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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-26 22:52:16

Yeah the barney bunch is just a bunch of alts gathering together to spam the portal(but it is free blam points none the less). Btw I just ranked up again 2000 b/p points and a level up.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-26 23:06:46

I made police captain! my first worthy accomplishment on this site!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 00:32:35


Damn that felt like forever!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 02:19:03

Congratz to

Xiivi 22K BP
Master_Inuyasha top 100 BP rank up
carmelhadinosaur 9K saves
Alkador 2K saves
AnzRage 6k saves and rank up
Happy Birthday to FBIPolux

Double dozen saves for me.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 02:29:38

Argh. Did anyone else get hit with that malicious submission that auto-spawned a ton of pop-up windows? I hope the prick that submitted it gets IP banned from the site. I find it amazing that some people out there have nothing better to do than cause trouble for others. * grinds teeth *

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 03:30:23

At 8/26/05 04:17 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Hm.
And it happened because people could send the current score of a Flash movie to other people? Makes sense, but that's really a lot of trouble to get a B/P point.

Yeah pretty much. James said he was working on it and it happened to be implimented on Clock Day, what a kawinki-dink.

Congrats on top 100 B/P, 8.00 VP, EG Lieutenant Colonel and 11,000 Blams.
Go you :O

You know that motion where people throw their arm forward to make a fist, stop, curl it up and slowly pull it back in hissing out 'Yes', I did that last night, 2 hours ago and just now.

At 8/26/05 04:30 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: 9000 SAVES

Congradumalations! :D

9001 SAVES


And, to top all of these: SILVER WHISTLE LEVEL!

Just now? lolwut?

At 8/26/05 04:57 AM, Septemb3r wrote: I will be half to 18 passed 9k exp has for b/p not to sure

Yeah, my guess anyways. You'll probably have your 2nd or 3rd star by then.

Well some got blmmed the really bad stuff it was still cool seeing the SS young and everyone getting mad omg mass voting der spamming the portal etc.

A few did yeah, I think that's when Tal-con went all nutters with trying to prove the mass voting bit. hahaha,ha.

Sounds about right. I remember when the top 500 was in lvl 14 I cant remember when I got to it but I must have be lvl 14.

I remeber seeing you for a brief time at level 14 in the Top 500 XP. But yeah, something like that, probably I'll be level 15 one year from now so it seems.

Ya never know I might take a break I have more 99.99% of all the user. .01 being the 80 people ahead of me. But it would suck coming back seeing I am ranked 112 for b/p.

Yeah. But I don't think you'd fall that far. Alot of the ones who are fast at it are slowly going back to school. :)

All right then. Man bless the Barney Bunch I have gotten proabably 100 blams from those guys.

Indeed. Shitty flashes but good blam points. I'm not complaining. Hell, I'm starting to even like them.

Well it happen agian I check my profile and an interesting amount b/p came up. even did the adding.

Christ, when did that gap become over 1.5k?

At 8/26/05 05:35 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Fuck school!


Again, fuck school! My school is full of retards that I want to kill.


At 8/26/05 06:18 AM, Alkador wrote: I'm getting there. I believe this is my 4th and final stat feat until a next time.

Cool. You should get to 666 blams and stay that way for a long LONG time. :) Or 777, whichever one seems best.

At 8/26/05 07:25 AM, BunnyStage wrote: Yes, YES, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Weekends are for homework and time spent with Emily :P

hahaha,ha. I really never had much homework, always got mine done in class. Even then, homework was me playing video games with my neighbor. :P


D:> I'll take back that $20 I gave you from earlier today.

At 8/26/05 08:51 AM, The_Weaponmaster wrote: What the fucking fuck, stupid gay-ass windows that are open priar to me signing out of my main...


fuck this im so very tired im going to bed...


fuck you.

So owned, so very VERY FUCKING OWNED! XD

At 8/26/05 12:08 PM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: Hey there people. Looks like it's my account's 2 year anniversary. Go me. ¬_¬

Whoaz, where'd you come from? :o

At 8/26/05 12:22 PM, AnzRage wrote: 23,500 blam/protection Elite Guard Lieutenant General
and 6,000 BBS post

Both very cool, EEG then it's off to EGSC. Good luck!

