Congrats to everyone more specifically:
Legionnaire-X 7,000 posts
Rabid-Echidna: Eg Brigadier General Nicely done.
_Guardian_ 10 portal awards in < a year
Frostbreath: b/p Rank up Masta Sarge
Wylo 1k posts 890 posts left to 1ppd.
Lidov: rank up duble chevron.
Afro_Stud: EG Staffed Segeant on your way to the gold badges.
FBIpolux 6,666 posts and your welcome.
-absentminded- 6 ppd oh hold on not long.
At 10/18/05 07:53 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
At 10/18/05 07:04 PM, iscRulz wrote:
blams exp and posts compete. Now saves 6,666 with a shitty made gif, very shitty dont enjoy. Now next goal reviews.
What an amazing gif! I feel quite inferior compared to it.
Oh, and congrats. hi
Hey I sez not to like it. It is superior to joo though. Hey thanks Hello.
At 10/19/05 03:43 AM, Alkador wrote:
It will be over a year when I catch up to what you have. Doesn't that sound depressing? How's your life been doing? Haven't talked to you to much of late...
Dont worry I will have the dog chew toy 18>17>19. Anyways we havent had a discussion lately. So whats going on. lol.
At 10/19/05 08:00 AM, SeeD419 wrote:
Hey you guys!!!
Hey SeeD we dun miss you LoL
I haven't been on here in forever!! What's up LUL?? I somehow...leveled up while I've been away. Did I give somebody my password when I left? Either way, I appreciate whoever's been depositing for me! I'll catch ya'll later.
You know Sadic yeah.
At 10/19/05 08:17 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
LOL a blatant copy of Qwoxyls old sig.
I hope I dont run into his lawyers for copyright infringement.
At 10/19/05 12:04 PM, Frostbreath wrote:
At 10/17/05 06:10 PM, iscRulz wrote:
Ok I proud of my alt for getting to lvl 10. I have a stupid and annoying name for it.
Which is.....?
Hmm its a secret. I think some people know it but gfoxcook knows what is for sure I change names and sig around He got the profile id.
At 10/19/05 12:41 PM, Lidov wrote:
OK, who changed NeMeSiSM66's name to Gallon and why!?
Lets see if the top vp and b/p will have the Nemsism66 or Gallon.
At 10/19/05 04:21 PM, _ashley_ wrote:
good for you.
Yeah good for them.
At 10/19/05 04:26 PM, randomwolf1 wrote:
Anyway, 1.5k blams!
No congrats once you pass 1,000 on n,500 only n,000.
At 10/19/05 05:56 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
Awsome congrats on your milestones...
Thanks for sure now if I could get reviews that high in 5 years I guess.
At 10/19/05 06:50 PM, major_punk wrote:
At 10/18/05 07:04 PM iscRulz wrote:
major_punk rank 555 for b/p werent you 666 rank 2 days ago.
Dear god no! * checks records * but I was ranked 666 on Oct 3rd with 3545 b/p points.
I have a bad memory yeah.
At 10/19/05 08:28 PM, Wylo wrote:
The fans. *Waits for applause*
And most of all I want to thank my wife and children for supporting me through this production. *Is chased off the stage with music*
*Boos off stage*
At 10/19/05 08:54 PM, Lidov wrote:
Thanks for the great idea, but I think I will stay with the good old 1337 :) Now STFU n00b! Jeez, you are a n00b, n00b! >:(
Oh wait. Liddy is the only true noob here.
At 10/19/05 10:55 PM, Nomader wrote:
Yet again, I'm added to the ranks of people who mess up one number in this thread...*sighs*
You mean yet agian you screw up the numbers. *yeah*
Anyhow, I'm going to try to get Coporal by tomarrow... yeah...
Best of luck.
At 10/19/05 11:22 PM, Nomader wrote:
Well, it's kept in our minds...
For example, many people have said,
"I'm level 9!" when they were really level 8, and same for other rank-ups.
Yeah 8,700 exp for me woot.
This also includes when I was trying to subtract something, and was one number off.
Open calc.exe.
The number of people just continues to increace... o.O
Not really. Just the amounts they make mistakes.