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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 15:45:55

Okay, I believe this post is the first in the 1400th page! Remember when I was the first to post in the 1300th page? :D

At 12/28/05 07:11 AM, LordXanthukah wrote: Oh, you're so sweet. Be on the lookout for my lv 10 party!

I'll probably forget, but please come back here and mention your level 10.

At 12/28/05 02:59 PM, death_guy3 wrote: this is my xp below these words

I really don't know what youstat acheivement you were trying to mention. :S

Congrats to:

Frostbreath - 9000 B/P, 6000 blams. I hope you are fast with getting blam points.
-Rain- - 1000 EXP. Heh, I remember getting Andersson to 5000 EXP! :D
schneelocke - 25000 blams
-Hybrid- - 6000 posts. I saw you posting with your alt when you were at 5999 posts. :P
Ghost_Phantom - 6666 blams. LOL at the black and white screenshot.
TornadoClock - Level 10
Normajeanx - 3000 blams

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 16:13:46

At 12/28/05 03:45 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: Okay, I believe this post is the first in the 1400th page! Remember when I was the first to post in the 1300th page? :D

It is, yes - congrats. ^^ I don't recall the 1300th page, but... well, here's to the next 100 pages! It'll be interesting to see whether you'll get the first post on the 1500th, too.

schneelocke - 25000 blams

Thanks! ^^

-Hybrid- - 6000 posts
Ghost_Phantom - 6666 blams (the grey fit you well, though; very ghosty!)
TornadoClock - Level 10
Normajeanx - 3000 blams

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 16:20:28

At 12/28/05 03:45 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: Okay, I believe this post is the first in the 1400th page! Remember when I was the first to post in the 1300th page? :D

Check again. Master_Inuyasha has the first post on the 1300 th page. You're wrong unless some posts got deleted.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 16:24:43

First post on BBS, hope I don't screw it TOO much :) Just wanted to say that today I was "promoted" to level 4. I rule, don't I :P Now I just need to get a grip of this forum, and then I'm on my way.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 16:24:54

At 12/28/05 04:20 PM, ScottTowels wrote: Check again. Master_Inuyasha has the first post on the 1300 th page. You're wrong unless some posts got deleted.

Ah, I see. Well, it was me that was first to post in the 1300th page when the LUL got to that page, but unfortunately, some posts got deleted. Around 5 - 10 posts were deleted so you won't see me to first post on page 1300 anymore. :(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 16:33:30

i missed my screenie at 11,000 but I did manage to get this screenie
11,111 blams!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

old people say lol; and we still use these }{

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 17:12:33

At 12/28/05 04:24 PM, PunchBag wrote: First post on BBS, hope I don't screw it TOO much :) Just wanted to say that today I was "promoted" to level 4. I rule, don't I :P Now I just need to get a grip of this forum, and then I'm on my way.

Welcome then - and no, you didn't screw it up at all. :) Have fun on NG (you probably already have) and the BBS! (And enjoy those days of "five days to level up" while they last, too... ^_~)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 17:13:53

I figgure if anywhere you guys would have it... but do any of you have a link to a calculator for exp so you know aproximatelly how long it will be before you get to the next level.

I have one on my PC, but it's been a wee bit tempremental latelly. I think I have like 11 days left untill level 11 though.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 17:16:06

At 12/28/05 05:13 PM, -TheFaces- wrote: I figgure if anywhere you guys would have it... but do any of you have a link to a calculator for exp so you know aproximatelly how long it will be before you get to the next level.

Here you go.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 17:18:44

At 12/28/05 05:16 PM, Afro_Stud wrote:
At 12/28/05 05:13 PM, -TheFaces- wrote: I figgure if anywhere you guys would have it... but do any of you have a link to a calculator for exp so you know aproximatelly how long it will be before you get to the next level.
Here you go.

thank you kind sir, and I was wrong it was 12 day... i'll be back then.

only 4 months left untill level 12. -_-

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 18:44:14

Ladies and gentlemen, I just got my 8000th blam point. :) :D

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 18:56:05

Good on ya, ~X~ for getting back into the top 50...

Has your motivation to start b/p'ing again been just to get back into the top 50?
Damn... at one stage I was less than 1,000 behind you, now it's like 1,500 or something >: (


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 19:01:21

At 12/28/05 06:56 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: Good on ya, ~X~ for getting back into the top 50...


Has your motivation to start b/p'ing again been just to get back into the top 50?
Damn... at one stage I was less than 1,000 behind you, now it's like 1,500 or something >: (

not sure really just seem to be into it these days... when i first started i was really into it now im into it again who knows...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 19:02:37

At 12/28/05 07:01 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: not sure really just seem to be into it these days... when i first started i was really into it now im into it again who knows...

