At 10/16/05 12:01 AM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
At 10/15/05 11:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Pentalist update #36 (yea-eah!) is available for viewing, yo.
I don't tend to mention that anymore in here, but this is the earliest in the evening I've updated it, and I know you guys are used to me popping it on here at like 1 or 2 AM NG time usually... it's ready prior to NG midnight for once!
Really? I figured you're mentioning it here since you posted the Leap List in here by accident and had to delete it and replace it.
But maybe that's just me. #;-}>
First of all, if I had wanted to cover up the fact I posted something in the wrong topic by accident, why would I have mentioned it in my 8600th post over in the pentalist topic? Go see for yourself, foolio, as I posted just such an admission there about 30 minutes ago.
And secondly (and more importantly), I didn't notice I posted the Leap List in here until AFTER I hit send on the post I MEANT to post in here, you noob. #;-}>
It was only after I'd posted the post in here that I scrolled down and first noticed that I'd pasted the list in the wrong "post a message" window (I had one for each topic open, I realised that's what happened just a bit too late) a few minutes earlier.
So yeah... unless I was subconsciously psychic and knew I'd accidentally post something in the wrong topic and wanted to cover for it WITHOUT REALISING, your "figuring" leaves much to be desired.
Ya nooby nooberson. #;-}>
And now... depositing on the four sites I deposit on every day... + sleep... = happy gfox. Goodnight, all!