At 8/26/05 12:25 PM, LittleMissVixen wrote: Elite guard captain for me!

Awesome, one of the better badges isn't it?

This'll probably be the last rank up I get for a while since school is starting soon and I won't have as much time.

Oh god, I just did that fist thing again.

At 8/26/05 08:54 PM, ReconRebel wrote: She still gets b/p points at an incredible rate. Being on the portal during peak hours is a big help. The Clocks recently had their time in the sun. Any idea who's next?

Yeah, that and she can b/p from school as well which factors it all in. But I'd say the SS, then maybe the locks, and least of all *sigh* the glocks. I'm still a bit cross that the glocks got a collection page before someone like Piconjo or the SS did. Sure they are all in the same boat flash quality wise [for the most part], but the glocks, man, just so lame IMO.

Big time congrats Master_Inuyasha for hitting double digits!! Kind of rekindles your determination to continue climbing the b/p ranks wouldn't you agree?

Thankyou kind sir and yes it does, I don't think I'll re-enter the triple digits anytime in the near future. Probably by the time I'm close to EGSC the entire top 50 b/pers will be just that, EGSC, or close too it. It's close to being only supreme commanders and generals in the top 50.

At 8/26/05 10:37 PM, ReconRebel wrote: What's up with all the purple dinosaur submissions? Is it Barney Bunch Day now?

Heh, with as many submissions they put out I think we'll be seeing quite alot from them from now on and into the future.

... and to reiterate my earlier question, was there ever a Sock Crew? I think there was but lately I've been in a shallow state of non-ordinary reality (kinda fun).

Yes there was but it was short lived, just like the compass crew.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 03:31:17

At 8/27/05 02:29 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Argh. Did anyone else get hit with that malicious submission that auto-spawned a ton of pop-up windows? I hope the prick that submitted it gets IP banned from the site. I find it amazing that some people out there have nothing better to do than cause trouble for others. * grinds teeth *

i did open that submission, yes. but i doubt i had the same problem as you... my pop up blocker just went CRAZY though... far too many *blip!* sounds for me :P so i exited right away and flagged the fucker...
damn that whistle song is good :D

well done ramagi, fucking took you long enough eh :P

Slow and steady my ass :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 03:31:38

At 8/27/05 02:19 AM, ramagi wrote: Double dozen saves for me.


Inuyasha says: ah HA! You sheep! You voted a 2 on that Elmo flash didn't you!
Inuyasha says: SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 24,000 quality entries.
Inuyasha says: SHEEP! >: O
1 to go. says: lol
1 to go. says: Maybe I liked it
Inuyasha says: lmaos Busted
1 to go. says: to each thier own
Inuyasha says: HAHAHA! I HIGHLY doubt that, it was crap and you know it. Now get to your stable you sheep-like person you, your oats and hay are waiting you. >:*(
Double Dozen! says: lol
Double Dozen! says: Well it could be my voting is effected my my sleepyness
Inuyasha says: Oh ho, I'm saving this convo for great justice!
Inuyasha says: rofl I seriously doubt that, even I know crap when I see it.
Double Dozen! says: I got a save on quick N dirty
Inuyasha says: Atleast it had some effort into it.
Inuyasha says: The elmo one was just a finger stroking elmos bathing suit area. Total horse snot.
Double Dozen! says: I traded a blam for save :)


At 8/27/05 02:29 AM, ReconRebel wrote: * grinds teeth *

Was it one where it went 'You are an idiot' and started laughing in a loop? That has been on this site time and time again. I just hit ctrl + alt + delete to open up my manager and I close out all the windows really fast. If you go it too slow more of them will pop open.


