guard General
dewclawedstorm - 5,000 b/p
fawful - Elite Guard Corporal
-Mitsubishi- - Elite Guard Corporal
Grizzley - 100 responded reviews
IM_KOOL_R_U - 11.00 vp
BonusStage - 40,000 b/p
cheesebizkit - 5,000 exp
Thanks for the faked screenie Wylo!
At 1/22/06 11:17 PM, Gallon wrote: At 1/22/06 12:25 AM, Major_punk wrote:I'll kill you. Your crimethink is doubleplusungood.P.S I dont want Gallon to be EGSC...
0H FUK!!!
At 1/23/06 01:49 AM, Frostbreath wrote: At 1/22/06 08:14 PM, Major_punk wrote: 10,000 Blam/Protects!So you've pretty much gained 60 points on me already. But congratulations for hitting it :)
thanks, I just passed you in b/p yesterday but im a little bummed out because that level 9 EagleRock passed me at the same time. : /
Kinda ruins the celebration.
Anyway he'll become an inactive user in May so we'll both have a chance to re-pass him. Eventually.
I was aware of this last night, but just remember about this acheivement now.
Now to get to 50000 total points.
At 1/26/06 04:20 PM, Major_punk wrote: schneelocke - 9,000 saves, 500 posts, 36,000 b/p, 27,000 blams
Thanks! And congrats on 6666 blams, too. (Mmm, super-evil! ^^)
Also, congrats to:
cheesebizkit - 5000 XP
VicinityOfObscenity - 40000 total profile points
Congrats to:
BonusStage - 40,000 b/p.
TehBlueHippo - First Depositer.
IM_KOOL_R_U - 11.00 VP.
Major_punk - 6,666 blams.
EVIL!!! :P
cheesebizkit - 5,000 exp.
VicinityOfObscenity - 40,000 points.
KungFuCow - Rated 1,111 in b/p.
At 1/26/06 04:08 PM, cheesebizkit wrote: during a ban
Any particular reason?
At 1/26/06 04:20 PM, Major_punk wrote: To hell with it. Im bored im gonna make a really long congrats list.
<Long foolin'>
And I thought I had too much time on my hands.
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
At 1/26/06 10:25 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Congrats to XwaynecoltX for reaching EGSC!
Thanks Yoink
12.31 VP
30,000 B/p's
At 1/26/06 10:27 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote:At 1/26/06 10:25 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Congrats to XwaynecoltX for reaching EGSC!Thanks Yoink
12.31 VP
30,000 B/p's
ah, i was waiting for that all day, i even checked at school and saw you weren't EGSC :P
big congrats, and much love ~x~ <3
At 1/24/06 04:07 PM, schneelocke wrote: Wylo - 50000 points (niiice.)
I know what is nicer. Your sweet sweet lollipop.
At 1/24/06 04:46 PM, AreYouSure wrote: Congrats on 50,000 wylo. That's insane.
Good. I'm not insane, just my points are.
At 1/24/06 10:53 PM, InsOmniaC777 wrote: Congrats to:
Wylo - 50,000 b/p.
At 1/24/06 11:10 AM, Wylo wrote:>:P
What did I do to deserve the emoticon of angry toungness?
At 1/25/06 06:45 AM, iscRulz wrote: Wylo 20,000 b/p to many
I differ too beg.
Generic Thanks to