Damn you!
I want into that top 50, and I want to overtake you in something :P lol.

...bitch. :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 19:13:28

At 12/28/05 07:02 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: Damn you!
I want into that top 50, and I want to overtake you in something :P lol.

...bitch. :D

Haha sorry man, my b/p stats were getting abit outdated as they were, hey its no picbic getting into it and i sense it wont be any picnic stayong or climbing, but ill do what i can, cant complain at the moment though...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 19:29:56

At 12/27/05 10:25 PM, ExtraLife wrote: Thousand Post! ZOMG!

Congrats! ZOMG!

At 12/27/05 11:44 PM, Zerok wrote: TEN THOUSANDTH POST.


Sort of.

Congrat me or something.

I know it's some sort of accomplishment. Your praise will make me feel less pathetic.



Congrats on getting your first stat to 10K, good luck on getting another stat there and thus being pentalisted.


At 12/28/05 12:15 AM, Afro_harryjarry wrote: This isnt much but I have 2k exp O=) I have been waiting for this for awhile.

Nice, those achievements only come every 100 days which makes them so special. Congrats! O=)

Now just need to get to level 11...

Good Luck! Make sure you don't miss a deposit O=)

At 12/28/05 01:24 AM, hot_and_charming wrote: 7.00+ PPD. :) I really post a lot in my limitted time. ;) I wish that I can reach 10+ PPD in the next three month. :D

You post far too much on this alt.

But congrats anyway.

At 12/28/05 01:25 AM, Continuum wrote: lol@satanicbirthdaypost.

Happy birthday! Have a good one! O=)

And congrats on 666 posts!

At 12/28/05 05:34 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: After being out of the top 50 for what seemed like ages i have re-entered it once again :-)


Wahey, congrats on getting back in there ~X~ now don't stop B/Ping again :P

At 12/28/05 06:25 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: You're starting to get stupid now.

You'd be surprised as to how many people knew already :P

At 12/28/05 08:23 AM, Frostbreath wrote: 250,04

Nice, not bad for a day out. Especially that extra 4p, think what you could do with that when you've used up the £250 :P

At 12/28/05 10:20 AM, -Hybrid- wrote: I finnaly reached 6000 posts :)

Nice one. Congrats O=)

At 12/28/05 11:12 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: Yay... I made 6666 blams... not every day do all digits have the exact same number... just noticed thank god because I have a lot of blams on hold... And I passed the 9 K B/P line a couple days ago...

Yeah, those all the same numbers are sweet, congrats on that, and on passing 9K B/P too. Good luck on 10K O=)

At 12/28/05 12:37 PM, TornadoClock wrote: I just made it to LVL 10!

Congrats on your first major level up!

At 12/28/05 02:00 PM, Normajeanx wrote: 3000 blams woot!

Congrats woot!

At 12/28/05 02:59 PM, death_guy3 wrote: this is my xp below these words

hmm what's your achievement?

I'm assuming it's Security Guard, so congrats on your 2nd rank up!

At 12/28/05 03:45 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: Okay, I believe this post is the first in the 1400th page! Remember when I was the first to post in the 1300th page? :D

*BOOS louder than he did on MSN*

Bah congrats >=(

At 12/28/05 04:24 PM, PunchBag wrote: today I was "promoted" to level 4. I rule, don't I :P

You sure do rule! ;)

Congrats on level 4! Keep up the depositing!

At 12/28/05 04:33 PM, IvanTuroc wrote: 11,111 blams!

Nice one, the five 1's look awesome, congrats!

At 12/28/05 06:44 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Ladies and gentlemen, I just got my 8000th blam point. :) :D

Congrats :) :D

I'm looking forward to catching up with you in B/P it could prove to be a rather fun little competition O=)


As for me, on Smosh a couple of days back I got into the top 50 experience users and now I'm ranked 49th, also I got level 11 there yesterday.

I suggest you all join Smosh and set me as your referrer :P.

Also as for my achievements on Newgrounds, yesterday I reached 7.5K Blams and today I reached 3,333 Saves.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 19:40:20

Good to be back.

Ergh, this computer's so slow. Wish I could use my laptop but...sisters. ;P

I'm going to try this linky thing. Makes my congratslist all the more worthwhile posting. : )

Congrats to:
Quisty - 4K experience
Nice to see you've been depositing consistently since a little bit after I passed you a few months back. I posted your screenie in the BareNaked Club. ;D

Evark - 7K experience, #500 experience user
Two experience milestones at a time is definitely cool and awesome, or something of the sort. Nice.