People, please don't take the internet too seriously okay? I somehow miraculously made a poor young boy cry over it. I don't know whether to laugh at him or pitty him. If you knew the entiere story, you'd be a bit in a pinch too but please, if it get's too serious, just let it go.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 03:47:34

kawngr4ts to:
Alkador 2,000 saves
weaponmaster: lvl 12
Rooty-the-Pie 2 yer ng birthday
AnzRage: lt. general 6,000 posts
LittleMissVixen: double golden bar rank.
moneybot 3k b/ps
Dream_of_Duke 4k blams *claps*
Stuff4u2kno2k b/p
UrbanNinja 2k b/p pts lvl 9 haha luck with 10 now.
zzazzman police captian

Frostbreath ?

At 8/26/05 05:35 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Septemb3r. I might pass you on b/p.

but you will have to work on it like Inny has for the passed 5 months.

At 8/26/05 05:42 PM, AnzRage wrote: Good bye you guys. I gotta go away from here. bye

Good bye I might been less active to cuz of school and work and all.

At 8/26/05 08:54 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Haha! You should talk to Septemb3r. He's the man with the plan! (sorry Iscrulz, I couldn't resist).

< <
> >

At 8/26/05 05:42 PM, AnzRage wrote: Good bye you guys. I gotta go away from here. bye
Isn't it amazing how nice people are to you when they know you're leaving?

Funy isnt someone always as to be the ass hole. cues tumble weeds crap.

At 8/26/05 10:37 PM, ReconRebel wrote: What's up with all the purple dinosaur submissions? Is it Barney Bunch Day now?

Yeah my last post here was talking about it jkcinenma. They started out with wishbone and clifford flashes like coolmanboy The___Collection type of flashes. THe second question. No Thankful eveyone got blammed

... and to reiterate my earlier question, was there ever a Sock Crew? I think there was but lately I've been in a shallow state of non-ordinary reality (kinda fun).

I dont think so they was a person named strawberry sock thats all I know. If their was a crew it sucked and failed.

At 8/26/05 11:46 PM, BunnyStage wrote:
At 8/26/05 10:40 PM, jeff_wilson wrote: I SUX CUZ I ONLY COME ON IN THE NIGHT CUZ I SKATEBOARD ALL DAY
It's like, I've seen your sig before ... but not sure from where.

You sure it looks like a synj character to me.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 04:27:58

At 8/27/05 12:32 AM, squadus2 wrote: OMG FINALLY LEVEL 10! WOOT!


Damn that felt like forever!

I can relate I need 300 more piont I deposited this almost everyday since may.

At 8/27/05 01:30 AM, FBIpolux wrote: 17th year on the Earth! Yay!

on earth ey hmm 17 that was too long ago to remember.

At 8/27/05 02:19 AM, ramagi wrote: Double dozen saves for me.

nice gfox would be proud. only 6k more until dun egsprotector oh.

At 8/27/05 02:29 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Argh. Did anyone else get hit with that malicious submission that auto-spawned a ton of pop-up windows? I hope the prick that submitted it gets IP banned from the site. I find it amazing that some people out there have nothing better to do than cause trouble for others. * grinds teeth *

No but I got a lemonparty one it would have keep going if I didnt close the flash window. I dontknow what the punishment is or when wade will get around to clearing flags and punishing the ones that broke the portal rules.

At 8/27/05 03:30 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
At 8/26/05 04:57 AM, Septemb3r wrote: I will be half to 18 passed 9k exp has for b/p not to sure
Yeah, my guess anyways. You'll probably have your 2nd or 3rd star by then.

I can only hope I am that far as of now.

Well some got blmmed the really bad stuff it was still cool seeing the SS young and everyone getting mad omg mass voting der spamming the portal etc.
A few did yeah, I think that's when Tal-con went all nutters with trying to prove the mass voting bit. hahaha,ha.


Sounds about right. I remember when the top 500 was in lvl 14 I cant remember when I got to it but I must have be lvl 14.
I remeber seeing you for a brief time at level 14 in the Top 500 XP. But yeah, something like that, probably I'll be level 15 one year from now so it seems.

well thats 3 lvls only 2 for me 17 and 18.

