Mentally disturbed straws for:
TITROTU - 2,ooo posts
DonDoli - 15,ooo B/P
Tal-con - 4,ooo exp, 3,ooo posts
Pure_LionHeart - 9,ooo blams, 12,ooo b/p, #150 B/P
-Mazza- - 29,ooo b/p
mariofan22 - 500 posts
TBlade87 - EG Private
FBIpolux - Level 13
major_punk - 2,ooo b/p
ramagi - 49,ooo
Minion777 - 3,ooo posts
Glaiel_Gamer - Daily Feature
Yoow - I year old account
Bedn - Level 24
madknt - 3,ooo posts
The_Casualty - 1,ooo posts
BonusStage - 12,ooo posts
Thanks to:
At 9/2/05 03:20 PM, DonDoli wrote:
Thanks to:
Frostbreath God powers? That's all? Man, you suck.
Yeah, you can't wrap that up in a package, now can i? :(
15 000 B/P! Which of course is halfway =D
And, no, I didn't miss by one point, it just turned out this way.
Well, congratulations! By the way, you should consider one thing in your congrats list. Since you're making a comment to every user, why not make the username bold? Just a proposal.
At 9/2/05 04:51 PM, -Mazza- wrote:
Oh, and 29,000 B/P is me.
Wewt, only one thousand left to go!
At 9/3/05 12:04 AM, Alkador wrote:
Secrets of the Ancients
2 - “Dark Plans”
Ooh, can't wait to see how this turns out. But there is one particular thing tha i don't understand. Are both Bahamut7 adn EK evil?
At 9/3/05 01:18 PM, SadicSchoolgirl wrote:
In case anyone wants to know, or hasn't realized it yet, most level icons look best with the Light aura,
then quite a few look nice with the dark aura,
and the neutral aura looks nice only with level 14.
Disagreed. The levels 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 28 looks best with neutral aura, in my oppinion.
So I think FBIpolux and Pure_LionHeart should change back their auras, along with anyone else who has the neutral ok.
What kind of demand is that? it's like saying to your classmates that anyone with a green shirt should take it of and burn it.