Zerok - 10K posts
Pretty close to getting on gfox's 10K+ pentalist. If you don't want to wait over a year for 10K experience, you should probably pick up on B/Ping if you want to make the list soon. Oh and I'd make a screenie, but this computer's laggy enough. ;P

XwaynecoltX - #50 B/Per
Nice, back on the top 50 list. EGSC's just around the corner soo...good luck.

Frostbreath - 6K blams, 9K B/P
asdjfnbhjfkjnzdfhgbasdf awesome

schneelocke - 25K blams
Gawsh, that's awesome. You are officially my B/Ping heroine. I suppose I also missed your 33,333 B/P achievement, so congrats on that too. : )

IvanTuroc - 11,111 blams
Hooray for 1's across the board and Absolut Vodka.

Thanks to Afro_Stud, Frostbreath,schneelocke, && Bahamut7 for congratulating my alt on level 11. : )

At 12/27/05 08:41 PM, Afro_Stud wrote: Congrats.

Now go on, miss a few deposits with this alt so that it's experience isn't almost as good as mine :(

I'm trying to stay 10 experience ahead of -Tim-, just to bother him about all those deposits he's missed. >: )


Good luck!

Thanks. : )

Page 1 :P

Blah, that's huge.

Hang on, _Raven_? wtf? What happened to teh SadicSchoolgirl?

My alt's name has been _Raven_ since about August. It's only for a couple of weeks this December that I've been forced to change the name temporarily to SadicSchoolgirl simply because none of the users in General forum recognized me, what with the new level icon and name change. ;P

At 12/28/05 08:23 AM, Frostbreath wrote: Congrats on getting level 11! Oh, and uh, start on this page willya, i'm on an achievement hot-streak :)

Oh my, guess I did.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 19:52:09

At 12/28/05 07:40 PM, Charrlotte wrote: schneelocke - 25K blams
Gawsh, that's awesome. You are officially my B/Ping heroine. I suppose I also missed your 33,333 B/P achievement, so congrats on that too. : )

Hehe, thanks! ^_^

Also congrats to:
IvanTuroc - 11111 blams
Dream_of_Duke - 8000 points
Afro_Stud - 7500 blams, 3333 saves

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 20:30:14

At 12/28/05 07:29 PM, Afro_Stud wrote: Nice, those achievements only come every 100 days which makes them so special. Congrats! O=)

Yep O=) 200 days of depositing on NG.

Good Luck! Make sure you don't miss a deposit O=)

I shall try my best. I dont think I will have to go anywhere soon and miss one so I hope I make it heh.

Congrats To:

XwaynecoltX ~Top 50 B/P~Keep it up O=)
IvanTuroc ~11,111 Blams~Thats a nice number, thats more than I have total heh
Ghost_Phantom ~6,666 Blams~EVILLLLLLLLlll nah I guess congrats will work too
TornadoClock ~Level 10~Thats a great feeling to finally leave level 9
Normajeanx ~3,000 Blams~Nice work and keep it up
Bahamut7 ~First post for page 1,400~Hope no posts get deleted haha
Afro_Stud ~7.5K Blams and 3,333 Saves~Im going to catch you some day, you just watch O=) [or maybe not].

Thanks to:


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 21:01:33

At 12/28/05 08:30 PM, Afro_harryjarry wrote: Yep O=) 200 days of depositing on NG.

It's probably less than that, actually - remember, you can get some XP for signing up for newsletters and stuff when you first sign up, too. IIRC, the amount of extra XP you can get that way is 20, but somebody please correct me if I'm wrong...

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 21:21:58

At 12/28/05 04:24 PM, PunchBag wrote: First post on BBS, hope I don't screw it TOO much :) Just wanted to say that today I was "promoted" to level 4. I rule, don't I :P Now I just need to get a grip of this forum, and then I'm on my way.

Aye, welcome to the BBS. Make sure you read the rules and lurk for a while and you'll be OK :-)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 21:34:26

At 12/28/05 09:01 PM, schneelocke wrote: It's probably less than that, actually - remember, you can get some XP for signing up for newsletters and stuff when you first sign up, too. IIRC, the amount of extra XP you can get that way is 20, but somebody please correct me if I'm wrong...

Yeah you are right. I didnt think about that. I guess I will never know how many times I have deposited O='( haha.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-28 22:56:59

At 12/28/05 09:34 PM, Afro_harryjarry wrote: Yeah you are right. I didnt think about that. I guess I will never know how many times I have deposited O='( haha.

If it really is 20 extra points you can get, then it's probably 198 times.