Ya never know I might take a break I have more 99.99% of all the user. .01 being the 80 people ahead of me. But it would suck coming back seeing I am ranked 112 for b/p.
Yeah. But I don't think you'd fall that far. Alot of the ones who are fast at it are slowly going back to school. :)

Yeah they are going to slow done I could easily stay at the same rank number.

All right then. Man bless the Barney Bunch I have gotten proabably 100 blams from those guys.
Indeed. Shitty flashes but good blam points. I'm not complaining. Hell, I'm starting to even like them.

Some of them I can watch if the mic sound is decent or speakonia is used. Its just funny how stupid and immature those are.

Well it happen agian I check my profile and an interesting amount b/p came up. even did the adding.
Christ, when did that gap become over 1.5k?

When I got over 100 per day the last 3 days.

At 8/27/05 03:31 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: People, please don't take the internet too seriously okay? I somehow miraculously made a poor young boy cry over it. I don't know whether to laugh at him or pitty him. If you knew the entiere story, you'd be a bit in a pinch too but please, if it get's too serious, just let it go.

where link? thread? in the anime club? somewhere else?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 05:08:23

At 8/27/05 02:29 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Argh. Did anyone else get hit with that malicious submission that auto-spawned a ton of pop-up windows? I hope the prick that submitted it gets IP banned from the site. I find it amazing that some people out there have nothing better to do than cause trouble for others. * grinds teeth *

I've been hit by those sort of flashes before. They really piss me off! I wish there was a way to stop them. I hope that fucker gets IP banned as well. I remember a flash like that getting flagged. Wade deleted the flash, but not the account.

Congrats to:

Alkador - 2000 saves
Rooty-the-Pie - two year old account
AnzRage - Elite Guard Lieutenant General, 6000 posts
LittleMissVixen - Elite Guard Captain
moneybot - Elite Guard Sergeant, Silver whistle
Dream_of_Duke - 4000 blams
Stuff4u2kno - Elite Guard Private First Class
UrbanNinja - Elite Guard Private First Class
zzazzman - Police Captain
squadus2 - Level 10. Good, you changed to dark aura!
FBIpolux - Happy birthday
ramagi - 24000 saves

Thanks to:


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 05:52:42

Pilot Story 2
1 - “Hopes and Losses”

The man stared at the gravestone, as rain poured down from the grey sky. The mood was gloomy and the man kept his composure firm. No smile was on his face nor was there a burn of hate or sadness. A colour of blank emotion filled the man’s eyes, his face a strong tint of white. It was not from sickness, but from the thoughts that churned deep within his head. He raised his leather gloved hand to adjust the brown brim hat that rested atop his head. Rain continued to pour as he kneeled down, placing the red tulips saturated with water atop the stone, whispering a few words and standing up.

“I knew I would find you here.” said a voice as the man turned around to see a familiar face. “You know how lucky you are to escape that conviction.”
“I know Regulus,” said the man, “But I wasn’t surprised that the darkest corporation at Newgrounds was capable of such arm twisting.”
“You have to be more careful Bahamut!” said this so called Regulus in a low, calm voice, “The Star Syndicate is a very dangerous group. You’re lucky that you’re still alive.”
“I know.” replied Bahamut as he shook at the distant sound of thunder. He intended to leave the cemetery soon. “But I also know it was them who killed my submission – a submission that had itself proved harmless to the city.”
“I understand how you feel,” smirked Regulus, taking a step away from the man in black, “But you were at fault for keeping a submission during the whole Portal debacle. Listen.”
Bahamut raised his head for a second, dropping it and taking a single step away from the grey cracked stone in front of him.
Regulus spoke in a very low voice – low enough to almost be drowned by the sounds of rain hitting the muddying ground, “The Star Syndicate is up to something. It’s much bigger than anything else they have attempted before. I don’t have the level clearances required to find out what they are planning. But it has something to do with the creator of the city.”
“The creator?” Bahamut was interested, “What do they plan?”
“Of that, I am not sure. But I have a task for you. Listen well.” Regulus took another step further away as Bahamut did so as well, “As you know, no one really has any ability to trace the Star Syndicate, as they heavily protect their corporation with a very high level of security. The only company that may be able to help you within Newgrounds is the Department of Defense.”
“But they’re a govern–“
“Please don’t interrupt. As I was saying, they are the best for finding out what the group is up to. I had heard news that their past leader, Marcus, has returned from the ‘other side’. Maybe if you speak with him, you might get a step further. As for me, I’m going to find out what exactly the Star Syndicate are planning – if I can.”

Bahamut turned around, ready to ask a hundred more questions, only to realize that Regulus had gone. He knew the man had vanished a few seconds ago, but his voice continued to trail in the thin air that was full of water. He was ready to take another attempt at taking revenge for what the Star Syndicate had done to him. The judge claimed there was no evidence that they killed his submission and because of that, both accusations were cleared of charge, proving extraordinarily lucky for Bahamut.

Without thinking, Bahamut stepped away from the gravestone, making his way back to the warm confinements of his home. The gravestone he had carefully watched upon labelled of a friend he had never seen for many months, a friend rumoured dead – Mazza. His friend had apparently left to the other side a year ago, never to be heard of after the Portal crisis. Bahamut wondered if the man was still somewhere, hiding or making his way home. Shrugging the thought away, he walked on concrete ground and began to think of his plans ahead.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 06:53:53

At 8/27/05 06:23 AM, phoenix7289 wrote: Query.

No, only depositing effects your experience. Nothing else (reviews, whistles, watching movies for that matter) can change your experience. And you may only deposit 10 a day, no more, no less.

I think you know how to deposit. Just keep voting each day.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 07:13:48

Smelted ice to:

Rooty-the-Pie - 2 years on NG
AnzRage - EG Lt General, 6,ooo posts
LittleMissVixen - EG Captain
moneybot - 3,ooo B/P
Dream_of_Duke - 4,ooo blams
Stuff4u2kno - 2,ooo b/p
UrbanNinja - EG Private FC
zzazzman - Police Captain
squadus2 - Level 10
FBIpolux - Happy Birthday!
ramagi - 24,ooo saves

At 8/26/05 01:56 PM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: Am I not a regular? If I'm not I'll gladly take the text out of my sig. :)

Oh, you're still a regular, but just barely. Just thought i'd point that out.

At 8/26/05 08:54 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 8/25/05 10:46 PM, GUTHRIE wrote: My B/S ratio has been 2:1 ever since I've started B/Sing.
Is it just me or didn't anyone else find this comment funny?

Not before you said that. But now i see. Haha :)

At 8/27/05 02:29 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Argh. Did anyone else get hit with that malicious submission that auto-spawned a ton of pop-up windows?

Oh, i missed that one. I took a shower at the time :)

At 8/27/05 05:52 AM, Alkador wrote: Pilot Story 2
1 - “Hopes and Losses”

Alright, more stories! Keep 'em coming :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 09:59:42

Yes! At long last!

I've finally got to level 10!!

I've been waiting for this moment for almost a year!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 10:44:43

At 8/27/05 01:30 AM, FBIpolux wrote: 17th year on the Earth! Yay!

wow, people heer ae old... I meant happy B-Day...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 10:45:35

This is my 1337th post.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 12:18:28

1,000 post! *Tom Fulp gives me a George Foreman Grill*

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 12:28:25

At 8/27/05 10:45 AM, WorldOutkast wrote: This is my 1337th post.

Mine could have been in an arguement with Pox, but I missed it :'(

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 14:27:28

Special thanks to Bahamut7, Septemb3r and Frostbreath. You are all nice guys. ;)
This week has been awesome for me as I keep on dominanting the classes and getting A's for quizes. Meanwhile, My b/p rank has been high flying since I went back to school. I got leveled up by 10 ranks yesterday at b/p ponts. (368 to 358) :D Hopefully, I can be a master sergeant by next weekend. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 14:37:37

Congrats to Z-Naut for making elite guard private. =)

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 19:35:23

At 8/26/05 10:41 PM, Bahamut7 wrote:
At 8/26/05 10:37 PM, ReconRebel wrote: What's up with all the purple dinosaur submissions? Is it Barney Bunch Day now?
Yeah, I noticed all the Barney crap flashes. Oh well, at least it's free blam points.