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-29 01:43:01

At 12/27/05 09:15 AM, Frostbreath wrote:
At 12/26/05 01:35 AM, ReconRebel wrote: How the Hell do you people do it? Posting in spam topics would be my first guess.
I guess that's it, but also i thikn the moderators are more aggressive and ban-trigger happy than they used to be i the past. But i wouldn't know, beacuse i've never been in the past :)

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away there was a time when mods never existed. o_0

My thanks to:

IvanTuroc - What's up with the zilch post count on Retrogade? I know you don't post much Ivan but that's kind of taking it to the limit.
schneelocke - How did you come up with your alias and does it actually mean something?
Bahamut7 - Was it you that told me on RG that you're just Bahamut now or is that somebody else?

The problem with the world today is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just remove the safety labels from everything and let the problem take care of itself?

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-29 04:44:58

Experience: Ranked # 99 out of 886,492 users!

huh, when did that happen.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-29 04:47:51

At 12/28/05 03:44 PM, schneelocke wrote:
At 12/28/05 02:59 PM, death_guy3 wrote: this is my xp below these words
What exactly is your accomplishment? o.o

my ranking ad lvl it took me a long time to save and blam most new portal entries

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-29 05:24:37

Frostbreath wrote
Real life achievement: I went all the way in a bowling tournament, and won
3500 SEK! That's 431,27 US$

Congrats on that, i been bowling once its a long agme...

_Raven_ wrote
Level 11. : )

Congrats on the new level...

Zerok wrote

Congrats on the postage...

Afro_harryjarry wrote
This isnt much but I have 2k exp O=)

Nice, keep depositing...

Frostbreath wrote
9,000 b/p!
6,000 blams!

Ha more statss for you i see :-)

schneelocke wrote
25000 blams! :)

Congrats, lots of work there...

-Hybrid- wrote
I finnaly reached 6000 posts :)

Cool, now keep it going...

Ghost_Phantom wrote
Yay... I made 6666 blams...

Satan is on your side i see :-)

TornadoClock wrote
I just made it to LVL 10!

Congrats Tornado...

Bahamut7 wrote
Okay, I believe this post is the first in the 1400th page!

Nice job on getting the 1400...

Dream_of_Duke wrote
Ladies and gentlemen, I just got my 8000th blam point. :) :D

Very nice indeed...

Kronno wrote
Experience: Ranked # 99 out of 886,492 users!

Wow you are like realy close to me, i better be on top of my depositing :(




[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-29 07:11:41

At 12/29/05 01:43 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Bahamut7 - Was it you that told me on RG that you're just Bahamut now or is that somebody else?

Yes, that was me that's just Bahamut now.

Congrats to:

PunchBag - Level 4. Meh, that wasn't a bad first post.
IvanTuroc - 11111 blams
Dream_of_Duke - 8000 blams. 2000 to go!
Afro_Stud - Fuck off
Kronno - 99th highest EXP

Thanks to:

Afro_harryjarry. Posts will probably get deleted. :(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-29 07:30:36

After a long time without anything interesting from the top 50 users in EXP list, comes this day, which is full with thingies:
1. Vash-The-Stampede levelled up to level 25, that is an other 25er with a dark aura, damn you!
2. It seems like our good old 3rd user in EXP Shrapnel missed some deposite and allowed -bomb- to pass him, making the top 3 users in a dark aura, damn you!
3. I am also pretty sure that mercy_killer would pass the 16,000 EXP points mark earlier today.
So it is not a lot actually...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-12-29 07:45:14

At 12/29/05 01:43 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
My thanks to:

IvanTuroc - What's up with the zilch post count on Retrogade? I know you don't post much
Ivan but that's kind of taking it to the limit.

The BBS moves rather slow at RG. Generally speaking, I leave profile comments to people I want to speak to over there. I like that feature.

thanks to;
Charrlotte for the congrats and yes, Absolut = *oh happy day!*
schneelocke for the congrats
Afro_harryjarry for the congrats, don't worry, your B/P count will get there

And on a side note, since most of the B/Per's hang out here, is anyone getting the "stop trying to cheat the system" error message when they vote on a UJ? I get that on really small file sizes like 200K or less or really large file sizes like 4 or 5 megs with a 3 second animation loop and a whole MP3 attached to it. That error message disappeared after Clock Day 2005 and returned for me just before Christmas.
I realize I am a little quick on the "O" button on crap entries but seriously, I don't think I vote unfairly. Is this some kind of glitch?

At 12/29/05 01:43 AM, ReconRebel wrote: The problem with the world today is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be capital
punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just remove the safety labels from everything
and let the problem take care of itself?

Darwin still has the opportunity to thin the herd, just not as much as he used to. I generally find around here, the ones that are stupid enough to get "Darwinized" generally can't be arsed with the simple safety instructions either. But yeah, removal of the safety crap would make the process a bit more efficient.

Happy coming of the New Year Wi/Ht and the LUL!!!

old people say lol; and we still use these }{

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