I'm still distressed about missing most of Clock Day. Those were free protection points.

... and to reiterate my earlier question, was there ever a Sock Crew?
I remember some people having Sock in their name

Thank God. I was beginning to think I was losing my mind.

but I think the Sock Crew failed.

Either that or they went into hiding!

I guess Sock Crew had some things wrong like the second word should start with an S.

The Sock Society??

At 8/26/05 11:06 PM, zzazzman wrote: I made police captain! my first worthy accomplishment on this site!

That first gold badge looks pretty sweet. Congrats zzazzman.

At 8/27/05 03:30 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
At 8/26/05 08:54 PM, ReconRebel wrote: The Clocks recently had their time in the sun. Any idea who's next?
I'd say the SS, then maybe the locks, and least of all *sigh* the glocks.

I know it's one of the other flash groups but I need dates Master_Inuyasha, I need dates! Never pass up a golden opportunity or look a gift horse in the mouth.

I'm still a bit cross that the glocks got a collection page before someone like Piconjo or the SS did.

That's a little strange. How old is the Glock Crew? I know they haven't been here for very long. Ha! The whole thing smells political.

Sure they are all in the same boat flash quality wise [for the most part], but the glocks, man, just so lame IMO.

I agree. What really bugs me is watching complete shit pass judgment. Sure I've voted to protect a submission when I thought it should be blammed, but so have a lot of other voters. Do you honestly think some of the people gaining 1,000+ points per week are truly voting out of good conscience? I have my doubts.

Probably by the time I'm close to EGSC the entire top 50 b/pers will be just that, EGSC, or close too it. It's close to being only supreme commanders and generals in the top 50.

Understood. I'd like to see admin come up with something like a little number in the center star on the Supreme Commander badge. This could denote how many times you've achieved the rank (30k, 60k, 90k etc).

At 8/27/05 03:31 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 8/27/05 02:29 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Argh. Did anyone else get hit with that malicious submission that auto-spawned a ton of pop-up windows?
i did open that submission, yes. but i doubt i had the same problem as you... my pop up blocker just went CRAZY though... far too many *blip!* sounds for me :P so i exited right away and flagged the fucker...

That's one submission I would've taken great pleasure in nailing. I wonder what the ratio is for whistle and flag points. I've heard blowing the whistle gains you more, but how much more?

damn that whistle song is good :D

Yep. Seen it roughly 10 times myself. Strange satisfaction in using the link.

At 8/27/05 03:31 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
At 8/27/05 02:29 AM, ReconRebel wrote: * grinds teeth *
Was it one where it went 'You are an idiot' and started laughing in a loop?

If it flooded your screen with pop-ups then yeah, that's the one. I wasn't too concerned about the title or content.

That has been on this site time and time again.

What? That's the first time I've seen it. How come I always get that damn penor submission. I've ran across that thing 5 times now.

People, please don't take the internet too seriously okay?


Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 21:48:43

9000 blams I missed the exact screeny but anyway I got one.

And yeah Recon I get that stupid pop-up generator way to often myself. I kinda get gunshy when I see the author's comments just say, "hi" as that is whats usually said before pop-up hell starts. The last one that came in even got by fire fox's pop-up blocker by opening some kind of flash page or something {>^<}

my late screeny:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

old people say lol; and we still use these }{

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 21:50:26

At 8/27/05 12:28 PM, Lidov wrote:
At 8/27/05 10:45 AM, WorldOutkast wrote: This is my 1337th post.
Mine could have been in an arguement with Pox, but I missed it :'(

That must hurt your e-go.

At 8/26/05 10:37 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
What's up with all the purple dinosaur submissions? Is it Barney Bunch Day now?
I'm still distressed about missing most of Clock Day. Those were free protection points.

All 70 of them for me >:)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 23:25:08

At 8/27/05 03:30 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Cool. You should get to 666 blams and stay that way for a long LONG time. :) Or 777, whichever one seems best.

Well, actually, there is a fifth thing that just occured. I have 7.50 VP. Not 8, but still just as good. :)

How is everyone?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-27 23:55:31

i went to p.a for a week so long list ahead, i mitta missed a few but oh well

Congrats To:

major_punk- Elite Guard Private.
agatio- 9000 b/p.
ramagi- 72 000 b/p.
Glaiel_Gamer- frontpage.
ReconRebel- 53 000 b/p.
Bahamut7and X_Naut-6k posts
DonDoli and LittleMissVixen-10 000 blams.
DAVE and Back_Door_Baron- 8.00+ vp.
-TITROTU-- Level 11, Elite Guard Major.
-absentminded- - Level 10
X-Naut - 6,ooo posts
Redwrath - Silver whis.
Alkador - #600 exp
Barbeq - Level 10
DonDoli - 10000 blams
DragonSpeaker - Silver whistle
GUTHRIE - 500th highest EXP
Crono - 12.00 VP
The_Casualty - Elite Guard Corporal, almost top 1K B/P, almost level 11
Denvish - Level 17
Septemb3r - 6,666 posts
MrT-Time- Level 13
Bahamut7-Elite Guard Major
TBlade87-Silver whistle
Lidov- 2,500 posts
Xiivi- 22K b/p and 8.88vp passed.
Inny-11k blams 8.00+vp and Top 100 b/p's
carmelhadinosaur - 9,000 saves
Septemb3r - 16,666 b/p (?)
Alkador - 2,000 saves
Rooty-the-Pie - two year old account
LittleMissVixen - Elite Guard Captain
moneybot - Elite Guard Sergeant, Silver whistle
Dream_of_Duke - 4000 blams
Stuff4u2kno - Elite Guard Private First Class
UrbanNinja - Elite Guard Private First Class
zzazzman - Police Captain
squadus2 - Level 10. Good
ramagi - 24000 saves
AnzRage-6k saves and rank up
goomba_troopa- Level 10
WorldOutkast-1337 Posts

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-28 00:54:36

lol worldoutkast has "1337" posts lol leet :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-28 00:57:11

goomba_troopa: lvl 10
WorldOutkast 1337 posted
AshfordPride 1,000 posts
Z-Naut: private wow mys only safety patrol
IvanTuroc 9000 blams

At 8/27/05 05:52 AM, Alkador wrote: Pilot Story 2
1 - “Hopes and Losses”

I found it funny you have bahamut and SS in the same story.

At 8/27/05 02:27 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Special thanks to Bahamut7, Septemb3r and Frostbreath. You are all nice guys. ;)
This week has been awesome for me as I keep on dominanting the classes and getting A's for quizes. Meanwhile, My b/p rank has been high flying since I went back to school. I got leveled up by 10 ranks yesterday at b/p ponts. (368 to 358) :D Hopefully, I can be a master sergeant by next weekend. ;)

thats good to hear about the school and climbing the b.p ladder well good luck on master sergeant

At 8/27/05 02:27 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Special thanks to Bahamut7, Septemb3r and Frostbreath. You are all nice guys. ;)
This week has been awesome for me as I keep on dominanting the classes and getting A's for quizes. Meanwhile, My b/p rank has been high flying since I went back to school. I got leveled up by 10 ranks yesterday at b/p ponts. (368 to 358) :D Hopefully, I can be a master sergeant by next weekend. ;)

thats good to hear about the school and climbing the b.p ladder well good luck on master sergeant

At 8/27/05 11:55 PM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: i went to p.a for a week so long list ahead, i mitta missed a few but oh well

ok welcome back to ng.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-28 02:51:40

After missing a few deposits this month, I finally reached Lv 14.

HT might drop me to 13 for a few hours when he deposits though, so I'll be officially in the clear after tomorrow's deposit. Still, awesome.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-28 03:20:48

Getting through my first few levels were so easy... but know I need so many points!!!! It seems like it's gonna take forever at 10 exp per day....